local ButtonDialog = require("ui/widget/buttondialog") local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local Device = require("device") local Event = require("ui/event") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local TimeVal = require("ui/timeval") local Translator = require("ui/translator") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local logger = require("logger") local _ = require("gettext") local T = require("ffi/util").template local Screen = Device.screen local ReaderHighlight = InputContainer:new{} function ReaderHighlight:init() self.ui:registerPostInitCallback(function() self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) end) end function ReaderHighlight:setupTouchZones() -- deligate gesture listener to readerui self.ges_events = {} self.onGesture = nil if not Device:isTouchDevice() then return end self.ui:registerTouchZones({ { id = "readerhighlight_tap", ges = "tap", screen_zone = { ratio_x = 0, ratio_y = 0, ratio_w = 1, ratio_h = 1, }, overrides = { 'tap_forward', 'tap_backward', 'readermenu_tap', 'readerconfigmenu_tap', }, handler = function(ges) return self:onTap(nil, ges) end }, { id = "readerhighlight_hold", ges = "hold", screen_zone = { ratio_x = 0, ratio_y = 0, ratio_w = 1, ratio_h = 1, }, handler = function(ges) return self:onHold(nil, ges) end }, { id = "readerhighlight_hold_release", ges = "hold_release", screen_zone = { ratio_x = 0, ratio_y = 0, ratio_w = 1, ratio_h = 1, }, handler = function() return self:onHoldRelease() end }, { id = "readerhighlight_hold_pan", ges = "hold_pan", rate = 2.0, screen_zone = { ratio_x = 0, ratio_y = 0, ratio_w = 1, ratio_h = 1, }, handler = function(ges) return self:onHoldPan(nil, ges) end }, }) end function ReaderHighlight:onReaderReady() self:setupTouchZones() end function ReaderHighlight:addToMainMenu(menu_items) -- insert table to main reader menu menu_items.highlight_options = { text = _("Highlighting"), sub_item_table = self:genHighlightDrawerMenu(), } menu_items.translation_settings = Translator:genSettingsMenu() end local highlight_style = { lighten = _("Lighten"), underscore = _("Underline"), invert = _("Invert"), } function ReaderHighlight:genHighlightDrawerMenu() local get_highlight_style = function(style) return { text = highlight_style[style], checked_func = function() return self.view.highlight.saved_drawer == style end, enabled_func = function() return not self.view.highlight.disabled end, callback = function() self.view.highlight.saved_drawer = style end } end return { { text = _("Allow highlighting"), checked_func = function() return not self.view.highlight.disabled end, callback = function() self.view.highlight.disabled = not self.view.highlight.disabled end, hold_callback = function(touchmenu_instance) self:makeDefault(not self.view.highlight.disabled) end, separator = true, }, get_highlight_style("lighten"), get_highlight_style("underscore"), get_highlight_style("invert"), } end -- Returns a unique id, that can be provided on delayed call to :clear(id) -- to ensure current highlight has not already been cleared, and that we -- are not going to clear a new highlight function ReaderHighlight:getClearId() self.clear_id = TimeVal.now() -- can act as a unique id return self.clear_id end function ReaderHighlight:clear(clear_id) if clear_id then -- should be provided by delayed call to clear() if clear_id ~= self.clear_id then -- if clear_id is no more valid, highlight has already been -- cleared since this clear_id was given return end end self.clear_id = nil -- invalidate id if self.ui.document.info.has_pages then self.view.highlight.temp = {} else self.ui.document:clearSelection() end if self.restore_page_mode_func then self.restore_page_mode_func() self.restore_page_mode_func = nil end self.selected_text_start_xpointer = nil if self.hold_pos then self.hold_pos = nil self.selected_text = nil UIManager:setDirty(self.dialog, "ui") return true end end function ReaderHighlight:onClearHighlight() self:clear() return true end function ReaderHighlight:onTap(_, ges) if not self:clear() then if self.ui.document.info.has_pages then return self:onTapPageSavedHighlight(ges) else return self:onTapXPointerSavedHighlight(ges) end end end local function inside_box(pos, box) if pos then local x, y = pos.x, pos.y if box.x <= x and box.y <= y and box.x + box.w >= x and box.y + box.h >= y then return true end end end function ReaderHighlight:onTapPageSavedHighlight(ges) local pages = self.view:getCurrentPageList() local pos = self.view:screenToPageTransform(ges.pos) for key, page in pairs(pages) do local items = self.view.highlight.saved[page] if items then for i = 1, #items do local pos0, pos1 = items[i].pos0, items[i].pos1 local boxes = self.ui.document:getPageBoxesFromPositions(page, pos0, pos1) if boxes then for index, box in pairs(boxes) do if inside_box(pos, box) then logger.dbg("Tap on highlight") return self:onShowHighlightDialog(page, i) end end end end end end end function ReaderHighlight:onTapXPointerSavedHighlight(ges) -- Getting screen boxes is done for each tap on screen (changing pages, -- showing menu...). We might want to cache these boxes per page (and -- clear that cache when page layout change or highlights are added -- or removed). local cur_page, cur_scroll_top, cur_scroll_bottom local pos = self.view:screenToPageTransform(ges.pos) for page, _ in pairs(self.view.highlight.saved) do local items = self.view.highlight.saved[page] if items then for i = 1, #items do if not cur_page then cur_page = self.ui.document:getPageFromXPointer(self.ui.document:getXPointer()) end local pos0, pos1 = items[i].pos0, items[i].pos1 -- document:getScreenBoxesFromPositions() is expensive, so we -- first check this item is on current page local is_in_view = false if self.view_mode == "page" then if not cur_page then cur_page = self.ui.document:getPageFromXPointer(self.ui.document:getXPointer()) end local page0 = self.ui.document:getPageFromXPointer(pos0) local page1 = self.ui.document:getPageFromXPointer(pos1) local start_page = math.min(page0, page1) local end_page = math.max(page0, page1) if start_page <= cur_page and end_page >= cur_page then is_in_view = true end else if not cur_scroll_top then cur_scroll_top = self.ui.document:getPosFromXPointer(self.ui.document:getXPointer()) cur_scroll_bottom = cur_scroll_top + self.ui.dimen.h end local spos0 = self.ui.document:getPosFromXPointer(pos0) local spos1 = self.ui.document:getPosFromXPointer(pos1) local start_pos = math.min(spos0, spos1) local end_pos = math.max(spos0, spos1) if start_pos <= cur_scroll_bottom and end_pos >= cur_scroll_top then is_in_view = true end end if is_in_view then local boxes = self.ui.document:getScreenBoxesFromPositions(pos0, pos1, true) -- get_segments=true if boxes then for index, box in pairs(boxes) do if inside_box(pos, box) then logger.dbg("Tap on highlight") return self:onShowHighlightDialog(page, i) end end end end end end end end function ReaderHighlight:updateHighlight(page, index, side, direction, move_by_char) if self.ui.document.info.has_pages then -- we do this only if it's epub file return end local highlight = self.view.highlight.saved[page][index] local highlight_time = highlight.datetime local highlight_beginning = highlight.pos0 local highlight_end = highlight.pos1 if side == 0 then -- we move pos0 local updated_highlight_beginning if direction == 1 then -- move highlight to the right if move_by_char then updated_highlight_beginning = self.ui.document:getNextVisibleChar(highlight_beginning) else updated_highlight_beginning = self.ui.document:getNextVisibleWordStart(highlight_beginning) end else -- move highlight to the left if move_by_char then updated_highlight_beginning = self.ui.document:getPrevVisibleChar(highlight_beginning) else updated_highlight_beginning = self.ui.document:getPrevVisibleWordStart(highlight_beginning) end end if updated_highlight_beginning then local order = self.ui.document:compareXPointers(updated_highlight_beginning, highlight_end) if order and order > 0 then -- only if beginning did not go past end self.view.highlight.saved[page][index].pos0 = updated_highlight_beginning end end else -- we move pos1 local updated_highlight_end if direction == 1 then -- move highlight to the right if move_by_char then updated_highlight_end = self.ui.document:getNextVisibleChar(highlight_end) else updated_highlight_end = self.ui.document:getNextVisibleWordEnd(highlight_end) end else -- move highlight to the left if move_by_char then updated_highlight_end = self.ui.document:getPrevVisibleChar(highlight_end) else updated_highlight_end = self.ui.document:getPrevVisibleWordEnd(highlight_end) end end if updated_highlight_end then local order = self.ui.document:compareXPointers(highlight_beginning, updated_highlight_end) if order and order > 0 then -- only if end did not go back past beginning self.view.highlight.saved[page][index].pos1 = updated_highlight_end end end end local new_beginning = self.view.highlight.saved[page][index].pos0 local new_end = self.view.highlight.saved[page][index].pos1 local new_text = self.ui.document:getTextFromXPointers(new_beginning, new_end) self.view.highlight.saved[page][index].text = new_text local new_highlight = self.view.highlight.saved[page][index] self.ui.bookmark:updateBookmark({ page = highlight_beginning, datetime = highlight_time, updated_highlight = new_highlight }, true) UIManager:setDirty(self.dialog, "ui") end function ReaderHighlight:onShowHighlightDialog(page, index) local buttons = { { { text = _("Delete"), callback = function() self:deleteHighlight(page, index) -- other part outside of the dialog may be dirty UIManager:close(self.edit_highlight_dialog, "ui") end, }, { text = _("Edit"), callback = function() self:editHighlight(page, index) UIManager:close(self.edit_highlight_dialog) end, }, } } if not self.ui.document.info.has_pages then table.insert(buttons, { { text = "◁⇱", callback = function() self:updateHighlight(page, index, 0, -1, false) end, hold_callback = function() self:updateHighlight(page, index, 0, -1, true) return true end }, { text = "⇱▷", callback = function() self:updateHighlight(page, index, 0, 1, false) end, hold_callback = function() self:updateHighlight(page, index, 0, 1, true) return true end }, { text = "◁⇲", callback = function() self:updateHighlight(page, index, 1, -1, false) end, hold_callback = function() self:updateHighlight(page, index, 1, -1, true) end }, { text = "⇲▷", callback = function() self:updateHighlight(page, index, 1, 1, false) end, hold_callback = function() self:updateHighlight(page, index, 1, 1, true) end } }) end self.edit_highlight_dialog = ButtonDialog:new{ buttons = buttons } UIManager:show(self.edit_highlight_dialog) return true end function ReaderHighlight:onHold(arg, ges) -- disable hold gesture if highlighting is disabled if self.view.highlight.disabled then return true end self:clear() -- clear previous highlight (delayed clear may not have done it yet) self.hold_ges_pos = ges.pos -- remember hold original gesture position self.hold_pos = self.view:screenToPageTransform(ges.pos) logger.dbg("hold position in page", self.hold_pos) if not self.hold_pos then logger.dbg("not inside page area") return true end -- check if we were holding on an image -- we provide want_frames=true, so we get a list of images for -- animated GIFs (supported by ImageViewer) local image = self.ui.document:getImageFromPosition(self.hold_pos, true) if image then logger.dbg("hold on image") local ImageViewer = require("ui/widget/imageviewer") local imgviewer = ImageViewer:new{ image = image, -- title_text = _("Document embedded image"), -- No title, more room for image with_title_bar = false, fullscreen = true, } UIManager:show(imgviewer) return true end -- otherwise, we must be holding on text local ok, word = pcall(self.ui.document.getWordFromPosition, self.ui.document, self.hold_pos) if ok and word then logger.dbg("selected word:", word) self.selected_word = word local link = self.ui.link:getLinkFromGes(ges) self.selected_link = nil if link then logger.dbg("link:", link) self.selected_link = link end if self.ui.document.info.has_pages then local boxes = {} table.insert(boxes, self.selected_word.sbox) self.view.highlight.temp[self.hold_pos.page] = boxes end UIManager:setDirty(self.dialog, "ui") -- TODO: only mark word? -- Unfortunately, CREngine does not return good coordinates -- UIManager:setDirty(self.dialog, "partial", self.selected_word.sbox) self.hold_start_tv = TimeVal.now() end return true end function ReaderHighlight:onHoldPan(_, ges) if self.hold_pos == nil then logger.dbg("no previous hold position") return true end local page_area = self.view:getScreenPageArea(self.hold_pos.page) if ges.pos:notIntersectWith(page_area) then logger.dbg("not inside page area", ges, page_area) return true end self.holdpan_pos = self.view:screenToPageTransform(ges.pos) logger.dbg("holdpan position in page", self.holdpan_pos) if not self.ui.document.info.has_pages and self.selected_text_start_xpointer then -- With CreDocuments, allow text selection across multiple pages -- by (temporarily) switching to scroll mode when panning to the -- top left or bottom right corners. local is_in_top_left_corner = self.holdpan_pos.y < 1/8*Screen:getHeight() and self.holdpan_pos.x < 1/8*Screen:getWidth() local is_in_bottom_right_corner = self.holdpan_pos.y > 7/8*Screen:getHeight() and self.holdpan_pos.x > 7/8*Screen:getWidth() if is_in_top_left_corner or is_in_bottom_right_corner then if self.was_in_some_corner then -- Do nothing, wait for the user to move his finger out of that corner return true end self.was_in_some_corner = true -- We'll adjust hold_pos.y after the mode switch and the scroll -- so it's accurate in the new screen coordinates local orig_y = self.ui.document:getScreenPositionFromXPointer(self.selected_text_start_xpointer) if self.view.view_mode ~= "scroll" then -- Switch from page mode to scroll mode local restore_page_mode_xpointer = self.ui.document:getXPointer() -- top of current page self.restore_page_mode_func = function() self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetViewMode", "page")) self.ui.rolling:onGotoXPointer(restore_page_mode_xpointer, self.selected_text_start_xpointer) end self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetViewMode", "scroll")) end -- (using rolling:onGotoViewRel(1/3) has some strange side effects) local scroll_distance = math.floor(Screen:getHeight() * 1/3) local move_y = is_in_bottom_right_corner and scroll_distance or -scroll_distance self.ui.rolling:_gotoPos(self.ui.document:getCurrentPos() + move_y) local new_y = self.ui.document:getScreenPositionFromXPointer(self.selected_text_start_xpointer) self.hold_pos.y = self.hold_pos.y - orig_y + new_y UIManager:setDirty(self.dialog, "ui") return true else self.was_in_some_corner = nil end end local old_text = self.selected_text and self.selected_text.text self.selected_text = self.ui.document:getTextFromPositions(self.hold_pos, self.holdpan_pos) if self.selected_text and self.selected_text.pos0 then -- Remember original highlight start position, so we can show -- a marker when back from scroll mode if that switch happened. -- (getTextFromPositions() does order pos0 and pos1, so it's not -- certain pos0 is where we started from - we get the one from the -- first pan, which is hopefully small enough to not span too -- much height, so the marker points to the start position if the -- user later pans backward) if not self.selected_text_start_xpointer then self.selected_text_start_xpointer = self.selected_text.pos0 end end if self.selected_text and old_text and old_text == self.selected_text.text then -- no modification return end logger.dbg("selected text:", self.selected_text) if self.selected_text then self.view.highlight.temp[self.hold_pos.page] = self.selected_text.sboxes -- remove selected word if hold moves out of word box if not self.selected_text.sboxes or #self.selected_text.sboxes == 0 then self.selected_word = nil elseif self.selected_word and not self.selected_word.sbox:contains(self.selected_text.sboxes[1]) or #self.selected_text.sboxes > 1 then self.selected_word = nil end end UIManager:setDirty(self.dialog, "ui") end local info_message_ocr_text = _([[ No OCR results or no language data. KOReader has a build-in OCR engine for recognizing words in scanned PDF and DjVu documents. In order to use OCR in scanned pages, you need to install tesseract trained data for your document language. You can download language data files for version 3.04 from https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract/wiki/Data-Files Copy the language data files for Tesseract 3.04 (e.g., eng.traineddata for English and spa.traineddata for Spanish) into koreader/data/tessdata]]) function ReaderHighlight:lookup(selected_word, selected_link) -- if we extracted text directly if selected_word.word then local word_box = self.view:pageToScreenTransform(self.hold_pos.page, selected_word.sbox) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("LookupWord", selected_word.word, word_box, self, selected_link)) -- or we will do OCR elseif selected_word.sbox and self.hold_pos then local word = self.ui.document:getOCRWord(self.hold_pos.page, selected_word) logger.dbg("OCRed word:", word) if word and word ~= "" then local word_box = self.view:pageToScreenTransform(self.hold_pos.page, selected_word.sbox) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("LookupWord", word, word_box, self, selected_link)) else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = info_message_ocr_text, }) end end end function ReaderHighlight:viewSelectionHTML(debug_view) if self.ui.document.info.has_pages then return end if self.selected_text and self.selected_text.pos0 and self.selected_text.pos1 then -- For available flags, see the "#define WRITENODEEX_*" in crengine/src/lvtinydom.cpp local html_flags = 0x3030 -- valid and classic displayed HTML, with only block nodes indented if debug_view then -- Each node on a line, with markers and numbers of skipped chars and siblings shown, -- with possibly invalid HTML (text nodes not escaped) html_flags = 0x3353 -- html_flags = 0x3753 -- use this to additionally see rendering methods end local html, css_files = self.ui.document:getHTMLFromXPointers(self.selected_text.pos0, self.selected_text.pos1, html_flags, true) if html then -- Make some invisible chars visible if debug_view then html = html:gsub("\xC2\xA0", "␣") -- no break space: open box html = html:gsub("\xC2\xAD", "⋅") -- soft hyphen: dot operator (smaller than middle dot ·) end local TextViewer = require("ui/widget/textviewer") local Font = require("ui/font") local textviewer local buttons_table = {} if css_files then for i=1, #css_files do local button = { text = T(_("View %1"), css_files[i]), callback = function() local css_text = self.ui.document:getDocumentFileContent(css_files[i]) local cssviewer cssviewer = TextViewer:new{ title = css_files[i], text = css_text or _("Failed getting CSS content"), text_face = Font:getFace("smallinfont"), justified = false, buttons_table = { {{ text = _("Prettify"), enabled = css_text and true or false, callback = function() UIManager:close(cssviewer) -- This is not perfect, but enough to make -- some ugly CSS readable css_text = css_text:gsub("%s*{%s*", " {\n ") css_text = css_text:gsub(";%s*}%s*", ";\n}\n") css_text = css_text:gsub(";%s*([^}])", ";\n %1") css_text = css_text:gsub("%s*}%s*", "\n}\n") css_text = css_text:gsub("%s*,%s*", " ,\n") -- The last one is wrong inside {}, eg. with -- "font-family: Georgia, serif" UIManager:show(TextViewer:new{ title = css_files[i], text = css_text, text_face = Font:getFace("smallinfont"), justified = false, }) end, }}, {{ text = _("Close"), callback = function() UIManager:close(cssviewer) end, }}, } } UIManager:show(cssviewer) end, } -- One button per row, too make room for the possibly long css filename table.insert(buttons_table, {button}) end end table.insert(buttons_table, {{ text = debug_view and _("Switch to standard view") or _("Switch to debug view"), callback = function() UIManager:close(textviewer) self:viewSelectionHTML(not debug_view) end, }}) table.insert(buttons_table, {{ text = _("Close"), callback = function() UIManager:close(textviewer) end, }}) textviewer = TextViewer:new{ title = _("Selection HTML"), text = html, text_face = Font:getFace("smallinfont"), justified = false, buttons_table = buttons_table, } UIManager:show(textviewer) else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Failed getting HTML for selection"), }) end end end function ReaderHighlight:translate(selected_text) if selected_text.text ~= "" then self:onTranslateText(selected_text.text) -- or we will do OCR else local text = self.ui.document:getOCRText(self.hold_pos.page, selected_text) logger.dbg("OCRed text:", text) if text and text ~= "" then self:onTranslateText(text) else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = info_message_ocr_text, }) end end end function ReaderHighlight:onTranslateText(text) Translator:showTranslation(text) end function ReaderHighlight:onHoldRelease() if self.hold_start_tv then local hold_duration = TimeVal.now() - self.hold_start_tv hold_duration = hold_duration.sec + hold_duration.usec/1000000 self.hold_start_tv = nil if hold_duration > 3.0 and self.selected_word then -- if we were holding for more than 3 seconds on a word, make -- it behave like we panned and selected more words, so we can -- directly access the highlight menu and avoid a dict lookup self:onHoldPan(nil, {pos=self.hold_ges_pos}) end end if self.selected_text then local default_highlight_action = G_reader_settings:readSetting("default_highlight_action") if not default_highlight_action then local highlight_buttons = { { { text = _("Highlight"), callback = function() self:saveHighlight() self:onClose() end, }, { text = _("Add Note"), enabled = false, callback = function() self:addNote() self:onClose() end, }, }, { { text = "Copy", enabled = Device:hasClipboard(), callback = function() Device.input.setClipboardText(self.selected_text.text) end, }, { text = _("View HTML"), enabled = not self.ui.document.info.has_pages, callback = function() self:viewSelectionHTML() end, }, }, { { text = _("Wikipedia"), callback = function() UIManager:scheduleIn(0.1, function() self:lookupWikipedia() -- We don't call self:onClose(), we need the highlight -- to still be there, as we may Highlight it from the -- dict lookup widget end) end, }, { text = _("Dictionary"), callback = function() self:onHighlightDictLookup() -- We don't call self:onClose(), same reason as above end, }, }, { { text = _("Translate"), callback = function() self:translate(self.selected_text) -- We don't call self:onClose(), so one can still see -- the highlighted text when moving the translated -- text window, and also if NetworkMgr:promptWifiOn() -- is needed, so the user can just tap again on this -- button and does not need to select the text again. end, }, { text = _("Search"), callback = function() self:onHighlightSearch() UIManager:close(self.highlight_dialog) end, }, }, } if self.selected_link ~= nil then table.insert(highlight_buttons, { -- for now, a single button in an added row { text = _("Follow Link"), callback = function() self.ui.link:onGotoLink(self.selected_link) self:onClose() end, }, }) end self.highlight_dialog = ButtonDialog:new{ buttons = highlight_buttons, tap_close_callback = function() self:handleEvent(Event:new("Tap")) end, } UIManager:show(self.highlight_dialog) elseif default_highlight_action == "highlight" then self:saveHighlight() self:onClose() elseif default_highlight_action == "translate" then self:translate(self.selected_text) self:onClose() elseif default_highlight_action == "wikipedia" then self:lookupWikipedia() self:onClose() end elseif self.selected_word then self:lookup(self.selected_word, self.selected_link) self.selected_word = nil end return true end function ReaderHighlight:highlightFromHoldPos() if self.hold_pos then if not self.selected_text then self.selected_text = self.ui.document:getTextFromPositions(self.hold_pos, self.hold_pos) logger.dbg("selected text:", self.selected_text) end end end function ReaderHighlight:onHighlight() self:saveHighlight() end function ReaderHighlight:onUnhighlight(bookmark_item) local page local sel_text local sel_pos0 local datetime local idx if bookmark_item then -- called from Bookmarks menu onHold page = bookmark_item.page sel_text = bookmark_item.notes sel_pos0 = bookmark_item.pos0 datetime = bookmark_item.datetime else -- called from DictQuickLookup Unhighlight button page = self.hold_pos.page sel_text = self.selected_text.text sel_pos0 = self.selected_text.pos0 end if self.ui.document.info.has_pages then -- We can safely use page for index = 1, #self.view.highlight.saved[page] do local highlight = self.view.highlight.saved[page][index] -- pos0 are tables and can't be compared directly, except when from -- DictQuickLookup where these are the same object. -- If bookmark_item provided, just check datetime if highlight.text == sel_text and ( (datetime == nil and highlight.pos0 == sel_pos0) or (datetime ~= nil and highlight.datetime == datetime)) then idx = index break end end else -- page is a xpointer -- The original page could be found in bookmark_item.text, but -- no more if it has been renamed: we need to loop through all -- highlights on all page slots for p, highlights in pairs(self.view.highlight.saved) do for index = 1, #highlights do local highlight = highlights[index] -- pos0 are strings and can be compared directly if highlight.text == sel_text and ( (datetime == nil and highlight.pos0 == sel_pos0) or (datetime ~= nil and highlight.datetime == datetime)) then page = p -- this is the original page slot idx = index break end end if idx then break end end end if bookmark_item and not idx then logger.warn("unhighlight: bookmark_item not found among highlights", bookmark_item) -- Remove it from bookmarks anyway, so we're not stuck with an -- unremovable bookmark self.ui.bookmark:removeBookmark(bookmark_item) return end logger.dbg("found highlight to delete on page", page, idx) self:deleteHighlight(page, idx, bookmark_item) return true end function ReaderHighlight:getHighlightBookmarkItem() if self.hold_pos and not self.selected_text then self:highlightFromHoldPos() end if self.selected_text and self.selected_text.pos0 and self.selected_text.pos1 then local datetime = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") local page = self.ui.document.info.has_pages and self.hold_pos.page or self.selected_text.pos0 return { page = page, pos0 = self.selected_text.pos0, pos1 = self.selected_text.pos1, datetime = datetime, notes = self.selected_text.text, highlighted = true, } end end function ReaderHighlight:saveHighlight() self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("AddHighlight")) logger.dbg("save highlight") local page = self.hold_pos.page if self.hold_pos and self.selected_text and self.selected_text.pos0 and self.selected_text.pos1 then if not self.view.highlight.saved[page] then self.view.highlight.saved[page] = {} end local datetime = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") local hl_item = { datetime = datetime, text = self.selected_text.text, pos0 = self.selected_text.pos0, pos1 = self.selected_text.pos1, pboxes = self.selected_text.pboxes, drawer = self.view.highlight.saved_drawer, } table.insert(self.view.highlight.saved[page], hl_item) local bookmark_item = self:getHighlightBookmarkItem() if bookmark_item then self.ui.bookmark:addBookmark(bookmark_item) end --[[ -- disable exporting highlights to My Clippings -- since it's not portable and there is a better Evernote plugin -- to do the same thing if self.selected_text.text ~= "" then self:exportToClippings(page, hl_item) end --]] if self.selected_text.pboxes then self:exportToDocument(page, hl_item) end end end --[[ function ReaderHighlight:exportToClippings(page, item) logger.dbg("export highlight to clippings", item) local clippings = io.open("/mnt/us/documents/My Clippings.txt", "a+") if clippings and item.text then local current_locale = os.setlocale() os.setlocale("C") clippings:write(self.document.file:gsub("(.*/)(.*)", "%2").."\n") clippings:write("- KOReader Highlight Page "..page.." ") clippings:write("| Added on "..os.date("%A, %b %d, %Y %I:%M:%S %p\n\n")) -- My Clippings only holds one line of highlight clippings:write(item["text"]:gsub("\n", " ").."\n") clippings:write("==========\n") clippings:close() os.setlocale(current_locale) end end --]] function ReaderHighlight:exportToDocument(page, item) logger.dbg("export highlight to document", item) self.ui.document:saveHighlight(page, item) end function ReaderHighlight:addNote() self:handleEvent(Event:new("addNote")) logger.dbg("add Note") end function ReaderHighlight:lookupWikipedia() if self.selected_text then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("LookupWikipedia", self.selected_text.text)) end end function ReaderHighlight:onHighlightSearch() logger.dbg("search highlight") self:highlightFromHoldPos() if self.selected_text then local text = require("util").stripePunctuations(self.selected_text.text) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowSearchDialog", text)) end end function ReaderHighlight:onHighlightDictLookup() logger.dbg("dictionary lookup highlight") self:highlightFromHoldPos() if self.selected_text then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("LookupWord", self.selected_text.text)) end end function ReaderHighlight:shareHighlight() logger.info("share highlight") end function ReaderHighlight:moreAction() logger.info("more action") end function ReaderHighlight:deleteHighlight(page, i, bookmark_item) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("DelHighlight")) logger.dbg("delete highlight", page, i) local removed = table.remove(self.view.highlight.saved[page], i) if bookmark_item then self.ui.bookmark:removeBookmark(bookmark_item) else self.ui.bookmark:removeBookmark({ page = self.ui.document.info.has_pages and page or removed.pos0, datetime = removed.datetime, }) end end function ReaderHighlight:editHighlight(page, i) local item = self.view.highlight.saved[page][i] self.ui.bookmark:renameBookmark({ page = self.ui.document.info.has_pages and page or item.pos0, datetime = item.datetime, }, true) end function ReaderHighlight:onReadSettings(config) self.view.highlight.saved_drawer = config:readSetting("highlight_drawer") or self.view.highlight.saved_drawer local disable_highlight = config:readSetting("highlight_disabled") if disable_highlight == nil then disable_highlight = G_reader_settings:readSetting("highlight_disabled") or false end self.view.highlight.disabled = disable_highlight end function ReaderHighlight:onSaveSettings() self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("highlight_drawer", self.view.highlight.saved_drawer) self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("highlight_disabled", self.view.highlight.disabled) end function ReaderHighlight:onClose() UIManager:close(self.highlight_dialog) -- clear highlighted text self:clear() end function ReaderHighlight:makeDefault(highlight_disabled) local new_text if highlight_disabled then new_text = _("Disable highlight by default.") else new_text = _("Enable highlight by default.") end UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = new_text, ok_callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("highlight_disabled", highlight_disabled) end, }) end return ReaderHighlight