local Event = require("ui/event") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local JSON = require("json") local MultiConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/multiconfirmbox") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local T = require("ffi/util").template local ReaderHyphenation = InputContainer:new{ hyph_menu_title = _("Hyphenation"), hyph_table = nil, } function ReaderHyphenation:init() self.lang_table = {} self.hyph_table = {} self.hyph_algs_settings = {} self.hyph_alg = cre.getSelectedHyphDict() table.insert(self.hyph_table, { text_func = function() local limits_text = _("language defaults") if G_reader_settings:readSetting("hyph_left_hyphen_min") or G_reader_settings:readSetting("hyph_right_hyphen_min") then limits_text = T("%1 - %2", G_reader_settings:readSetting("hyph_left_hyphen_min"), G_reader_settings:readSetting("hyph_right_hyphen_min")) end return T(_("Left/right minimal sizes: %1"), limits_text) end, callback = function() local HyphenationLimitsWidget = require("ui/widget/hyphenationlimits") local hyph_settings = self.hyph_algs_settings[self.hyph_alg] or {} local alg_left_hyphen_min = hyph_settings.left_hyphen_min local alg_right_hyphen_min = hyph_settings.right_hyphen_min local hyph_limits_widget = HyphenationLimitsWidget:new{ left_value = G_reader_settings:readSetting("hyph_left_hyphen_min") or alg_left_hyphen_min or 2, right_value = G_reader_settings:readSetting("hyph_right_hyphen_min") or alg_right_hyphen_min or 2, left_default = alg_left_hyphen_min or 2, right_default = alg_right_hyphen_min or 2, callback = function(left_hyphen_min, right_hyphen_min) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("hyph_left_hyphen_min", left_hyphen_min) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("hyph_right_hyphen_min", right_hyphen_min) self.ui.document:setHyphLeftHyphenMin(G_reader_settings:readSetting("hyph_left_hyphen_min") or alg_left_hyphen_min) self.ui.document:setHyphRightHyphenMin(G_reader_settings:readSetting("hyph_right_hyphen_min") or alg_right_hyphen_min) self.ui.toc:onUpdateToc() -- signal readerrolling to update pos in new height, and redraw page self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("UpdatePos")) end } UIManager:show(hyph_limits_widget) end, enabled_func = function() return self.hyph_alg ~= "@none" end, separator = true, }) local lang_data_file = assert(io.open("./data/hyph/languages.json"), "r") local ok, lang_data = pcall(JSON.decode, lang_data_file:read("*all")) if ok and lang_data then for k,v in ipairs(lang_data) do self.hyph_algs_settings[v.filename] = v -- just store full table table.insert(self.hyph_table, { text_func = function() local text = v.name if v.filename == G_reader_settings:readSetting("hyph_alg_default") then text = text .. " ★" end if v.filename == G_reader_settings:readSetting("hyph_alg_fallback") then text = text .. " �" end return text end, callback = function() self.hyph_alg = v.filename self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("hyph_alg", self.hyph_alg) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Changed hyphenation to %1."), v.name), }) self.ui.document:setHyphDictionary(v.filename) -- Apply hyphenation sides limits self.ui.document:setHyphLeftHyphenMin(G_reader_settings:readSetting("hyph_left_hyphen_min") or v.left_hyphen_min) self.ui.document:setHyphRightHyphenMin(G_reader_settings:readSetting("hyph_right_hyphen_min") or v.right_hyphen_min) self.ui.toc:onUpdateToc() -- signal readerrolling to update pos in new height, and redraw page self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("UpdatePos")) end, hold_may_update_menu = true, hold_callback = function(refresh_menu_func) UIManager:show(MultiConfirmBox:new{ -- No real need for a way to remove default one, we can just -- toggle between setting a default OR a fallback (if a default -- one is set, no fallback will ever be used - if a fallback one -- is set, no default is wanted; so when we set one below, we -- remove the other). text = T( _("Would you like %1 to be used as the default (★) or fallback (�) hyphenation language?\n\nDefault will always take precedence while fallback will only be used if the language of the book can't be automatically determined."), v.name), choice1_text = _("Default"), choice1_callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("hyph_alg_default", v.filename) G_reader_settings:delSetting("hyph_alg_fallback") if refresh_menu_func then refresh_menu_func() end end, choice2_text = _("Fallback"), choice2_callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("hyph_alg_fallback", v.filename) G_reader_settings:delSetting("hyph_alg_default") if refresh_menu_func then refresh_menu_func() end end, }) end, checked_func = function() return v.filename == self.hyph_alg end }) self.lang_table[v.language] = v.filename if v.aliases then for i,alias in ipairs(v.aliases) do self.lang_table[alias] = v.filename end end end end self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) end function ReaderHyphenation:parseLanguageTag(lang_tag) -- Parse an RFC 5646 language tag, like "en-US" or "en". -- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5646 -- We are only interested in the language and region parts. local language = nil local region = nil for part in util.gsplit(lang_tag, "-", false) do if not language then language = string.lower(part) elseif string.len(part) == 2 and not string.match(part, "[^%a]") then region = string.upper(part) end end return language, region end function ReaderHyphenation:getDictForLanguage(lang_tag) -- EPUB language is an RFC 5646 language tag. -- http://www.idpf.org/epub/301/spec/epub-publications.html#sec-opf-dclanguage -- -- FB2 language is a two-letter language code -- (which is also a valid RFC 5646 language tag). -- http://fictionbook.org/index.php/%D0%AD%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82_lang (in Russian) local language, region = self:parseLanguageTag(lang_tag) if not language then return end local dict if region then dict = self.lang_table[language .. '-' .. region] end if not dict then dict = self.lang_table[language] end return dict end function ReaderHyphenation:onPreRenderDocument(config) -- This is called after the document has been loaded -- so we can use the document language. -- Use the one manually set for this document local hyph_alg = config:readSetting("hyph_alg") if not hyph_alg then -- If none, use the one manually set as default (with Hold) hyph_alg = G_reader_settings:readSetting("hyph_alg_default") end if not hyph_alg then -- If none, use the one associated with document's language hyph_alg = self:getDictForLanguage(self.ui.document:getProps().language) end if not hyph_alg then -- If none, use the one manually set as fallback (with Hold) hyph_alg = G_reader_settings:readSetting("hyph_alg_fallback") end if hyph_alg then self.ui.document:setHyphDictionary(hyph_alg) end -- If we haven't set any, hardcoded English_US_hyphen_(Alan).pdb (in cre.cpp) will be used self.hyph_alg = cre.getSelectedHyphDict() -- Apply hyphenation sides limits local hyph_settings = self.hyph_algs_settings[self.hyph_alg] or {} self.ui.document:setHyphLeftHyphenMin(G_reader_settings:readSetting("hyph_left_hyphen_min") or hyph_settings.left_hyphen_min) self.ui.document:setHyphRightHyphenMin(G_reader_settings:readSetting("hyph_right_hyphen_min") or hyph_settings.right_hyphen_min) end function ReaderHyphenation:addToMainMenu(menu_items) -- insert table to main reader menu menu_items.hyphenation = { text = self.hyph_menu_title, sub_item_table = self.hyph_table, } end return ReaderHyphenation