--[[-- module used for terminal emulator to override InputText @module koplugin.terminal ]] local InputText = require("ui/widget/inputtext") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local dbg = require("dbg") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local esc = "\027" local esc_seq = { backspace = "\008", cursor_left = "\027[D", cursor_right = "\027[C", cursor_up = "\027[A", cursor_down = "\027[B", cursor_pos1 = "\027[7~", cursor_end = "\027[8~", page_up = "\027[5~", page_down = "\027[6~", } local function isNum(char) if #char ~= 1 then return end if char:byte() >= ("0"):byte() and char:byte() <= ("9"):byte() then return true end end local function isPrintable(ch) return ch:byte() >= 32 or ch == "\010" or ch == "\013" end local TermInputText = InputText:extend{ maxr = 40, maxc = 80, min_buffer_size = 2 * 40 * 80, -- minimal size of scrollback buffer strike_callback = nil, sequence_state = "", store_pos_dec = nil, store_pos_sco = nil, store_position = nil, -- when entered alternate keypad scroll_region_bottom = nil, scroll_region_top = nil, scroll_region_line = nil, wrap = true, alternate_buffer = {}, save_buffer = {}, } -- disable positioning cursor by tap in emulator mode function TermInputText:onTapTextBox(arg, ges) return true end function TermInputText:resize(maxr, maxc) self.maxr = maxr self.maxc = maxc self.min_buffer_size = 2 * self.maxr * self.maxc end -- reduce the size of the buffer, function TermInputText:trimBuffer(new_size) if not new_size or new_size < self.min_buffer_size then new_size = self.min_buffer_size end if #self.charlist > new_size then local old_pos = self.charpos -- for adjusting saved positions -- remove char from beginning while #self.charlist > new_size do table.remove(self.charlist, 1) self.charpos = self.charpos - 1 end -- remove the (rest) of the first line while self.charlist[1] and self.charlist[1] ~= "\n" do table.remove(self.charlist, 1) self.charpos = self.charpos - 1 end -- remove newline at the first line if self.charlist[1] and self.charlist[1] == "\n" then table.remove(self.charlist, 1) self.charpos = self.charpos - 1 end -- IMPORTANT: update stored positions if the buffer has to be trimmed local shift_pos = old_pos - self.charpos if self.store_position then self.store_position = self.store_position - shift_pos if self.store_position < 1 then self.store_position = 1 end end if self.store_pos_dec then self.store_pos_dec = self.store_pos_dec - shift_pos if self.store_pos_dec < 1 then self.store_pos_dec = 1 end end if self.store_pos_sco then self.store_pos_sco = self.store_pos_sco - shift_pos if self.store_pos_sco < 1 then self.store_pos_sco = 1 end end -- unlikely but this could happen if the cursor is at the beginning -- and the buffer has to be trimmed if self.charpos < 1 then self.charpos = 1 end self:initTextBox(table.concat(self.charlist), true) end end function TermInputText:saveBuffer(buffer) table.insert(self[buffer], { self.charlist, self.charpos, self.store_pos_dec, self.store_pos_sco, self.store_position, self.scroll_region_bottom, self.scroll_region_top, self.scroll_region_line, self.wrap, }) self.charlist = {} self.charpos = 1 self.store_pos_dec = nil self.store_pos_sco = nil self.store_position = nil self.scroll_region_bottom = nil self.scroll_region_top = nil self.scroll_region_line = nil self.wrap = true end function TermInputText:restoreBuffer(buffer) local former_buffer = table.remove(self[buffer]) if type(former_buffer[1]) == "table" then self.charlist, self.charpos, self.store_pos_dec, self.store_pos_sco, self.store_position, self.scroll_region_bottom, self.scroll_region_top, self.scroll_region_line, self.wrap = unpack(former_buffer) end end function TermInputText:_helperVT52VT100(cmd, mode, param1, param2, param3) if cmd == "A" then -- cursor up param1 = param1 == 0 and 1 or param1 for i = 1, param1 do if self.scroll_region_line then self:scrollRegionDown() end self:moveCursorUp(true) end return true elseif cmd == "B" then -- cursor down param1 = param1 == 0 and 1 or param1 for i = 1, param1 do self:moveCursorDown(true) end return true elseif cmd == "C" then -- cursor right param1 = param1 == 0 and 1 or param1 for i = 1, param1 do self:rightChar(true) end return true elseif cmd == "D" then -- cursor left param1 = param1 == 0 and 1 or param1 for i = 1, param1 do self:leftChar(true) end return true elseif cmd == "H" then -- cursor home param1 = param1 == 0 and 1 or param1 param2 = param2 == 0 and 1 or param2 self:moveCursorToRowCol(param1, param2) if self.scroll_region_line and param1 <= self.scroll_region_bottom and param1 >= self.scroll_region_top then self.scroll_region_line = param1 end return true elseif cmd == "J" then -- clear to end of screen if param1 == 0 then self:clearToEndOfScreen() elseif param1 == 1 then return false --- @todo not implemented elseif param1 == 2 then local saved_pos = self.charpos self:moveCursorToRowCol(1, 1) self:clearToEndOfScreen() self.charpos = saved_pos end return true elseif cmd == "K" then -- clear to end of line self:delToEndOfLine() return true elseif cmd == "L" then if self.scroll_region_line then self:scrollRegionDown() end return true elseif cmd == "h" and mode == "?" then -- --- if param2 == 25 then set cursor visible if param2 == 7 then -- enable wrap around self.wrap = true elseif param2 == 47 then -- save screen self:saveBuffer("save_buffer") print("xxxxxxxxxxxx save screen") elseif param2 == 1049 then -- enable alternate buffer self:saveBuffer("alternate_buffer") print("xxxxxxxxxxxx enable alternate buffer") end return true elseif cmd == "l" and mode == "?" then -- --- if param2 == 25 then set cursor invisible if param2 == 7 then -- enable wrap around self.wrap = false elseif param2 == 47 then -- restore screen self:restoreBuffer("save_buffer") print("xxxxxxxxxxxx restore screen") elseif param2 == 1049 then -- disable alternate buffer self:restoreBuffer("alternate_buffer") print("xxxxxxxxxxxx disable alternate buffer") end return true elseif cmd == "m" then -- graphics mode not supported yet(?) return true elseif cmd == "n" then --- @todo return true elseif cmd == "r" then if param2 > 0 and param2 < self.maxr then self.scroll_region_bottom = param2 else self.scroll_region_bottom = nil end if self.scroll_region_bottom and param1 < self.maxr and param1 <= param2 and param1 > 0 then self.scroll_region_top = param1 self.scroll_region_line = 1 else self.scroll_region_bottom = nil self.scroll_region_top = nil self.scroll_region_line = nil end logger.dbg("Terminal: set scroll region", param1, param2, self.scroll_region_top, self.scroll_region_bottom, self.scroll_region_line) return true end return false end function TermInputText:interpretAnsiSeq(text) local pos = 1 local param1, param2, param3 = 0, 0, 0 while pos <= #text do local next_byte = text:sub(pos, pos) if self.sequence_state == "" then if next_byte == esc then self.sequence_state = "esc" elseif isPrintable(next_byte) then local part = next_byte -- all bytes up to the next control sequence while pos < #text and isPrintable(next_byte) do next_byte = text:sub(pos+1, pos+1) if next_byte ~= "" and pos < #text and isPrintable(next_byte) then part = part .. next_byte pos = pos + 1 end end self:addChars(part, true, true) elseif next_byte == "\008" then self.charpos = self.charpos - 1 end elseif self.sequence_state == "esc" then self.sequence_state = "" if next_byte == "A" then -- cursor up self:moveCursorUp(true) elseif next_byte == "B" then -- cursor down self:moveCursorDown(true) elseif next_byte == "C" then -- cursor right self:rightChar(true) elseif next_byte == "D" then -- cursor left self:leftChar(true) elseif next_byte == "F" then -- enter graphics mode logger.dbg("Terminal: enter graphics mode not supported") elseif next_byte == "G" then -- exit graphics mod logger.dbg("Terminal: leave graphics mode not supported") elseif next_byte == "H" then -- cursor home self:moveCursorToRowCol(1, 1) elseif next_byte == "I" then -- reverse line feed (cursor up and insert line) self:reverseLineFeed(true) elseif next_byte == "J" then -- clear to end of screen self:clearToEndOfScreen() elseif next_byte == "K" then -- clear to end of line self:delToEndOfLine() elseif next_byte == "L" then -- insert line logger.dbg("Terminal: insert not supported") elseif next_byte == "M" then -- remove line logger.dbg("Terminal: remove line not supported") elseif next_byte == "Y" then -- set cursor pos (row, col) self.sequence_state = "escY" elseif next_byte == "Z" then -- ident(ify) self.strike_callback("\027/K") -- identify as VT52 without printer elseif next_byte == "=" then -- alternate keypad self:enterAlternateKeypad() elseif next_byte == ">" then -- exit alternate keypad self:exitAlternateKeypad() elseif next_byte == "[" then self.sequence_state = "CSI1" elseif next_byte == "7" then self.store_pos_dec = self.charpos elseif next_byte == "8" then self.charpos = self.store_pos_dec end elseif self.sequence_state == "escY" then param1 = next_byte self.sequence_state = "escYrow" elseif self.sequence_state == "escYrow" then param2 = next_byte -- row and column are offsetted with 32 (' ') if param1 ~= 0 and param2 ~= 0 then local row = param1 and (param1:byte() - (" "):byte() + 1) or 1 local col = param2 and (param2:byte() - (" "):byte() + 1) or 1 self:moveCursorToRowCol(row, col) param1, param2, param3 = 0, 0, 0 end self.sequence_state = "" elseif self.sequence_state == "CSI1" then if next_byte == "s" then -- save cursor pos self.store_pos_sco = self.charpos elseif next_byte == "u" then -- restore cursor pos self.charpos = self.store_pos_sco elseif next_byte == "?" then self.sequence_mode = "?" self.sequence_state = "escParam2" elseif isNum(next_byte) then param1 = param1 * 10 + next_byte:byte() - ("0"):byte() else if next_byte == ";" then self.sequence_state = "escParam2" else pos = pos - 1 self.sequence_state = "escOtherCmd" end end elseif self.sequence_state == "escParam2" then if isNum(next_byte) then param2 = param2 * 10 + next_byte:byte() - ("0"):byte() else if next_byte == ";" then self.sequence_state = "escParam3" else pos = pos - 1 self.sequence_state = "escOtherCmd" end end elseif self.sequence_state == "escParam3" then if isNum(next_byte) then param3 = param3 * 10 + next_byte:byte() - ("0"):byte() else pos = pos - 1 self.sequence_state = "escOtherCmd" end elseif self.sequence_state == "escOtherCmd" then if not self:_helperVT52VT100(next_byte, self.sequence_mode, param1, param2, param3) then -- drop other VT100 sequences logger.info("Terminal: ANSI-final: not supported", next_byte, next_byte:byte(), next_byte, param1, param2, param3) end param1, param2, param3 = 0, 0, 0 self.sequence_state = "" self.sequence_mode = "" else logger.dbg("Terminal: detected error in esc sequence, not my fault.") self.sequence_state = "" end -- self.sequence_state pos = pos + 1 end self:initTextBox(table.concat(self.charlist), true) end function TermInputText:scrollRegionDown(column) column = column or 1 if self.scroll_region_line > self.scroll_region_top then self.scroll_region_line = self.scroll_region_line - 1 else -- scroll down local pos = self.charpos for i = self.scroll_region_line, self.scroll_region_bottom do while pos > 1 and self.charlist[pos] ~= "\n" do pos = pos + 1 end if pos < #self.charlist then pos = pos + 1 end end pos = pos - 1 table.remove(self.charlist, pos) while self.charlist[pos] ~= "\n" do table.remove(self.charlist, pos) end pos = self.charpos for i = column, self.maxc - column + 1 do table.insert(self.charlist, pos, ".") pos = pos + 1 end table.insert(self.charlist, pos, "\n") end end function TermInputText:scrollRegionUp(column) column = column or 1 if self.scroll_region_line < self.scroll_region_bottom then self.scroll_region_line = self.scroll_region_line + 1 else -- scroll up local pos = self.charpos for i = self.scroll_region_line, self.scroll_region_top + 1, -1 do while pos > 1 and self.charlist[pos] ~= "\n" do pos = pos - 1 end if pos > 1 then pos = pos - 1 end end pos = pos + 1 table.remove(self.charlist, pos) self.charpos = self.charpos - 1 pos = pos - 1 while pos > 0 and self.charlist[pos] ~= "\n" do table.remove(self.charlist, pos) pos = pos - 1 end pos = self.charpos + 1 for i = column, self.maxc - column do table.insert(self.charlist, pos, " ") pos = pos + 1 end table.insert(self.charlist, pos, "\n") for i = 1, column - 1 do table.insert(self.charlist, pos, " ") pos = pos + 1 end end end function TermInputText:addChars(chars, skip_callback, skip_table_concat) -- the same as in inputtext.lua if not chars then -- VirtualKeyboard:addChar(key) gave us 'nil' once (?!) -- which would crash table.concat() return end if self.enter_callback and chars == "\n" and not skip_callback then UIManager:scheduleIn(0.3, function() self.enter_callback() end) return end -- this is an addon to inputtext.lua if self.strike_callback and not skip_callback then self.strike_callback(chars) return end -- the same as in inputtext.lua if self.readonly or not self:isTextEditable(true) then return end self.is_text_edited = true if #self.charlist == 0 then -- widget text is empty or a hint text is displayed self.charpos = 1 -- move cursor to the first position end -- this is a modification of inputtext.lua local chars_list = util.splitToChars(chars) -- for UTF8 for i = 1, #chars_list do if chars_list[i] == "\n" then -- detect current column local pos = self.charpos while pos > 0 and self.charlist[pos] ~= "\n" do pos = pos - 1 end local column = self.charpos - pos if self.scroll_region_line then self:scrollRegionUp(column) end -- go to EOL while self.charlist[self.charpos] and self.charlist[self.charpos] ~= "\n" do self.charpos = self.charpos + 1 end if not self.charlist[self.charpos] then -- add new line if necessary table.insert(self.charlist, self.charpos, "\n") self.charpos = self.charpos + 1 end -- go to column in next line for j = 1, column-1 do if not self.charlist[self.charpos] then table.insert(self.charlist, self.charpos, " ") self.charpos = self.charpos + 1 else break end end if self.charlist[self.charpos] then self.charpos = self.charpos + 1 end -- fill line pos = self.charpos for j = column, self.maxc do if not self.charlist[pos] then table.insert(self.charlist, pos, " ") end pos = pos + 1 end if not self.charlist[pos] then table.insert(self.charlist, pos, "\n") end elseif chars_list[i] == "\r" then if self.charlist[self.charpos] == "\n" then self.charpos = self.charpos - 1 end while self.charpos >= 1 and self.charlist[self.charpos] ~= "\n" do self.charpos = self.charpos - 1 end self.charpos = self.charpos + 1 elseif chars_list[i] == "\b" then self.charpos = self.charpos - 1 else if self.wrap then if self.charlist[self.charpos] == "\n" then self.charpos = self.charpos + 1 for j = 0, self.maxc-1 do if not self.charlist[self.charpos + j] then table.insert(self.charlist, self.charpos + j, " ") end end end else local column = 1 local pos = self.charpos while pos > 0 and self.charlist[pos] ~= "\n" do pos = pos - 1 column = column + 1 end if self.charlist[self.charpos] == "\n" or column > self.maxc then self.charpos = self.charpos - 1 end end table.remove(self.charlist, self.charpos) table.insert(self.charlist, self.charpos, chars_list[i]) self.charpos = self.charpos + 1 end end -- the same as in inputtext.lua if not skip_table_concat then self:initTextBox(table.concat(self.charlist), true) end end dbg:guard(TermInputText, "addChars", function(self, chars) assert(type(chars) == "string", "TermInputText: Wrong chars value type (expected string)!") end) function TermInputText:enterAlternateKeypad() self.store_position = self.charpos self:formatTerminal(true) end function TermInputText:exitAlternateKeypad() if self.store_position then self.charpos = self.store_position self.store_position = nil -- clear the alternate keypad buffer while self.charlist[self.charpos] do table.remove(self.charlist, self.charpos) end end end --- generates a "tty-matrix" -- @param maxr number of rows -- @param maxc number of columns -- @param clear if true, fill the matrix ' ' function TermInputText:formatTerminal(clear) local i = self.store_position or 1 -- so we end up in a maxr x maxc array for positioning for r = 1, self.maxr do for c = 1, self.maxc do if not self.charlist[i] then -- end of text table.insert(self.charlist, i, "\n") end if self.charlist[i] ~= "\n" then if clear then self.charlist[i] = ' ' end else table.insert(self.charlist, i, ' ') end i = i + 1 end if self.charlist[i] ~= "\n" then table.insert(self.charlist, i, "\n") end i = i + 1 -- skip newline end -- table.remove(self.charlist, i - 1) end function TermInputText:moveCursorToRowCol(r, c) self:formatTerminal() local cur_r, cur_c = 1, 0 local i = self.store_position or 1 while i < #self.charlist do if self.charlist[i] ~= "\n" then cur_c = cur_c + 1 else cur_c = 0 -- as we are at the last NL cur_r = cur_r + 1 end self.charpos = i if cur_r == r and cur_c == c then break end i = i + 1 end self:moveCursorToCharPos(self.charpos) end function TermInputText:clearToEndOfScreen() local pos = self.charpos while pos <= #self.charlist do if self.charlist[pos] ~= "\n" then self.charlist[pos] = " " end pos = pos + 1 end self.is_text_edited = true self:initTextBox(table.concat(self.charlist)) -- self:moveCursorToCharPos(self.charpos) end function TermInputText:delToEndOfLine() if self.readonly or not self:isTextEditable(true) then return end local cur_pos = self.charpos -- self.charlist[self.charpos] is the char after the cursor while self.charlist[cur_pos] and self.charlist[cur_pos] ~= "\n" do self.charlist[cur_pos] = " " cur_pos = cur_pos + 1 end self:initTextBox(table.concat(self.charlist)) end function TermInputText:reverseLineFeed(skip_callback) if self.strike_callback and not skip_callback then self.strike_callback(esc_seq.page_down) return end if self.charpos > 1 and self.charlist[self.charpos] == "\n" then self.charpos = self.charpos - 1 end local cur_col = 0 while self.charpos > 1 and self.charlist[self.charpos] ~= "\n" do self.charpos = self.charpos - 1 cur_col = cur_col + 1 end if self.charpos > 1 then self.charpos = self.charpos + 1 end for i = 1, 80 do table.insert(self.charlist, self.charpos, " ") end end ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- overridden InputText methods -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ function TermInputText:leftChar(skip_callback) if self.charpos == 1 then return end if self.strike_callback and not skip_callback then self.strike_callback(esc_seq.cursor_left) return end local left_char = self.charlist[self.charpos - 1] if not left_char or left_char == "\n" then return end --InputText.leftChar(self) self.charpos = self.charpos - 1 end function TermInputText:rightChar(skip_callback) if self.strike_callback and not skip_callback then self.strike_callback(esc_seq.cursor_right) return end if self.charpos > #self.charlist then return end local right_char = self.charlist[self.charpos + 1] if not right_char and right_char == "\n" then return end InputText.rightChar(self) end function TermInputText:moveCursorUp() local pos = self.charpos while self.charlist[pos] and self.charlist[pos] ~= "\n" do pos = pos - 1 end local column = self.charpos - pos pos = pos - 1 while self.charlist[pos] and self.charlist[pos] ~= "\n" do pos = pos - 1 end self.charpos = pos + column self:moveCursorToCharPos(self.charpos) end function TermInputText:moveCursorDown() local pos = self.charpos -- detect current column while pos > 0 and self.charlist[pos] ~= "\n" do pos = pos - 1 end local column = self.charpos - pos while self.charlist[self.charpos] and self.charlist[self.charpos] ~= "\n" do self.charpos = self.charpos + 1 end self.charpos = self.charpos + 1 for i = 1, column-1 do if self.charlist[pos+i] or self.charlist[pos+i] ~= "\n" then self.charpos = self.charpos + 1 else break end end self:moveCursorToCharPos(self.charpos) end function TermInputText:delChar() if self.readonly or not self:isTextEditable(true) then return end if self.charpos == 1 then return end if self.strike_callback then self.strike_callback(esc_seq.backspace) return end InputText.delChar(self) end function TermInputText:delToStartOfLine() return end function TermInputText:scrollDown(skip_callback) if self.strike_callback and not skip_callback then self.strike_callback(esc_seq.page_down) return end InputText.scrollDown(self) end function TermInputText:scrollUp(skip_callback) if self.strike_callback and not skip_callback then self.strike_callback(esc_seq.page_up) return end InputText.scrollUp(self) end function TermInputText:goToStartOfLine(skip_callback) if self.strike_callback then if not skip_callback then self.strike_callback(esc_seq.cursor_pos1) else if self.charlist[self.charpos] == "\n" then self.charpos = self.charpos - 1 end while self.charpos >= 1 and self.charlist[self.charpos] ~= "\n" do self.charpos = self.charpos - 1 end self.charpos = self.charpos + 1 self.text_widget:moveCursorToCharPos(self.charpos) end return end InputText.goToStartOfLine(self) end function TermInputText:goToEndOfLine(skip_callback) if self.strike_callback then if not skip_callback then self.strike_callback(esc_seq.cursor_end) else while self.charpos <= #self.charlist and self.charlist[self.charpos] ~= "\n" do self.charpos = self.charpos + 1 end end self.text_widget:moveCursorToCharPos(self.charpos) return end InputText.goToEndOfLine(self) end function TermInputText:upLine(skip_callback) if self.strike_callback and not skip_callback then self.strike_callback(esc_seq.cursor_up) return end InputText.upLine(self) end function TermInputText:downLine(skip_callback) if #self.charlist == 0 then return end -- Avoid cursor moving within a hint. if self.strike_callback and not skip_callback then self.strike_callback(esc_seq.cursor_down) return end InputText.downLine(self) end return TermInputText