Device = { screen_saver_mode = false, charging_mode = false, survive_screen_saver = false, touch_dev = nil, model = nil, firmware_rev = nil, frontlight = nil, } BaseFrontLight = { min = 1, max = 10, intensity = nil, } KindleFrontLight = { min = 0, max = 24, kpw_fl = "/sys/devices/system/fl_tps6116x/fl_tps6116x0/fl_intensity", intensity = nil, lipc_handle = nil, } KoboFrontLight = { min = 1, max = 100, intensity = 20, restore_settings = true, fl = nil, } function Device:getModel() if self.model then return self.model end if util.isEmulated() then self.model = "Emulator" return self.model end local std_out = io.popen("grep 'MX' /proc/cpuinfo | cut -d':' -f2 | awk {'print $2'}", "r") local cpu_mod = std_out:read() if not cpu_mod then local ret = os.execute("grep 'Hardware : Mario Platform' /proc/cpuinfo", "r") if ret ~= 0 then self.model = nil else self.model = "KindleDXG" end end if cpu_mod == "MX50" then -- for KPW local pw_test_fd = lfs.attributes(KindleFrontLight.kpw_fl) -- for Kobo local kg_test_fd = lfs.attributes("/bin/") -- for KT local kt_test_fd = lfs.attributes("/sys/devices/platform/whitney-button") -- another special file for KT is Neonode zForce touchscreen: -- /sys/devices/platform/zforce.0/ if pw_test_fd then self.model = "KindlePaperWhite" elseif kg_test_fd then local std_out = io.popen("/bin/", "r") local codename = std_out:read() self.model = "Kobo_" .. codename local version_file ="/mnt/onboard/.kobo/version", "r") self.firmware_rev = string.sub(version_file:read(),24,28) version_file:close() elseif kt_test_fd then self.model = "KindleTouch" else self.model = "Kindle4" end elseif cpu_mod == "MX35" then -- check if we are running on Kindle 3 (additional volume input) self.model = "Kindle3" elseif cpu_mod == "MX3" then self.model = "Kindle2" else self.model = nil end return self.model end function Device:getFirmVer() if not self.model then self:getModel() end return self.firmware_rev end function Device:isKindle4() return (self:getModel() == "Kindle4") end function Device:isKindle3() return (self:getModel() == "Kindle3") end function Device:isKindle2() return (self:getModel() == "Kindle2") end function Device:isKobo() return string.find(self:getModel(),"Kobo_") == 1 end function Device:hasNoKeyboard() local model = self:getModel() return (model == "KindlePaperWhite") or (model == "KindleTouch") or self:isKobo() end function Device:hasKeyboard() return not self:hasNoKeyboard() end function Device:isTouchDevice() local model = self:getModel() return (model == "KindlePaperWhite") or (model == "KindleTouch") or self:isKobo() or util.isEmulated() end function Device:hasFrontlight() local model = self:getModel() return (model == "KindlePaperWhite") or (model == "Kobo_dragon") or (model == "Kobo_kraken") or (model == "Kobo_phoenix") or util.isEmulated() end function Device:setTouchInputDev(dev) self.touch_dev = dev end function Device:getTouchInputDev() return self.touch_dev end function Device:intoScreenSaver() --os.execute("echo 'screensaver in' >> /mnt/us/event_test.txt") if self.charging_mode == false and self.screen_saver_mode == false then Screen:saveCurrentBB() --UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ --text = "Going into screensaver... ", --timeout = 2, --}) --util.sleep(1) --os.execute("killall -cont cvm") self.screen_saver_mode = true end end function Device:outofScreenSaver() --os.execute("echo 'screensaver out' >> /mnt/us/event_test.txt") if self.screen_saver_mode == true and self.charging_mode == false then -- wait for native system update screen before we recover saved -- Blitbuffer. util.usleep(1500000) --os.execute("killall -stop cvm") Screen:restoreFromSavedBB() Screen:refresh(0) self.survive_screen_saver = true end self.screen_saver_mode = false end function Device:prepareSuspend() -- currently only used for kobo devices local fl = self:getFrontlight() if fl ~= nil then fl.fl:sleep() end Screen:refresh(0) self.screen_saver_mode = true end function Device:Suspend() -- currently only used for kobo devices os.execute("./") end function Device:Resume() -- currently only used for kobo devices os.execute("echo 0 > /sys/power/state-extended") Screen:refresh(0) local fl = self:getFrontlight() if fl ~= nil then fl.fl:restore() end self.screen_saver_mode = false end function Device:usbPlugIn() --os.execute("echo 'usb in' >> /mnt/us/event_test.txt") if self.charging_mode == false and self.screen_saver_mode == false then Screen:saveCurrentBB() --UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ --text = "Going into USB mode... ", --timeout = 2, --}) --util.sleep(1) --os.execute("killall -cont cvm") end self.charging_mode = true end function Device:usbPlugOut() --os.execute("echo 'usb out' >> /mnt/us/event_test.txt") if self.charging_mode == true and self.screen_saver_mode == false then --util.usleep(1500000) --os.execute("killall -stop cvm") Screen:restoreFromSavedBB() Screen:refresh(0) end --@TODO signal filemanager for file changes 13.06 2012 (houqp) self.charging_mode = false end function Device:getFrontlight() if self.frontlight ~= nil then return self.frontlight elseif self:hasFrontlight() then if self:getModel() == "KindlePaperWhite" then self.frontlight = KindleFrontLight elseif self:isKobo() then self.frontlight = KoboFrontLight else -- emulated FrontLight self.frontlight = BaseFrontLight end self.frontlight:init() end return self.frontlight end function BaseFrontLight:init() end function BaseFrontLight:toggle() end function BaseFrontLight:setIntensityHW() end function BaseFrontLight:setIntensity(intensity) intensity = intensity < self.min and self.min or intensity intensity = intensity > self.max and self.max or intensity self.intensity = intensity self:setIntensityHW() end function KindleFrontLight:init() require "liblipclua" self.lipc_handle = lipc.init("com.github.koreader") if self.lipc_handle then self.intensity = self.lipc_handle:get_int_property("com.lab126.powerd", "flIntensity") end end function KindleFrontLight:toggle() local f =, "r") local sysint = tonumber(f:read("*all"):match("%d+")) f:close() if sysint == 0 then self:setIntensity(self.intensity) else os.execute("echo -n 0 > " .. self.kpw_fl) end end KindleFrontLight.setIntensity = BaseFrontLight.setIntensity function KindleFrontLight:setIntensityHW() if self.lipc_handle ~= nil then self.lipc_handle:set_int_property("com.lab126.powerd", "flIntensity", self.intensity) end end function KoboFrontLight:init() self.fl = end function KoboFrontLight:toggle() if self.fl ~= nil then self.fl:toggle() end end KoboFrontLight.setIntensity = BaseFrontLight.setIntensity function KoboFrontLight:setIntensityHW() if self.fl ~= nil then self.fl:setBrightness(self.intensity) end end