local Generic = require("device/generic/device") -- <= look at this file! local logger = require("logger") local ffi = require("ffi") local inkview = ffi.load("inkview") -- luacheck: push -- luacheck: ignore local EVT_INIT = 21 local EVT_EXIT = 22 local EVT_SHOW = 23 local EVT_REPAINT = 23 local EVT_HIDE = 24 local EVT_KEYDOWN = 25 local EVT_KEYPRESS = 25 local EVT_KEYUP = 26 local EVT_KEYRELEASE = 26 local EVT_KEYREPEAT = 28 local EVT_FOREGROUND = 151 local EVT_BACKGROUND = 152 local KEY_POWER = 0x01 local KEY_DELETE = 0x08 local KEY_OK = 0x0a local KEY_UP = 0x11 local KEY_DOWN = 0x12 local KEY_LEFT = 0x13 local KEY_RIGHT = 0x14 local KEY_MINUS = 0x15 local KEY_PLUS = 0x16 local KEY_MENU = 0x17 local KEY_PREV = 0x18 local KEY_NEXT = 0x19 local KEY_HOME = 0x1a local KEY_BACK = 0x1b local KEY_PREV2 = 0x1c local KEY_NEXT2 = 0x1d local KEY_COVEROPEN = 0x02 local KEY_COVERCLOSE = 0x03 -- luacheck: pop ffi.cdef[[ char *GetSoftwareVersion(void); char *GetDeviceModel(void); ]] local function yes() return true end local function pocketbookEnableWifi(toggle) os.execute("/ebrmain/bin/netagent " .. (toggle == 1 and "connect" or "disconnect")) end local PocketBook = Generic:new{ model = "PocketBook", isPocketBook = yes, isInBackGround = false, } function PocketBook:init() self.input:registerEventAdjustHook(function(_input, ev) if ev.type == EVT_KEYDOWN or ev.type == EVT_KEYUP then ev.code = ev.code ev.value = ev.type == EVT_KEYDOWN and 1 or 0 ev.type = 1 -- EV_KEY elseif ev.type == EVT_BACKGROUND then self.isInBackGround = true self:onPowerEvent("Power") elseif self.isInBackGround and ev.type == EVT_FOREGROUND then self.isInBackGround = false self:onPowerEvent("Power") elseif ev.type == EVT_EXIT then -- auto shutdown event from inkview framework, gracefully close -- everything and let the framework shutdown the device require("ui/uimanager"):broadcastEvent( require("ui/event"):new("Close")) elseif not self.isInBackGround and ev.type == EVT_FOREGROUND then self.screen:refreshPartial() end end) os.remove(self.emu_events_dev) os.execute("mkfifo " .. self.emu_events_dev) self.input.open(self.emu_events_dev, 1) Generic.init(self) end function PocketBook:setDateTime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec) if hour == nil or min == nil then return true end local command if year and month and day then command = string.format("date -s '%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d'", year, month, day, hour, min, sec) else command = string.format("date -s '%d:%d'",hour, min) end if os.execute(command) == 0 then os.execute('hwclock -u -w') return true else return false end end function PocketBook:initNetworkManager(NetworkMgr) NetworkMgr.turnOnWifi = function() pocketbookEnableWifi(1) end NetworkMgr.turnOffWifi = function() pocketbookEnableWifi(0) end end function PocketBook:getSoftwareVersion() return ffi.string(inkview.GetSoftwareVersion()) end function PocketBook:getDeviceModel() return ffi.string(inkview.GetDeviceModel()) end -- PocketBook InkPad local PocketBook840 = PocketBook:new{ isTouchDevice = yes, hasKeys = yes, hasFrontlight = yes, display_dpi = 250, emu_events_dev = "/var/dev/shm/emu_events", } -- PocketBook HD Touch local PocketBook631 = PocketBook:new{ isTouchDevice = yes, hasKeys = yes, hasFrontlight = yes, display_dpi = 300, emu_events_dev = "/dev/shm/emu_events", } -- PocketBook Lux 3 local PocketBook626 = PocketBook:new{ isTouchDevice = yes, hasKeys = yes, hasFrontlight = yes, display_dpi = 212, emu_events_dev = "/var/dev/shm/emu_events", } function PocketBook840:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_mxcfb"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} self.powerd = require("device/pocketbook/powerd"):new{device = self} self.input = require("device/input"):new{ device = self, event_map = { [24] = "LPgBack", [25] = "LPgFwd", [1002] = "Power", } } PocketBook.init(self) end function PocketBook631:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_mxcfb"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} self.powerd = require("device/pocketbook/powerd"):new{device = self} self.input = require("device/input"):new{ device = self, event_map = { [23] = "Menu", [24] = "LPgBack", [25] = "LPgFwd", [1002] = "Power", } } PocketBook.init(self) end function PocketBook626:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_mxcfb"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} self.powerd = require("device/pocketbook/powerd"):new{device = self} self.input = require("device/input"):new{ device = self, event_map = { [24] = "LPgBack", [25] = "LPgFwd", [1002] = "Power", } } PocketBook.init(self) end logger.info('SoftwareVersion: ', PocketBook:getSoftwareVersion()) local codename = PocketBook:getDeviceModel() if codename == "PocketBook 840" then return PocketBook840 elseif codename == "PB631" then return PocketBook631 elseif codename == "PocketBook 626" then return PocketBook626 else error("unrecognized PocketBook model " .. codename) end