--[[-- Interface to k2pdfoptlib backend. --]] local CacheItem = require("cacheitem") local CanvasContext = require("document/canvascontext") local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local DEBUG = require("dbg") local DocCache = require("document/doccache") local Document = require("document/document") local FFIUtil = require("ffi/util") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local KOPTContext = require("ffi/koptcontext") local Persist = require("persist") local TextBoxWidget = require("ui/widget/textboxwidget") local TileCacheItem = require("document/tilecacheitem") local Utf8Proc = require("ffi/utf8proc") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local KoptInterface = { ocrengine = "ocrengine", -- If `$TESSDATA_PREFIX` is set, don't override it: let libk2pdfopt honor it -- (which includes checking for data in both `$TESSDATA_PREFIX/tessdata` and -- in `$TESSDATA_PREFIX/` on more recent versions). tessocr_data = not os.getenv('TESSDATA_PREFIX') and DataStorage:getDataDir().."/data/tessdata" or nil, ocr_lang = "eng", ocr_type = 3, -- default 0, for more accuracy use 3 last_context_size = nil, default_context_size = 1024*1024, } local ContextCacheItem = CacheItem:new{} function ContextCacheItem:onFree() KoptInterface:waitForContext(self.kctx) logger.dbg("ContextCacheItem: free KOPTContext", self.kctx) self.kctx:free() end function ContextCacheItem:dump(filename) if self.kctx:isPreCache() == 0 then logger.dbg("Dumping KOPTContext to", filename) local cache_file = Persist:new{ path = filename, codec = "zstd", } local t = KOPTContext.totable(self.kctx) t.cache_size = self.size local ok, size = cache_file:save(t) if ok then return size else logger.warn("Failed to dump KOPTContext") return nil end end end function ContextCacheItem:load(filename) logger.dbg("Loading KOPTContext from", filename) local cache_file = Persist:new{ path = filename, codec = "zstd", } local t = cache_file:load(filename) if t then self.size = t.cache_size self.kctx = KOPTContext.fromtable(t) else logger.warn("Failed to load KOPTContext") end end local OCREngine = CacheItem:new{} function OCREngine:onFree() if self.ocrengine.freeOCR then logger.dbg("free OCREngine", self.ocrengine) self.ocrengine:freeOCR() end end function KoptInterface:setDefaultConfigurable(configurable) configurable.doc_language = G_defaults:readSetting("DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_DOC_DEFAULT_LANG_CODE") configurable.trim_page = G_defaults:readSetting("DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_TRIM_PAGE") configurable.text_wrap = G_defaults:readSetting("DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_TEXT_WRAP") configurable.detect_indent = G_defaults:readSetting("DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_DETECT_INDENT") configurable.max_columns = G_defaults:readSetting("DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_MAX_COLUMNS") configurable.auto_straighten = G_defaults:readSetting("DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_AUTO_STRAIGHTEN") configurable.justification = G_defaults:readSetting("DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_JUSTIFICATION") configurable.writing_direction = 0 configurable.font_size = G_defaults:readSetting("DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_FONT_SIZE") configurable.page_margin = G_defaults:readSetting("DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_PAGE_MARGIN") configurable.quality = G_defaults:readSetting("DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_RENDER_QUALITY") configurable.contrast = G_defaults:readSetting("DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_CONTRAST") configurable.defect_size = G_defaults:readSetting("DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_DEFECT_SIZE") configurable.line_spacing = G_defaults:readSetting("DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_LINE_SPACING") configurable.word_spacing = G_defaults:readSetting("DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_DEFAULT_WORD_SPACING") end function KoptInterface:waitForContext(kc) -- If our koptcontext is busy in a background thread, isPreCache will return 1. local waited = false while kc and kc:isPreCache() == 1 do waited = true logger.dbg("waiting for background rendering") FFIUtil.usleep(100000) end if waited or self.bg_thread then -- Background thread is done, go back to a single CPU core. CanvasContext:enableCPUCores(1) self.bg_thread = nil end return kc end --[[-- Get reflow context. --]] function KoptInterface:createContext(doc, pageno, bbox) -- Now koptcontext keeps track of its dst bitmap reflowed by libk2pdfopt. -- So there is no need to check background context when creating new context. local kc = KOPTContext.new() local canvas_size = CanvasContext:getSize() local lang = doc.configurable.doc_language if lang == "chi_sim" or lang == "chi_tra" or lang == "jpn" or lang == "kor" then kc:setCJKChar() end kc:setLanguage(lang) kc:setTrim(doc.configurable.trim_page) kc:setWrap(doc.configurable.text_wrap) kc:setIndent(doc.configurable.detect_indent) kc:setColumns(doc.configurable.max_columns) kc:setDeviceDim(canvas_size.w, canvas_size.h) kc:setDeviceDPI(CanvasContext:getDPI()) kc:setStraighten(doc.configurable.auto_straighten) kc:setJustification(doc.configurable.justification) kc:setWritingDirection(doc.configurable.writing_direction) kc:setZoom(doc.configurable.font_size) kc:setMargin(doc.configurable.page_margin) kc:setQuality(doc.configurable.quality) -- k2pdfopt (for reflowing) and mupdf use different algorithms to apply gamma when rendering kc:setContrast(1 / doc.configurable.contrast) kc:setDefectSize(doc.configurable.defect_size) kc:setLineSpacing(doc.configurable.line_spacing) kc:setWordSpacing(doc.configurable.word_spacing) if bbox then if bbox.x0 >= bbox.x1 or bbox.y0 >= bbox.y1 then local page_size = Document.getNativePageDimensions(doc, pageno) bbox.x0, bbox.y0 = 0, 0 bbox.x1, bbox.y1 = page_size.w, page_size.h end kc:setBBox(bbox.x0, bbox.y0, bbox.x1, bbox.y1) end if DEBUG.is_on then kc:setDebug() end return kc end function KoptInterface:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox, hash_list) local canvas_size = CanvasContext:getSize() table.insert(hash_list, doc.file) table.insert(hash_list, doc.mod_time) table.insert(hash_list, doc.render_color and 'color' or 'bw') table.insert(hash_list, doc.render_mode) table.insert(hash_list, pageno) doc.configurable:hash(hash_list) table.insert(hash_list, bbox.x0) table.insert(hash_list, bbox.y0) table.insert(hash_list, bbox.x1) table.insert(hash_list, bbox.y1) table.insert(hash_list, canvas_size.w) table.insert(hash_list, canvas_size.h) end function KoptInterface:getPageBBox(doc, pageno) if doc.configurable.text_wrap ~= 1 and doc.configurable.trim_page == 1 then -- auto bbox finding return self:getAutoBBox(doc, pageno) elseif doc.configurable.text_wrap ~= 1 and doc.configurable.trim_page == 2 then -- semi-auto bbox finding return self:getSemiAutoBBox(doc, pageno) else -- get saved manual bbox return Document.getPageBBox(doc, pageno) end end --[[-- Auto detect bbox. --]] function KoptInterface:getAutoBBox(doc, pageno) local native_size = Document.getNativePageDimensions(doc, pageno) local bbox = { x0 = 0, y0 = 0, x1 = native_size.w, y1 = native_size.h, } local hash_list = { "autobbox" } self:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox, hash_list) local hash = table.concat(hash_list, "|") local cached = DocCache:check(hash) if not cached then local page = doc._document:openPage(pageno) local kc = self:createContext(doc, pageno, bbox) page:getPagePix(kc, doc.render_mode) local x0, y0, x1, y1 = kc:getAutoBBox() local w, h = native_size.w, native_size.h if (x1 - x0)/w > 0.1 or (y1 - y0)/h > 0.1 then bbox.x0, bbox.y0, bbox.x1, bbox.y1 = x0, y0, x1, y1 else bbox = Document.getPageBBox(doc, pageno) end DocCache:insert(hash, CacheItem:new{ autobbox = bbox, size = 160 }) page:close() kc:free() return bbox else return cached.autobbox end end --[[-- Detect bbox within user restricted bbox. --]] function KoptInterface:getSemiAutoBBox(doc, pageno) -- use manual bbox local bbox = Document.getPageBBox(doc, pageno) local hash_list = { "semiautobbox" } self:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox, hash_list) local hash = table.concat(hash_list, "|") local cached = DocCache:check(hash) if not cached then local page = doc._document:openPage(pageno) local kc = self:createContext(doc, pageno, bbox) local auto_bbox = {} page:getPagePix(kc, doc.render_mode) auto_bbox.x0, auto_bbox.y0, auto_bbox.x1, auto_bbox.y1 = kc:getAutoBBox() auto_bbox.x0 = auto_bbox.x0 + bbox.x0 auto_bbox.y0 = auto_bbox.y0 + bbox.y0 auto_bbox.x1 = auto_bbox.x1 + bbox.x0 auto_bbox.y1 = auto_bbox.y1 + bbox.y0 logger.dbg("Semi-auto detected bbox", auto_bbox) local native_size = Document.getNativePageDimensions(doc, pageno) if (auto_bbox.x1 - auto_bbox.x0)/native_size.w < 0.1 and (auto_bbox.y1 - auto_bbox.y0)/native_size.h < 0.1 then logger.dbg("Semi-auto detected bbox too small, using manual bbox") auto_bbox = bbox end page:close() DocCache:insert(hash, CacheItem:new{ semiautobbox = auto_bbox, size = 160 }) kc:free() return auto_bbox else return cached.semiautobbox end end --[[-- Get cached koptcontext for a certain page. If the context doesn't exist in cache, make a new context and reflow the src page immediately, or wait for the background thread with reflowed context. --]] function KoptInterface:getCachedContext(doc, pageno) local bbox = doc:getPageBBox(pageno) local hash_list = { "kctx" } self:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox, hash_list) local hash = table.concat(hash_list, "|") local cached = DocCache:check(hash, ContextCacheItem) if not cached then -- If kctx is not cached, create one and get reflowed bmp in foreground. local kc = self:createContext(doc, pageno, bbox) local page = doc._document:openPage(pageno) logger.dbg("reflowing page", pageno, "in foreground") -- reflow page --local secs, usecs = FFIUtil.gettime() page:reflow(kc, doc.render_mode) page:close() --local nsecs, nusecs = FFIUtil.gettime() --local dur = nsecs - secs + (nusecs - usecs) / 1000000 --self:logReflowDuration(pageno, dur) local fullwidth, fullheight = kc:getPageDim() logger.dbg("reflowed page", pageno, "fullwidth:", fullwidth, "fullheight:", fullheight) self.last_context_size = fullwidth * fullheight + 3072 -- estimation DocCache:insert(hash, ContextCacheItem:new{ persistent = true, doc_path = doc.file, size = self.last_context_size, kctx = kc }) return kc else -- wait for background thread local kc = self:waitForContext(cached.kctx) local fullwidth, fullheight = kc:getPageDim() self.last_context_size = fullwidth * fullheight + 3072 -- estimation return kc end end --[[-- Get page dimensions. --]] function KoptInterface:getPageDimensions(doc, pageno, zoom, rotation) if doc.configurable.text_wrap == 1 then return self:getRFPageDimensions(doc, pageno, zoom, rotation) else return Document.getPageDimensions(doc, pageno, zoom, rotation) end end --[[-- Get reflowed page dimensions. --]] function KoptInterface:getRFPageDimensions(doc, pageno, zoom, rotation) local kc = self:getCachedContext(doc, pageno) local fullwidth, fullheight = kc:getPageDim() return Geom:new{ w = fullwidth, h = fullheight } end --[[-- Get first page image. --]] function KoptInterface:getCoverPageImage(doc) local native_size = Document.getNativePageDimensions(doc, 1) local canvas_size = CanvasContext:getSize() local zoom = math.min(canvas_size.w / native_size.w, canvas_size.h / native_size.h) local tile = Document.renderPage(doc, 1, nil, zoom, 0, 1.0) if tile then return tile.bb:copy() end end function KoptInterface:renderPage(doc, pageno, rect, zoom, rotation, gamma, hinting) if doc.configurable.text_wrap == 1 then return self:renderReflowedPage(doc, pageno, rect, zoom, rotation, hinting) elseif doc.configurable.page_opt == 1 or doc.configurable.auto_straighten > 0 then return self:renderOptimizedPage(doc, pageno, rect, zoom, rotation, hinting) else return Document.renderPage(doc, pageno, rect, zoom, rotation, gamma, hinting) end end --[[-- Render reflowed page into tile cache. Inherited from common document interface. --]] function KoptInterface:renderReflowedPage(doc, pageno, rect, zoom, rotation) local bbox = doc:getPageBBox(pageno) local hash_list = { "renderpg" } self:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox, hash_list) local hash = table.concat(hash_list, "|") local cached = DocCache:check(hash) if not cached then -- do the real reflowing if kctx has not been cached yet local kc = self:getCachedContext(doc, pageno) local fullwidth, fullheight = kc:getPageDim() if not DocCache:willAccept(fullwidth * fullheight) then -- whole page won't fit into cache error("aborting, since we don't have enough cache for this page") end -- prepare cache item with contained blitbuffer local tile = TileCacheItem:new{ excerpt = Geom:new{ w = fullwidth, h = fullheight }, pageno = pageno, } tile.bb = kc:dstToBlitBuffer() tile.size = tonumber(tile.bb.stride) * tile.bb.h + 512 -- estimation DocCache:insert(hash, tile) return tile else return cached end end --[[-- Render optimized page into tile cache. Inherited from common document interface. --]] function KoptInterface:renderOptimizedPage(doc, pageno, rect, zoom, rotation, hinting) local bbox = doc:getPageBBox(pageno) local hash_list = { "renderoptpg" } self:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox, hash_list) local hash = table.concat(hash_list, "|") local cached = DocCache:check(hash, TileCacheItem) if not cached then if hinting then CanvasContext:enableCPUCores(2) end local page_size = Document.getNativePageDimensions(doc, pageno) local full_page_bbox = { x0 = 0, y0 = 0, x1 = page_size.w, y1 = page_size.h, } local kc = self:createContext(doc, pageno, full_page_bbox) local page = doc._document:openPage(pageno) kc:setZoom(zoom) page:getPagePix(kc, doc.render_mode) page:close() logger.dbg("optimizing page", pageno) kc:optimizePage() local fullwidth, fullheight = kc:getPageDim() -- prepare cache item with contained blitbuffer local tile = TileCacheItem:new{ persistent = true, doc_path = doc.file, excerpt = Geom:new{ x = 0, y = 0, w = fullwidth, h = fullheight }, pageno = pageno, } tile.bb = kc:dstToBlitBuffer() tile.size = tonumber(tile.bb.stride) * tile.bb.h + 512 -- estimation kc:free() DocCache:insert(hash, tile) if hinting then CanvasContext:enableCPUCores(1) end return tile else return cached end end function KoptInterface:hintPage(doc, pageno, zoom, rotation, gamma) --- @note: Crappy safeguard around memory issues like in #7627: if we're eating too much RAM, drop half the cache... DocCache:memoryPressureCheck() if doc.configurable.text_wrap == 1 then self:hintReflowedPage(doc, pageno, zoom, rotation, gamma, true) elseif doc.configurable.page_opt == 1 or doc.configurable.auto_straighten > 0 then self:renderOptimizedPage(doc, pageno, nil, zoom, rotation, gamma, true) else Document.hintPage(doc, pageno, zoom, rotation, gamma) end end --[[-- Render reflowed page into cache in background thread. This method returns immediately, leaving the precache flag on in context. Subsequent usage of this context should wait for the precache flag off by calling self:waitForContext(kctx) Inherited from common document interface. --]] function KoptInterface:hintReflowedPage(doc, pageno, zoom, rotation, gamma, hinting) local bbox = doc:getPageBBox(pageno) local hash_list = { "kctx" } self:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox, hash_list) local hash = table.concat(hash_list, "|") local cached = DocCache:check(hash) if not cached then if hinting then CanvasContext:enableCPUCores(2) end local kc = self:createContext(doc, pageno, bbox) local page = doc._document:openPage(pageno) logger.dbg("hinting page", pageno, "in background") -- reflow will return immediately and running in background thread kc:setPreCache() self.bg_thread = true page:reflow(kc, doc.render_mode) page:close() DocCache:insert(hash, ContextCacheItem:new{ size = self.last_context_size or self.default_context_size, kctx = kc, }) -- We'll wait until the background thread is done to go back to a single core, as this returns immediately! -- c.f., :waitForContext end end function KoptInterface:drawPage(doc, target, x, y, rect, pageno, zoom, rotation, gamma) if doc.configurable.text_wrap == 1 then self:drawContextPage(doc, target, x, y, rect, pageno, zoom, rotation) elseif doc.configurable.page_opt == 1 or doc.configurable.auto_straighten > 0 then self:drawContextPage(doc, target, x, y, rect, pageno, zoom, rotation) else Document.drawPage(doc, target, x, y, rect, pageno, zoom, rotation, gamma) end end --[[-- Draw cached tile pixels into target blitbuffer. Inherited from common document interface. --]] function KoptInterface:drawContextPage(doc, target, x, y, rect, pageno, zoom, rotation) local tile = self:renderPage(doc, pageno, rect, zoom, rotation, 1.0) target:blitFrom(tile.bb, x, y, rect.x - tile.excerpt.x, rect.y - tile.excerpt.y, rect.w, rect.h) end --[[ Extract text boxes in a MuPDF/Djvu page. Returned boxes are in native page coordinates zoomed at `1.0`. --]] function KoptInterface:getTextBoxes(doc, pageno) local text = doc:getPageTextBoxes(pageno) if text and #text > 1 and doc.configurable.forced_ocr ~= 1 then return text -- if we have no text in original page then we will reuse native word boxes -- in reflow mode and find text boxes from scratch in non-reflow mode else if doc.configurable.text_wrap == 1 then return self:getNativeTextBoxes(doc, pageno) else return self:getNativeTextBoxesFromScratch(doc, pageno) end end end --[[-- Get text boxes in reflowed page via rectmaps in koptcontext. --]] function KoptInterface:getReflowedTextBoxes(doc, pageno) local bbox = doc:getPageBBox(pageno) local hash_list = { "rfpgboxes" } self:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox, hash_list) local hash = table.concat(hash_list, "|") local cached = DocCache:check(hash) if not cached then local kc local kctx_hash = hash:gsub("^rfpgboxes|", "kctx|") cached = DocCache:check(kctx_hash) if not cached then kc = self:getCachedContext(doc, pageno) else kc = self:waitForContext(cached.kctx) end --kc:setDebug() local fullwidth, fullheight = kc:getPageDim() local boxes, nr_word = kc:getReflowedWordBoxes("dst", 0, 0, fullwidth, fullheight) if not boxes then return end DocCache:insert(hash, CacheItem:new{ rfpgboxes = boxes, size = 192 * nr_word }) -- estimation return boxes else return cached.rfpgboxes end end --[[-- Get text boxes in native page via rectmaps in koptcontext. --]] function KoptInterface:getNativeTextBoxes(doc, pageno) local bbox = doc:getPageBBox(pageno) local hash_list = { "nativepgboxes" } self:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox, hash_list) local hash = table.concat(hash_list, "|") local cached = DocCache:check(hash) if not cached then local kc local kctx_hash = hash:gsub("^nativepgboxes|", "kctx|") cached = DocCache:check(kctx_hash) if not cached then kc = self:createContext(doc, pageno) DocCache:insert(kctx_hash, ContextCacheItem:new{ persistent = true, doc_path = doc.file, size = self.last_context_size or self.default_context_size, kctx = kc, }) else kc = self:waitForContext(cached.kctx) end --kc:setDebug() local fullwidth, fullheight = kc:getPageDim() local boxes, nr_word = kc:getNativeWordBoxes("dst", 0, 0, fullwidth, fullheight) if not boxes then return end DocCache:insert(hash, CacheItem:new{ nativepgboxes = boxes, size = 192 * nr_word }) -- estimation return boxes else return cached.nativepgboxes end end --[[-- Get text boxes in reflowed page via optical method. Done by OCR pre-processing in Tesseract and Leptonica. --]] function KoptInterface:getReflowedTextBoxesFromScratch(doc, pageno) local bbox = doc:getPageBBox(pageno) local hash_list = { "scratchrfpgboxes" } self:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox, hash_list) local hash = table.concat(hash_list, "|") local cached = DocCache:check(hash) if not cached then local reflowed_kc local kctx_hash = hash:gsub("^scratchrfpgboxes|", "kctx|") cached = DocCache:check(kctx_hash) if not cached then reflowed_kc = self:getCachedContext(doc, pageno) else reflowed_kc = self:waitForContext(cached.kctx) end local fullwidth, fullheight = reflowed_kc:getPageDim() local kc = self:createContext(doc, pageno) kc:copyDestBMP(reflowed_kc) local boxes, nr_word = kc:getNativeWordBoxes("dst", 0, 0, fullwidth, fullheight) kc:free() if not boxes then return end DocCache:insert(hash, CacheItem:new{ scratchrfpgboxes = boxes, size = 192 * nr_word }) -- estimation return boxes else return cached.scratchrfpgboxes end end function KoptInterface:getPanelFromPage(doc, pageno, ges) local page_size = Document.getNativePageDimensions(doc, pageno) local bbox = { x0 = 0, y0 = 0, x1 = page_size.w, y1 = page_size.h, } local kc = self:createContext(doc, pageno, bbox) kc:setZoom(1.0) local page = doc._document:openPage(pageno) page:getPagePix(kc, doc.render_mode) local panel = kc:getPanelFromPage(ges) page:close() kc:free() return panel end --[[-- Get text boxes in native page via optical method. Done by OCR pre-processing in Tesseract and Leptonica. --]] function KoptInterface:getNativeTextBoxesFromScratch(doc, pageno) local hash = "scratchnativepgboxes|"..doc.file.."|"..pageno local cached = DocCache:check(hash) if not cached then local page_size = Document.getNativePageDimensions(doc, pageno) local bbox = { x0 = 0, y0 = 0, x1 = page_size.w, y1 = page_size.h, } local kc = self:createContext(doc, pageno, bbox) kc:setZoom(1.0) local page = doc._document:openPage(pageno) page:getPagePix(kc, doc.render_mode) local boxes, nr_word = kc:getNativeWordBoxes("src", 0, 0, page_size.w, page_size.h) if boxes then DocCache:insert(hash, CacheItem:new{ scratchnativepgboxes = boxes, size = 192 * nr_word }) -- estimation end page:close() kc:free() return boxes else return cached.scratchnativepgboxes end end --[[-- Get page regions in native page via optical method. --]] function KoptInterface:getPageBlock(doc, pageno, x, y) local kctx local bbox = doc:getPageBBox(pageno) local hash_list = { "pageblocks" } self:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox, hash_list) local hash = table.concat(hash_list, "|") local cached = DocCache:check(hash) if not cached then local page_size = Document.getNativePageDimensions(doc, pageno) local full_page_bbox = { x0 = 0, y0 = 0, x1 = page_size.w, y1 = page_size.h, } local kc = self:createContext(doc, pageno, full_page_bbox) -- leptonica needs a source image of at least 300dpi kc:setZoom(CanvasContext:getWidth() / page_size.w * 300 / CanvasContext:getDPI()) local page = doc._document:openPage(pageno) page:getPagePix(kc, doc.render_mode) kc:findPageBlocks() DocCache:insert(hash, CacheItem:new{ kctx = kc, size = 3072 }) -- estimation page:close() kctx = kc else kctx = cached.kctx end return kctx:getPageBlock(x, y) end --[[-- Get word from OCR providing selected word box. --]] function KoptInterface:getOCRWord(doc, pageno, wbox) if not DocCache:check(self.ocrengine) then DocCache:insert(self.ocrengine, OCREngine:new{ ocrengine = KOPTContext.new(), size = 3072 }) -- estimation end if doc.configurable.text_wrap == 1 then return self:getReflewOCRWord(doc, pageno, wbox.sbox) else return self:getNativeOCRWord(doc, pageno, wbox.sbox) end end --[[-- Get word from OCR in reflew page. --]] function KoptInterface:getReflewOCRWord(doc, pageno, rect) self.ocr_lang = doc.configurable.doc_language local bbox = doc:getPageBBox(pageno) local hash_list = { "rfocrword" } self:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox, hash_list) table.insert(hash_list, rect.x) table.insert(hash_list, rect.y) table.insert(hash_list, rect.w) table.insert(hash_list, rect.h) local hash = table.concat(hash_list, "|") local cached = DocCache:check(hash) if not cached then local kc local kctx_hash = hash:gsub("^rfocrword|", "kctx|") cached = DocCache:check(kctx_hash) if not cached then kc = self:getCachedContext(doc, pageno) else kc = self:waitForContext(cached.kctx) end local _, word = pcall( kc.getTOCRWord, kc, "dst", rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h, self.tessocr_data, self.ocr_lang, self.ocr_type, 0, 1) DocCache:insert(hash, CacheItem:new{ rfocrword = word, size = #word + 64 }) -- estimation return word else return cached.rfocrword end end --[[-- Get word from OCR in native page. --]] function KoptInterface:getNativeOCRWord(doc, pageno, rect) self.ocr_lang = doc.configurable.doc_language local hash = "ocrword|"..doc.file.."|"..pageno..rect.x..rect.y..rect.w..rect.h logger.dbg("hash", hash) local cached = DocCache:check(hash) if not cached then local bbox = { x0 = rect.x - math.floor(rect.h * 0.3), y0 = rect.y - math.floor(rect.h * 0.3), x1 = rect.x + rect.w + math.floor(rect.h * 0.3), y1 = rect.y + rect.h + math.floor(rect.h * 0.3), } local kc = self:createContext(doc, pageno, bbox) kc:setZoom(30/rect.h) local page = doc._document:openPage(pageno) page:getPagePix(kc, doc.render_mode) --kc:exportSrcPNGFile({rect}, nil, "ocr-word.png") local word_w, word_h = kc:getPageDim() local _, word = pcall( kc.getTOCRWord, kc, "src", 0, 0, word_w, word_h, self.tessocr_data, self.ocr_lang, self.ocr_type, 0, 1) DocCache:insert(hash, CacheItem:new{ ocrword = word, size = #word + 64 }) -- estimation logger.dbg("word", word) page:close() kc:free() return word else return cached.ocrword end end --[[-- Get text from OCR providing selected text boxes. --]] function KoptInterface:getOCRText(doc, pageno, tboxes) if not DocCache:check(self.ocrengine) then DocCache:insert(self.ocrengine, OCREngine:new{ ocrengine = KOPTContext.new(), size = 3072 }) -- estimation end logger.info("Not implemented yet") end function KoptInterface:getClipPageContext(doc, pos0, pos1, pboxes, drawer) assert(pos0.page == pos1.page) assert(pos0.zoom == pos1.zoom) local rect if pboxes and #pboxes > 0 then rect = Geom.boundingBox(pboxes) else local zoom = pos0.zoom or 1 rect = { x = math.min(pos0.x, pos1.x)/zoom, y = math.min(pos0.y, pos1.y)/zoom, w = math.abs(pos0.x - pos1.x)/zoom, h = math.abs(pos0.y - pos1.y)/zoom } end local bbox = { x0 = rect.x, y0 = rect.y, x1 = rect.x + rect.w, y1 = rect.y + rect.h } local kc = self:createContext(doc, pos0.page, bbox) local page = doc._document:openPage(pos0.page) page:getPagePix(kc, doc.render_mode) page:close() return kc, rect end function KoptInterface:clipPagePNGFile(doc, pos0, pos1, pboxes, drawer, filename) local kc = self:getClipPageContext(doc, pos0, pos1, pboxes, drawer) kc:exportSrcPNGFile(pboxes, drawer, filename) kc:free() end function KoptInterface:clipPagePNGString(doc, pos0, pos1, pboxes, drawer) local kc = self:getClipPageContext(doc, pos0, pos1, pboxes, drawer) -- there is no fmemopen in Android so leptonica.pixWriteMemPng will -- fail silently, workaround is creating a PNG file and read back the string local png = nil if FFIUtil.isAndroid() then local tmp = "cache/tmpclippng.png" kc:exportSrcPNGFile(pboxes, drawer, tmp) local pngfile = io.open(tmp, "rb") if pngfile then png = pngfile:read("*all") pngfile:close() end else png = kc:exportSrcPNGString(pboxes, drawer) end kc:free() return png end --[[-- Get index of nearest word box around `pos`. --]] local function inside_box(box, pos) local x, y = pos.x, pos.y if box.x0 <= x and box.y0 <= y and box.x1 >= x and box.y1 >= y then return true end return false end local function box_distance(box, pos) if inside_box(box, pos) then return 0 else local x0, y0 = pos.x, pos.y local x1, y1 = (box.x0 + box.x1) / 2, (box.y0 + box.y1) / 2 return (x0 - x1)*(x0 - x1) + (y0 - y1)*(y0 - y1) end end local function getWordBoxIndices(boxes, pos) local m, n = 1, 1 for i = 1, #boxes do for j = 1, #boxes[i] do if box_distance(boxes[i][j], pos) < box_distance(boxes[m][n], pos) then m, n = i, j end end end return m, n end --[[-- Get word and word box around `pos`. --]] function KoptInterface:getWordFromBoxes(boxes, pos) if not pos or not boxes or #boxes == 0 then return {} end local i, j = getWordBoxIndices(boxes, pos) local lb = boxes[i] local wb = boxes[i][j] if lb and wb then local box = Geom:new{ x = wb.x0, y = lb.y0, w = wb.x1 - wb.x0, h = lb.y1 - lb.y0, } return { word = wb.word, box = box, } end end --[[-- Get text and text boxes between `pos0` and `pos1`. --]] function KoptInterface:getTextFromBoxes(boxes, pos0, pos1) if not pos0 or not pos1 or #boxes == 0 then return {} end local line_text = "" local line_boxes = {} local i_start, j_start = getWordBoxIndices(boxes, pos0) local i_stop, j_stop = getWordBoxIndices(boxes, pos1) if i_start == i_stop and j_start > j_stop or i_start > i_stop then i_start, i_stop = i_stop, i_start j_start, j_stop = j_stop, j_start end for i = i_start, i_stop do if i_start == i_stop and #boxes[i] == 0 then break end -- insert line words local j0 = i > i_start and 1 or j_start local j1 = i < i_stop and #boxes[i] or j_stop local line_first_word_seen = false local prev_word local prev_word_end_x for j = j0, j1 do local word = boxes[i][j].word if word then if not line_first_word_seen then line_first_word_seen = true if #line_text > 0 then if line_text:sub(-1) == "-" then -- Previous line ended with a minus. -- Assume it's some hyphenation and discard it. line_text = line_text:sub(1, -2) elseif line_text:sub(-2, -1) == "\u{00AD}" then -- Previous line ended with a hyphen. -- Assume it's some hyphenation and discard it. line_text = line_text:sub(1, -3) else -- No hyphenation, add a space (might be not welcome -- with CJK text, but well...) line_text = line_text .. " " end end end local box = boxes[i][j] if prev_word then -- A box should have been made for each word, so assume -- we want a space between them, with some exceptions local add_space = true local box_height = box.y1 - box.y0 local dist_from_prev_word = box.x0 - prev_word_end_x if prev_word:sub(-1, -1) == " " or word:sub(1, 1) == " " then -- Already a space between these words add_space = false elseif dist_from_prev_word < box_height * 0.03 then -- If the space between previous word box and this word box -- is smaller than 5% of box height, assume these boxes -- should be stuck add_space = false elseif dist_from_prev_word < box_height * 0.8 then local prev_word_end = prev_word:match(util.UTF8_CHAR_PATTERN.."$") local word_start = word:match(util.UTF8_CHAR_PATTERN) if util.isCJKChar(prev_word_end) and util.isCJKChar(word_start) then -- Two CJK chars whose spacing is not large enough, -- but even so they must not have a space added. add_space = false end end if add_space then word = " " .. word end end line_text = line_text .. word prev_word = word prev_word_end_x = box.x1 end end -- insert line box local lb = boxes[i] if i > i_start and i < i_stop then local line_box = Geom:new{ x = lb.x0, y = lb.y0, w = lb.x1 - lb.x0, h = lb.y1 - lb.y0, } table.insert(line_boxes, line_box) elseif i == i_start and i < i_stop then local wb = boxes[i][j_start] local line_box = Geom:new{ x = wb.x0, y = lb.y0, w = lb.x1 - wb.x0, h = lb.y1 - lb.y0, } table.insert(line_boxes, line_box) elseif i > i_start and i == i_stop then local wb = boxes[i][j_stop] local line_box = Geom:new{ x = lb.x0, y = lb.y0, w = wb.x1 - lb.x0, h = lb.y1 - lb.y0, } table.insert(line_boxes, line_box) elseif i == i_start and i == i_stop then local wb_start = boxes[i][j_start] local wb_stop = boxes[i][j_stop] local line_box = Geom:new{ x = wb_start.x0, y = lb.y0, w = wb_stop.x1 - wb_start.x0, h = lb.y1 - lb.y0, } table.insert(line_boxes, line_box) end end return { text = line_text, boxes = line_boxes, } end --[[-- Get word and word box from `doc` position. ]]-- function KoptInterface:getWordFromPosition(doc, pos) local text_boxes = self:getTextBoxes(doc, pos.page) if text_boxes then self.last_text_boxes = text_boxes if doc.configurable.text_wrap == 1 then return self:getWordFromReflowPosition(doc, text_boxes, pos) else return self:getWordFromNativePosition(doc, text_boxes, pos) end end end local function getBoxRelativePosition(s_box, l_box) local pos_rel = {} local s_box_center = s_box:center() pos_rel.x = (s_box_center.x - l_box.x)/l_box.w pos_rel.y = (s_box_center.y - l_box.y)/l_box.h return pos_rel end --[[-- Get word and word box from position in reflowed page. ]]-- function KoptInterface:getWordFromReflowPosition(doc, boxes, pos) local pageno = pos.page local scratch_reflowed_page_boxes = self:getReflowedTextBoxesFromScratch(doc, pageno) if not DEBUG.dassert(scratch_reflowed_page_boxes and next(scratch_reflowed_page_boxes) ~= nil, "scratch_reflowed_page_boxes shouldn't be nil/{}") then return end local scratch_reflowed_word_box = self:getWordFromBoxes(scratch_reflowed_page_boxes, pos) local reflowed_page_boxes = self:getReflowedTextBoxes(doc, pageno) local reflowed_word_box = self:getWordFromBoxes(reflowed_page_boxes, pos) local reflowed_pos_abs = scratch_reflowed_word_box.box:center() local reflowed_pos_rel = getBoxRelativePosition(scratch_reflowed_word_box.box, reflowed_word_box.box) local native_pos = self:reflowToNativePosTransform(doc, pageno, reflowed_pos_abs, reflowed_pos_rel) local native_word_box = self:getWordFromBoxes(boxes, native_pos) local word_box = { word = native_word_box.word, pbox = native_word_box.box, -- box on page sbox = scratch_reflowed_word_box.box, -- box on screen pos = native_pos, } return word_box end --[[-- Get word and word box from position in native page. ]]-- function KoptInterface:getWordFromNativePosition(doc, boxes, pos) local native_word_box = self:getWordFromBoxes(boxes, pos) local word_box = { word = native_word_box.word, pbox = native_word_box.box, -- box on page sbox = native_word_box.box, -- box on screen pos = pos, } return word_box end local function get_prev_text(boxes, i, j, nb_words) local prev_count = 0 local prev_text = {} while prev_count < nb_words do if i == 1 and j == 1 then break elseif j == 1 then i = i - 1 j = #boxes[i] else j = j - 1 end local current_word = boxes[i][j].word if #current_word > 0 then table.insert(prev_text, 1, current_word) prev_count = prev_count + 1 end end if #prev_text > 0 then return table.concat(prev_text, " ") end end local function get_next_text(boxes, i, j, nb_words) local next_count = 0 local next_text = {} while next_count < nb_words do if i == #boxes and j == #boxes[i] then break elseif j == #boxes[i] then i = i + 1 j = 1 else j = j + 1 end local current_word = boxes[i][j].word if #current_word > 0 then table.insert(next_text, current_word) next_count = next_count + 1 end end if #next_text > 0 then return table.concat(next_text, " ") end end function KoptInterface:getSelectedWordContext(word, nb_words, pos) local boxes = self.last_text_boxes if not pos or not boxes or #boxes == 0 then return end local i, j = getWordBoxIndices(boxes, pos) if boxes[i][j].word ~= word then return end local prev_text = get_prev_text(boxes, i, j, nb_words) local next_text = get_next_text(boxes, i, j, nb_words) return prev_text, next_text end --[[-- Get link from position in screen page. ]]-- function KoptInterface:getLinkFromPosition(doc, pageno, pos) local function _inside_box(coords, box) if coords then local x, y = coords.x, coords.y if box.x <= x and box.y <= y and box.x + box.w >= x and box.y + box.h >= y then return true end end end local page_links = doc:getPageLinks(pageno) if page_links then if doc.configurable.text_wrap == 1 then pos = self:reflowToNativePosTransform(doc, pageno, pos, {x=0.5, y=0.5}) end local offset = CanvasContext:scaleBySize(5) local len = CanvasContext:scaleBySize(10) for i = 1, #page_links do local link = page_links[i] -- enlarge tappable link box local lbox = Geom:new{ x = link.x0 - offset, y = link.y0 - offset, w = link.x1 - link.x0 + len, h = link.y1 - link.y0 + len, } -- Allow external links, with link.uri instead of link.page if _inside_box(pos, lbox) then -- and link.page then return link, lbox end end end end --[[-- Transform position in native page to reflowed page. ]]-- function KoptInterface:nativeToReflowPosTransform(doc, pageno, pos) local kc = self:getCachedContext(doc, pageno) local rpos = {page = pageno} rpos.x, rpos.y = kc:nativeToReflowPosTransform(pos.x, pos.y) return rpos end --[[-- Transform position in reflowed page to native page. ]]-- function KoptInterface:reflowToNativePosTransform(doc, pageno, abs_pos, rel_pos) local kc = self:getCachedContext(doc, pageno) local npos = {page = pageno} npos.x, npos.y = kc:reflowToNativePosTransform(abs_pos.x, abs_pos.y, rel_pos.x, rel_pos.y) return npos end --[[-- Get text and text boxes from screen positions. --]] function KoptInterface:getTextFromPositions(doc, pos0, pos1) local text_boxes = self:getTextBoxes(doc, pos0.page) if text_boxes then if doc.configurable.text_wrap == 1 then return self:getTextFromReflowPositions(doc, text_boxes, pos0, pos1) else return self:getTextFromNativePositions(doc, text_boxes, pos0, pos1) end end end --[[-- Get text and text boxes from screen positions for reflowed page. ]]-- function KoptInterface:getTextFromReflowPositions(doc, native_boxes, pos0, pos1) local pageno = pos0.page local scratch_reflowed_page_boxes = self:getReflowedTextBoxesFromScratch(doc, pageno) local reflowed_page_boxes = self:getReflowedTextBoxes(doc, pageno) local scratch_reflowed_word_box0 = self:getWordFromBoxes(scratch_reflowed_page_boxes, pos0) if not DEBUG.dassert(scratch_reflowed_word_box0 and next(scratch_reflowed_word_box0) ~= nil, "scratch_reflowed_word_box0 shouldn't be nil/{}") then return end local reflowed_word_box0 = self:getWordFromBoxes(reflowed_page_boxes, pos0) local scratch_reflowed_word_box1 = self:getWordFromBoxes(scratch_reflowed_page_boxes, pos1) if not DEBUG.dassert(scratch_reflowed_word_box1 and next(scratch_reflowed_word_box1) ~= nil, "scratch_reflowed_word_box1 shouldn't be nil/{}") then return end local reflowed_word_box1 = self:getWordFromBoxes(reflowed_page_boxes, pos1) local reflowed_pos_abs0 = scratch_reflowed_word_box0.box:center() local reflowed_pos_rel0 = getBoxRelativePosition(scratch_reflowed_word_box0.box, reflowed_word_box0.box) local reflowed_pos_abs1 = scratch_reflowed_word_box1.box:center() local reflowed_pos_rel1 = getBoxRelativePosition(scratch_reflowed_word_box1.box, reflowed_word_box1.box) local native_pos0 = self:reflowToNativePosTransform(doc, pageno, reflowed_pos_abs0, reflowed_pos_rel0) local native_pos1 = self:reflowToNativePosTransform(doc, pageno, reflowed_pos_abs1, reflowed_pos_rel1) local reflowed_text_boxes = self:getTextFromBoxes(reflowed_page_boxes, pos0, pos1) local native_text_boxes = self:getTextFromBoxes(native_boxes, native_pos0, native_pos1) local text_boxes = { text = native_text_boxes.text, pboxes = native_text_boxes.boxes, -- boxes on page sboxes = reflowed_text_boxes.boxes, -- boxes on screen pos0 = native_pos0, pos1 = native_pos1 } return text_boxes end --[[-- Get text and text boxes from screen positions for native page. ]]-- function KoptInterface:getTextFromNativePositions(doc, native_boxes, pos0, pos1) local native_text_boxes = self:getTextFromBoxes(native_boxes, pos0, pos1) local text_boxes = { text = native_text_boxes.text, pboxes = native_text_boxes.boxes, -- boxes on page sboxes = native_text_boxes.boxes, -- boxes on screen pos0 = pos0, pos1 = pos1, } return text_boxes end --[[-- Get text boxes from page positions. --]] function KoptInterface:getPageBoxesFromPositions(doc, pageno, ppos0, ppos1) if not ppos0 or not ppos1 then return end if doc.configurable.text_wrap == 1 then local spos0 = self:nativeToReflowPosTransform(doc, pageno, ppos0) local spos1 = self:nativeToReflowPosTransform(doc, pageno, ppos1) local page_boxes = self:getReflowedTextBoxes(doc, pageno) if not page_boxes then logger.warn("KoptInterface: missing page_boxes") return end local text_boxes = self:getTextFromBoxes(page_boxes, spos0, spos1) return text_boxes.boxes else local page_boxes = self:getTextBoxes(doc, pageno) if not page_boxes then logger.warn("KoptInterface: missing page_boxes") return end local text_boxes = self:getTextFromBoxes(page_boxes, ppos0, ppos1) return text_boxes.boxes end end --[[-- Compare positions within one page. Returns 1 if positions are ordered (if ppos2 is after ppos1), -1 if not, 0 if same. Positions of the word boxes containing ppos1 and ppos2 are compared. --]] function KoptInterface:comparePositions(doc, ppos1, ppos2) if ppos1.page < ppos2.page then return 1 elseif ppos1.page > ppos2.page then return -1 end local box1 = self:getWordFromPosition(doc, ppos1).pbox local box2 = self:getWordFromPosition(doc, ppos2).pbox if box1.y == box2.y then if box1.x == box2.x then return 0 elseif box1.x > box2.x then return -1 end elseif box1.y > box2.y then return -1 end return 1 end --[[-- Get page rect from native rect. --]] function KoptInterface:nativeToPageRectTransform(doc, pageno, rect) if doc.configurable.text_wrap == 1 then local pos0 = { x = rect.x + 5, y = rect.y + 5 } local pos1 = { x = rect.x + rect.w - 5, y = rect.y + rect.h - 5 } local boxes = self:getPageBoxesFromPositions(doc, pageno, pos0, pos1) if boxes then return Geom.boundingBox(boxes) end else return rect end end local function get_pattern_list(pattern, case_insensitive) -- pattern list of single words local plist = {} -- (as in util.splitToWords(), but only splitting on spaces, keeping punctuations) for word in util.gsplit(pattern, "%s+") do if util.hasCJKChar(word) then for char in util.gsplit(word, "[\192-\255][\128-\191]+", true) do table.insert(plist, case_insensitive and Utf8Proc.lowercase(util.fixUtf8(char, "?")) or char) end else table.insert(plist, case_insensitive and Utf8Proc.lowercase(util.fixUtf8(word, "?")) or word) end end return plist end local function all_matches(boxes, plist, case_insensitive) local pnb = #plist -- return mached word indices from index i, j local function match(i, j) local pindex = 1 local matched_indices = {} if pnb == 0 then return end while true do if #boxes[i] < j then j = j - #boxes[i] i = i + 1 end if i > #boxes then break end local box = boxes[i][j] local word = case_insensitive and Utf8Proc.lowercase(util.fixUtf8(box.word, "?")) or box.word local pword = plist[pindex] local matched if pnb == 1 then -- single word in plist matched = word:find(pword, 1, true) else -- multiple words in plist if pindex == 1 then -- first word of query should match at end of a word from the document matched = word:sub(-#pword) == pword elseif pindex == pnb then -- last word of query should match at start of the word from the document matched = word:sub(1, #pword) == pword else -- middle words in query should match exactly the word from the document matched = word == pword end end if matched then table.insert(matched_indices, {i, j}) if pindex == pnb then -- all words in plist iterated, all matched return matched_indices else j = j + 1 pindex = pindex + 1 end else break end end end -- Note that this returns a full word box, even if what matches -- is only a substring of a word box. return coroutine.wrap(function() for i, line in ipairs(boxes) do for j, box in ipairs(line) do local matches = match(i, j) if matches then coroutine.yield(matches) end end end end) end function KoptInterface:findAllMatches(doc, pattern, case_insensitive, page) local text_boxes = doc:getPageTextBoxes(page) if not text_boxes then return end local plist = get_pattern_list(pattern, case_insensitive) local matches = {} for indices in all_matches(text_boxes, plist, case_insensitive) do for _, index in ipairs(indices) do local i, j = unpack(index) local word = text_boxes[i][j] local word_box = { x = word.x0, y = word.y0, w = word.x1 - word.x0, h = word.y1 - word.y0, } -- rects will be transformed to reflowed page rects if needed table.insert(matches, self:nativeToPageRectTransform(doc, page, word_box)) end end return matches end function KoptInterface:findText(doc, pattern, origin, reverse, case_insensitive, pageno) logger.dbg("Koptinterface: find text", pattern, origin, reverse, case_insensitive, pageno) local last_pageno = doc:getPageCount() local start_page, end_page if reverse == 1 then -- backward if origin == 0 then -- from end of current page to first page start_page, end_page = pageno, 1 elseif origin == -1 then -- from the last page to end of current page start_page, end_page = last_pageno, pageno + 1 elseif origin == 1 then start_page, end_page = pageno - 1, 1 end else -- forward if origin == 0 then -- from current page to the last page start_page, end_page = pageno, last_pageno elseif origin == -1 then -- from the first page to current page start_page, end_page = 1, pageno - 1 elseif origin == 1 then -- from next page to the last page start_page, end_page = pageno + 1, last_pageno end end for i = start_page, end_page, (reverse == 1) and -1 or 1 do local matches = self:findAllMatches(doc, pattern, case_insensitive, i) if #matches > 0 then matches.page = i return matches end end end function KoptInterface:findAllText(doc, pattern, case_insensitive, nb_context_words, max_hits) local plist = get_pattern_list(pattern, case_insensitive) local res = {} for page = 1, doc:getPageCount() do local text_boxes = doc:getPageTextBoxes(page) if text_boxes then for indices in all_matches(text_boxes, plist, case_insensitive) do -- each found pattern in the page local res_item = { -- item of the Menu item_table text = nil, mandatory = page, boxes = {}, -- to draw temp highlight in onMenuSelect } local text = {} local i_prev, j_prev, i_next, j_next for ind, index in ipairs(indices) do -- each word in the pattern local i, j = unpack(index) local word = text_boxes[i][j] res_item.boxes[ind] = { x = word.x0, y = word.y0, w = word.x1 - word.x0, h = word.y1 - word.y0, } text[ind] = word.word if ind == 1 then i_prev, j_prev = i, j end if ind == #indices then i_next, j_next = i, j end end -- Make this word bolder, using Poor Text Formatting provided by TextBoxWidget -- (we know this text ends up in a TextBoxWidget). text = TextBoxWidget.PTF_BOLD_START .. table.concat(text, " ") .. TextBoxWidget.PTF_BOLD_END local prev_text = get_prev_text(text_boxes, i_prev, j_prev, nb_context_words) if prev_text then text = prev_text .. " " .. text end local next_text = get_next_text(text_boxes, i_next, j_next, nb_context_words) if next_text then text = text .. " " .. next_text end text = TextBoxWidget.PTF_HEADER .. text -- enable handling of our bold tags res_item.text = text table.insert(res, res_item) if #res == max_hits then return res end end end end if #res > 0 then return res end end --[[-- Log reflow duration. --]] function KoptInterface:logReflowDuration(pageno, dur) local file = io.open("reflow_dur_log.txt", "a+") if file then if file:seek("end") == 0 then -- write the header only once file:write("PAGE\tDUR\n") end file:write(string.format("%s\t%s\n", pageno, dur)) file:close() end end return KoptInterface