require "rendertext" require "keys" require "graphics" require "font" SelectMenu = { -- font for displaying item names fsize = 22, -- font for page title tfsize = 25, -- font for paging display ffsize = 16, -- font for item shortcut sface = freetype.newBuiltinFace("mono", 22), sfhash = "mono22", -- title height title_H = 40, -- spacing between lines spacing = 36, -- foot height foot_H = 27, menu_title = "None Titled", no_item_msg = "No items found.", item_array = {}, items = 0, item_shortcuts = { "Q", "W", "E", "R", "T", "Y", "U", "I", "O", "P", "A", "S", "D", "F", "G", "H", "J", "K", "L", "Del", "Z", "X", "C", "V", "B", "N", "M", ".", "Sym", "Ent", }, last_shortcut = 0, -- state buffer page = 1, current = 1, oldcurrent = 0, } function SelectMenu:new(o) o = o or {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.items = #o.item_array = 1 o.current = 1 o.oldcurrent = 0 -- increase spacing for DXG so we don't have more than 30 shortcuts if == 1200 then o.spacing = 37 end return o end function SelectMenu:getItemIndexByShortCut(c, perpage) if c == nil then return end -- unused key for _k,_v in ipairs(self.item_shortcuts) do if _v == c and _k <= self.last_shortcut then return (perpage * ( - 1) + _k) end end end --[ -- return the index of selected item --] function SelectMenu:choose(ypos, height) local perpage = math.floor(height / self.spacing) - 2 local pagedirty = true local markerdirty = false local prevItem = function () if self.current == 1 then if > 1 then self.current = perpage = - 1 pagedirty = true end else self.current = self.current - 1 markerdirty = true end end local nextItem = function () if self.current == perpage then if < (self.items / perpage) then self.current = 1 = + 1 pagedirty = true end else if ~= math.floor(self.items / perpage) + 1 or self.current + (*perpage < self.items then self.current = self.current + 1 markerdirty = true end end end self.last_shortcut = 0 while true do local cface, cfhash = Font:getFaceAndHash(22) local tface, tfhash = Font:getFaceAndHash(25, Font.tfont) local fface, ffhash = Font:getFaceAndHash(16, Font.ffont) if pagedirty then markerdirty = true -- draw menu title, ypos,, self.title_H + 10, 0), ypos + 10, - 20, self.title_H, 5) local x = 20 local y = ypos + self.title_H renderUtf8Text(, x, y, tface, tfhash, self.menu_title, true) -- draw items, ypos + self.title_H + 10,, height - self.title_H, 0) if self.items == 0 then y = ypos + self.title_H + (self.spacing * 2) renderUtf8Text(, 30, y, cface, cfhash, "Oops... Bad news for you:", true) y = y + self.spacing renderUtf8Text(, 30, y, cface, cfhash, self.no_item_msg, true) markerdirty = false else local c for c = 1, perpage do local i = ( - 1) * perpage + c if i <= self.items then y = ypos + self.title_H + (self.spacing * c) -- paint shortcut indications if c <= 10 or c > 20 then blitbuffer.paintBorder(, 10, y-22, 29, 29, 2, 15) else, y-22, 29, 29, 3) end if self.item_shortcuts[c] ~= nil and string.len(self.item_shortcuts[c]) == 3 then -- print "Del", "Sym and "Ent" renderUtf8Text(, 13, y, fface, ffhash, self.item_shortcuts[c], true) else renderUtf8Text(, 18, y, self.sface, self.sfhash, self.item_shortcuts[c], true) end self.last_shortcut = c renderUtf8Text(, 50, y, cface, cfhash, self.item_array[i], true) end end end -- draw footer y = ypos + self.title_H + (self.spacing * perpage) + self.foot_H + 5 x = ( / 2) - 50 renderUtf8Text(, x, y, fface, ffhash, "Page "" of "..(math.floor(self.items / perpage)+1), true) end if markerdirty then if not pagedirty then if self.oldcurrent > 0 then y = ypos + self.title_H + (self.spacing * self.oldcurrent) + 8, y, - 60, 3, 0) fb:refresh(1, 45, y, - 60, 3) end end -- draw new marker line y = ypos + self.title_H + (self.spacing * self.current) + 8, y, - 60, 3, 15) if not pagedirty then fb:refresh(1, 45, y, - 60, 3) end self.oldcurrent = self.current markerdirty = false end if pagedirty then fb:refresh(0, 0, ypos,, height) pagedirty = false end local ev = input.waitForEvent() ev.code = adjustKeyEvents(ev) if ev.type == EV_KEY and ev.value == EVENT_VALUE_KEY_PRESS then local selected = nil if ev.code == KEY_FW_UP then prevItem() elseif ev.code == KEY_FW_DOWN then nextItem() elseif ev.code == KEY_PGFWD or ev.code == KEY_LPGFWD then if < (self.items / perpage) then if self.current +*perpage > self.items then self.current = self.items -*perpage end = + 1 pagedirty = true else self.current = self.items - (*perpage markerdirty = true end elseif ev.code == KEY_PGBCK or ev.code == KEY_LPGBCK then if > 1 then = - 1 pagedirty = true else self.current = 1 markerdirty = true end elseif ev.code == KEY_FW_PRESS or ev.code == KEY_ENTER and self.last_shortcut < 30 then if self.items == 0 then return nil else return (perpage*( + self.current) end elseif ev.code >= KEY_Q and ev.code <= KEY_P then selected = self:getItemIndexByShortCut(self.item_shortcuts[ ev.code - KEY_Q + 1 ], perpage) elseif ev.code >= KEY_A and ev.code <= KEY_L then selected = self:getItemIndexByShortCut(self.item_shortcuts[ ev.code - KEY_A + 11], perpage) elseif ev.code >= KEY_Z and ev.code <= KEY_M then selected = self:getItemIndexByShortCut(self.item_shortcuts[ ev.code - KEY_Z + 21], perpage) elseif ev.code == KEY_DEL then selected = self:getItemIndexByShortCut("Del", perpage) elseif ev.code == KEY_DOT then selected = self:getItemIndexByShortCut(".", perpage) elseif ev.code == KEY_SYM or ev.code == KEY_SLASH then -- DXG has slash after dot selected = self:getItemIndexByShortCut("Sym", perpage) elseif ev.code == KEY_ENTER then selected = self:getItemIndexByShortCut("Ent", perpage) elseif ev.code == KEY_BACK then return nil end if selected ~= nil then print("# selected "..selected) return selected end end end end