local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local util = require("ffi/util") local JSON = require("JSON") local DEBUG = require("dbg") local _ = require("gettext") local dummy = require("ffi/zeromq_h") --[[ This plugin implements a simple Calibre Companion protocol that communicates with Calibre Wireless Server from which users can send documents to Koreader devices directly with WIFI connection. Note that Calibre Companion(CC) is a trade mark held by MultiPie Ltd. The Android app Calibre Companion provided by MultiPie is closed-source. This plugin only implements a subset function of CC according to the open-source smart device driver from Calibre source tree. More details can be found at calibre/devices/smart_device_app/driver.py. --]] local CalibreCompanion = InputContainer:new{ name = "calibrecompanion", -- calibre companion local port port = 8134, -- calibre broadcast ports used to find calibre server broadcast_ports = {54982, 48123, 39001, 44044, 59678}, opcodes = { NOOP = 12, OK = 0, BOOK_DONE = 11, CALIBRE_BUSY = 18, SET_LIBRARY_INFO = 19, DELETE_BOOK = 13, DISPLAY_MESSAGE = 17, FREE_SPACE = 5, GET_BOOK_FILE_SEGMENT = 14, GET_BOOK_METADATA = 15, GET_BOOK_COUNT = 6, GET_DEVICE_INFORMATION = 3, GET_INITIALIZATION_INFO = 9, SEND_BOOKLISTS = 7, SEND_BOOK = 8, SEND_BOOK_METADATA = 16, SET_CALIBRE_DEVICE_INFO = 1, SET_CALIBRE_DEVICE_NAME = 2, TOTAL_SPACE = 4, }, } function CalibreCompanion:init() -- reversed operator codes and names dictionary self.opnames = {} for name, code in pairs(self.opcodes) do self.opnames[code] = name end self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) end function CalibreCompanion:find_calibre_server() local socket = require("socket") local udp = socket.udp() udp:setoption("broadcast", true) udp:setsockname("*", 8134) udp:settimeout(3) for _, port in ipairs(self.broadcast_ports) do -- broadcast anything to calibre ports and listen to the reply local sent, err = udp:sendto("hello", "", port) if not err then local dgram, host = udp:receivefrom() if dgram and host then -- replied diagram has greet message from calibre and calibre hostname -- calibre opds port and calibre socket port we will later connect to local _, hostname, _, port = dgram:match("(.-)%(on (.-)%);(.-),(.-)$") return host, port end end end end function CalibreCompanion:addToMainMenu(tab_item_table) table.insert(tab_item_table.plugins, { text = _("Calibre Companion"), sub_item_table = { { text_func = function() return not self.calibre_socket and _("Connect") or _("Disconnect") end, callback = function() if not self.calibre_socket then self:connect() else self:disconnect() end end }, } }) end function CalibreCompanion:initCalibreMQ(host, port) local StreamMessageQueue = require("ui/message/streammessagequeue") if self.calibre_socket == nil then self.calibre_socket = StreamMessageQueue:new{ host = host, port = port, receiveCallback = function(data) self:onReceiveJSON(data) end, } self.calibre_socket:start() self.calibre_messagequeue = UIManager:insertZMQ(self.calibre_socket) end DEBUG("connected to calibre", host, port) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Connected to calibre server at ") .. host .. ":" .. port, timeout = 1, }) end -- will callback initCalibreMQ if inbox is confirmed to be set function CalibreCompanion:setInboxDir(host, port) local lastdir = G_reader_settings:readSetting("lastdir") or "." local calibre_device = self require("ui/downloadmgr"):new{ title = _("Choose inbox"), onConfirm = function(inbox) DEBUG("set inbox directory", inbox) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("inbox_dir", inbox) calibre_device:initCalibreMQ(host, port) end, }:chooseDir() end function CalibreCompanion:connect() local host, port = self:find_calibre_server() if host and port then local inbox_dir = G_reader_settings:readSetting("inbox_dir") if inbox_dir then self:initCalibreMQ(host, port) else self:setInboxDir(host, port) end else DEBUG("cannot connect to calibre server") UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Cannot connect to calibre server."), }) return end end function CalibreCompanion:disconnect() DEBUG("disconnect from calibre") self.calibre_socket:stop() UIManager:removeZMQ(self.calibre_messagequeue) self.calibre_socket = nil self.calibre_messagequeue = nil end function CalibreCompanion:onReceiveJSON(data) self.buffer = (self.buffer or "") .. (data or "") --DEBUG("data buffer", self.buffer) -- messages from calibre stream socket are encoded in JSON strings like this -- 34[0, {"key0":value, "key1": value}] -- the JSON string has a leading length string field followed by the actual -- JSON data in which the first element is always the operator code which can -- be looked up in the opnames dictionary while self.buffer ~= nil do --DEBUG("buffer", self.buffer) local index = self.buffer:find('%[') or 1 local size = tonumber(self.buffer:sub(1, index - 1)) local json_data = nil if size and #self.buffer >= index - 1 + size then json_data = self.buffer:sub(index, index - 1 + size) --DEBUG("json_data", json_data) -- reset buffer to nil if all buffer is copied out to json data self.buffer = self.buffer:sub(index + size) --DEBUG("new buffer", self.buffer) -- data is not complete which means there are still missing data not received else return end local ok, json = pcall(JSON.decode, JSON, json_data) if ok and json then DEBUG("received json table", json) local opcode = json[1] local arg = json[2] if self.opnames[opcode] == 'GET_INITIALIZATION_INFO' then self:getInitInfo(arg) elseif self.opnames[opcode] == 'GET_DEVICE_INFORMATION' then self:getDeviceInfo(arg) elseif self.opnames[opcode] == 'SET_CALIBRE_DEVICE_INFO' then self:setCalibreInfo(arg) elseif self.opnames[opcode] == 'FREE_SPACE' then self:getFreeSpace(arg) elseif self.opnames[opcode] == 'SET_LIBRARY_INFO' then self:setLibraryInfo(arg) elseif self.opnames[opcode] == 'GET_BOOK_COUNT' then self:getBookCount(arg) elseif self.opnames[opcode] == 'SEND_BOOKLISTS' then self:sendBooklists(arg) elseif self.opnames[opcode] == 'SEND_BOOK' then self:sendBook(arg) elseif self.opnames[opcode] == 'NOOP' then self:noop(arg) end else DEBUG("failed to decode json data", json_data) end end end function CalibreCompanion:sendJsonData(opname, data) local ok, json = pcall(JSON.encode, JSON, {self.opcodes[opname], data}) if ok and json then -- length of json data should be before the real json data self.calibre_socket:send(tostring(#json)..json) end end function CalibreCompanion:getInitInfo(arg) DEBUG("GET_INITIALIZATION_INFO", arg) self.calibre_info = arg local init_info = { canUseCachedMetadata = true, acceptedExtensions = {"epub", "mobi", "pdf", "djvu", "fb2", "pdb", "cbz"}, canStreamMetadata = true, canAcceptLibraryInfo = true, extensionPathLengths = { epub = 42, mobi = 42, pdf = 42, djvu = 42, fb2 = 42, pdb = 42, cbz = 42, }, useUuidFileNames = false, passwordHash = "", canReceiveBookBinary = true, maxBookContentPacketLen = 4096, appName = "Koreader Calibre plugin", ccVersionNumber = 106, deviceName = "Koreader", canStreamBooks = true, versionOK = true, canDeleteMultipleBooks = true, canSendOkToSendbook = true, coverHeight = 240, cacheUsesLpaths = true, deviceKind = "Koreader", } self:sendJsonData('OK', init_info) end function CalibreCompanion:getDeviceInfo(arg) DEBUG("GET_DEVICE_INFORMATION", arg) local device_info = { device_info = { device_store_uuid = G_reader_settings:readSetting("device_store_uuid"), device_name = "Koreader Calibre Companion", }, version = 106, device_version = "koreader", } self:sendJsonData('OK', device_info) end function CalibreCompanion:setCalibreInfo(arg) DEBUG("SET_CALIBRE_DEVICE_INFO", arg) self.calibre_info = arg G_reader_settings:saveSetting("device_store_uuid", arg.device_store_uuid) self:sendJsonData('OK', {}) end function CalibreCompanion:getFreeSpace(arg) DEBUG("FREE_SPACE", arg) -- TODO: portable free space calculation? -- assume we have 1GB of free space on device local free_space = { free_space_on_device = 1024*1024*1024, } self:sendJsonData('OK', free_space) end function CalibreCompanion:setLibraryInfo(arg) DEBUG("SET_LIBRARY_INFO", arg) self.library_info = arg self:sendJsonData('OK', {}) end function CalibreCompanion:getBookCount(arg) DEBUG("GET_BOOK_COUNT", arg) local option = arg local books = { willStream = true, willScan = true, count = 0, } self:sendJsonData('OK', books) end function CalibreCompanion:noop(arg) DEBUG("NOOP", arg) if not arg.count then self:sendJsonData('OK', {}) end end function CalibreCompanion:sendBooklists(arg) DEBUG("SEND_BOOKLISTS", arg) end function CalibreCompanion:sendBook(arg) DEBUG("SEND_BOOK", arg) local inbox_dir = G_reader_settings:readSetting("inbox_dir") local filename = inbox_dir .. "/" .. arg.lpath DEBUG("write to file", filename) local outfile = io.open(filename, "wb") local to_write_bytes = arg.length local calibre_device = self local calibre_socket = self.calibre_socket -- switching to raw data receiving mode self.calibre_socket.receiveCallback = function(data) --DEBUG("receive file data", #data) --DEBUG("Memory usage KB:", collectgarbage("count")) local to_write_data = data:sub(1, to_write_bytes) outfile:write(to_write_data) to_write_bytes = to_write_bytes - #to_write_data if to_write_bytes == 0 then -- close file as all file data is received and written to local storage outfile:close() DEBUG("complete writing file", filename) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Received file:") .. filename, timeout = 1, }) -- switch to JSON data receiving mode calibre_socket.receiveCallback = function(data) calibre_device:onReceiveJSON(data) end -- if calibre sends multiple files there may be left JSON data calibre_device.buffer = data:sub(#to_write_data + 1) or "" DEBUG("device buffer", calibre_device.buffer) if calibre_device.buffer ~= "" then UIManager:scheduleIn(0.1, function() -- since data is already copied to buffer -- onReceiveJSON parameter should be nil calibre_device:onReceiveJSON() end) end end end self:sendJsonData('OK', {}) end return CalibreCompanion