local Generic = require("device/generic/device") local time = require("ui/time") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local logger = require("logger") local function yes() return true end local function no() return false end -- luacheck: ignore local function kindleEnableWifi(toggle) local haslipc, lipc = pcall(require, "liblipclua") local lipc_handle = nil if haslipc and lipc then lipc_handle = lipc.init("com.github.koreader.networkmgr") end if lipc_handle then -- Be extremely thorough... c.f., #6019 -- NOTE: I *assume* this'll also ensure we prefer Wi-Fi over 3G/4G, which is a plus in my book... if toggle == 1 then lipc_handle:set_int_property("com.lab126.cmd", "wirelessEnable", 1) lipc_handle:set_int_property("com.lab126.wifid", "enable", 1) else lipc_handle:set_int_property("com.lab126.wifid", "enable", 0) lipc_handle:set_int_property("com.lab126.cmd", "wirelessEnable", 0) end lipc_handle:close() else -- No liblipclua on FW < 5.x ;) -- Always kill 3G first... os.execute("lipc-set-prop -i com.lab126.wan enable 0") os.execute("lipc-set-prop -i com.lab126.wifid enable " .. toggle) end end -- Check if wifid thinks that the WiFi is enabled --[[ local function isWifiUp() local haslipc, lipc = pcall(require, "liblipclua") local lipc_handle = nil if haslipc and lipc then lipc_handle = lipc.init("com.github.koreader.networkmgr") end if lipc_handle then local status = lipc_handle:get_int_property("com.lab126.wifid", "enable") or 0 lipc_handle:close() return status == 1 else local std_out = io.popen("lipc-get-prop -i com.lab126.wifid enable", "r") if std_out then local result = std_out:read("*number") std_out:close() if not result then return false end return result == 1 else return false end end end --]] -- Faster lipc-less variant ;). local function isWifiUp() -- Read carrier state from sysfs (so far, all Kindles appear to use wlan0) -- NOTE: We can afford to use CLOEXEC, as devices too old for it don't support Wi-Fi anyway ;). local file = io.open("/sys/class/net/wlan0/carrier", "re") -- File only exists while Wi-Fi module is loaded. if not file then return false end -- 0 means not connected, 1 connected local out = file:read("*number") file:close() return out == 1 end --[[ Test if a kindle device is flagged as a Special Offers device (i.e., ad supported) (FW >= 5.x) --]] local function isSpecialOffers() -- Look at the current blanket modules to see if the SO screensavers are enabled... local haslipc, lipc = pcall(require, "liblipclua") if not (haslipc and lipc) then logger.warn("could not load liblibclua") return true end local lipc_handle = lipc.init("com.github.koreader.device") if not lipc_handle then logger.warn("could not get lipc handle") return true end local is_so local loaded_blanket_modules = lipc_handle:get_string_property("com.lab126.blanket", "load") if not loaded_blanket_modules then logger.warn("could not get lipc property") return true end if string.find(loaded_blanket_modules, "ad_screensaver") then is_so = true else is_so = false end lipc_handle:close() return is_so end --[[ Test if a kindle device has *received* Special Offers (FW < 5.x) --]] local function hasSpecialOffers() if lfs.attributes("/mnt/us/system/.assets", "mode") == "directory" then return true else return false end end local function frameworkStopped() if os.getenv("STOP_FRAMEWORK") == "yes" then local haslipc, lipc = pcall(require, "liblipclua") if not (haslipc and lipc) then logger.warn("could not load liblibclua") return end local lipc_handle = lipc.init("com.lab126.kaf") if not lipc_handle then logger.warn("could not get lipc handle") return end local frameworkStarted = lipc_handle:register_int_property("frameworkStarted", "r") frameworkStarted.value = 1 lipc_handle:set_string_property("com.lab126.blanket", "unload", "splash") lipc_handle:set_string_property("com.lab126.blanket", "unload", "screensaver") return lipc_handle end end local Kindle = Generic:extend{ model = "Kindle", isKindle = yes, -- NOTE: We can cheat by adding a platform-specific entry here, because the only code that will check for this is here. isSpecialOffers = isSpecialOffers(), hasOTAUpdates = yes, hasFastWifiStatusQuery = yes, -- NOTE: HW inversion is generally safe on mxcfb Kindles canHWInvert = yes, -- NOTE: And the fb driver is generally sane on those, too canModifyFBInfo = yes, -- NOTE: Newer devices will turn the frontlight off at 0 canTurnFrontlightOff = yes, -- NOTE: Via powerd.toggleSuspend canSuspend = yes, home_dir = "/mnt/us", -- New devices are REAGL-aware, default to REAGL isREAGL = yes, -- Rex & Zelda devices sport an updated driver. isZelda = no, isRex = no, -- So do devices running on a MediaTek SoC isMTK = no, -- But of course, some devices don't actually support all the features the kernel exposes... isNightModeChallenged = no, -- NOTE: While this ought to behave on Zelda/Rex, turns out, nope, it really doesn't work on *any* of 'em :/ (c.f., ko#5884). canHWDither = no, -- The time the device went into suspend suspend_time = 0, framework_lipc_handle = frameworkStopped() } function Kindle:initNetworkManager(NetworkMgr) function NetworkMgr:turnOnWifi(complete_callback) kindleEnableWifi(1) -- NOTE: As we defer the actual work to lipc, -- we have no guarantee the Wi-Fi state will have changed by the time kindleEnableWifi returns, -- so, delay the callback until we at least can ensure isConnect is true. if complete_callback then NetworkMgr:scheduleConnectivityCheck(complete_callback) end end function NetworkMgr:turnOffWifi(complete_callback) kindleEnableWifi(0) -- NOTE: Same here, except disconnect is simpler, so a dumb delay will do... if complete_callback then local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") UIManager:scheduleIn(2, complete_callback) end end NetworkMgr.isWifiOn = isWifiUp end function Kindle:supportsScreensaver() if self.isSpecialOffers then return false else return true end end function Kindle:init() -- Check if the device supports deep sleep/quick boot if lfs.attributes("/sys/devices/platform/falconblk/uevent", "mode") == "file" then -- Now, poke the appreg db to see if it's actually *enabled*... -- NOTE: The setting is only available on registered devices, as such, it *can* be missing, -- which is why we check for it existing and being *disabled*, as that ensures user interaction. local SQ3 = require("lua-ljsqlite3/init") local appreg = SQ3.open("/var/local/appreg.db", "ro") local hibernation_disabled = tonumber(appreg:rowexec( "SELECT EXISTS(SELECT value FROM properties WHERE handlerId = 'dcc' AND name = 'hibernate.enabled' AND value = 0);" )) -- Check the actual delay while we're there... local hibernation_delay = appreg:rowexec("SELECT value FROM properties WHERE handlerId = 'dcc' AND name = 'hibernate.s2h.rtc.secs'") or appreg:rowexec("SELECT value FROM properties WHERE handlerId = 'dcd' AND name = 'hibernate.s2h.rtc.secs'") or 3600 appreg:close() if hibernation_disabled == 1 then self.canDeepSleep = false else self.canDeepSleep = true self.hibernationDelay = tonumber(hibernation_delay) logger.dbg("Kindle: Device supports hibernation, enters hibernation after", self.hibernationDelay, "seconds in suspend") end else self.canDeepSleep = false end Generic.init(self) end function Kindle:setDateTime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec) if hour == nil or min == nil then return true end -- Prefer using the setdate wrapper if possible, as it will poke the native UI, too. if lfs.attributes("/usr/sbin/setdate", "mode") == "file" then local t = os.date("*t") -- Start with now to make sure we have a full table t.year = year or t.year t.month = month or t.month t.day = day or t.day t.hour = hour t.min = min t.sec = sec or t.sec local epoch = os.time(t) local command = string.format("/usr/sbin/setdate '%d'", epoch) return os.execute(command) == 0 else local command if year and month and day then command = string.format("date -s '%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d' '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'", year, month, day, hour, min, sec) else command = string.format("date -s '%d:%d' '+%H:%M'", hour, min) end if os.execute(command) == 0 then os.execute("hwclock -u -w") return true else return false end end end function Kindle:usbPlugIn() -- NOTE: We cannot support running in USBMS mode (we cannot, we live on the partition being exported!). -- But since that's the default state of the Kindle system, we have to try to make nice... -- To that end, we're currently SIGSTOPping volumd to inhibit the system's USBMS mode handling. -- It's not perfect (e.g., if the system is setup for USBMS and not USBNet, -- the frontlight will be turned off when plugged in), but it at least prevents users from completely -- shooting themselves in the foot (c.f., https://github.com/koreader/koreader/issues/3220)! -- On the upside, we don't have to bother waking up the WM to show us the USBMS screen :D. -- NOTE: If the device is put in USBNet mode before we even start, everything's peachy, though :). self.charging_mode = true end function Kindle:intoScreenSaver() if self.screen_saver_mode == false then if self:supportsScreensaver() then -- NOTE: Meaning this is not a SO device ;) local Screensaver = require("ui/screensaver") Screensaver:setup() Screensaver:show() else -- Let the native system handle screensavers on SO devices... if os.getenv("AWESOME_STOPPED") == "yes" then os.execute("killall -CONT awesome") elseif os.getenv("CVM_STOPPED") == "yes" then os.execute("killall -CONT cvm") end end end self.powerd:beforeSuspend() self.screen_saver_mode = true end function Kindle:outofScreenSaver() if self.screen_saver_mode == true then if self:supportsScreensaver() then local Screensaver = require("ui/screensaver") local widget_was_closed = Screensaver:close() local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") if widget_was_closed then -- And redraw everything in case the framework managed to screw us over... UIManager:nextTick(function() UIManager:setDirty("all", "full") end) end -- If the device supports deep sleep, and we woke up from hibernation (which kicks in at the 1H mark), -- chuck an extra tiny refresh to get rid of the "waking up" banner if the above refresh was too early... if self.canDeepSleep and self.last_suspend_time > time.s(self.hibernationDelay) then if lfs.attributes("/var/local/system/powerd/hibernate_session_tracker", "mode") == "file" then local mtime = lfs.attributes("/var/local/system/powerd/hibernate_session_tracker", "modification") local now = os.time() if math.abs(now - mtime) <= 60 then -- That was less than a minute ago, assume we're golden. logger.dbg("Kindle: Woke up from hibernation") -- The banner on a 1236x1648 PW5 is 1235x125; we refresh the bottom 10% of the screen to be safe. local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local screen_height = self.screen:getHeight() local refresh_height = math.ceil(screen_height * (1/10)) local refresh_region = Geom:new{ x = 0, y = screen_height - 1 - refresh_height, w = self.screen:getWidth(), h = refresh_height } UIManager:scheduleIn(1.5, function() UIManager:setDirty("all", "ui", refresh_region) end) end end end else -- Stop awesome again if need be... if os.getenv("AWESOME_STOPPED") == "yes" then os.execute("killall -STOP awesome") elseif os.getenv("CVM_STOPPED") == "yes" then os.execute("killall -STOP cvm") end local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") -- NOTE: We redraw after a slightly longer delay to take care of the potentially dynamic ad screen... -- This is obviously brittle as all hell. Tested on a slow-ass PW1. UIManager:scheduleIn(1.5, function() UIManager:setDirty("all", "full") end) end end self.powerd:afterResume() self.screen_saver_mode = false end function Kindle:usbPlugOut() -- NOTE: See usbPlugIn(), we don't have anything fancy to do here either. self.charging_mode = false end function Kindle:wakeupFromSuspend() self.powerd:wakeupFromSuspend() self.last_suspend_time = time.boottime_or_realtime_coarse() - self.suspend_time self.total_suspend_time = self.total_suspend_time + self.last_suspend_time end function Kindle:readyToSuspend() self.powerd:readyToSuspend() self.suspend_time = time.boottime_or_realtime_coarse() end -- We add --no-same-permissions --no-same-owner to make the userstore fuse proxy happy... function Kindle:untar(archive, extract_to) return os.execute(("./tar --no-same-permissions --no-same-owner -xf %q -C %q"):format(archive, extract_to)) end function Kindle:setEventHandlers(UIManager) UIManager.event_handlers.Suspend = function() self.powerd:toggleSuspend() end UIManager.event_handlers.IntoSS = function() self:_beforeSuspend() self:intoScreenSaver() end UIManager.event_handlers.OutOfSS = function() self:outofScreenSaver() self:_afterResume() end UIManager.event_handlers.Charging = function() self:_beforeCharging() self:usbPlugIn() end UIManager.event_handlers.NotCharging = function() self:usbPlugOut() self:_afterNotCharging() end UIManager.event_handlers.WakeupFromSuspend = function() self:wakeupFromSuspend() end UIManager.event_handlers.ReadyToSuspend = function() self:readyToSuspend() end end function Kindle:ambientBrightnessLevel() local haslipc, lipc = pcall(require, "liblipclua") if not haslipc or lipc == nil then return 0 end local lipc_handle = lipc.init("com.github.koreader.ambientbrightness") if not lipc_handle then return 0 end local value = lipc_handle:get_int_property("com.lab126.powerd", "alsLux") lipc_handle:close() if type(value) ~= "number" then return 0 end if value < 10 then return 0 end if value < 96 then return 1 end if value < 192 then return 2 end if value < 32768 then return 3 end return 4 end local Kindle2 = Kindle:extend{ model = "Kindle2", isREAGL = no, hasKeyboard = yes, hasKeys = yes, hasDPad = yes, canHWInvert = no, canModifyFBInfo = no, canUseCBB = no, -- 4bpp canUseWAL = no, -- Kernel too old to support mmap'ed I/O on /mnt/us supportsScreensaver = yes, -- The first ad-supported device was the K3 } local KindleDXG = Kindle:extend{ model = "KindleDXG", isREAGL = no, hasKeyboard = yes, hasKeys = yes, hasDPad = yes, canHWInvert = no, canModifyFBInfo = no, canUseCBB = no, -- 4bpp canUseWAL = no, -- Kernel too old to support mmap'ed I/O on /mnt/us supportsScreensaver = yes, -- The first ad-supported device was the K3 } local Kindle3 = Kindle:extend{ model = "Kindle3", isREAGL = no, hasKeyboard = yes, hasKeys = yes, hasDPad = yes, canHWInvert = no, canModifyFBInfo = no, canUseCBB = no, -- 4bpp isSpecialOffers = hasSpecialOffers(), } local Kindle4 = Kindle:extend{ model = "Kindle4", isREAGL = no, hasKeys = yes, hasDPad = yes, canHWInvert = no, canModifyFBInfo = no, -- NOTE: It could *technically* use the C BB, as it's running @ 8bpp, but it's expecting an inverted palette... canUseCBB = no, isSpecialOffers = hasSpecialOffers(), } local KindleTouch = Kindle:extend{ model = "KindleTouch", isREAGL = no, isTouchDevice = yes, hasKeys = yes, touch_dev = "/dev/input/event3", } local KindlePaperWhite = Kindle:extend{ model = "KindlePaperWhite", isREAGL = no, isTouchDevice = yes, hasFrontlight = yes, canTurnFrontlightOff = no, display_dpi = 212, touch_dev = "/dev/input/event0", } local KindlePaperWhite2 = Kindle:extend{ model = "KindlePaperWhite2", isTouchDevice = yes, hasFrontlight = yes, canTurnFrontlightOff = no, display_dpi = 212, touch_dev = "/dev/input/event1", } local KindleBasic = Kindle:extend{ model = "KindleBasic", isTouchDevice = yes, touch_dev = "/dev/input/event1", } local KindleVoyage = Kindle:extend{ model = "KindleVoyage", isTouchDevice = yes, hasFrontlight = yes, canTurnFrontlightOff = no, hasKeys = yes, display_dpi = 300, touch_dev = "/dev/input/event1", } local KindlePaperWhite3 = Kindle:extend{ model = "KindlePaperWhite3", isTouchDevice = yes, hasFrontlight = yes, canTurnFrontlightOff = no, display_dpi = 300, touch_dev = "/dev/input/event1", } local KindleOasis = Kindle:extend{ model = "KindleOasis", isTouchDevice = yes, hasFrontlight = yes, hasKeys = yes, hasGSensor = yes, display_dpi = 300, --[[ -- NOTE: Points to event3 on Wi-Fi devices, event4 on 3G devices... -- 3G devices apparently have an extra SX9500 Proximity/Capacitive controller for mysterious purposes... -- This evidently screws with the ordering, so, use the udev by-path path instead to avoid hackier workarounds. -- cf. #2181 --]] touch_dev = "/dev/input/by-path/platform-imx-i2c.1-event", } local KindleOasis2 = Kindle:extend{ model = "KindleOasis2", isZelda = yes, isTouchDevice = yes, hasFrontlight = yes, hasKeys = yes, hasGSensor = yes, display_dpi = 300, touch_dev = "/dev/input/by-path/platform-30a30000.i2c-event", } local KindleOasis3 = Kindle:extend{ model = "KindleOasis3", isZelda = yes, isTouchDevice = yes, hasFrontlight = yes, hasNaturalLight = yes, hasNaturalLightMixer = yes, hasKeys = yes, hasGSensor = yes, display_dpi = 300, touch_dev = "/dev/input/by-path/platform-30a30000.i2c-event", } local KindleBasic2 = Kindle:extend{ model = "KindleBasic2", isTouchDevice = yes, touch_dev = "/dev/input/event0", } local KindlePaperWhite4 = Kindle:extend{ model = "KindlePaperWhite4", isRex = yes, isTouchDevice = yes, hasFrontlight = yes, display_dpi = 300, -- NOTE: LTE devices once again have a mysterious extra SX9310 proximity sensor... -- Except this time, we can't rely on by-path, because there's no entry for the TS :/. -- Should be event2 on Wi-Fi, event3 on LTE, we'll fix it in init. touch_dev = "/dev/input/event2", } local KindleBasic3 = Kindle:extend{ model = "KindleBasic3", isRex = yes, -- NOTE: Apparently, the KT4 doesn't actually support the fancy nightmode waveforms, c.f., ko/#5076 -- It also doesn't handle HW dithering, c.f., base/#1039 isNightModeChallenged = yes, isTouchDevice = yes, hasFrontlight = yes, touch_dev = "/dev/input/event2", } local KindlePaperWhite5 = Kindle:extend{ model = "KindlePaperWhite5", isMTK = yes, isTouchDevice = yes, hasFrontlight = yes, hasNaturalLight = yes, -- NOTE: We *can* technically control both LEDs independently, -- but the mix is device-specific, we don't have access to the LUT for the mix powerd is using, -- and the widget is designed for the Kobo Aura One anyway, so, hahaha, nope. hasNaturalLightMixer = yes, display_dpi = 300, touch_dev = "/dev/input/by-path/platform-1001e000.i2c-event", -- NOTE: While hardware dithering (via MDP) should be a thing, it doesn't appear to do anything right now :/. canHWDither = no, canDoSwipeAnimation = yes, } local KindleBasic4 = Kindle:extend{ model = "KindleBasic4", isMTK = yes, isTouchDevice = yes, hasFrontlight = yes, display_dpi = 300, -- TBD touch_dev = "/dev/input/by-path/platform-1001e000.i2c-event", canHWDither = no, canDoSwipeAnimation = yes, } function Kindle2:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_einkfb"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} self.powerd = require("device/kindle/powerd"):new{ device = self, is_charging_file = "/sys/devices/platform/charger/charging", } self.input = require("device/input"):new{ device = self, event_map = require("device/kindle/event_map_keyboard"), } self.input.open("/dev/input/event0") self.input.open("/dev/input/event1") self.input.open("fake_events") Kindle.init(self) end function KindleDXG:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_einkfb"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} self.powerd = require("device/kindle/powerd"):new{ device = self, is_charging_file = "/sys/devices/platform/charger/charging", } self.input = require("device/input"):new{ device = self, event_map = require("device/kindle/event_map_keyboard"), } self.keyboard_layout = require("device/kindle/keyboard_layout") self.input.open("/dev/input/event0") self.input.open("/dev/input/event1") self.input.open("fake_events") Kindle.init(self) end function Kindle3:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_einkfb"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} self.powerd = require("device/kindle/powerd"):new{ device = self, batt_capacity_file = "/sys/devices/system/luigi_battery/luigi_battery0/battery_capacity", is_charging_file = "/sys/devices/platform/fsl-usb2-udc/charging", } self.input = require("device/input"):new{ device = self, event_map = require("device/kindle/event_map_kindle4"), } self.keyboard_layout = require("device/kindle/keyboard_layout") self.input.open("/dev/input/event0") self.input.open("/dev/input/event1") self.input.open("fake_events") Kindle.init(self) end function Kindle4:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_einkfb"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} self.powerd = require("device/kindle/powerd"):new{ device = self, batt_capacity_file = "/sys/devices/system/yoshi_battery/yoshi_battery0/battery_capacity", is_charging_file = "/sys/devices/platform/fsl-usb2-udc/charging", } self.input = require("device/input"):new{ device = self, event_map = require("device/kindle/event_map_kindle4"), } self.input.open("/dev/input/event0") self.input.open("/dev/input/event1") self.input.open("fake_events") Kindle.init(self) end function KindleTouch:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_mxcfb"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} self.powerd = require("device/kindle/powerd"):new{ device = self, batt_capacity_file = "/sys/devices/system/yoshi_battery/yoshi_battery0/battery_capacity", is_charging_file = "/sys/devices/platform/fsl-usb2-udc/charging", } self.input = require("device/input"):new{ device = self, -- Kindle Touch has a single button event_map = { [102] = "Home" }, } -- Kindle Touch needs event modification for proper coordinates self.input:registerEventAdjustHook(self.input.adjustTouchScale, {x=600/4095, y=800/4095}) -- event0 in KindleTouch is "WM8962 Beep Generator" (useless) -- event1 in KindleTouch is "imx-yoshi Headset" (useless) self.input.open("/dev/input/event2") -- Home button self.input.open(self.touch_dev) -- touchscreen self.input.open("fake_events") Kindle.init(self) end function KindlePaperWhite:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_mxcfb"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} self.powerd = require("device/kindle/powerd"):new{ device = self, fl_intensity_file = "/sys/devices/system/fl_tps6116x/fl_tps6116x0/fl_intensity", batt_capacity_file = "/sys/devices/system/yoshi_battery/yoshi_battery0/battery_capacity", is_charging_file = "/sys/devices/platform/aplite_charger.0/charging", } Kindle.init(self) self.input.open(self.touch_dev) self.input.open("fake_events") end function KindlePaperWhite2:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_mxcfb"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} self.powerd = require("device/kindle/powerd"):new{ device = self, fl_intensity_file = "/sys/class/backlight/max77696-bl/brightness", batt_capacity_file = "/sys/devices/system/wario_battery/wario_battery0/battery_capacity", is_charging_file = "/sys/devices/system/wario_charger/wario_charger0/charging", } Kindle.init(self) self.input.open(self.touch_dev) self.input.open("fake_events") end function KindleBasic:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_mxcfb"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} self.powerd = require("device/kindle/powerd"):new{ device = self, batt_capacity_file = "/sys/devices/system/wario_battery/wario_battery0/battery_capacity", is_charging_file = "/sys/devices/system/wario_charger/wario_charger0/charging", } Kindle.init(self) self.input.open(self.touch_dev) self.input.open("fake_events") end function KindleVoyage:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_mxcfb"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} self.powerd = require("device/kindle/powerd"):new{ device = self, fl_intensity_file = "/sys/class/backlight/max77696-bl/brightness", batt_capacity_file = "/sys/devices/system/wario_battery/wario_battery0/battery_capacity", is_charging_file = "/sys/devices/system/wario_charger/wario_charger0/charging", } self.input = require("device/input"):new{ device = self, event_map = { [104] = "LPgBack", [109] = "LPgFwd", }, } -- touch gestures fall into these cold spots defined by (x, y, r) -- will be rewritten to 'none' ges thus being ignored -- x, y is the absolute position disregard of screen mode, r is spot radius self.cold_spots = { { x = 1080 + 50, y = 485, r = 80 }, { x = 1080 + 70, y = 910, r = 120 }, { x = -50, y = 485, r = 80 }, { x = -70, y = 910, r = 120 }, } self.input:registerGestureAdjustHook(function(_, ges) if ges then local pos = ges.pos for _, spot in ipairs(self.cold_spots) do if (spot.x - pos.x) * (spot.x - pos.x) + (spot.y - pos.y) * (spot.y - pos.y) < spot.r * spot.r then ges.ges = "none" end end end end) Kindle.init(self) self.input.open(self.touch_dev) self.input.open("/dev/input/event2") -- WhisperTouch self.input.open("fake_events") end function KindlePaperWhite3:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_mxcfb"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} self.powerd = require("device/kindle/powerd"):new{ device = self, fl_intensity_file = "/sys/class/backlight/max77696-bl/brightness", batt_capacity_file = "/sys/devices/system/wario_battery/wario_battery0/battery_capacity", is_charging_file = "/sys/devices/system/wario_charger/wario_charger0/charging", } Kindle.init(self) self.input.open(self.touch_dev) self.input.open("fake_events") end function KindleOasis:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_mxcfb"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} self.powerd = require("device/kindle/powerd"):new{ device = self, fl_intensity_file = "/sys/class/backlight/max77696-bl/brightness", -- NOTE: Points to the embedded battery. The one in the cover is codenamed "soda". batt_capacity_file = "/sys/devices/system/wario_battery/wario_battery0/battery_capacity", is_charging_file = "/sys/devices/system/wario_charger/wario_charger0/charging", } self.input = require("device/input"):new{ device = self, event_map = { [104] = "RPgFwd", [109] = "RPgBack", } } local haslipc, lipc = pcall(require, "liblipclua") if haslipc and lipc then local lipc_handle = lipc.init("com.github.koreader.screen") if lipc_handle then local orientation_code = lipc_handle:get_string_property( "com.lab126.winmgr", "accelerometer") local rotation_mode = 0 if orientation_code then if orientation_code == "V" then rotation_mode = self.screen.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT elseif orientation_code == "R" then rotation_mode = self.screen.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE elseif orientation_code == "D" then rotation_mode = self.screen.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT_ROTATED elseif orientation_code == "L" then rotation_mode = self.screen.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE_ROTATED end end if rotation_mode > 0 then self.screen.native_rotation_mode = rotation_mode self.screen.cur_rotation_mode = rotation_mode end lipc_handle:close() end end Kindle.init(self) self.input:registerEventAdjustHook(self.input.adjustKindleOasisOrientation) self.input.open(self.touch_dev) self.input.open("/dev/input/by-path/platform-gpiokey.0-event") -- get rotate dev by EV=d local std_out = io.popen("grep -e 'Handlers\\|EV=' /proc/bus/input/devices | grep -B1 'EV=d' | grep -o 'event[0-9]'", "r") if std_out then local rotation_dev = std_out:read("*line") std_out:close() if rotation_dev then self.input.open("/dev/input/"..rotation_dev) end end self.input.open("fake_events") end function KindleOasis2:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_mxcfb"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} self.powerd = require("device/kindle/powerd"):new{ device = self, fl_intensity_file = "/sys/class/backlight/max77796-bl/brightness", batt_capacity_file = "/sys/class/power_supply/max77796-battery/capacity", is_charging_file = "/sys/class/power_supply/max77796-charger/charging", batt_status_file = "/sys/class/power_supply/max77796-charger/status", } self.input = require("device/input"):new{ device = self, -- Top, Bottom (yes, it's the reverse than on non-Oasis devices) event_map = { [104] = "RPgFwd", [109] = "RPgBack", } } --- @fixme When starting KOReader with the device upside down ("D"), touch input is registered wrong -- (i.e., probably upside down). -- If it's started upright ("U"), everything's okay, and turning it upside down after that works just fine. -- See #2206 & #2209 for the original KOA implementation, which obviously doesn't quite cut it here... -- See also -- NOTE: It'd take some effort to actually start KOReader while in a LANDSCAPE orientation, -- since they're only exposed inside the stock reader, and not the Home/KUAL Booklets. local haslipc, lipc = pcall(require, "liblipclua") if haslipc and lipc then local lipc_handle = lipc.init("com.github.koreader.screen") if lipc_handle then local orientation_code = lipc_handle:get_string_property( "com.lab126.winmgr", "accelerometer") local rotation_mode = 0 if orientation_code then if orientation_code == "U" then rotation_mode = self.screen.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT elseif orientation_code == "R" then rotation_mode = self.screen.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE elseif orientation_code == "D" then rotation_mode = self.screen.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT_ROTATED elseif orientation_code == "L" then rotation_mode = self.screen.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE_ROTATED end end if rotation_mode > 0 then self.screen.native_rotation_mode = rotation_mode self.screen.cur_rotation_mode = rotation_mode end lipc_handle:close() end end Kindle.init(self) self.input:registerEventAdjustHook(self.input.adjustKindleOasisOrientation) self.input.open(self.touch_dev) self.input.open("/dev/input/by-path/platform-gpio-keys-event") -- Get accelerometer device by looking for EV=d local std_out = io.popen("grep -e 'Handlers\\|EV=' /proc/bus/input/devices | grep -B1 'EV=d' | grep -o 'event[0-9]\\{1,2\\}'", "r") if std_out then local rotation_dev = std_out:read("*line") std_out:close() if rotation_dev then self.input.open("/dev/input/"..rotation_dev) end end self.input.open("fake_events") end function KindleOasis3:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_mxcfb"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} self.powerd = require("device/kindle/powerd"):new{ device = self, fl_intensity_file = "/sys/class/backlight/lm3697-bl1/brightness", warmth_intensity_file = "/sys/class/backlight/lm3697-bl0/brightness", batt_capacity_file = "/sys/class/power_supply/max77796-battery/capacity", is_charging_file = "/sys/class/power_supply/max77796-charger/charging", batt_status_file = "/sys/class/power_supply/max77796-charger/status", } self.input = require("device/input"):new{ device = self, -- Top, Bottom (yes, it's the reverse than on non-Oasis devices) event_map = { [104] = "RPgFwd", [109] = "RPgBack", } } --- @fixme The same quirks as on the Oasis 2 apply ;). local haslipc, lipc = pcall(require, "liblipclua") if haslipc and lipc then local lipc_handle = lipc.init("com.github.koreader.screen") if lipc_handle then local orientation_code = lipc_handle:get_string_property( "com.lab126.winmgr", "accelerometer") local rotation_mode = 0 if orientation_code then if orientation_code == "U" then rotation_mode = self.screen.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT elseif orientation_code == "R" then rotation_mode = self.screen.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE elseif orientation_code == "D" then rotation_mode = self.screen.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT_ROTATED elseif orientation_code == "L" then rotation_mode = self.screen.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE_ROTATED end end if rotation_mode > 0 then self.screen.native_rotation_mode = rotation_mode self.screen.cur_rotation_mode = rotation_mode end lipc_handle:close() end end Kindle.init(self) self.input:registerEventAdjustHook(self.input.adjustKindleOasisOrientation) self.input.open(self.touch_dev) self.input.open("/dev/input/by-path/platform-gpio-keys-event") -- Get accelerometer device by looking for EV=d local std_out = io.popen("grep -e 'Handlers\\|EV=' /proc/bus/input/devices | grep -B1 'EV=d' | grep -o 'event[0-9]\\{1,2\\}'", "r") if std_out then local rotation_dev = std_out:read("*line") std_out:close() if rotation_dev then self.input.open("/dev/input/"..rotation_dev) end end self.input.open("fake_events") end function KindleBasic2:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_mxcfb"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} self.powerd = require("device/kindle/powerd"):new{ device = self, batt_capacity_file = "/sys/class/power_supply/bd7181x_bat/capacity", is_charging_file = "/sys/class/power_supply/bd7181x_bat/charging", batt_status_file = "/sys/class/power_supply/bd7181x_bat/status", } Kindle.init(self) self.input.open(self.touch_dev) self.input.open("fake_events") end function KindlePaperWhite4:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_mxcfb"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} self.powerd = require("device/kindle/powerd"):new{ device = self, fl_intensity_file = "/sys/class/backlight/bl/brightness", batt_capacity_file = "/sys/class/power_supply/bd71827_bat/capacity", is_charging_file = "/sys/class/power_supply/bd71827_bat/charging", batt_status_file = "/sys/class/power_supply/bd71827_bat/status", } Kindle.init(self) -- So, look for a goodix TS input device (c.f., #5110)... local std_out = io.popen("grep -e 'Handlers\\|Name=' /proc/bus/input/devices | grep -A1 'goodix-ts' | grep -o 'event[0-9]'", "r") if std_out then local goodix_dev = std_out:read("*line") std_out:close() if goodix_dev then self.touch_dev = "/dev/input/" .. goodix_dev end end self.input.open(self.touch_dev) self.input.open("fake_events") end function KindleBasic3:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_mxcfb"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} self.powerd = require("device/kindle/powerd"):new{ device = self, fl_intensity_file = "/sys/class/backlight/bl/brightness", batt_capacity_file = "/sys/class/power_supply/bd71827_bat/capacity", is_charging_file = "/sys/class/power_supply/bd71827_bat/charging", batt_status_file = "/sys/class/power_supply/bd71827_bat/status", } Kindle.init(self) -- This device doesn't emit ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID:-1 events on contact lift, -- so we have to rely on contact lift detection via BTN_TOUCH:0, -- c.f., https://github.com/koreader/koreader/issues/5070 self.input.snow_protocol = true self.input.open(self.touch_dev) self.input.open("fake_events") end function KindlePaperWhite5:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_mxcfb"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} self.powerd = require("device/kindle/powerd"):new{ device = self, fl_intensity_file = "/sys/class/backlight/fp9966-bl1/brightness", warmth_intensity_file = "/sys/class/backlight/fp9966-bl0/brightness", batt_capacity_file = "/sys/class/power_supply/bd71827_bat/capacity", is_charging_file = "/sys/class/power_supply/bd71827_bat/charging", batt_status_file = "/sys/class/power_supply/bd71827_bat/status", } -- Enable the so-called "fast" mode, so as to prevent the driver from silently promoting refreshes to REAGL. self.screen:_MTK_ToggleFastMode(true) Kindle.init(self) self.input.open(self.touch_dev) self.input.open("fake_events") end function KindleBasic4:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_mxcfb"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} -- TBD, assume PW5 for now self.powerd = require("device/kindle/powerd"):new{ device = self, fl_intensity_file = "/sys/class/backlight/fp9966-bl1/brightness", warmth_intensity_file = "/sys/class/backlight/fp9966-bl0/brightness", batt_capacity_file = "/sys/class/power_supply/bd71827_bat/capacity", is_charging_file = "/sys/class/power_supply/bd71827_bat/charging", batt_status_file = "/sys/class/power_supply/bd71827_bat/status", } -- Enable the so-called "fast" mode, so as to prevent the driver from silently promoting refreshes to REAGL. self.screen:_MTK_ToggleFastMode(true) Kindle.init(self) self.input.open(self.touch_dev) self.input.open("fake_events") end function KindleTouch:exit() if self:isMTK() then -- Disable the so-called "fast" mode self.screen:_MTK_ToggleFastMode(false) end if self.framework_lipc_handle then self.framework_lipc_handle:close() end Generic.exit(self) if self.isSpecialOffers then -- Wakey wakey... if os.getenv("AWESOME_STOPPED") == "yes" then os.execute("killall -CONT awesome") end -- fake a touch event if self.touch_dev then local width, height = self.screen:getScreenWidth(), self.screen:getScreenHeight() require("ffi/input").fakeTapInput(self.touch_dev, math.min(width, height)/2, math.max(width, height)-30 ) end end end KindlePaperWhite.exit = KindleTouch.exit KindlePaperWhite2.exit = KindleTouch.exit KindleBasic.exit = KindleTouch.exit KindleVoyage.exit = KindleTouch.exit KindlePaperWhite3.exit = KindleTouch.exit KindleOasis.exit = KindleTouch.exit KindleOasis2.exit = KindleTouch.exit KindleBasic2.exit = KindleTouch.exit KindlePaperWhite4.exit = KindleTouch.exit KindleBasic3.exit = KindleTouch.exit KindleOasis3.exit = KindleTouch.exit KindlePaperWhite5.exit = KindleTouch.exit KindleBasic4.exit = KindleTouch.exit function Kindle3:exit() -- send double menu key press events to trigger screen refresh os.execute("echo 'send 139' > /proc/keypad;echo 'send 139' > /proc/keypad") Generic.exit(self) end KindleDXG.exit = Kindle3.exit ----------------- device recognition: ------------------- local function Set(list) local set = {} for _, l in ipairs(list) do set[l] = true end return set end local kindle_sn_fd = io.open("/proc/usid", "r") if not kindle_sn_fd then return end local kindle_sn = kindle_sn_fd:read("*line") kindle_sn_fd:close() -- NOTE: Attempt to sanely differentiate v1 from v2, -- c.f., https://github.com/NiLuJe/FBInk/commit/8a1161734b3f5b4461247af461d26987f6f1632e local kindle_sn_lead = string.sub(kindle_sn, 1, 1) -- NOTE: Update me when new devices come out :) -- c.f., https://wiki.mobileread.com/wiki/Kindle_Serial_Numbers for identified variants -- c.f., https://github.com/NiLuJe/KindleTool/blob/master/KindleTool/kindle_tool.h#L174 for all variants local k2_set = Set { "02", "03" } local dx_set = Set { "04", "05" } local dxg_set = Set { "09" } local k3_set = Set { "08", "06", "0A" } local k4_set = Set { "0E", "23" } local touch_set = Set { "0F", "11", "10", "12" } local pw_set = Set { "24", "1B", "1D", "1F", "1C", "20" } local pw2_set = Set { "D4", "5A", "D5", "D6", "D7", "D8", "F2", "17", "60", "F4", "F9", "62", "61", "5F" } local kt2_set = Set { "C6", "DD" } local kv_set = Set { "13", "54", "2A", "4F", "52", "53" } local pw3_set = Set { "0G1", "0G2", "0G4", "0G5", "0G6", "0G7", "0KB", "0KC", "0KD", "0KE", "0KF", "0KG", "0LK", "0LL" } local koa_set = Set { "0GC", "0GD", "0GR", "0GS", "0GT", "0GU" } local koa2_set = Set { "0LM", "0LN", "0LP", "0LQ", "0P1", "0P2", "0P6", "0P7", "0P8", "0S1", "0S2", "0S3", "0S4", "0S7", "0SA" } local kt3_set = Set { "0DU", "0K9", "0KA" } local pw4_set = Set { "0PP", "0T1", "0T2", "0T3", "0T4", "0T5", "0T6", "0T7", "0TJ", "0TK", "0TL", "0TM", "0TN", "102", "103", "16Q", "16R", "16S", "16T", "16U", "16V" } local kt4_set = Set { "10L", "0WF", "0WG", "0WH", "0WJ", "0VB" } local koa3_set = Set { "11L", "0WQ", "0WP", "0WN", "0WM", "0WL" } local pw5_set = Set { "1LG", "1Q0", "1PX", "1VD", "219", "21A", "2BH", "2BJ", "2DK" } local kt5_set = Set { "22D", "25T", "23A", "2AQ", "2AP", "1XH", "22C" } if kindle_sn_lead == "B" or kindle_sn_lead == "9" then local kindle_devcode = string.sub(kindle_sn, 3, 4) if k2_set[kindle_devcode] then return Kindle2 elseif dx_set[kindle_devcode] then return Kindle2 elseif dxg_set[kindle_devcode] then return KindleDXG elseif k3_set[kindle_devcode] then return Kindle3 elseif k4_set[kindle_devcode] then return Kindle4 elseif touch_set[kindle_devcode] then return KindleTouch elseif pw_set[kindle_devcode] then return KindlePaperWhite elseif pw2_set[kindle_devcode] then return KindlePaperWhite2 elseif kt2_set[kindle_devcode] then return KindleBasic elseif kv_set[kindle_devcode] then return KindleVoyage end else local kindle_devcode_v2 = string.sub(kindle_sn, 4, 6) if pw3_set[kindle_devcode_v2] then return KindlePaperWhite3 elseif koa_set[kindle_devcode_v2] then return KindleOasis elseif koa2_set[kindle_devcode_v2] then return KindleOasis2 elseif kt3_set[kindle_devcode_v2] then return KindleBasic2 elseif pw4_set[kindle_devcode_v2] then return KindlePaperWhite4 elseif kt4_set[kindle_devcode_v2] then return KindleBasic3 elseif koa3_set[kindle_devcode_v2] then return KindleOasis3 elseif pw5_set[kindle_devcode_v2] then return KindlePaperWhite5 elseif kt5_set[kindle_devcode_v2] then return KindleBasic4 end end local kindle_sn_prefix = string.sub(kindle_sn, 1, 6) error("unknown Kindle model: " .. kindle_sn_prefix)