local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local Device = require("device") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local MultiConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/multiconfirmbox") local NetworkMgr = require("ui/network/manager") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local Version = require("version") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local logger = require("logger") local _ = require("gettext") local T = require("ffi/util").template local ota_dir = DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/ota/" local OTAManager = { ota_servers = { "http://ota.koreader.rocks:80/", "http://vislab.bjmu.edu.cn:80/apps/koreader/ota/", --[[ -- NOTE: Because we can't have nice things, -- the HTTP frontend of these OpenStack storage containers doesn't actually properly support -- HTTP/1.1 Range requests when multiple byte ranges are requested: they return bogus data when doing so, -- which confuses zsync, causing it to retry indefinitely instead of aborting... -- c.f., https://github.com/koreader/koreader-base/pull/699 "http://koreader-fr.ak-team.com:80/", "http://koreader-pl.ak-team.com:80/", "http://koreader-na.ak-team.com:80/", --]] "http://koreader.ak-team.com:80/", }, ota_channels = { "stable", "nightly", }, zsync_template = "koreader-%s-latest-%s.zsync", installed_package = ota_dir .. "koreader.installed.tar", package_indexfile = "ota/package.index", updated_package = ota_dir .. "koreader.updated.tar", can_pretty_print = lfs.attributes("./fbink", "mode") == "file" and true or false, } local ota_channels = { stable = _("Stable"), nightly = _("Development"), } -- Try to detect WARIO+ Kindle boards (i.MX6 & i.MX7) function OTAManager:_isKindleWarioOrMore() local cpu_hw = nil -- Parse cpuinfo line by line, until we find the Hardware description for line in io.lines("/proc/cpuinfo") do if line:find("^Hardware") then cpu_hw = line:match("^Hardware%s*:%s([%g%s]*)$") end end -- NOTE: I couldn't dig up a cpuinfo dump from an Oasis 2 to check the CPU part value, -- but for Wario (Cortex A9), matching that to 0xc09 would work, too. -- On the other hand, I'm already using the Hardware match in MRPI, so, that sealed the deal ;). -- If we've got a Hardware string, check if it mentions an i.MX 6 or 7... if cpu_hw then if cpu_hw:find("i.MX%s?[6-7]") then return true else return false end else return false end end -- "x86", "x64", "arm", "arm64", "ppc", "mips" or "mips64". local arch = jit.arch function OTAManager:getOTAModel() if Device:isAndroid() then if arch == "x86" then return "android-x86" end return "android" elseif Device:isCervantes() then return "cervantes" elseif Device:isKindle() then if Device:isTouchDevice() or Device.model == "Kindle4" then if self:_isKindleWarioOrMore() then return "kindlepw2" else return "kindle" end else return "kindle-legacy" end elseif Device:isKobo() then return "kobo" elseif Device:isPocketBook() then return "pocketbook" elseif Device:isSonyPRSTUX() then return "sony-prstux" else return "" end end function OTAManager:getOTAServer() return G_reader_settings:readSetting("ota_server") or self.ota_servers[1] end function OTAManager:setOTAServer(server) logger.dbg("Set OTA server:", server) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("ota_server", server) end function OTAManager:getOTAChannel() return G_reader_settings:readSetting("ota_channel") or self.ota_channels[1] end function OTAManager:setOTAChannel(channel) logger.dbg("Set OTA channel:", channel) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("ota_channel", channel) end function OTAManager:getZsyncFilename() return self.zsync_template:format(self:getOTAModel(), self:getOTAChannel()) end function OTAManager:checkUpdate() local http = require("socket.http") local ltn12 = require("ltn12") local zsync_file = self:getZsyncFilename() local ota_zsync_file = self:getOTAServer() .. zsync_file local local_zsync_file = ota_dir .. zsync_file -- download zsync file from OTA server logger.dbg("downloading zsync file", ota_zsync_file) local _, c, _ = http.request{ url = ota_zsync_file, sink = ltn12.sink.file(io.open(local_zsync_file, "w"))} if c ~= 200 then logger.warn("cannot find zsync file", c) return end -- parse OTA package version local ota_package = nil local zsync = io.open(local_zsync_file, "r") if zsync then for line in zsync:lines() do ota_package = line:match("^Filename:%s*(.-)%s*$") if ota_package then break end end zsync:close() end local local_ok, local_version = pcall(function() local rev = Version:getCurrentRevision() if rev then return Version:getNormalizedVersion(rev) end end) local ota_ok, ota_version = pcall(function() return Version:getNormalizedVersion(ota_package) end) -- return ota package version if package on OTA server has version -- larger than the local package version if local_ok and ota_ok and ota_version and local_version and ota_version ~= local_version then return ota_version, local_version elseif ota_version and ota_version == local_version then return 0 end end function OTAManager:fetchAndProcessUpdate() local ota_version, local_version = OTAManager:checkUpdate() if ota_version == 0 then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("KOReader is up to date."), }) elseif ota_version == nil then local channel = ota_channels[OTAManager:getOTAChannel()] UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("OTA package is not available on %1 channel."), channel), }) elseif ota_version then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T( _("Do you want to update?\nInstalled version: %1\nAvailable version: %2"), local_version, ota_version ), ok_text = _("Update"), ok_callback = function() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Downloading may take several minutes…"), timeout = 3, }) UIManager:scheduleIn(1, function() if OTAManager:zsync() == 0 then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("KOReader will be updated on next restart."), }) -- Make it clear that zsync is done if self.can_pretty_print then os.execute("./fbink -q -y -7 -pm ' ' ' '") end else -- Make it clear that zsync is done if self.can_pretty_print then os.execute("./fbink -q -y -7 -pm ' ' ' '") end UIManager:show(MultiConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Failed to update KOReader.\n\nYou can:\nCancel, keeping temporary files.\nRetry the update process with a full download.\nAbort and cleanup all temporary files."), choice1_text = _("Retry"), choice1_callback = function() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Downloading may take several minutes…"), timeout = 3, }) -- Clear the installed package, as well as the complete/incomplete update download os.execute("rm " .. self.installed_package) os.execute("rm " .. self.updated_package .. "*") -- And then relaunch zsync in full download mode... UIManager:scheduleIn(1, function() if OTAManager:zsync(true) == 0 then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("KOReader will be updated on next restart."), }) -- Make it clear that zsync is done if self.can_pretty_print then os.execute("./fbink -q -y -7 -pm ' ' ' '") end else -- Make it clear that zsync is done if self.can_pretty_print then os.execute("./fbink -q -y -7 -pm ' ' ' '") end UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Error updating KOReader. Would you like to delete temporary files?"), ok_callback = function() os.execute("rm " .. ota_dir .. "ko*") end, }) end end) end, choice2_text = _("Abort"), choice2_callback = function() os.execute("rm " .. ota_dir .. "ko*") end, }) end end) end }) end end function OTAManager:_buildLocalPackage() -- TODO: validate the installed package? local installed_package = self.installed_package if lfs.attributes(installed_package, "mode") == "file" then return 0 end if lfs.attributes(self.package_indexfile, "mode") ~= "file" then logger.err("Missing ota metadata:", self.package_indexfile) return nil end if Device:isAndroid() then return os.execute(string.format( "./tar --no-recursion -cf %s -T %s", self.installed_package, self.package_indexfile)) else -- With visual feedback if supported... if self.can_pretty_print then os.execute("./fbink -q -y -7 -pmh 'Preparing local OTA package'") -- We need a vague idea of how much space the tarball we're creating will take to compute a proper percentage... -- Get the size from the latest zsync package, which'll be a closer match than anything else we might come up with. local zsync_file = self:getZsyncFilename() local local_zsync_file = ota_dir .. zsync_file local tarball_size = nil local zsync = io.open(local_zsync_file, "r") if zsync then for line in zsync:lines() do tarball_size = line:match("^Length: (%d*)$") if tarball_size then break end end zsync:close() end -- Next, we need to compute the amount of tar blocks that'll take, knowing that tar's default blocksize is 20 * 512 bytes. -- c.f., https://superuser.com/questions/168749 & http://www.noah.org/wiki/tar_notes -- Defaults to a sane-ish value as-of now, in case shit happens... local blocks = 6405 if tarball_size then blocks = tarball_size / (512 * 20) end -- And since we want a percentage, devise the exact value we need for tar to spit out exactly 100 checkpoints ;). local cpoints = blocks / 100 return os.execute(string.format( "./tar --no-recursion -cf %s -C .. -T %s --checkpoint=%d --checkpoint-action=exec='./fbink -q -y -6 -P $(($TAR_CHECKPOINT/%d))'", self.installed_package, self.package_indexfile, cpoints, cpoints)) else return os.execute(string.format( "./tar --no-recursion -cf %s -C .. -T %s", self.installed_package, self.package_indexfile)) end end end function OTAManager:zsync(full_dl) if full_dl or self:_buildLocalPackage() == 0 then local zsync_wrapper = "zsync" -- With visual feedback if supported... if self.can_pretty_print then zsync_wrapper = "spinning_zsync" end -- If that's a full-download fallback, drop the input tarball if full_dl then return os.execute( ("./%s -o '%s' -u '%s' '%s%s'"):format( zsync_wrapper, self.updated_package, self:getOTAServer(), ota_dir, self:getZsyncFilename()) ) else return os.execute( ("./%s -i '%s' -o '%s' -u '%s' '%s%s'"):format( zsync_wrapper, self.installed_package, self.updated_package, self:getOTAServer(), ota_dir, self:getZsyncFilename()) ) end end end function OTAManager:genServerList() local servers = {} for _, server in ipairs(self.ota_servers) do local server_item = { text = server, checked_func = function() return self:getOTAServer() == server end, callback = function() self:setOTAServer(server) end } table.insert(servers, server_item) end return servers end function OTAManager:genChannelList() local channels = {} for _, channel in ipairs(self.ota_channels) do local channel_item = { text = ota_channels[channel], checked_func = function() return self:getOTAChannel() == channel end, callback = function() self:setOTAChannel(channel) end } table.insert(channels, channel_item) end return channels end function OTAManager:getOTAMenuTable() return { text = _("OTA update"), sub_item_table = { { text = _("Check for update"), callback = function() if not NetworkMgr:isOnline() then NetworkMgr:promptWifiOn() else OTAManager:fetchAndProcessUpdate() end end }, { text = _("Settings"), sub_item_table = { { text = _("OTA server"), sub_item_table = self:genServerList() }, { text = _("OTA channel"), sub_item_table = self:genChannelList() }, } }, } } end return OTAManager