--[[-- Text widget with vertical scroll bar. --]] local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local Device = require("device") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange") local HorizontalGroup = require("ui/widget/horizontalgroup") local HorizontalSpan = require("ui/widget/horizontalspan") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local Math = require("optmath") local TextBoxWidget = require("ui/widget/textboxwidget") local VerticalScrollBar = require("ui/widget/verticalscrollbar") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local Input = Device.input local Screen = Device.screen local ScrollTextWidget = InputContainer:new{ text = nil, charlist = nil, charpos = nil, top_line_num = nil, editable = false, justified = false, scroll_callback = nil, -- called with (low, high) when view is scrolled scroll_by_pan = false, -- allow scrolling by lines with Pan face = nil, fgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK, width = Screen:scaleBySize(400), height = Screen:scaleBySize(20), scroll_bar_width = Screen:scaleBySize(6), text_scroll_span = Screen:scaleBySize(12), dialog = nil, images = nil, } function ScrollTextWidget:init() self.text_widget = TextBoxWidget:new{ text = self.text, charlist = self.charlist, charpos = self.charpos, top_line_num = self.top_line_num, dialog = self.dialog, editable = self.editable, justified = self.justified, face = self.face, image_alt_face = self.image_alt_face, fgcolor = self.fgcolor, width = self.width - self.scroll_bar_width - self.text_scroll_span, height = self.height, images = self.images, } local visible_line_count = self.text_widget:getVisLineCount() local total_line_count = self.text_widget:getAllLineCount() self.v_scroll_bar = VerticalScrollBar:new{ enable = visible_line_count < total_line_count, low = 0, high = visible_line_count / total_line_count, width = self.scroll_bar_width, height = self.text_widget:getTextHeight(), } self:updateScrollBar() local horizontal_group = HorizontalGroup:new{ align = "top" } table.insert(horizontal_group, self.text_widget) table.insert(horizontal_group, HorizontalSpan:new{width=self.text_scroll_span}) table.insert(horizontal_group, self.v_scroll_bar) self[1] = horizontal_group self.dimen = Geom:new(self[1]:getSize()) if Device:isTouchDevice() then self.ges_events = { ScrollText = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "swipe", range = function() return self.dimen end, }, }, TapScrollText = { -- allow scrolling with tap GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = function() return self.dimen end, }, }, } if self.scroll_by_pan then self.ges_events.PanText = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "pan", range = function() return self.dimen end, }, } self.ges_events.PanReleaseText = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "pan_release", range = function() return self.dimen end, }, } end end if Device:hasKeyboard() or Device:hasKeys() then self.key_events = { ScrollDown = {{Input.group.PgFwd}, doc = "scroll down"}, ScrollUp = {{Input.group.PgBack}, doc = "scroll up"}, } end end function ScrollTextWidget:unfocus() self.text_widget:unfocus() end function ScrollTextWidget:focus() self.text_widget:focus() end function ScrollTextWidget:getTextHeight() return self.text_widget:getTextHeight() end function ScrollTextWidget:getLineHeight() return self.text_widget:getLineHeight() end function ScrollTextWidget:getCharPos() return self.text_widget:getCharPos() end function ScrollTextWidget:updateScrollBar(is_partial) local low, high = self.text_widget:getVisibleHeightRatios() if low ~= self.prev_low or high ~= self.prev_high then self.prev_low = low self.prev_high = high self.v_scroll_bar:set(low, high) local refreshfunc = "ui" if is_partial then refreshfunc = "partial" end UIManager:setDirty(self.dialog, function() return refreshfunc, self.dimen end) if self.scroll_callback then self.scroll_callback(low, high) end end end function ScrollTextWidget:moveCursorToCharPos(charpos) self.text_widget:moveCursorToCharPos(charpos) self:updateScrollBar() end function ScrollTextWidget:moveCursorToXY(x, y, no_overflow) self.text_widget:moveCursorToXY(x, y, no_overflow) self:updateScrollBar() end function ScrollTextWidget:moveCursorLeft() self.text_widget:moveCursorLeft(); self:updateScrollBar() end function ScrollTextWidget:moveCursorRight() self.text_widget:moveCursorRight(); self:updateScrollBar() end function ScrollTextWidget:moveCursorUp() self.text_widget:moveCursorUp(); self:updateScrollBar() end function ScrollTextWidget:moveCursorDown() self.text_widget:moveCursorDown(); self:updateScrollBar() end function ScrollTextWidget:scrollDown() self.text_widget:scrollDown(); self:updateScrollBar(true) end function ScrollTextWidget:scrollUp() self.text_widget:scrollUp(); self:updateScrollBar(true) end function ScrollTextWidget:scrollToTop() self.text_widget:scrollToTop(); self:updateScrollBar(true) end function ScrollTextWidget:scrollToBottom() self.text_widget:scrollToBottom(); self:updateScrollBar(true) end function ScrollTextWidget:scrollText(direction) if direction == 0 then return end if direction > 0 then self.text_widget:scrollDown() else self.text_widget:scrollUp() end self:updateScrollBar(true) end function ScrollTextWidget:scrollToRatio(ratio) self.text_widget:scrollToRatio(ratio) self:updateScrollBar(true) end function ScrollTextWidget:onScrollText(arg, ges) if ges.direction == "north" then self:scrollText(1) return true elseif ges.direction == "south" then self:scrollText(-1) return true end -- if swipe west/east, let it propagate up (e.g. for quickdictlookup to -- go to next/prev result) end function ScrollTextWidget:onTapScrollText(arg, ges) if self.editable then -- Tap is used to position cursor return false end -- same tests as done in TextBoxWidget:scrollUp/Down if ges.pos.x < Screen:getWidth()/2 then if self.text_widget.virtual_line_num > 1 then self:scrollText(-1) return true end else if self.text_widget.virtual_line_num + self.text_widget:getVisLineCount() <= #self.text_widget.vertical_string_list then self:scrollText(1) return true end end -- if we couldn't scroll (because we're already at top or bottom), -- let it propagate up (e.g. for quickdictlookup to go to next/prev result) end function ScrollTextWidget:onScrollDown() self:scrollText(1) return true end function ScrollTextWidget:onScrollUp() self:scrollText(-1) return true end function ScrollTextWidget:onPanText(arg, ges) self._pan_direction = ges.direction self._pan_relative_x = ges.relative.x self._pan_relative_y = ges.relative.y return true end function ScrollTextWidget:onPanReleaseText(arg, ges) if self._pan_direction and self._pan_relative_y then -- went thru onPanText if self._pan_direction == "north" or self._pan_direction == "south" then local nb_lines = Math.round(self._pan_relative_y / self:getLineHeight()) self.text_widget:scrollLines(-nb_lines) self:updateScrollBar(true) end self._pan_direction = nil self._pan_relative_x = nil self._pan_relative_y = nil return true end return false end return ScrollTextWidget