local BasePowerD = require("device/generic/powerd") local NickelConf = require("device/kobo/nickel_conf") local batt_state_folder = "/sys/devices/platform/pmic_battery.1/power_supply/mc13892_bat/" -- Here, we only deal with the real hw intensity. -- Dealing with toggling and remembering/restoring -- previous intensity when toggling/untoggling is done -- by BasePowerD. local KoboPowerD = BasePowerD:new{ fl_min = 0, fl_max = 100, fl = nil, batt_capacity_file = batt_state_folder .. "capacity", is_charging_file = batt_state_folder .. "status", } -- TODO: Remove KOBO_LIGHT_ON_START function KoboPowerD:_syncKoboLightOnStart() local new_intensity = nil local is_frontlight_on = nil local kobo_light_on_start = tonumber(KOBO_LIGHT_ON_START) if kobo_light_on_start then if kobo_light_on_start > 0 then new_intensity = math.min(kobo_light_on_start, 100) is_frontlight_on = true elseif kobo_light_on_start == 0 then new_intensity = 0 is_frontlight_on = false elseif kobo_light_on_start == -2 then -- get values from NickelConf new_intensity = NickelConf.frontLightLevel.get() is_frontlight_on = NickelConf.frontLightState:get() if is_frontlight_on == nil then -- this device does not support frontlight toggle, -- we set the value based on frontlight intensity. if new_intensity > 0 then is_frontlight_on = true else is_frontlight_on = false end end if is_frontlight_on == false and new_intensity == 0 then -- frontlight was toggled off in nickel, and we have no -- level-before-toggle-off (firmware without "FrontLightState"): -- use the one from koreader settings new_intensity = G_reader_settings:readSetting("frontlight_intensity") end else -- if kobo_light_on_start == -1 or other unexpected value then -- As we can't read value from the OS or hardware, use last values -- stored in koreader settings new_intensity = G_reader_settings:readSetting("frontlight_intensity") is_frontlight_on = G_reader_settings:readSetting("is_frontlight_on") end end if new_intensity ~= nil then self.hw_intensity = new_intensity end if is_frontlight_on ~= nil then -- will only be used to give initial state to BasePowerD:_decideFrontlightState() self.initial_is_fl_on = is_frontlight_on end -- In any case frontlight is off, ensure intensity is non-zero so untoggle works if self.initial_is_fl_on == false and self.hw_intensity == 0 then self.hw_intensity = 1 end end function KoboPowerD:init() -- Default values in case self:_syncKoboLightOnStart() does not find -- any previously saved setting (and for unit tests where it will -- not be called) self.hw_intensity = 20 self.initial_is_fl_on = true if self.device.hasFrontlight() then local kobolight = require("ffi/kobolight") local ok, light = pcall(kobolight.open) if ok then self.fl = light self:_syncKoboLightOnStart() end end end function KoboPowerD:saveSettings() if self.device.hasFrontlight() then -- Store BasePowerD values into settings (and not our hw_intensity, so -- that if frontlight was toggled off, we save and restore the previous -- untoggled intensity and toggle state at next startup) local cur_intensity = self.fl_intensity local cur_is_fl_on = self.is_fl_on -- Save intensity to koreader settings G_reader_settings:saveSetting("frontlight_intensity", cur_intensity) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("is_frontlight_on", cur_is_fl_on) -- And to "Kobo eReader.conf" if needed if KOBO_SYNC_BRIGHTNESS_WITH_NICKEL then if NickelConf.frontLightState.get() ~= nil then if NickelConf.frontLightState.get() ~= cur_is_fl_on then NickelConf.frontLightState.set(cur_is_fl_on) end else -- no support for frontlight state if not cur_is_fl_on then -- if toggled off, save intensity as 0 cur_intensity = self.fl_min end end if NickelConf.frontLightLevel.get() ~= cur_intensity then NickelConf.frontLightLevel.set(cur_intensity) end end end end function KoboPowerD:frontlightIntensityHW() return self.hw_intensity end function KoboPowerD:isFrontlightOnHW() if self.initial_is_fl_on ~= nil then -- happens only once after init() -- give initial state to BasePowerD, which will -- reset our self.hw_intensity to 0 if self.initial_is_fl_on is false local ret = self.initial_is_fl_on self.initial_is_fl_on = nil return ret end return self.hw_intensity > 0 end function KoboPowerD:turnOffFrontlightHW() self:_setIntensity(0) -- will call setIntensityHW(0) end function KoboPowerD:setIntensityHW(intensity) if self.fl == nil then return end self.fl:setBrightness(intensity) self.hw_intensity = intensity -- Now that we have set intensity, we need to let BasePowerD -- know about possibly changed frontlight state (if we came -- from light toggled off to some intensity > 0). self:_decideFrontlightState() end function KoboPowerD:getCapacityHW() return self:read_int_file(self.batt_capacity_file) end function KoboPowerD:isChargingHW() return self:read_str_file(self.is_charging_file) == "Charging\n" end -- Turn off front light before suspend. function KoboPowerD:beforeSuspend() if self.fl == nil then return end -- just turn off frontlight without remembering its state self.fl:setBrightness(0) end -- Restore front light state after resume. function KoboPowerD:afterResume() if self.fl == nil then return end -- just re-set it to self.hw_intensity that we haven't change on Suspend self.fl:setBrightness(self.hw_intensity) end return KoboPowerD