local BD = require("ui/bidi") local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local Device = require("device") local DocSettings = require("docsettings") local DocumentRegistry = require("document/documentregistry") local Menu = require("ui/widget/menu") local OpenWithDialog = require("ui/widget/openwithdialog") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local ffi = require("ffi") local ffiUtil = require("ffi/util") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local sort = require("sort") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local Screen = Device.screen local T = ffiUtil.template local FileChooser = Menu:extend{ no_title = true, path = lfs.currentdir(), show_path = true, parent = nil, show_hidden = false, -- set to true to show folders/files starting with "." file_filter = nil, -- function defined in the caller, returns true for files to be shown show_unsupported = false, -- set to true to ignore file_filter -- NOTE: Input is *always* a relative entry name exclude_dirs = { -- const -- KOReader / Kindle "%.sdr$", -- Kobo "^%.adobe%-digital%-editions$", "^certificates$", "^custom%-dict$", "^dict$", "^iink$", "^kepub$", "^markups$", "^webstorage$", "^%.kobo%-images$", -- macOS "^%.fseventsd$", "^%.Trashes$", "^%.Spotlight%-V100$", -- *nix "^%.Trash$", "^%.Trash%-%d+$", -- Windows "^RECYCLED$", "^RECYCLER$", "^%$Recycle%.Bin$", "^System Volume Information$", -- Plato "^%.thumbnail%-previews$", "^%.reading%-states$", }, exclude_files = { -- const -- Kobo "^BookReader%.sqlite", "^KoboReader%.sqlite", "^device%.salt%.conf$", -- macOS "^%.DS_Store$", -- *nix "^%.directory$", -- Windows "^Thumbs%.db$", -- Calibre "^driveinfo%.calibre$", "^metadata%.calibre$", -- Plato "^%.fat32%-epoch$", "^%.metadata%.json$", }, path_items = nil, -- hash, store last browsed location (item index) for each path goto_letter = true, } -- Cache of content we knew of for directories that are not readable -- (i.e. /storage/emulated/ on Android that we can meet when coming -- from readable /storage/emulated/0/ - so we know it contains "0/") local unreadable_dir_content = {} function FileChooser:show_dir(dirname) for _, pattern in ipairs(self.exclude_dirs) do if dirname:match(pattern) then return false end end return true end function FileChooser:show_file(filename) for _, pattern in ipairs(self.exclude_files) do if filename:match(pattern) then return false end end return self.show_unsupported or self.file_filter == nil or self.file_filter(filename) end function FileChooser:init() self.path_items = {} self.width = Screen:getWidth() self.item_table = self:genItemTableFromPath(self.path) Menu.init(self) -- call parent's init() end function FileChooser:getList(path, collate) local dirs, files = {}, {} -- lfs.dir directory without permission will give error local ok, iter, dir_obj = pcall(lfs.dir, path) if ok then unreadable_dir_content[path] = nil for f in iter, dir_obj do if self.show_hidden or not util.stringStartsWith(f, ".") then local filename = path.."/"..f local attributes = lfs.attributes(filename) if attributes ~= nil then local item = true if attributes.mode == "directory" and f ~= "." and f ~= ".." then if self:show_dir(f) then if collate then -- when collate == nil count only to display in folder mandatory item = self:getListItem(f, filename, attributes) end table.insert(dirs, item) end -- Always ignore macOS resource forks. elseif attributes.mode == "file" and not util.stringStartsWith(f, "._") then if self:show_file(f) then if collate then -- when collate == nil count only to display in folder mandatory item = self:getListItem(f, filename, attributes, collate) end table.insert(files, item) end end end end end else -- error, probably "permission denied" if unreadable_dir_content[path] then -- Add this dummy item that will be replaced with a message by genItemTable() table.insert(dirs, self:getListItem("./.", path, lfs.attributes(path))) -- If we knew about some content (if we had come up from them -- to this directory), have them shown for k, v in pairs(unreadable_dir_content[path]) do if v.attr and v.attr.mode == "directory" then table.insert(dirs, v) else table.insert(files, v) end end end end return dirs, files end function FileChooser:getListItem(f, filename, attributes, collate) local item = { text = f, fullpath = filename, attr = attributes, } if collate then -- file if G_reader_settings:readSetting("show_file_in_bold") ~= false then item.opened = DocSettings:hasSidecarFile(filename) end if collate == "type" then item.suffix = util.getFileNameSuffix(f) elseif collate == "percent_unopened_first" or collate == "percent_unopened_last" then local percent_finished item.opened = DocSettings:hasSidecarFile(filename) if item.opened then local doc_settings = DocSettings:open(filename) percent_finished = doc_settings:readSetting("percent_finished") end item.percent_finished = percent_finished or 0 end end return item end function FileChooser:getSortingFunction(collate, reverse_collate) local sorting if collate == "strcoll" then sorting = function(a, b) return ffiUtil.strcoll(a.text, b.text) end elseif collate == "natural" then local natsort -- Only keep the cache if we're an *instance* of FileChooser if self ~= FileChooser then natsort, self.natsort_cache = sort.natsort_cmp(self.natsort_cache) else natsort = sort.natsort_cmp() end sorting = function(a, b) return natsort(a.text, b.text) end elseif collate == "access" then sorting = function(a, b) return a.attr.access > b.attr.access end elseif collate == "change" then sorting = function(a, b) return a.attr.change > b.attr.change end elseif collate == "modification" then sorting = function(a, b) return a.attr.modification > b.attr.modification end elseif collate == "size" then sorting = function(a, b) return a.attr.size < b.attr.size end elseif collate == "type" then sorting = function(a, b) if (a.suffix or b.suffix) and a.suffix ~= b.suffix then return ffiUtil.strcoll(a.suffix, b.suffix) end return ffiUtil.strcoll(a.text, b.text) end else -- collate == "percent_unopened_first" or collate == "percent_unopened_last" sorting = function(a, b) if a.opened == b.opened then if a.opened then return a.percent_finished < b.percent_finished end return ffiUtil.strcoll(a.text, b.text) end if collate == "percent_unopened_first" then return b.opened end return a.opened end end if reverse_collate then local sorting_unreversed = sorting sorting = function(a, b) return sorting_unreversed(b, a) end end return sorting end function FileChooser:genItemTableFromPath(path) local collate = G_reader_settings:readSetting("collate", "strcoll") local dirs, files = self:getList(path, collate) return self:genItemTable(dirs, files, path) end function FileChooser:genItemTable(dirs, files, path) local collate = G_reader_settings:readSetting("collate") local collate_not_for_mixed = collate == "size" or collate == "type" or collate == "percent_unopened_first" or collate == "percent_unopened_last" local collate_mixed = G_reader_settings:isTrue("collate_mixed") local reverse_collate = G_reader_settings:isTrue("reverse_collate") local sorting = self:getSortingFunction(collate, reverse_collate) if collate_not_for_mixed or not collate_mixed then table.sort(files, sorting) if collate_not_for_mixed then sorting = self:getSortingFunction("strcoll", reverse_collate) end table.sort(dirs, sorting) end local item_table = {} for i, dir in ipairs(dirs) do local text, bidi_wrap_func, mandatory if dir.text == "./." then -- added as content of an unreadable directory text = _("Current folder not readable. Some content may not be shown.") else text = dir.text.."/" bidi_wrap_func = BD.directory if path then -- file browser or PathChooser mandatory = self:getMenuItemMandatory(dir) end end table.insert(item_table, { text = text, attr = dir.attr, bidi_wrap_func = bidi_wrap_func, mandatory = mandatory, path = dir.fullpath, }) end -- set to false to show all files in regular font -- set to "opened" to show opened files in bold -- otherwise, show new files in bold local show_file_in_bold = G_reader_settings:readSetting("show_file_in_bold") for i, file in ipairs(files) do local file_item = { text = file.text, attr = file.attr, bidi_wrap_func = BD.filename, mandatory = self:getMenuItemMandatory(file, collate), path = file.fullpath, is_file = true, } if show_file_in_bold ~= false then file_item.bold = file.opened if show_file_in_bold ~= "opened" then file_item.bold = not file_item.bold end end if self.filemanager and self.filemanager.selected_files and self.filemanager.selected_files[file.fullpath] then file_item.dim = true end table.insert(item_table, file_item) end if not collate_not_for_mixed and collate_mixed then table.sort(item_table, sorting) end if path then -- file browser or PathChooser if path ~= "/" and not (G_reader_settings:isTrue("lock_home_folder") and path == G_reader_settings:readSetting("home_dir")) then table.insert(item_table, 1, { text = BD.mirroredUILayout() and BD.ltr("../ ⬆") or "⬆ ../", path = path.."/..", is_go_up = true, }) end if self.show_current_dir_for_hold then table.insert(item_table, 1, { text = _("Long-press to choose current folder"), path = path.."/.", }) end end -- lfs.dir iterated node string may be encoded with some weird codepage on -- Windows we need to encode them to utf-8 if ffi.os == "Windows" then for _, v in ipairs(item_table) do if v.text then v.text = ffiUtil.multiByteToUTF8(v.text) or "" end end end return item_table end function FileChooser:getMenuItemMandatory(item, collate) local text if collate then -- file -- display the sorting parameter in mandatory if collate == "access" then text = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", item.attr.access) elseif collate == "change" then text = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", item.attr.change) elseif collate == "modification" then text = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", item.attr.modification) elseif collate == "percent_unopened_first" or collate == "percent_unopened_last" then text = item.opened and string.format("%d %%", 100 * item.percent_finished) or "–" else text = util.getFriendlySize(item.attr.size or 0) end else -- folder, count number of folders and files inside it local sub_dirs, dir_files = self:getList(item.fullpath) text = T("%1 \u{F016}", #dir_files) if #sub_dirs > 0 then text = T("%1 \u{F114} ", #sub_dirs) .. text end end return text end function FileChooser:updateItems(select_number) Menu.updateItems(self, select_number) -- call parent's updateItems() self:mergeTitleBarIntoLayout() self.path_items[self.path] = (self.page - 1) * self.perpage + (select_number or 1) end function FileChooser:refreshPath() local itemmatch = nil local _, folder_name = util.splitFilePathName(self.path) Screen:setWindowTitle(folder_name) if self.focused_path then itemmatch = {path = self.focused_path} -- We use focused_path only once, but remember it -- for CoverBrower to re-apply it on startup if needed self.prev_focused_path = self.focused_path self.focused_path = nil end self:switchItemTable(nil, self:genItemTableFromPath(self.path), self.path_items[self.path], itemmatch) end function FileChooser:changeToPath(path, focused_path) path = ffiUtil.realpath(path) self.path = path if focused_path then self.focused_path = focused_path -- We know focused_path is a child of path. In case path is -- not a readable directory, we can have focused_path shown, -- to allow the user to go back in it if not unreadable_dir_content[path] then unreadable_dir_content[path] = {} end if not unreadable_dir_content[path][focused_path] then unreadable_dir_content[path][focused_path] = { text = focused_path:sub(#path > 1 and #path+2 or 2), fullpath = focused_path, attr = lfs.attributes(focused_path), } end end self:refreshPath() self:onPathChanged(path) end function FileChooser:goHome() local home_dir = G_reader_settings:readSetting("home_dir") if not home_dir or lfs.attributes(home_dir, "mode") ~= "directory" then -- Try some sane defaults, depending on platform home_dir = Device.home_dir end if home_dir then -- Jump to the first page if we're already home if self.path and home_dir == self.path then self:onGotoPage(1) -- Also pick up new content, if any. self:refreshPath() else self:changeToPath(home_dir) end return true end end function FileChooser:onFolderUp() if not (G_reader_settings:isTrue("lock_home_folder") and self.path == G_reader_settings:readSetting("home_dir")) then self:changeToPath(string.format("%s/..", self.path), self.path) end end function FileChooser:changePageToPath(path) if not path then return end for num, item in ipairs(self.item_table) do if not item.is_file and item.path == path then local page = math.floor((num-1) / self.perpage) + 1 if page ~= self.page then self:onGotoPage(page) end break end end end function FileChooser:toggleHiddenFiles() self.show_hidden = not self.show_hidden self:refreshPath() end function FileChooser:toggleUnsupportedFiles() self.show_unsupported = not self.show_unsupported self:refreshPath() end function FileChooser:onMenuSelect(item) -- parent directory of dir without permission get nil mode -- we need to change to parent path in this case if item.is_file then self:onFileSelect(item.path) else self:changeToPath(item.path, item.is_go_up and self.path) end return true end function FileChooser:onMenuHold(item) self:onFileHold(item.path) return true end function FileChooser:onFileSelect(file) UIManager:close(self) return true end function FileChooser:onFileHold(file) return true end function FileChooser:onPathChanged(path) return true end -- Used in ReaderStatus:onOpenNextDocumentInFolder(). function FileChooser:getNextFile(curr_file) local is_curr_file_found for i, item in ipairs(self.item_table) do if not is_curr_file_found and item.path == curr_file then is_curr_file_found = true end if is_curr_file_found then local next_file = self.item_table[i+1] if next_file and next_file.is_file and DocumentRegistry:hasProvider(next_file.path) then return next_file.path end end end end -- Used in file manager select mode to select all files in a folder, -- that are visible in all file browser pages, without subfolders. function FileChooser:selectAllFilesInFolder() for _, item in ipairs(self.item_table) do if item.is_file then self.filemanager.selected_files[item.path] = true end end end function FileChooser:showSetProviderButtons(file, one_time_providers) local ReaderUI = require("apps/reader/readerui") local __, filename_pure = util.splitFilePathName(file) local filename_suffix = util.getFileNameSuffix(file) local buttons = {} local radio_buttons = {} local filetype_provider = G_reader_settings:readSetting("provider") or {} local providers = DocumentRegistry:getProviders(file) if providers ~= nil then for ___, provider in ipairs(providers) do -- we have no need for extension, mimetype, weights, etc. here provider = provider.provider table.insert(radio_buttons, { { text = provider.provider_name, checked = DocumentRegistry:getProvider(file) == provider, provider = provider, }, }) end else local provider = DocumentRegistry:getProvider(file) table.insert(radio_buttons, { { -- @translators %1 is the provider name, such as Cool Reader Engine or MuPDF. text = T(_("%1 ~Unsupported"), provider.provider_name), checked = true, provider = provider, }, }) end for _, provider in ipairs(one_time_providers) do provider.one_time_provider = true table.insert(radio_buttons, { { text = provider.provider_name, provider = provider, }, }) end table.insert(buttons, { { text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() UIManager:close(self.set_provider_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Open"), is_enter_default = true, callback = function() local provider = self.set_provider_dialog.radio_button_table.checked_button.provider if provider.one_time_provider then UIManager:close(self.set_provider_dialog) provider.callback() return end -- always for this file if self.set_provider_dialog._check_file_button.checked then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("Always open '%2' with %1?"), provider.provider_name, BD.filename(filename_pure)), ok_text = _("Always"), ok_callback = function() DocumentRegistry:setProvider(file, provider, false) ReaderUI:showReader(file, provider) UIManager:close(self.set_provider_dialog) end, }) -- always for all files of this file type elseif self.set_provider_dialog._check_global_button.checked then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("Always open %2 files with %1?"), provider.provider_name, filename_suffix), ok_text = _("Always"), ok_callback = function() DocumentRegistry:setProvider(file, provider, true) ReaderUI:showReader(file, provider) UIManager:close(self.set_provider_dialog) end, }) else -- just once ReaderUI:showReader(file, provider) UIManager:close(self.set_provider_dialog) end end, }, }) if filetype_provider[filename_suffix] ~= nil then table.insert(buttons, { { text = _("Reset default"), callback = function() filetype_provider[filename_suffix] = nil G_reader_settings:saveSetting("provider", filetype_provider) UIManager:close(self.set_provider_dialog) end, }, }) end self.set_provider_dialog = OpenWithDialog:new{ title = T(_("Open %1 with:"), BD.filename(filename_pure)), radio_buttons = radio_buttons, buttons = buttons, } UIManager:show(self.set_provider_dialog) end return FileChooser