local BaseFrontLight = require("ui/device/basefrontlight") -- liblipclua, see require below local KindleFrontLight = BaseFrontLight:new{ min = 0, max = 24, -- FIXME: Check how to handle this on the PW2, initial reports on IRC suggest that this isn't possible anymore kpw_fl = "/sys/devices/system/fl_tps6116x/fl_tps6116x0/fl_intensity", intensity = nil, lipc_handle = nil, } function KindleFrontLight:init() require "liblipclua" self.lipc_handle = lipc.init("com.github.koreader") if self.lipc_handle then self.intensity = self.lipc_handle:get_int_property("com.lab126.powerd", "flIntensity") end end function KindleFrontLight:toggle() local f = io.open(self.kpw_fl, "r") local sysint = tonumber(f:read("*all"):match("%d+")) f:close() if sysint == 0 then self:setIntensity(self.intensity) else os.execute("echo -n 0 > " .. self.kpw_fl) end end function KindleFrontLight:setIntensityHW() if self.lipc_handle ~= nil then self.lipc_handle:set_int_property("com.lab126.powerd", "flIntensity", self.intensity) end end return KindleFrontLight