-- need low-level mechanism to detect android to avoid recursive dependency local isAndroid, android = pcall(require, "android") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local DataStorage = {} local data_dir local full_data_dir function DataStorage:getDataDir() if data_dir then return data_dir end if isAndroid then data_dir = android.getExternalStoragePath() .. "/koreader" elseif os.getenv("UBUNTU_APPLICATION_ISOLATION") then local app_id = os.getenv("APP_ID") local package_name = app_id:match("^(.-)_") -- confined ubuntu app has write access to this dir data_dir = string.format("%s/%s", os.getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME"), package_name) elseif os.getenv("APPIMAGE") or os.getenv("FLATPAK") or os.getenv("KO_MULTIUSER") then if os.getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") then data_dir = string.format("%s/%s", os.getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"), "koreader") if lfs.attributes(os.getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"), "mode") ~= "directory" then lfs.mkdir(os.getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")) end else local user_rw = string.format("%s/%s", os.getenv("HOME"), jit.os == "OSX" and "Library/Application Support" or ".config") if lfs.attributes(user_rw, "mode") ~= "directory" then lfs.mkdir(user_rw) end data_dir = string.format("%s/%s", user_rw, "koreader") end else data_dir = "." end if lfs.attributes(data_dir, "mode") ~= "directory" then local ok, err = lfs.mkdir(data_dir) if not ok then error(err .. " " .. data_dir) end end return data_dir end function DataStorage:getHistoryDir() return self:getDataDir() .. "/history" end function DataStorage:getSettingsDir() return self:getDataDir() .. "/settings" end function DataStorage:getDocSettingsDir() return self:getDataDir() .. "/docsettings" end function DataStorage:getDocSettingsHashDir() return self:getDataDir() .. "/hashdocsettings" end function DataStorage:getFullDataDir() if full_data_dir then return full_data_dir end if string.sub(self:getDataDir(), 1, 1) == "/" then full_data_dir = self:getDataDir() elseif self:getDataDir() == "." then full_data_dir = lfs.currentdir() end return full_data_dir end local function initDataDir() local sub_data_dirs = { "cache", "clipboard", "data", "data/dict", "data/tessdata", -- "docsettings", -- created when needed -- "hashdocsettings", -- created when needed -- "history", -- legacy/obsolete sidecar files "ota", -- "patches", -- must be created manually by the interested user "plugins", "screenshots", "settings", "styletweaks", } local datadir = DataStorage:getDataDir() for _, dir in ipairs(sub_data_dirs) do local sub_data_dir = string.format("%s/%s", datadir, dir) if lfs.attributes(sub_data_dir, "mode") ~= "directory" then lfs.mkdir(sub_data_dir) end end end initDataDir() return DataStorage