--[[ Wrapper Widget that manages focus for a whole dialog supports a 2D model of active elements e.g.: layout = { { textinput, textinput }, { okbutton, cancelbutton } } this is a dialog with 2 rows. in the top row, there is the single (!) widget . when the focus is in this group, left/right movement seems (!) to be doing nothing. in the second row, there are two widgets and you can move left/right. also, you can go up from both to reach , and from that go down and (depending on internat coordinates) reach either or . but notice that this does _not_ do the layout for you, it rather defines an abstract layout. ]] FocusManager = InputContainer:new{ selected = nil, -- defaults to x=1, y=1 layout = nil, -- mandatory movement_allowed = { x = true, y = true } } function FocusManager:init() self.selected = { x = 1, y = 1 } self.key_events = { -- these will all generate the same event, just with different arguments FocusUp = { {"Up"}, doc = "move focus up", event = "FocusMove", args = {0, -1} }, FocusDown = { {"Down"}, doc = "move focus down", event = "FocusMove", args = {0, 1} }, FocusLeft = { {"Left"}, doc = "move focus left", event = "FocusMove", args = {-1, 0} }, FocusRight = { {"Right"}, doc = "move focus right", event = "FocusMove", args = {1, 0} }, } end function FocusManager:onFocusMove(args) local dx, dy = unpack(args) if (dx ~= 0 and not self.movement_allowed.x) or (dy ~= 0 and not self.movement_allowed.y) then return true end if not self.layout or not self.layout[self.selected.y] or not self.layout[self.selected.y][self.selected.x] then return true end local current_item = self.layout[self.selected.y][self.selected.x] while true do if self.selected.x + dx > #self.layout[self.selected.y] or self.selected.x + dx < 1 then break -- abort when we run into horizontal borders end -- move cyclic in vertical direction if self.selected.y + dy > #self.layout then if not self:onWrapLast() then break end elseif self.selected.y + dy < 1 then if not self:onWrapFirst() then break end else self.selected.y = self.selected.y + dy end self.selected.x = self.selected.x + dx if self.layout[self.selected.y][self.selected.x] ~= current_item or not self.layout[self.selected.y][self.selected.x].is_inactive then -- we found a different object to focus current_item:handleEvent(Event:new("Unfocus")) self.layout[self.selected.y][self.selected.x]:handleEvent(Event:new("Focus")) -- trigger a repaint (we need to be the registered widget!) UIManager:setDirty(self) break end end return true end function FocusManager:onWrapFirst() self.selected.y = #self.layout return true end function FocusManager:onWrapLast() self.selected.y = 1 return true end