-- Start with the english keyboard layout (deep copy, to not alter it) local tr_keyboard = require("util").tableDeepCopy(require("ui/data/keyboardlayouts/en_keyboard")) local keys = tr_keyboard.keys -- Insert 2 additional key at the end of first 3 rows after numeric row. -- Kurdish and Azerbaijani letters are on SYM layer (3 and 4). -- Turkish Lira currency table.insert(keys[1], { "₺", "₺", "₺", "₺", } ) -- empty key to make extra keys on other rows fit table.insert(keys[1], { "", "", "", "", } ) -- Add Ğ, G with breve table.insert(keys[2], { { "Ğ", north = "ğ", }, { "ğ", north = "Ğ", }, { "Ź", north = "ź", }, { "ź", north = "Ź", }, } ) -- Add Ü, U with umlaut table.insert(keys[2], { { "Ü", north = "ü", }, { "ü", north = "Ü", }, { "Ə", north = "ə", }, { "ə", north = "Ə", }, } ) -- Add Ş, S with cedilla table.insert(keys[3], 10, { { "Ş", north = "ş", }, { "ş", north = "Ş", }, { "Ḧ", north = "ḧ", }, { "ḧ", north = "Ḧ", }, } ) -- Add İ and i, dotted I and i table.insert(keys[3], 11, { { "İ", north = "i", }, { "i", north = "İ", }, { "Ẍ", north = "ẍ", }, { "ẍ", north = "Ẍ", }, } ) -- Add Ö, O with umlaut table.insert(keys[4], 9, { { "Ö", north = "ö", }, { "ö", north = "Ö", }, { "Ł", north = "ł", }, { "ł", north = "Ł", }, } ) -- Add Ç, C with cedilla table.insert(keys[4], 10, { { "Ç", north = "ç", }, { "ç", north = "Ç", }, { "Ř", north = "ř", }, { "ř", north = "Ř", }, } ) -- change order "ḧ ẍ ," to ", ḧ ẍ" keys[3][10][3], keys[3][11][3], keys[3][12][3] = keys[3][12][3], keys[3][10][3], keys[3][11][3] keys[3][10][4], keys[3][11][4], keys[3][12][4] = keys[3][12][4], keys[3][10][4], keys[3][11][4] -- Add forward slash and .com symbol to 4th row since we have lot of empty space --and most phones do this. table.insert(keys[5], 7, { ".com", "/", "\"", "\"", } ) -- Make .com and Unicode buttons larger since we still have space. -- keys[5][3].width = 1.5 keys[5][7].width = 1.5 -- Change lowercase "i" to dotless "ı" keys[2][8][2] = { "ı", -- dotless i (Turkish) north = "I", -- dotless I (Turkish) northeast = "í", northwest = "ì", east = "î", west = "ĩ", south = "į", southeast = "ï", southwest = "ɪ", "ī", "ι", -- Greek iota "i", -- latin i } keys[2][8][1] = { "I", -- dotless I north = "ı", -- dotless i (Turkish) northeast = "Í", northwest = "Ì", east = "Î", west = "Ĩ", south = "Į", southeast = "Ï", southwest = "ɪ", "Ī", "Ι", -- Greek iota "I", } -- Translate the "space" string keys[5][4].label = "boşluk" return tr_keyboard