local Device = require("device") local Event = require("ui/event") local PluginShare = require("pluginshare") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local logger = require("logger") local time = require("ui/time") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local T = require("ffi/util").template local AutoTurn = WidgetContainer:extend{ name = "autoturn", is_doc_only = true, autoturn_sec = 0, autoturn_distance = 1, enabled = false, last_action_time = 0, task = nil, } function AutoTurn:_enabled() return self.enabled and self.autoturn_sec > 0 end function AutoTurn:_schedule() if not self:_enabled() then logger.dbg("AutoTurn:_schedule is disabled") return end local delay = self.last_action_time + time.s(self.autoturn_sec) - UIManager:getTime() if delay <= 0 then if UIManager:getTopWidget() == "ReaderUI" then logger.dbg("AutoTurn: go to next page") self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("GotoViewRel", self.autoturn_distance)) self.last_action_time = UIManager:getTime() end logger.dbg("AutoTurn: schedule in", self.autoturn_sec) UIManager:scheduleIn(self.autoturn_sec, self.task) self.scheduled = true else local delay_s = time.to_number(delay) logger.dbg("AutoTurn: schedule in", delay_s, "s") UIManager:scheduleIn(delay_s, self.task) self.scheduled = true end end function AutoTurn:_unschedule() PluginShare.pause_auto_suspend = false if self.scheduled then logger.dbg("AutoTurn: unschedule") UIManager:unschedule(self.task) self.scheduled = false end end function AutoTurn:_start() if self:_enabled() then local now = UIManager:getTime() logger.dbg("AutoTurn: start at", time.format_time(now)) PluginShare.pause_auto_suspend = true self.last_action_time = now self:_schedule() local text if self.autoturn_distance == 1 then local time_string = util.secondsToClockDuration("modern", self.autoturn_sec, false, true, true, true) text = T(_("Autoturn is now active and will automatically turn the page every %1."), time_string) else text = T(_("Autoturn is now active and will automatically scroll %1 % of the page every %2 seconds."), self.autoturn_distance * 100, self.autoturn_sec) end local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = text, timeout = 3, }) end end function AutoTurn:init() UIManager.event_hook:registerWidget("InputEvent", self) self.autoturn_sec = G_reader_settings:readSetting("autoturn_timeout_seconds", 0) self.autoturn_distance = G_reader_settings:readSetting("autoturn_distance", 1) self.enabled = G_reader_settings:isTrue("autoturn_enabled") self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) self.task = function() self:_schedule() end self:_start() end function AutoTurn:onCloseWidget() logger.dbg("AutoTurn: onCloseWidget") self:_unschedule() self.task = nil end function AutoTurn:onCloseDocument() logger.dbg("AutoTurn: onCloseDocument") self:_unschedule() end function AutoTurn:onInputEvent() logger.dbg("AutoTurn: onInputEvent") self.last_action_time = UIManager:getTime() end function AutoTurn:onEnterStandby() self:_unschedule() end -- We do not want autoturn to turn pages during the suspend process. -- Unschedule it and restart after resume. function AutoTurn:onSuspend() logger.dbg("AutoTurn: onSuspend") self:_unschedule() end function AutoTurn:_onLeaveStandby() self.last_action_time = self.last_action_time - Device.last_standby_time -- We messed with last_action_time, so a complete reschedule has to be done. if self:_enabled() then self:_unschedule() self:_schedule() end end function AutoTurn:_onResume() logger.dbg("AutoTurn: onResume") self:_start() end function AutoTurn:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.autoturn = { sorting_hint = "navi", text_func = function() local time_string = util.secondsToClockDuration("modern", self.autoturn_sec, false, true, true, true) return self:_enabled() and T(_("Autoturn: %1"), time_string) or _("Autoturn") end, checked_func = function() return self:_enabled() end, callback = function(menu) local DateTimeWidget = require("ui/widget/datetimewidget") local autoturn_seconds = G_reader_settings:readSetting("autoturn_timeout_seconds", 30) local autoturn_minutes = math.floor(autoturn_seconds / 60) autoturn_seconds = autoturn_seconds % 60 local autoturn_spin = DateTimeWidget:new { title_text = _("Autoturn time"), info_text = _("Enter time in minutes and seconds."), min = autoturn_minutes, min_max = 60 * 24, -- maximum one day min_default = 0, sec = autoturn_seconds, sec_default = 30, keep_shown_on_apply = true, ok_text = _("Set timeout"), cancel_text = _("Disable"), cancel_callback = function() self.enabled = false G_reader_settings:makeFalse("autoturn_enabled") self:_unschedule() menu:updateItems() self.onResume = nil self.onLeaveStandby = nil end, ok_always_enabled = true, callback = function(t) self.autoturn_sec = t.min * 60 + t.sec G_reader_settings:saveSetting("autoturn_timeout_seconds", self.autoturn_sec) self.enabled = true G_reader_settings:makeTrue("autoturn_enabled") self:_unschedule() self:_start() menu:updateItems() self.onResume = self._onResume self.onLeaveStandby = self._onLeaveStandby end, } UIManager:show(autoturn_spin) end, hold_callback = function(menu) local SpinWidget = require("ui/widget/spinwidget") local curr_items = G_reader_settings:readSetting("autoturn_distance") or 1 local autoturn_spin = SpinWidget:new { value = curr_items, value_min = -20, value_max = 20, precision = "%.2f", value_step = .1, value_hold_step = .5, ok_text = _("Set distance"), title_text = _("Scrolling distance"), callback = function(autoturn_spin) self.autoturn_distance = autoturn_spin.value G_reader_settings:saveSetting("autoturn_distance", autoturn_spin.value) if self.enabled then self:_unschedule() self:_start() end menu:updateItems() end, } UIManager:show(autoturn_spin) end, } end return AutoTurn