require "cache" require "ui/geometry" require "ui/screen" require "ui/device" require "ui/reader/readerconfig" require "ui/data/koptoptions" require "document/koptinterface" DjvuDocument = Document:new{ _document = false, -- libdjvulibre manages its own additional cache, default value is hard written in c module. djvulibre_cache_size = nil, dc_null =, screen_size = Screen:getSize(), screen_dpi = Device:getModel() == "KindlePaperWhite" and 212 or 167, options = KoptOptions, configurable = Configurable, koptinterface = KoptInterface, } function DjvuDocument:init() self.configurable:loadDefaults(self.options) if not validDjvuFile(self.file) then self.error_message = "Not a valid DjVu file" return end local ok ok, self._document = pcall(djvu.openDocument, self.file, self.djvulibre_cache_size) if not ok then self.error_message = self.doc -- will contain error message return end self.is_open = true = true = true self:_readMetadata() end -- check DjVu magic string to validate function validDjvuFile(filename) f =, "r") if not f then return false end local magic = f:read(8) f:close() if not magic or magic ~= "AT&TFORM" then return false end return true end function DjvuDocument:getTextBoxes(pageno) if self.configurable.text_wrap == 1 then return self.koptinterface:getReflewTextBoxes(self, pageno) else local text = self._document:getPageText(pageno) if not text or #text == 0 then return self.koptinterface:getTextBoxes(self, pageno) else return text end end end function DjvuDocument:getOCRWord(pageno, rect) if self.configurable.text_wrap == 1 then return self.koptinterface:getReflewOCRWord(self, pageno, rect) else return self.koptinterface:getOCRWord(self, pageno, rect) end end function DjvuDocument:getUsedBBox(pageno) -- djvu does not support usedbbox, so fake it. local used = {} local native_dim = self:getNativePageDimensions(pageno) used.x0, used.y0, used.x1, used.y1 = 0, 0, native_dim.w, native_dim.h return used end function DjvuDocument:invertTextYAxel(pageno, text_table) local _, height = self.doc:getOriginalPageSize(pageno) for _,text in pairs(text_table) do for _,line in ipairs(text) do line.y0, line.y1 = (height - line.y1), (height - line.y0) end end return text_table end function DjvuDocument:getPageBBox(pageno) if self.configurable.text_wrap ~= 1 and self.configurable.trim_page == 1 then return self.koptinterface:getAutoBBox(self, pageno) else return Document.getPageBBox(self, pageno) end end function DjvuDocument:getPageDimensions(pageno, zoom, rotation) if self.configurable.text_wrap == 1 then return self.koptinterface:getPageDimensions(self, pageno, zoom, rotation) else return Document.getPageDimensions(self, pageno, zoom, rotation) end end function DjvuDocument:renderPage(pageno, rect, zoom, rotation, gamma, render_mode) if self.configurable.text_wrap == 1 then return self.koptinterface:renderPage(self, pageno, rect, zoom, rotation, render_mode) else return Document.renderPage(self, pageno, rect, zoom, rotation, gamma, render_mode) end end function DjvuDocument:hintPage(pageno, zoom, rotation, gamma, render_mode) if self.configurable.text_wrap == 1 then self.koptinterface:hintPage(self, pageno, zoom, rotation, gamma, render_mode) else Document.hintPage(self, pageno, zoom, rotation, gamma, render_mode) end end function DjvuDocument:drawPage(target, x, y, rect, pageno, zoom, rotation, gamma, render_mode) if self.configurable.text_wrap == 1 then self.koptinterface:drawPage(self, target, x, y, rect, pageno, zoom, rotation, render_mode) else Document.drawPage(self, target, x, y, rect, pageno, zoom, rotation, gamma, render_mode) end end DocumentRegistry:addProvider("djvu", "application/djvu", DjvuDocument)