local BD = require("ui/bidi") local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local Device = require("device") local Event = require("ui/event") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local ProgressWidget = require("ui/widget/progresswidget") local ReaderPanning = require("apps/reader/modules/readerpanning") local Size = require("ui/size") local TimeVal = require("ui/timeval") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local bit = require("bit") local logger = require("logger") local _ = require("gettext") local Screen = Device.screen local T = require("ffi/util").template local band = bit.band --[[ Rolling is just like paging in page-based documents except that sometimes (in scroll mode) there is no concept of page number to indicate current progress. There are three kind of progress measurements for credocuments. 1. page number (in page mode) 2. progress percentage (in scroll mode) 3. xpointer (in document dom structure) We found that the first two measurements are not suitable for keeping a record of the real progress. For example, when switching screen orientation from portrait to landscape, or switching view mode from page to scroll, the internal xpointer should not be used as the view dimen/mode is changed and crengine's pagination mechanism will find a closest xpointer for the new view. So if we change the screen orientation or view mode back, we cannot find the original place since the internal xpointer is changed, which is counter- intuitive as users didn't goto any other page. The solution is that we keep a record of the internal xpointer and only change it in explicit page turning. And use that xpointer for non-page-turning rendering. --]] local ReaderRolling = InputContainer:new{ pan_rate = 30, -- default 30 ops, will be adjusted in readerui rendering_hash = 0, current_pos = 0, -- only used for page view mode current_page= nil, xpointer = nil, panning_steps = ReaderPanning.panning_steps, cre_top_bar_enabled = false, visible_pages = 1, -- With visible_pages=2, in 2-pages mode, ensure the first -- page is always odd or even (odd is logical to avoid a -- same page when turning first 2-pages set of document) odd_or_even_first_page = 1, -- 1 = odd, 2 = even, nil or others = free hide_nonlinear_flows = nil, } function ReaderRolling:init() self.key_events = {} if Device:hasKeys() then self.key_events.GotoNextView = { { {"RPgFwd", "LPgFwd", "Right" } }, doc = "go to next view", event = "GotoViewRel", args = 1, } self.key_events.GotoPrevView = { { { "RPgBack", "LPgBack", "Left" } }, doc = "go to previous view", event = "GotoViewRel", args = -1, } end if Device:hasDPad() then self.key_events.MoveUp = { { "Up" }, doc = "move view up", event = "Panning", args = {0, -1}, } self.key_events.MoveDown = { { "Down" }, doc = "move view down", event = "Panning", args = {0, 1}, } end if Device:hasKeyboard() then self.key_events.GotoFirst = { {"1"}, doc = "go to start", event = "GotoPercent", args = 0, } self.key_events.Goto11 = { {"2"}, doc = "go to 11%", event = "GotoPercent", args = 11, } self.key_events.Goto22 = { {"3"}, doc = "go to 22%", event = "GotoPercent", args = 22, } self.key_events.Goto33 = { {"4"}, doc = "go to 33%", event = "GotoPercent", args = 33, } self.key_events.Goto44 = { {"5"}, doc = "go to 44%", event = "GotoPercent", args = 44, } self.key_events.Goto55 = { {"6"}, doc = "go to 55%", event = "GotoPercent", args = 55, } self.key_events.Goto66 = { {"7"}, doc = "go to 66%", event = "GotoPercent", args = 66, } self.key_events.Goto77 = { {"8"}, doc = "go to 77%", event = "GotoPercent", args = 77, } self.key_events.Goto88 = { {"9"}, doc = "go to 88%", event = "GotoPercent", args = 88, } self.key_events.GotoLast = { {"0"}, doc = "go to end", event = "GotoPercent", args = 100, } end self.pan_interval = TimeVal:new{ usec = 1000000 / self.pan_rate } table.insert(self.ui.postInitCallback, function() self.rendering_hash = self.ui.document:getDocumentRenderingHash() self.ui.document:_readMetadata() end) table.insert(self.ui.postReaderCallback, function() self:updatePos() -- Disable crengine internal history, with required redraw self.ui.document:enableInternalHistory(false) self:onRedrawCurrentView() end) self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) end function ReaderRolling:onReadSettings(config) -- 20180503: some fix in crengine has changed the way the DOM is built -- for HTML documents and may make XPATHs obtained from previous version -- invalid. -- We may request the previous (buggy) behaviour though, which we do -- if we use a DocSetting previously made that may contain bookmarks -- and highlights with old XPATHs. -- (EPUB will use the same correct DOM code no matter what DOM version -- we request here.) if config:hasNot("cre_dom_version") then -- Not previously set, guess which DOM version to use if config:has("last_xpointer") then -- We have a last_xpointer: this book was previously opened -- with possibly a very old version: request the oldest config:saveSetting("cre_dom_version", self.ui.document:getOldestDomVersion()) else -- No previous xpointer: book never opened (or sidecar file -- purged): we can use the latest DOM version config:saveSetting("cre_dom_version", self.ui.document:getLatestDomVersion()) end end self.ui.document:requestDomVersion(config:readSetting("cre_dom_version")) -- If we're using a DOM version without normalized XPointers, some stuff -- may need tweaking: if config:readSetting("cre_dom_version") < cre.getDomVersionWithNormalizedXPointers() then -- Show some warning when styles "display:" have changed that -- bookmarks may break self.using_non_normalized_xpointers = true -- Also tell ReaderTypeset, which ensures block rendering mode, -- that we'd rather have some of its BLOCK_RENDERING_FLAGS disabled -- if an old DOM version is requested, as some flags may "box" -- (into inserted internal elements) long fragment of text, -- which may break previous highlights. self.ui.typeset:ensureSanerBlockRenderingFlags() -- And check if we can migrate to a newest DOM version after -- the book is loaded (unless the user told us not to). if config:nilOrFalse("cre_keep_old_dom_version") then self.ui:registerPostReadyCallback(function() self:checkXPointersAndProposeDOMVersionUpgrade() end) end end local last_xp = config:readSetting("last_xpointer") local last_per = config:readSetting("last_percent") if last_xp then self.xpointer = last_xp self.setupXpointer = function() self:_gotoXPointer(self.xpointer) -- we have to do a real jump in self.ui.document._document to -- update status information in CREngine. self.ui.document:gotoXPointer(self.xpointer) end -- we read last_percent just for backward compatibility --- @fixme remove this branch with migration script elseif last_per then self.setupXpointer = function() self:_gotoPercent(last_per * 100) -- _gotoPercent calls _gotoPos, which only updates self.current_pos -- and self.view. -- we need to do a real pos change in self.ui.document._document -- to update status information in CREngine. self.ui.document:gotoPos(self.current_pos) -- _gotoPercent already calls gotoPos, so no need to emit -- PosUpdate event in scroll mode if self.view.view_mode == "page" then self.ui:handleEvent( Event:new("PageUpdate", self.ui.document:getCurrentPage())) end self.xpointer = self.ui.document:getXPointer() end else self.setupXpointer = function() self.xpointer = self.ui.document:getXPointer() if self.view.view_mode == "page" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("PageUpdate", self.ui.document:getNextPage(0))) end end end -- This self.visible_pages may not be the current nb of visible pages -- as crengine may decide to not ensure that in some conditions. -- It's the one we got from settings, the one the user has decided on -- with config toggle, and the one that we will save for next load. -- Use self.ui.document:getVisiblePageCount() to get the current -- crengine used value. self.visible_pages = config:readSetting("visible_pages") or G_reader_settings:readSetting("copt_visible_pages") or 1 self.ui.document:setVisiblePageCount(self.visible_pages) if config:has("hide_nonlinear_flows") then self.hide_nonlinear_flows = config:isTrue("hide_nonlinear_flows") else self.hide_nonlinear_flows = G_reader_settings:isTrue("hide_nonlinear_flows") end self.ui.document:setHideNonlinearFlows(self.hide_nonlinear_flows) -- Set a callback to allow showing load and rendering progress -- (this callback will be cleaned up by cre.cpp closeDocument(), -- no need to handle it in :onCloseDocument() here.) self.ui.document:setCallback(function(...) -- Catch and log any error happening in handleCallback(), -- as otherwise it would just silently abort (but beware -- having errors, this may flood crash.log) local ok, err = xpcall(self.handleEngineCallback, debug.traceback, self, ...) if not ok then logger.warn("cre callback() error:", err) end end) end -- in scroll mode percent_finished must be save before close document -- we cannot do it in onSaveSettings() because getLastPercent() uses self.ui.document function ReaderRolling:onCloseDocument() self.current_header_height = nil -- show unload progress bar at top self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("percent_finished", self:getLastPercent()) local cache_file_path = self.ui.document:getCacheFilePath() -- nil if no cache file self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("cache_file_path", cache_file_path) if self.ui.document:hasCacheFile() then -- also checks if DOM is coherent with styles; if not, invalidate the -- cache, so a new DOM is built on next opening if self.ui.document:isBuiltDomStale() then logger.dbg("cre DOM may not be in sync with styles, invalidating cache file for a full reload at next opening") self.ui.document:invalidateCacheFile() end end logger.dbg("cre cache used:", cache_file_path or "none") -- Unknown elements and attributes, uncomment if needed for debugging: -- local elements, attributes, namespaces = self.ui.document:getUnknownEntities() -- if elements ~= "" then logger.info("cre unknown elements: ", elements) end -- if attributes ~= "" then logger.info("cre unknown attributes: ", attributes) end -- if namespaces ~= "" then logger.info("cre unknown namespaces: ", namespaces) end end function ReaderRolling:onCheckDomStyleCoherence() if self.ui.document and self.ui.document:isBuiltDomStale() then local has_bookmarks_warn_txt = "" -- When using an older DOM version, bookmarks may break if self.using_non_normalized_xpointers and self.ui.bookmark:hasBookmarks() then has_bookmarks_warn_txt = _("\nNote that this change in styles may render your bookmarks or highlights no more valid.\nIf some of them do not show anymore, you can just revert the change you just made to have them shown again.\n\n") end UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("Styles have changed in such a way that fully reloading the document may be needed for a correct rendering.\n%1Do you want to reload the document?"), has_bookmarks_warn_txt), ok_callback = function() -- Allow for ConfirmBox to be closed before showing -- "Opening file" InfoMessage UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function () -- And check we haven't quit reader in these 0.5s if self.ui.document then self.ui:reloadDocument() end end) end, }) end end function ReaderRolling:onSaveSettings() -- remove last_percent config since its deprecated self.ui.doc_settings:delSetting("last_percent") self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("last_xpointer", self.xpointer) -- in scrolling mode, the document may already be closed, -- so we have to check the condition to avoid crash function self:getLastPercent() -- that uses self.ui.document if self.ui.document then self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("percent_finished", self:getLastPercent()) end self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("visible_pages", self.visible_pages) self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("hide_nonlinear_flows", self.hide_nonlinear_flows) end function ReaderRolling:onReaderReady() self:setupTouchZones() if self.hide_nonlinear_flows then self.ui.document:cacheFlows() end self.setupXpointer() end function ReaderRolling:setupTouchZones() self.ges_events = {} self.onGesture = nil if not Device:isTouchDevice() then return end local forward_zone, backward_zone = self.view:getTapZones() self.ui:registerTouchZones({ { id = "tap_forward", ges = "tap", screen_zone = forward_zone, handler = function() if G_reader_settings:nilOrFalse("page_turns_disable_tap") then return self:onGotoViewRel(1) end end, }, { id = "tap_backward", ges = "tap", screen_zone = backward_zone, handler = function() if G_reader_settings:nilOrFalse("page_turns_disable_tap") then return self:onGotoViewRel(-1) end end, }, { id = "rolling_swipe", ges = "swipe", screen_zone = { ratio_x = 0, ratio_y = 0, ratio_w = 1, ratio_h = 1, }, handler = function(ges) return self:onSwipe(nil, ges) end, }, { id = "rolling_pan", ges = "pan", screen_zone = { ratio_x = 0, ratio_y = 0, ratio_w = 1, ratio_h = 1, }, handler = function(ges) return self:onPan(nil, ges) end, }, { id = "rolling_pan_release", ges = "pan_release", screen_zone = { ratio_x = 0, ratio_y = 0, ratio_w = 1, ratio_h = 1, }, handler = function(ges) return self:onPanRelease(nil, ges) end, }, }) end function ReaderRolling:getLastProgress() return self.xpointer end function ReaderRolling:addToMainMenu(menu_items) if self.ui.document:hasNonLinearFlows() then local hide_nonlinear_text = _("When hide non-linear fragments is enabled, any non-linear fragments will be hidden from the normal page flow. Such fragments will always remain accessible through links, the table of contents and the 'Go to' dialog. This only works in single-page mode.") menu_items.hide_nonlinear_flows = { text = _("Hide non-linear fragments"), enabled_func = function() return self.view.view_mode == "page" and self.ui.document:getVisiblePageCount() == 1 end, checked_func = function() return self.hide_nonlinear_flows end, callback = function() self:onToggleHideNonlinear() end, hold_callback = function() UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T( hide_nonlinear_text .. "\n\n" .. _("Set default hide non-linear fragments to %1?"), self.hide_nonlinear_flows and _("enabled") or _("disabled") ), ok_callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("hide_nonlinear_flows", self.hide_nonlinear_flows) end, }) end, help_text = hide_nonlinear_text, } end end function ReaderRolling:getLastPercent() if self.view.view_mode == "page" then return self.current_page / self.ui.document.info.number_of_pages else --- @fixme the calculated percent is not accurate in "scroll" mode. return self.ui.document:getPosFromXPointer( self.ui.document:getXPointer()) / self.ui.document.info.doc_height end end function ReaderRolling:onScrollSettingsUpdated(scroll_method, inertial_scroll_enabled, scroll_activation_delay) self.scroll_method = scroll_method self.scroll_activation_delay = TimeVal:new{ usec = scroll_activation_delay * 1000 } if inertial_scroll_enabled then self.ui.scrolling:setInertialScrollCallbacks( function(distance) -- do_scroll_callback if not self.ui.document then return false end UIManager.currently_scrolling = true local prev_pos = self.current_pos self:_gotoPos(prev_pos + distance) return self.current_pos ~= prev_pos end, function() -- scroll_done_callback UIManager.currently_scrolling = false if self.ui.document then self.xpointer = self.ui.document:getXPointer() end UIManager:setDirty(self.view.dialog, "partial") end ) else self.ui.scrolling:setInertialScrollCallbacks(nil, nil) end end function ReaderRolling:onSwipe(_, ges) if self._pan_has_scrolled then -- We did some panning but released after a short amount of time, -- so this gesture ended up being a Swipe - and this swipe was -- not handled by the other modules (so, not opening the menus). -- Do as :onPanRelese() and ignore this swipe. self:onPanRelease() -- no arg, so we know there we come from here return true else self._pan_started = false UIManager.currently_scrolling = false end local direction = BD.flipDirectionIfMirroredUILayout(ges.direction) if direction == "west" then if G_reader_settings:nilOrFalse("page_turns_disable_swipe") then if self.view.inverse_reading_order then self:onGotoViewRel(-1) else self:onGotoViewRel(1) end return true end elseif direction == "east" then if G_reader_settings:nilOrFalse("page_turns_disable_swipe") then if self.view.inverse_reading_order then self:onGotoViewRel(1) else self:onGotoViewRel(-1) end return true end end end function ReaderRolling:onPan(_, ges) if ges.direction == "north" or ges.direction == "south" then if ges.mousewheel_direction and self.view.view_mode == "page" then -- Mouse wheel generates a Pan event: in page mode, move one -- page per event. Scroll mode is handled in the 'else' branch -- and use the wheeled distance. UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("GotoViewRel", -1 * ges.mousewheel_direction)) elseif self.view.view_mode == "scroll" then if not self._pan_started then self._pan_started = true -- Re-init state variables self._pan_has_scrolled = false self._pan_prev_relative_y = 0 self._pan_to_scroll_later = 0 self._pan_real_last_time = TimeVal.zero if ges.mousewheel_direction then self._pan_activation_time = false else self._pan_activation_time = ges.time + self.scroll_activation_delay end -- We will restore the previous position if this pan -- ends up being a swipe or a multiswipe self._pan_pos_at_pan_start = self.current_pos end local scroll_now = false if self._pan_activation_time and ges.time >= self._pan_activation_time then self._pan_activation_time = false -- We can go on, no need to check again end if not self._pan_activation_time and ges.time - self._pan_real_last_time >= self.pan_interval then scroll_now = true self._pan_real_last_time = ges.time end local scroll_dist = 0 if self.scroll_method == self.ui.scrolling.SCROLL_METHOD_CLASSIC then -- Scroll by the distance the finger moved since last pan event, -- having the document follows the finger scroll_dist = self._pan_prev_relative_y - ges.relative.y self._pan_prev_relative_y = ges.relative.y if not self._pan_has_scrolled then -- Avoid checking this for each pan, no need once we have scrolled if self.ui.scrolling:cancelInertialScroll() or self.ui.scrolling:cancelledByTouch() then -- If this pan or its initial touch did cancel some inertial scrolling, -- ignore activation delay to allow continuous scrolling self._pan_activation_time = false scroll_now = true self._pan_real_last_time = ges.time end end self.ui.scrolling:accountManualScroll(scroll_dist, ges.time) elseif self.scroll_method == self.ui.scrolling.SCROLL_METHOD_TURBO then -- Legacy scrolling "buggy" behaviour, that can actually be nice -- Scroll by the distance from the initial finger position, this distance -- controlling the speed of the scrolling) if scroll_now then scroll_dist = -ges.relative.y end -- We don't accumulate in _pan_to_scroll_later elseif self.scroll_method == self.ui.scrolling.SCROLL_METHOD_ON_RELEASE then self._pan_to_scroll_later = -ges.relative.y if scroll_now then self._pan_has_scrolled = true -- so we really apply it later end scroll_dist = 0 scroll_now = false end if scroll_now then local dist = self._pan_to_scroll_later + scroll_dist self._pan_to_scroll_later = 0 if dist ~= 0 then self._pan_has_scrolled = true UIManager.currently_scrolling = true self:_gotoPos(self.current_pos + dist) -- (We'll update self.xpointer only when done moving, at -- release/swipe time as it might be expensive) end else self._pan_to_scroll_later = self._pan_to_scroll_later + scroll_dist end end end return true end function ReaderRolling:onPanRelease(_, ges) if self._pan_has_scrolled and self._pan_to_scroll_later ~= 0 then self:_gotoPos(self.current_pos + self._pan_to_scroll_later) end self._pan_started = false UIManager.currently_scrolling = false if self._pan_has_scrolled then self._pan_has_scrolled = false self.xpointer = self.ui.document:getXPointer() -- Don't do any inertial scrolling if pan events come from -- a mousewheel (which may have itself some inertia) if (ges and ges.from_mousewheel) or not self.ui.scrolling:startInertialScroll() then UIManager:setDirty(self.view.dialog, "partial") end end end function ReaderRolling:onHandledAsSwipe() if self._pan_started then -- Restore original position as this pan we've started handling -- has ended up being a multiswipe or handled as a swipe to open -- top or bottom menus self:_gotoPos(self._pan_pos_at_pan_start) self._pan_started = false self._pan_has_scrolled = false UIManager.currently_scrolling = false -- No specific refresh: the swipe/multiswipe might show other stuff, -- and we'd want to avoid a flashing refresh end return true end function ReaderRolling:onPosUpdate(new_pos) self.current_pos = new_pos self:updateBatteryState() end function ReaderRolling:onPageUpdate(new_page) self.current_page = new_page self:updateBatteryState() end function ReaderRolling:onResume() self:updateBatteryState() end function ReaderRolling:onGotoNextChapter() local visible_page_count = self.ui.document:getVisiblePageNumberCount() local pageno = self.current_page + (visible_page_count > 1 and 1 or 0) local new_page if self.ui.document:hasHiddenFlows() then -- Find next chapter start new_page = self.ui.document:getNextPage(pageno) while new_page > 0 do if self.ui.toc:isChapterStart(new_page) then break end new_page = self.ui.document:getNextPage(new_page) end else new_page = self.ui.toc:getNextChapter(pageno) or 0 end if new_page > 0 then self.ui.link:addCurrentLocationToStack() self:onGotoPage(new_page) end return true end function ReaderRolling:onGotoPrevChapter() local pageno = self.current_page local new_page if self.ui.document:hasHiddenFlows() then -- Find previous chapter start new_page = self.ui.document:getPrevPage(pageno) while new_page > 0 do if self.ui.toc:isChapterStart(new_page) then break end new_page = self.ui.document:getPrevPage(new_page) end else new_page = self.ui.toc:getPreviousChapter(pageno) or 0 end if new_page > 0 then self.ui.link:addCurrentLocationToStack() self:onGotoPage(new_page) end return true end function ReaderRolling:onNotCharging() self:updateBatteryState() end function ReaderRolling:onGotoPercent(percent) logger.dbg("goto document offset in percent:", percent) self:_gotoPercent(percent) self.xpointer = self.ui.document:getXPointer() return true end function ReaderRolling:onGotoPage(number) if number then self:_gotoPage(number) end self.xpointer = self.ui.document:getXPointer() return true end function ReaderRolling:onGotoRelativePage(number) if number then self:_gotoPage(self.current_page + number) end self.xpointer = self.ui.document:getXPointer() return true end function ReaderRolling:onGotoXPointer(xp, marker_xp) if self.mark_func then -- unschedule previous marker as it's no more accurate UIManager:unschedule(self.mark_func) self.mark_func = nil end if self.unmark_func then -- execute scheduled unmark now to clean previous marker self.unmark_func() self.unmark_func = nil end self:_gotoXPointer(xp) self.xpointer = xp -- Allow tweaking this marker behaviour with a manual setting: -- followed_link_marker = false: no marker shown -- followed_link_marker = true: maker shown and not auto removed -- followed_link_marker = : removed after seconds -- (no real need for a menu item, the default is the finest) local marker_setting if G_reader_settings:has("followed_link_marker") then marker_setting = G_reader_settings:readSetting("followed_link_marker") else marker_setting = 1 -- default is: shown and removed after 1 second end if marker_xp and marker_setting then -- Show a mark on left side of screen to give a visual feedback of -- where xpointer target is (and remove if after 1s) local screen_y, screen_x = self.ui.document:getScreenPositionFromXPointer(marker_xp) local doc_margins = self.ui.document:getPageMargins() local marker_h = Screen:scaleBySize(self.ui.font.font_size * 1.1 * self.ui.font.line_space_percent/100.0) -- Make it 4/5 of left margin wide (and bigger when huge margin) local marker_w = math.floor(math.max(doc_margins["left"] - Screen:scaleBySize(5), doc_margins["left"] * 4/5)) if self.ui.document:getVisiblePageCount() > 1 then -- 2-pages mode if screen_x < Screen:getWidth() / 2 then -- On left page if BD.mirroredUILayout() then -- In the middle margin, on the right of text -- Same trick as below, assuming page2_x is equal to page 1 right x screen_x = math.floor(Screen:getWidth() * 0.5) local page2_x = self.ui.document:getPageOffsetX(self.ui.document:getCurrentPage(true)+1) marker_w = page2_x + marker_w - screen_x screen_x = screen_x - marker_w else screen_x = 0 -- In left page left margin end else -- On right page if BD.mirroredUILayout() then screen_x = Screen:getWidth() - marker_w -- In right page right margin else -- In the middle margin, on the left of text -- This is a bit tricky with how the middle margin is sized -- by crengine (see LVDocView::updateLayout() in lvdocview.cpp) screen_x = math.floor(Screen:getWidth() * 0.5) local page2_x = self.ui.document:getPageOffsetX(self.ui.document:getCurrentPage(true)+1) marker_w = page2_x + marker_w - screen_x end end else -- 1-page mode if BD.mirroredUILayout() then screen_x = Screen:getWidth() - marker_w -- In right margin else screen_x = 0 -- In left margin end end self.mark_func = function() self.mark_func = nil local delayed_unmark = type(marker_setting) == "number" if delayed_unmark then -- we'll have to remove the marker -- We remember the original content that was where we are going -- to draw the marker. -- It's usually some white margin, so we could just draw a white -- rectangle to unmark it; but it might not always be just white -- margin: when we're in dual page mode and crengine has drawn a -- vertical pages separator - or if we have had crengine draw -- some backgroud texture with credocument:setBackgroundImage(). if self.mark_orig_content_bb then -- be sure we don't leak memory if a previous one is still -- hanging around self.mark_orig_content_bb:free() self.mark_orig_content_bb = nil end self.mark_orig_content_bb = Blitbuffer.new(marker_w, marker_h, Screen.bb:getType()) self.mark_orig_content_bb:blitFrom(Screen.bb, 0, 0, screen_x, screen_y, marker_w, marker_h) end -- Paint directly to the screen and force a regional refresh Screen.bb:paintRect(screen_x, screen_y, marker_w, marker_h, Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK) Screen:refreshFast(screen_x, screen_y, marker_w, marker_h) if delayed_unmark then self.unmark_func = function() self.unmark_func = nil -- UIManager:setDirty(self.view.dialog, "ui", Geom:new({x=0, y=screen_y, w=marker_w, h=marker_h})) -- No need to use setDirty (which would ask crengine to -- re-render the page, which may take a few seconds on big -- documents). We just restore what was there by painting -- it directly to screen and triggering a regional refresh. if self.mark_orig_content_bb then Screen.bb:blitFrom(self.mark_orig_content_bb, screen_x, screen_y, 0, 0, marker_w, marker_h) Screen:refreshUI(screen_x, screen_y, marker_w, marker_h) self.mark_orig_content_bb:free() self.mark_orig_content_bb = nil end end UIManager:scheduleIn(marker_setting, self.unmark_func) end end UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, self.mark_func) end return true end function ReaderRolling:getBookLocation() return self.xpointer end function ReaderRolling:onRestoreBookLocation(saved_location) return self:onGotoXPointer(saved_location.xpointer, saved_location.marker_xpointer) end function ReaderRolling:onGotoViewRel(diff) logger.dbg("goto relative screen:", diff, ", in mode: ", self.view.view_mode) if self.view.view_mode == "scroll" then local footer_height = ((self.view.footer_visible and not self.view.footer.settings.reclaim_height) and 1 or 0) * self.view.footer:getHeight() local page_visible_height = self.ui.dimen.h - footer_height local pan_diff = diff * page_visible_height if self.view.page_overlap_enable then local overlap_lines = G_reader_settings:readSetting("copt_overlap_lines") or 1 local overlap_h = Screen:scaleBySize(self.ui.font.font_size * 1.1 * self.ui.font.line_space_percent/100.0) * overlap_lines if pan_diff > overlap_h then pan_diff = pan_diff - overlap_h elseif pan_diff < -overlap_h then pan_diff = pan_diff + overlap_h end end local old_pos = self.current_pos -- Only draw dim area when we moved a whole page (not when smaller scroll with Pan) local do_dim_area = math.abs(diff) == 1 self:_gotoPos(self.current_pos + pan_diff, do_dim_area) if diff > 0 and old_pos == self.current_pos then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("EndOfBook")) end elseif self.view.view_mode == "page" then local page_count = self.ui.document:getVisiblePageNumberCount() local old_page = self.current_page -- we're in paged mode, so round up if diff > 0 then diff = math.ceil(diff) else diff = math.floor(diff) end local new_page = self.current_page if self.ui.document:hasHiddenFlows() then local test_page for i=1, math.abs(diff*page_count) do if diff > 0 then test_page = self.ui.document:getNextPage(new_page) else test_page = self.ui.document:getPrevPage(new_page) end if test_page > 0 then new_page = test_page end end else new_page = new_page + diff*page_count end self:_gotoPage(new_page) if diff > 0 and old_page == self.current_page then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("EndOfBook")) end end if self.ui.document ~= nil then self.xpointer = self.ui.document:getXPointer() end return true end function ReaderRolling:onPanning(args, _) local _, dy = unpack(args) if self.view.view_mode ~= "scroll" then UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("GotoViewRel", dy)) return end self:_gotoPos(self.current_pos + dy * self.panning_steps.normal) self.xpointer = self.ui.document:getXPointer() return true end function ReaderRolling:onZoom() self:updatePos() end --[[ remember to signal this event when the document has been zoomed, font has been changed, or line height has been changed. Note that xpointer should not be changed. --]] function ReaderRolling:onUpdatePos() if self.ui.postReaderCallback ~= nil then -- ReaderUI:init() not yet done -- Don't schedule any updatePos as long as ReaderUI:init() is -- not finished (one will be called in the ui.postReaderCallback -- we have set above) to avoid multiple refreshes. return true end UIManager:discardEvents(math.huge) -- Discard any past and upcoming input events for the next hour. Device:setIgnoreInput(true) -- Avoid ANRs on Android with unprocessed events. -- Calling this now ensures the re-rendering is done by crengine -- so updatePos() has good info and can reposition -- the previous xpointer accurately: self.ui.document:getCurrentPos() -- Otherwise, _readMetadata() would do that, but the positioning -- would not work as expected, for some reason (it worked -- previously because of some bad setDirty() in ConfigDialog widgets -- that were triggering a full repaint of crengine (so, the needed -- rerendering) before updatePos() is called. self:updatePos() Device:setIgnoreInput(false) -- Allow processing of events (on Android). UIManager:discardEvents(true) -- Discard events, which might have occured (double tap). end function ReaderRolling:updatePos() if not self.ui.document then -- document closed since we were scheduleIn'ed return end -- Check if the document has been re-rendered local new_rendering_hash = self.ui.document:getDocumentRenderingHash() if new_rendering_hash ~= self.rendering_hash then logger.dbg("rendering hash changed:", self.rendering_hash, ">", new_rendering_hash) self.rendering_hash = new_rendering_hash -- A few things like page numbers may have changed self.ui.document:resetCallCache() -- be really sure this cache is reset self.ui.document:_readMetadata() -- get updated document height and nb of pages if self.hide_nonlinear_flows then self.ui.document:cacheFlows() end self:_gotoXPointer(self.xpointer) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("UpdateToc")) end self:onUpdateTopStatusBarMarkers() UIManager:setDirty(self.view.dialog, "partial") self.current_header_height = self.view.view_mode == "page" and self.ui.document:getHeaderHeight() or 0 -- Allow for the new rendering to be shown before possibly showing -- the "Styles have changed..." ConfirmBox so the user can decide -- if it is really needed UIManager:scheduleIn(0.1, function () self:onCheckDomStyleCoherence() end) end function ReaderRolling:onChangeViewMode() self.current_header_height = self.view.view_mode == "page" and self.ui.document:getHeaderHeight() or 0 -- Restore current position when switching page/scroll mode if self.xpointer then if self.visible_pages == 2 then -- Switching from 2-pages page mode to scroll mode has crengine switch to 1-page, -- and we need to notice this re-rendering and keep things sane self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("UpdatePos")) end self:_gotoXPointer(self.xpointer) -- Ensure a whole screen refresh is always enqueued UIManager:setDirty(self.view.dialog, "partial") else table.insert(self.ui.postInitCallback, function() self:_gotoXPointer(self.xpointer) end) end end function ReaderRolling:onRedrawCurrentView() if self.view.view_mode == "page" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("PageUpdate", self.current_page)) else self.current_page = self.ui.document:getCurrentPage() self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("PosUpdate", self.current_pos, self.current_page)) end return true end function ReaderRolling:onSetDimensions(dimen) if self.ui.postReaderCallback ~= nil then -- ReaderUI:init() not yet done: just set document dimensions self.ui.document:setViewDimen(Screen:getSize()) -- (what's done in the following else is done elsewhere by -- the initialization code) else -- Initialization done: we are called on orientation change -- or on window resize (SDL, Android possibly). -- We need to temporarily re-enable internal history as crengine -- uses it to reposition after resize self.ui.document:enableInternalHistory(true) -- Set document dimensions self.ui.document:setViewDimen(Screen:getSize()) -- Re-render document (and update TOC, re set position) self:onUpdatePos() -- Re-disable internal history, with required redraw self.ui.document:enableInternalHistory(false) self:onRedrawCurrentView() end end function ReaderRolling:onColorRenderingUpdate() self.ui.document:updateColorRendering() UIManager:setDirty(self.view.dialog, "partial") end --[[ PosUpdate event is used to signal other widgets that pos has been changed. --]] function ReaderRolling:_gotoPos(new_pos, do_dim_area) if new_pos == self.current_pos then return end if new_pos < 0 then new_pos = 0 end -- Don't go past end of document, and ensure last line of the document -- is shown just above the footer, whether footer is visible or not local max_pos = self.ui.document.info.doc_height - self.ui.dimen.h + self.view.footer:getHeight() if new_pos > max_pos then new_pos = max_pos end -- adjust dim_area according to new_pos if self.view.view_mode ~= "page" and self.view.page_overlap_enable and do_dim_area then local footer_height = ((self.view.footer_visible and not self.view.footer.settings.reclaim_height) and 1 or 0) * self.view.footer:getHeight() local page_visible_height = self.ui.dimen.h - footer_height local panned_step = new_pos - self.current_pos self.view.dim_area.x = 0 self.view.dim_area.h = page_visible_height - math.abs(panned_step) self.view.dim_area.w = self.ui.dimen.w if panned_step < 0 then self.view.dim_area.y = page_visible_height - self.view.dim_area.h elseif panned_step > 0 then self.view.dim_area.y = 0 end if self.current_pos > max_pos - self.ui.dimen.h/2 then -- Avoid a fully dimmed page when reaching end of document -- (the scroll would bump and not be a full page long) self.view.dim_area:clear() end else self.view.dim_area:clear() end self.ui.document:gotoPos(new_pos) -- The current page we get in scroll mode may be a bit innacurate, -- but we give it anyway to onPosUpdate so footer and statistics can -- keep up with page. self.current_page = self.ui.document:getCurrentPage() self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("PosUpdate", new_pos, self.current_page)) end function ReaderRolling:_gotoPercent(new_percent) if self.view.view_mode == "page" then self:_gotoPage(new_percent * self.ui.document:getPageCount() / 100) else self:_gotoPos(new_percent * self.ui.document.info.doc_height / 100) end end function ReaderRolling:_gotoPage(new_page, free_first_page, internal) if self.ui.document:getVisiblePageCount() > 1 and not free_first_page and (internal or self.ui.document:getVisiblePageNumberCount() == 2) then -- Ensure we always have the first of the two pages odd if self.odd_or_even_first_page == 1 then -- odd if band(new_page, 1) == 0 then -- requested page will be shown as the right page new_page = new_page - 1 end elseif self.odd_or_even_first_page == 2 then -- (or 'even' if requested) if band(new_page, 1) == 1 then -- requested page will be shown as the right page new_page = new_page - 1 end end end self.ui.document:gotoPage(new_page, internal) if self.view.view_mode == "page" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("PageUpdate", self.ui.document:getCurrentPage())) else self.current_page = self.ui.document:getCurrentPage() self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("PosUpdate", self.ui.document:getCurrentPos(), self.current_page)) end end function ReaderRolling:_gotoXPointer(xpointer) if self.view.view_mode == "page" then self:_gotoPage(self.ui.document:getPageFromXPointer(xpointer)) else self:_gotoPos(self.ui.document:getPosFromXPointer(xpointer)) end end --[[ currently we don't need to get page links on each page/pos update since we can check link on the fly when tapping on the screen function ReaderRolling:updatePageLink() logger.dbg("update page link") local links = self.ui.document:getPageLinks() self.view.links = links end --]] function ReaderRolling:onSetVisiblePages(visible_pages) -- By default, crengine may decide to not ensure the value we request -- (for example, in 2-pages mode, it may stop being ensured when we -- increase the font size up to a point where a line would contain -- less that 20 glyphs). -- But we have CreDocument:setVisiblePageCount() provide only_if_sane=false -- so these checks are not done. -- We nevertheless update the setting (that will be saved) with what -- the user has requested - and not what crengine has enforced, and -- always query crengine for if it ends up ensuring it or not. self.visible_pages = visible_pages local prev_visible_pages = self.ui.document:getVisiblePageCount() self.ui.document:setVisiblePageCount(visible_pages) local cur_visible_pages = self.ui.document:getVisiblePageCount() if cur_visible_pages ~= prev_visible_pages then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("UpdatePos")) end end function ReaderRolling:onSetStatusLine(status_line) -- Enable or disable crengine header status line -- Note that for crengine, 0=header enabled, 1=header disabled self.ui.document:setStatusLineProp(status_line) self.cre_top_bar_enabled = status_line == 0 -- (We used to toggle the footer when toggling the top status bar, -- but people seem to like having them both, and it feels more -- practicable to have the independant.) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("UpdatePos")) end function ReaderRolling:onUpdateTopStatusBarMarkers() if not self.cre_top_bar_enabled then return end local pages = self.ui.document:getPageCount() local ticks = self.ui.toc:getTocTicksFlattened() self.ui.document:setHeaderProgressMarks(pages, ticks) end function ReaderRolling:updateBatteryState() if self.view.view_mode == "page" and self.cre_top_bar_enabled then logger.dbg("update battery state") local powerd = Device:getPowerDevice() local main_batt_lvl = powerd:getCapacity() -- -1 is CR_BATTERY_STATE_CHARGING @ crengine/crengine/include/lvdocview.h local state = powerd:isCharging() and -1 or main_batt_lvl if powerd.device:hasAuxBattery() and powerd:isAuxBatteryConnected() and not powerd:isAuxCharging() then -- The first few reads after connecting to the PowerCover may fail, so default to zero local aux_batt_lvl = powerd:getAuxCapacity() -- If aux_battery not charging, but present -> don't show '[ + ]' in header -- but show the average (as both battery have the same maximum capacity). if G_reader_settings:readSetting("cre_header_battery_percent") ~= 0 then -- if percentage is wanted, show the total capacity of reader plus power-cover state = main_batt_lvl + aux_batt_lvl else -- if icon is wanted, show the total average capacity of reader and power-cover -- (as this is the shows graphically what capacity is left in total) state = math.floor((main_batt_lvl + aux_batt_lvl) / 2) end end if state then self.ui.document:setBatteryState(state) end return state end return 0 end function ReaderRolling:handleEngineCallback(ev, ...) local args = {...} -- logger.info("handleCallback: got", ev, args and #args > 0 and args[1] or nil) if ev == "OnLoadFileStart" then -- Start of book loading self:showEngineProgress(0) -- Start initial delay countdown elseif ev == "OnLoadFileProgress" then -- Initial load from file (step 1/2) or from cache (step 1/1) self:showEngineProgress(args[1]/100/2) elseif ev == "OnNodeStylesUpdateStart" then -- Start of re-rendering self:showEngineProgress(0) -- Start initial delay countdown elseif ev == "OnNodeStylesUpdateProgress" then -- Update node styles (step 1/2 on re-rendering) self:showEngineProgress(args[1]/100/2) elseif ev == "OnFormatStart" then -- Start of step 2/2 self:showEngineProgress(1/2) -- 50%, in case of no OnFormatProgress elseif ev == "OnFormatProgress" then -- Paragraph formatting and page splitting (step 2/2 after load -- from file, step 2/2 on re-rendering) self:showEngineProgress(1/2 + args[1]/100/2) elseif ev == "OnSaveCacheFileStart" then -- Start of cache file save self:showEngineProgress(1) -- Start initial delay countdown, fully filled elseif ev == "OnSaveCacheFileProgress" then -- Cache file save (when closing book after initial load from -- file or re-rendering) self:showEngineProgress(1 - args[1]/100) -- unfill progress elseif ev == "OnDocumentReady" or ev == "OnSaveCacheFileEnd" then self:showEngineProgress() -- cleanup elseif ev == "OnLoadFileError" then logger.warn("Cre error loading file:", args[1]) end -- ignore other events end local ENGINE_PROGRESS_INITIAL_DELAY = TimeVal:new{ sec = 2, usec = 0 } local ENGINE_PROGRESS_UPDATE_DELAY = TimeVal:new{ sec = 0, usec = 500000 } function ReaderRolling:showEngineProgress(percent) if G_reader_settings and G_reader_settings:isFalse("cre_show_progress") then -- (G_reader_settings might not be available when this is called -- in the context of unit tests.) -- This may slow things down too much with SDL over SSH, -- so allow disabling it. return end if percent then local now = TimeVal:now() if self.engine_progress_update_not_before and now < self.engine_progress_update_not_before then return end if not self.engine_progress_update_not_before then -- Start showing the progress widget only if load or re-rendering -- have not yet finished after 2 seconds self.engine_progress_update_not_before = now + ENGINE_PROGRESS_INITIAL_DELAY return end -- Widget size and position: best to anchor it at top left, -- so it does not override the footer or a bookmark dogear local x = 0 local y = Size.margin.small -- On the first rendering the progress indicator should be on top. -- On further renderings the progress indicator should be on top, -- or if the top status bar is enabled, just below that. -- On toggling the top status bar, the location of the progress indicator -- should be on the location it would be expected in respect of the (old) drawn text. if self.ui.document.been_rendered and self.current_header_height then y = y + self.current_header_height end local w = math.floor(Screen:getWidth() / 3) local h = Size.line.progress if self.engine_progress_widget then self.engine_progress_widget:setPercentage(percent) else self.engine_progress_widget = ProgressWidget:new{ width = w, height = h, fillcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK, -- we need pure B&W for refreshFast percentage = percent, margin_h = 0, margin_v = 0, radius = 0, -- Show a tick at 50% (below is loading, after is rendering) tick_width = Screen:scaleBySize(1), ticks = {1,2}, last = 2, } end -- Paint directly to the screen and force a regional refresh -- as UIManager won't get a change to run until loading/rendering -- is finished. self.engine_progress_widget:paintTo(Screen.bb, x, y) Screen:refreshFast(x, y, w, h) self.engine_progress_update_not_before = now + ENGINE_PROGRESS_UPDATE_DELAY else -- Done: cleanup self.engine_progress_widget = nil self.engine_progress_update_not_before = nil -- No need for any paint/refresh: any action we got -- some progress callback for will generate a full -- screen refresh. end end function ReaderRolling:checkXPointersAndProposeDOMVersionUpgrade() if self.ui.document and self.ui.document:isBuiltDomStale() then -- DOM is not in sync, and some message "Styles have changed -- in such a way" is going to be displayed. -- Wait for things to be saner to migrate. return end -- Loop thru all known xpointers holders, and apply -- func(object, key, info_text) to each of them local applyFuncToXPointersSlots = function(func) -- Last position func(self, "xpointer", "last position in book") -- Bookmarks if self.ui.bookmark and self.ui.bookmark.bookmarks and #self.ui.bookmark.bookmarks > 0 then local slots = { "page", "pos0", "pos1" } for _, bookmark in ipairs(self.ui.bookmark.bookmarks) do for _, slot in ipairs(slots) do func(bookmark, slot, bookmark.notes or "bookmark") end end end -- Highlights if self.view.highlight and self.view.highlight.saved then local slots = { "pos0", "pos1" } for page, items in pairs(self.view.highlight.saved) do if items and #items > 0 then for _, highlight in ipairs(items) do for _, slot in ipairs(slots) do func(highlight, slot, highlight.text or "highlight") end end end end end end -- Cache and counters local normalized_xpointers = {} local lost_xpointer_info = {} local nb_xpointers = 0 local nb_xpointers_found = 0 local nb_xpointers_changed = 0 local nb_xpointers_lost = 0 -- To be provided to applyFuncToXPointersSlots() local checkAndCount = function(obj, slot, info) local xp = obj[slot] if not xp then return end if normalized_xpointers[xp] ~= nil then -- already seen return end nb_xpointers = nb_xpointers + 1 local nxp = self.ui.document:getNormalizedXPointer(xp) normalized_xpointers[xp] = nxp -- cache it if nxp then nb_xpointers_found = nb_xpointers_found + 1 if nxp ~= xp then nb_xpointers_changed = nb_xpointers_changed + 1 end else nb_xpointers_lost = nb_xpointers_lost + 1 lost_xpointer_info[xp] = info end end -- To be provided to applyFuncToXPointersSlots() local migrateXPointer = function(obj, slot, info) local xp = obj[slot] if not xp then return end local new_xp = normalized_xpointers[xp] if new_xp then obj[slot] = new_xp else -- Let lost/not-found XPointer be. There is a small chance that -- it will be found (it it was made before the boxing code moved -- it into a box, it might be a normalized xpointer) but there is -- also a smaller chance that it will map to something completely -- different... -- Flag it, so one can investigate and fix it manually if slot ~= "xpointer" then -- (not for last_xpointer) obj["not_found_not_migrated"] = true end end end -- Do the actual xpointers migration, and related changes local upgradeToLatestDOMVersion = function() logger.info("Upgrading book to latest DOM version:") -- Backup metadata.lua local cur_dom_version = self.ui.doc_settings:readSetting("cre_dom_version") or "unknown" if self.ui.doc_settings.filepath then local backup_filepath = self.ui.doc_settings.filepath .. ".old_dom" .. tostring(cur_dom_version) if not lfs.attributes(backup_filepath) then -- backup does not yet exist os.rename(self.ui.doc_settings.filepath, backup_filepath) logger.info(" previous docsetting file saved as", backup_filepath) end end -- Migrate all XPointers applyFuncToXPointersSlots(migrateXPointer) logger.info(T(" xpointers updated: %1 unchanged, %2 modified, %3 not found let as-is", nb_xpointers_found - nb_xpointers_changed, nb_xpointers_changed, nb_xpointers_lost)) -- Set latest DOM version, to be used at next load local latest_dom_version = self.ui.document:getLatestDomVersion() -- For some formats, DOM version 20200824 uses a new HTML parser that may build -- a different DOM tree. So, migrate these to a lower version local doc_format = self.ui.document:getDocumentFormat() if doc_format == "HTML" or doc_format == "CHM" or doc_format == "PDB" then latest_dom_version = self.ui.document:getDomVersionWithNormalizedXPointers() end self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("cre_dom_version", latest_dom_version) logger.info(" cre_dom_version updated to", latest_dom_version) -- Switch to default block rendering mode if this book has it set to "legacy", -- unless the user had set the global mode to be "legacy". -- (see ReaderTypeset:onReadSettings() for the logic of block_rendering_mode) local g_block_rendering_mode if G_reader_settings:has("copt_block_rendering_mode") then g_block_rendering_mode = G_reader_settings:readSetting("copt_block_rendering_mode") else -- nil means: use default g_block_rendering_mode = 3 -- default in ReaderTypeset:onReadSettings() end if g_block_rendering_mode ~= 0 then -- default is not "legacy" -- This setting is actually saved by self.ui.document.configurable local block_rendering_mode = self.ui.document.configurable.block_rendering_mode if block_rendering_mode == 0 then self.ui.document.configurable.block_rendering_mode = g_block_rendering_mode logger.info(" block_rendering_mode switched to", g_block_rendering_mode) end end -- No need for "if doc:hasCacheFile() then doc:invalidateCacheFile()", as -- a change in gDOMVersionRequested has crengine trash previous cache file. end -- Check all xpointers applyFuncToXPointersSlots(checkAndCount) logger.info(T("%1 xpointers checked: %2 found (%3 changed) - %4 lost", nb_xpointers, nb_xpointers_found, nb_xpointers_changed, nb_xpointers_lost)) if nb_xpointers_lost > 0 then logger.warn("Lost xpointers:") for k, v in pairs(lost_xpointer_info) do logger.warn(" ", k, ":", v) end end local text = _([[ This book was first opened, and has been handled since, by an older version of the rendering code. Bookmarks and highlights can be upgraded to the latest version of the code. %1 Proceed with this upgrade and reload the book?]]) local details = {} if nb_xpointers_lost == 0 then table.insert(details, _([[All your bookmarks and highlights are valid and will be available after the migration.]])) else table.insert(details, T(_([[ Note that %1 (out of %2) xpaths from your bookmarks and highlights aren't currently found in the book, and may have been lost. You might want to toggle Rendering mode between 'legacy' and 'flat', and re-open this book, and see if they are found again, before proceeding.]]), nb_xpointers_lost, nb_xpointers)) end if nb_xpointers_changed > 0 then table.insert(details, T(_([[ Note that %1 (out of %2) xpaths from your bookmarks and highlights have been normalized, and may not work on previous KOReader versions (if you're synchronizing your reading between multiple devices, you'll need to update KOReader on all of them).]]), nb_xpointers_changed, nb_xpointers)) end text = T(text, table.concat(details, "\n\n")) UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = text, -- Given the layout of the buttons (Cancel|OK, and a big other button below -- with "Not now"), we don't want cancel_callback to be called when dismissing -- this ConfirmBox by taping outside. So, make it non dismissable. dismissable = false, other_buttons = {{ { -- this is the real cancel/do nothing text = _("Not now"), } }}, cancel_text = _("Not for this book"), cancel_callback = function() self.ui.doc_settings:makeTrue("cre_keep_old_dom_version") end, ok_text = _("Upgrade now"), ok_callback = function() -- Allow for ConfirmBox to be closed before migrating UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function () -- And check we haven't quit reader in these 0.5s if self.ui.document then -- We'd rather not have any painting between the upgrade -- and the document reloading (readerview might draw -- highlights from the migrated xpointers, that would -- not be found in the document... local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local infomsg = InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Upgrading and reloading book…"), } UIManager:show(infomsg) -- Let this message be shown UIManager:scheduleIn(2, function () UIManager:close(infomsg) if self.ui.document then upgradeToLatestDOMVersion() self.ui:reloadDocument() end end) end end) end, }) end function ReaderRolling:onToggleHideNonlinear() self.hide_nonlinear_flows = not self.hide_nonlinear_flows self.ui.document:setHideNonlinearFlows(self.hide_nonlinear_flows) -- The document may change due to forced pagebreaks between flows being -- added or removed, so we need to find our location self:onUpdatePos() -- Even if the document doesn't change, we must ensure that the -- flow and call caches are cleared, to get the right page numbers, -- which may have changed, and the correct flow structure. Also, -- the footer needs updating, and TOC markers may come or go. self.ui.document:cacheFlows() self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("UpdateToc")) end return ReaderRolling