-- number of page turns between full screen refresh -- default to do a full refresh on every 6 page turns DRCOUNTMAX = 6 -- number of pages for hinting -- default to pre-rendering 2 pages DHINTCOUNT = 2 -- full screen mode, 1 for true, 0 for false DFULL_SCREEN = 1 -- scroll mode, 1 for true, 0 for false DSCROLL_MODE = 0 -- default gamma setting: DGLOBALGAMMA = 1.0 -- DjVu page rendering mode (used in djvu.c:drawPage()) -- See comments in djvureader.lua:DJVUReader:select_render_mode() DRENDER_MODE = 0 -- 0 is COLOUR -- minimum cache size DGLOBAL_CACHE_SIZE_MINIMUM = 1024*1024*10 -- proportion of system free memory used as global cache DGLOBAL_CACHE_FREE_PROPORTION = 0.2 -- maximum cache size DGLOBAL_CACHE_SIZE_MAXIMUM = 1024*1024*30 -- background colour in non scroll mode: 8 = gray, 0 = white, 15 = black DBACKGROUND_COLOR = 0 -- outer page colour in scroll mode: 8 = gray, 0 = white, 15 = black DOUTER_PAGE_COLOR = 0 -- supported view mode includes: "scroll" and "page" DCREREADER_VIEW_MODE = "page" -- show dimmed area to indicate page overlap in "page" view mode, -- default to false DSHOWOVERLAP = false -- show hidden files in filemanager -- default to false DSHOWHIDDENFILES = false -- show file size in filemanager -- default to false DSHOWFILESIZE = false -- landscape clockwise rotation -- default to true, set to false for counterclockwise rotation DLANDSCAPE_CLOCKWISE_ROTATION = true -- customizable tap zones(rectangles) -- x: x coordinate of top left corner in proportion of screen width -- y: y coordinate of top left corner in proportion of screen height -- w: width of tap zone in proportion of screen width -- h: height of tap zone in proportion of screen height DTAP_ZONE_MENU = {x = 1/8, y = 0, w = 3/4, h = 1/4} DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG = {x = 0, y = 11/12, w = 1, h = 1/12} DTAP_ZONE_FORWARD = {x = 1/4, y = 0, w = 3/4, h = 1} DTAP_ZONE_BACKWARD = {x = 0, y = 0, w = 1/4, h = 1} DTAP_ZONE_BOOKMARK = {x = 7/8, y = 0, w = 1/8, h = 1/8} DTAP_ZONE_FLIPPING = {x = 0, y = 0, w = 1/8, h = 1/8} -- koptreader config defaults DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_FONT_SIZE = 1.0 -- range from 0.1 to 3.0 DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_TEXT_WRAP = 0 -- 1 = on, 0 = off DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_TRIM_PAGE = 1 -- 1 = auto, 0 = manual DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_DETECT_INDENT = 1 -- 1 = enable, 0 = disable DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_DEFECT_SIZE = 1.0 -- range from 0.0 to 3.0 DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_PAGE_MARGIN = 0.10 -- range from 0.0 to 1.0 DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_LINE_SPACING = 1.2 -- range from 0.5 to 2.0 DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_RENDER_QUALITY = 1.0 -- range from 0.5 to 2.0 DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_AUTO_STRAIGHTEN = 0 -- range from 0 to 10 DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_JUSTIFICATION = 3 -- -1 = auto, 0 = left, 1 = center, 2 = right, 3 = full DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_MAX_COLUMNS = 2 -- range from 1 to 4 DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_CONTRAST = 1.0 -- range from 0.2 to 2.0 -- word spacing for reflow DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_WORD_SAPCINGS = {0.05, -1, 0.375} -- range from 0.05 to 0.5 DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_DEFAULT_WORD_SAPCING = -1 -- range from 0.05 to 0.5 -- document languages for OCR DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_DOC_LANGS_TEXT = {"English", "Chinese"} DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_DOC_LANGS_CODE = {"eng", "chi_sim"} -- language code, make sure you have corresponding training data DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_DOC_DEFAULT_LANG_CODE = "eng" -- that have filenames starting with the language codes -- crereader font sizes -- feel free to add more entries in this list DCREREADER_CONFIG_FONT_SIZES = {16, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 34, 38, 44} -- option range from 16 to 44 DCREREADER_CONFIG_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = 22 -- default font size -- crereader margin sizes -- margin {left, top, right, bottom} in pixels DCREREADER_CONFIG_MARGIN_SIZES_SMALL = {5, 10, 5, 10} DCREREADER_CONFIG_MARGIN_SIZES_MEDIUM = {10, 15, 10, 15} DCREREADER_CONFIG_MARGIN_SIZES_LARGE = {20, 20, 20, 20} -- gesture detector defaults DGESDETECT_DISABLE_DOUBLE_TAP = true -- change this to any numerical value if you want to antomatically save settings when turning pages DAUTO_SAVE_PAGING_COUNT = nil -- dictionary font size DDICT_FONT_SIZE = 20 -- #################################################################### -- following features are not supported right now -- #################################################################### -- set panning distance --DSHIFT_X = 100 --DSHIFT_Y = 50 -- step to change zoom manually, default = 16% --DSTEP_MANUAL_ZOOM = 16 --DPAN_BY_PAGE = false -- using shift_[xy] or width/height --DPAN_MARGIN = 5 -- horizontal margin for two-column zoom (in pixels) --DPAN_OVERLAP_VERTICAL = 30 -- tile cache configuration: --DCACHE_MAX_MEMSIZE = 1024*1024*5 -- 5MB tile cache --DCACHE_MAX_TTL = 20 -- time to live -- renderer cache size --DCACHE_DOCUMENT_SIZE = 1024*1024*8 -- FIXME random, needs testing -- default value for battery level logging --DBATTERY_LOGGING = false -- delay for info messages in ms --DINFO_NODELAY=0 --DINFO_DELAY=1500 -- toggle defaults --DUNIREADER_SHOW_OVERLAP_ENABLE = true --DUNIREADER_SHOW_LINKS_ENABLE = true --DUNIREADER_COMICS_MODE_ENABLE = true --DUNIREADER_RTL_MODE_ENABLE = false --DUNIREADER_PAGE_MODE_ENABLE = false --DDJVUREADER_SHOW_OVERLAP_ENABLE = true --DDJVUREADER_SHOW_LINKS_ENABLE = false --DDJVUREADER_COMICS_MODE_ENABLE = true --DDJVUREADER_RTL_MODE_ENABLE = false --DDJVUREADER_PAGE_MODE_ENABLE = false --DKOPTREADER_SHOW_OVERLAP_ENABLE = true --DKOPTREADER_SHOW_LINKS_ENABLE = false --DKOPTREADER_COMICS_MODE_ENABLE = false --DKOPTREADER_RTL_MODE_ENABLE = false --DKOPTREADER_PAGE_MODE_ENABLE = false --DPICVIEWER_SHOW_OVERLAP_ENABLE = false --DPICVIEWER_SHOW_LINKS_ENABLE = false --DPICVIEWER_COMICS_MODE_ENABLE = true --DPICVIEWER_RTL_MODE_ENABLE = false --DPICVIEWER_PAGE_MODE_ENABLE = false --DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_MULTI_THREADS = 1 -- 1 = on, 0 = off --DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_SCREEN_ROTATION = 0 -- 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees