local Device = require("device") if not Device:isCervantes() and not Device:isKindle() and not Device:isKobo() and not Device:isRemarkable() and not Device:isSDL() and not Device:isSonyPRSTUX() and not Device:isPocketBook() then return { disabled = true, } end local PluginShare = require("pluginshare") local TimeVal = require("ui/timeval") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local Math = require("optmath") local T = require("ffi/util").template local default_autoshutdown_timeout_seconds = 3*24*60*60 -- three days local default_auto_suspend_timeout_seconds = 15*60 -- 15 minutes local AutoSuspend = WidgetContainer:new{ name = "autosuspend", is_doc_only = false, autoshutdown_timeout_seconds = default_autoshutdown_timeout_seconds, auto_suspend_timeout_seconds = default_auto_suspend_timeout_seconds, last_action_tv = TimeVal.zero, standby_prevented = false, task = nil, } function AutoSuspend:_enabled() return self.auto_suspend_timeout_seconds > 0 end function AutoSuspend:_enabledShutdown() return Device:canPowerOff() and self.autoshutdown_timeout_seconds > 0 end function AutoSuspend:_schedule(shutdown_only) if not self:_enabled() and Device:canPowerOff() and not self:_enabledShutdown() then logger.dbg("AutoSuspend:_schedule is disabled") return end local delay_suspend, delay_shutdown if PluginShare.pause_auto_suspend or Device.standby_prevented or Device.powerd:isCharging() then delay_suspend = self.auto_suspend_timeout_seconds delay_shutdown = self.autoshutdown_timeout_seconds else local now_tv = UIManager:getTime() delay_suspend = self.last_action_tv + TimeVal:new{ sec = self.auto_suspend_timeout_seconds, usec = 0 } - now_tv delay_suspend = delay_suspend:tonumber() delay_shutdown = self.last_action_tv + TimeVal:new{ sec = self.autoshutdown_timeout_seconds, usec = 0 } - now_tv delay_shutdown = delay_shutdown:tonumber() end -- Try to shutdown first, as we may have been woken up from suspend just for the sole purpose of doing that. if self:_enabledShutdown() and delay_shutdown <= 0 then logger.dbg("AutoSuspend: initiating shutdown") UIManager:poweroff_action() elseif self:_enabled() and delay_suspend <= 0 and not shutdown_only then logger.dbg("AutoSuspend: will suspend the device") UIManager:suspend() else if self:_enabled() and not shutdown_only then logger.dbg("AutoSuspend: scheduling next suspend check in", delay_suspend) UIManager:scheduleIn(delay_suspend, self.task) end if self:_enabledShutdown() then logger.dbg("AutoSuspend: scheduling next shutdown check in", delay_shutdown) UIManager:scheduleIn(delay_shutdown, self.task) end end end function AutoSuspend:_unschedule() if self.task then logger.dbg("AutoSuspend: unschedule") UIManager:unschedule(self.task) end end function AutoSuspend:_start() if self:_enabled() or self:_enabledShutdown() then local now_tv = UIManager:getTime() logger.dbg("AutoSuspend: start at", now_tv:tonumber()) self.last_action_tv = now_tv self:_schedule() end end -- Variant that only re-engages the shutdown timer for onUnexpectedWakeupLimit function AutoSuspend:_restart() if self:_enabledShutdown() then local now_tv = UIManager:getTime() logger.dbg("AutoSuspend: restart at", now_tv:tonumber()) self.last_action_tv = now_tv self:_schedule(true) end end function AutoSuspend:init() logger.dbg("AutoSuspend: init") if Device:isPocketBook() and not Device:canSuspend() then return end self.autoshutdown_timeout_seconds = G_reader_settings:readSetting("autoshutdown_timeout_seconds", default_autoshutdown_timeout_seconds) self.auto_suspend_timeout_seconds = G_reader_settings:readSetting("auto_suspend_timeout_seconds", default_auto_suspend_timeout_seconds) UIManager.event_hook:registerWidget("InputEvent", self) -- We need an instance-specific function reference to schedule, because in some rare cases, -- we may instantiate a new plugin instance *before* tearing down the old one. self.task = function(shutdown_only) self:_schedule(shutdown_only) end self:_start() -- self.ui is nil in the testsuite if not self.ui or not self.ui.menu then return end self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) end -- For event_hook automagic deregistration purposes function AutoSuspend:onCloseWidget() logger.dbg("AutoSuspend: onCloseWidget") if Device:isPocketBook() and not Device:canSuspend() then return end self:_unschedule() self.task = nil end function AutoSuspend:onInputEvent() logger.dbg("AutoSuspend: onInputEvent") self.last_action_tv = UIManager:getTime() end function AutoSuspend:onSuspend() logger.dbg("AutoSuspend: onSuspend") -- We do not want auto suspend procedure to waste battery during suspend. So let's unschedule it -- when suspending and restart it after resume. self:_unschedule() if self:_enabledShutdown() and Device.wakeup_mgr then Device.wakeup_mgr:addTask(self.autoshutdown_timeout_seconds, UIManager.poweroff_action) end end function AutoSuspend:onResume() logger.dbg("AutoSuspend: onResume") if self:_enabledShutdown() and Device.wakeup_mgr then Device.wakeup_mgr:removeTask(nil, nil, UIManager.poweroff_action) end -- Unschedule in case we tripped onUnexpectedWakeupLimit first... self:_unschedule() self:_start() end function AutoSuspend:onUnexpectedWakeupLimit() logger.dbg("AutoSuspend: onUnexpectedWakeupLimit") -- Only re-engage the *shutdown* schedule to avoid doing the same dance indefinitely. self:_restart() end function AutoSuspend:onAllowStandby() self.standby_prevented = false end function AutoSuspend:onPreventStandby() self.standby_prevented = true end function AutoSuspend:setSuspendShutdownTimes(touchmenu_instance, title, info, setting, default_value, range, is_day_hour) -- Attention if is_day_hour then time.hour stands for days and time.min for hours local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local DateTimeWidget = require("ui/widget/datetimewidget") local setting_val = self[setting] > 0 and self[setting] or default_value local left_val = is_day_hour and math.floor(setting_val / (24*3600)) or math.floor(setting_val / 3600) local right_val = is_day_hour and math.floor(setting_val / 3600) % 24 or math.floor((setting_val / 60) % 60) local time_spinner time_spinner = DateTimeWidget:new { is_date = false, hour = left_val, min = right_val, hour_hold_step = 5, min_hold_step = 10, hour_max = is_day_hour and math.floor(range[2] / (24*3600)) or math.floor(range[2] / 3600), min_max = is_day_hour and 23 or 59, ok_text = _("Set timeout"), title_text = title, info_text = info, callback = function(time) self[setting] = is_day_hour and (time.hour * 24 * 3600 + time.min * 3600) or (time.hour * 3600 + time.min * 60) self[setting] = Math.clamp(self[setting], range[1], range[2]) G_reader_settings:saveSetting(setting, self[setting]) self:_unschedule() self:_start() if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end local time_string = util.secondsToClockDuration("modern", self[setting], true, true, true) time_string = time_string:gsub("00m","") UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("%1: %2"), title, time_string), timeout = 3, }) end, default_value = util.secondsToClockDuration("modern", default_value, true, true, true):gsub("00m$",""), default_callback = function() local hour = is_day_hour and math.floor(default_value / (24*3600)) or math.floor(default_value / 3600) local min = is_day_hour and math.floor(default_value / 3600) % 24 or math.floor(default_value / 60) % 60 time_spinner:update(nil, hour, min) end, extra_text = _("Disable"), extra_callback = function(_self) self[setting] = -1 -- disable with a negative time/number G_reader_settings:saveSetting(setting, -1) self:_unschedule() if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("%1: disabled"), title), timeout = 3, }) _self:onClose() end, keep_shown_on_apply = true, } UIManager:show(time_spinner) end function AutoSuspend:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.autosuspend = { sorting_hint = "device", checked_func = function() return self:_enabled() end, text_func = function() if self.auto_suspend_timeout_seconds and self.auto_suspend_timeout_seconds > 0 then local time_string = util.secondsToClockDuration("modern", self.auto_suspend_timeout_seconds, true, true, true):gsub("00m$","") return T(_("Autosuspend timeout: %1"), time_string) else return _("Autosuspend timeout") end end, keep_menu_open = true, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) -- 60 sec (1') is the minimum and 24*3600 sec (1day) is the maximum suspend time. -- A suspend time of one day seems to be excessive. -- But or battery testing it might give some sense. self:setSuspendShutdownTimes(touchmenu_instance, _("Timeout for autosuspend"), _("Enter time in hours and minutes."), "auto_suspend_timeout_seconds", default_auto_suspend_timeout_seconds, {60, 24*3600}, false) end, } if not (Device:canPowerOff() or Device:isEmulator()) then return end menu_items.autoshutdown = { sorting_hint = "device", checked_func = function() return self:_enabledShutdown() end, text_func = function() if self.autoshutdown_timeout_seconds and self.autoshutdown_timeout_seconds > 0 then local time_string = util.secondsToClockDuration("modern", self.autoshutdown_timeout_seconds, true, true, true):gsub("00m$","") return T(_("Autoshutdown timeout: %1"), time_string) else return _("Autoshutdown timeout") end end, keep_menu_open = true, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) -- 5*60 sec (5') is the minimum and 28*24*3600 (28days) is the maximum shutdown time. -- Minimum time has to be big enough, to avoid start-stop death scenarious. -- Maximum more than four weeks seems a bit excessive if you want to enable authoshutdown, -- even if the battery can last up to three months. self:setSuspendShutdownTimes(touchmenu_instance, _("Timeout for autoshutdown"), _("Enter time in days and hours."), "autoshutdown_timeout_seconds", default_autoshutdown_timeout_seconds, {5*60, 28*24*3600}, true) end, } end return AutoSuspend