local ConfigDialog = require("ui/widget/configdialog") local Device = require("device") local Event = require("ui/event") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local CreOptions = require("ui/data/creoptions") local KoptOptions = require("ui/data/koptoptions") local _ = require("gettext") local ReaderConfig = InputContainer:extend{ last_panel_index = 1, } function ReaderConfig:init() if self.document.koptinterface ~= nil then self.options = KoptOptions else self.options = CreOptions end self.configurable:loadDefaults(self.options) self:registerKeyEvents() self:initGesListener() if G_reader_settings:has("activate_menu") then self.activation_menu = G_reader_settings:readSetting("activate_menu") else self.activation_menu = "swipe_tap" end -- delegate gesture listener to ReaderUI, NOP our own self.ges_events = nil end function ReaderConfig:onGesture() end function ReaderConfig:registerKeyEvents() if Device:hasKeys() then self.key_events.ShowConfigMenu = { { { "Press", "AA" } } } end end ReaderConfig.onPhysicalKeyboardConnected = ReaderConfig.registerKeyEvents function ReaderConfig:initGesListener() if not Device:isTouchDevice() then return end local DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG = G_defaults:readSetting("DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG") local DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG_EXT = G_defaults:readSetting("DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG_EXT") self.ui:registerTouchZones({ { id = "readerconfigmenu_tap", ges = "tap", screen_zone = { ratio_x = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG.x, ratio_y = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG.y, ratio_w = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG.w, ratio_h = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG.h, }, overrides = { "tap_forward", "tap_backward", }, handler = function() return self:onTapShowConfigMenu() end, }, { id = "readerconfigmenu_ext_tap", ges = "tap", screen_zone = { ratio_x = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG_EXT.x, ratio_y = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG_EXT.y, ratio_w = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG_EXT.w, ratio_h = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG_EXT.h, }, overrides = { "readerconfigmenu_tap", }, handler = function() return self:onTapShowConfigMenu() end, }, { id = "readerconfigmenu_swipe", ges = "swipe", screen_zone = { ratio_x = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG.x, ratio_y = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG.y, ratio_w = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG.w, ratio_h = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG.h, }, overrides = { "rolling_swipe", "paging_swipe", }, handler = function(ges) return self:onSwipeShowConfigMenu(ges) end, }, { id = "readerconfigmenu_ext_swipe", ges = "swipe", screen_zone = { ratio_x = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG_EXT.x, ratio_y = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG_EXT.y, ratio_w = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG_EXT.w, ratio_h = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG_EXT.h, }, overrides = { "readerconfigmenu_swipe", }, handler = function(ges) return self:onSwipeShowConfigMenu(ges) end, }, { id = "readerconfigmenu_pan", ges = "pan", screen_zone = { ratio_x = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG.x, ratio_y = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG.y, ratio_w = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG.w, ratio_h = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG.h, }, overrides = { "rolling_pan", "paging_pan", }, handler = function(ges) return self:onSwipeShowConfigMenu(ges) end, }, { id = "readerconfigmenu_ext_pan", ges = "pan", screen_zone = { ratio_x = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG_EXT.x, ratio_y = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG_EXT.y, ratio_w = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG_EXT.w, ratio_h = DTAP_ZONE_CONFIG_EXT.h, }, overrides = { "readerconfigmenu_pan", }, handler = function(ges) return self:onSwipeShowConfigMenu(ges) end, }, }) end function ReaderConfig:onShowConfigMenu() self.config_dialog = ConfigDialog:new{ document = self.document, ui = self.ui, configurable = self.configurable, config_options = self.options, is_always_active = true, covers_footer = true, close_callback = function() self:onCloseCallback() end, } self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("DisableHinting")) -- show last used panel when opening config dialog self.config_dialog:onShowConfigPanel(self.last_panel_index) UIManager:show(self.config_dialog) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("HandledAsSwipe")) -- cancel any pan scroll made return true end function ReaderConfig:onTapShowConfigMenu() if self.activation_menu ~= "swipe" then self:onShowConfigMenu() return true end end function ReaderConfig:onSwipeShowConfigMenu(ges) if self.activation_menu ~= "tap" and ges.direction == "north" then self:onShowConfigMenu() return true end end function ReaderConfig:onSetDimensions(dimen) -- since we cannot redraw config_dialog with new size, we close -- the old one on screen size change if self.config_dialog then self.config_dialog:closeDialog() end end function ReaderConfig:onCloseCallback() self.last_panel_index = self.config_dialog.panel_index self.config_dialog = nil self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("RestoreHinting")) end -- event handler for readercropping function ReaderConfig:onCloseConfigMenu() if self.config_dialog then self.config_dialog:closeDialog() end end function ReaderConfig:onReadSettings(config) self.configurable:loadSettings(config, self.options.prefix.."_") local config_panel_index = config:readSetting("config_panel_index") if config_panel_index then config_panel_index = math.min(config_panel_index, #self.options) end self.last_panel_index = config_panel_index or 1 end function ReaderConfig:onSaveSettings() self.configurable:saveSettings(self.ui.doc_settings, self.options.prefix.."_") self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("config_panel_index", self.last_panel_index) end return ReaderConfig