#!/bin/sh export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" # working directory of koreader KOREADER_DIR="${0%/*}" # update to new version from OTA directory NEWUPDATE="${KOREADER_DIR}/ota/koreader.updated.tar" INSTALLED="${KOREADER_DIR}/ota/koreader.installed.tar" if [ -f "${NEWUPDATE}" ] ; then # TODO: any graphic indication for the updating progress? cd "${KOREADER_DIR%/*}" && tar xf "${NEWUPDATE}" && mv "${NEWUPDATE}" "${INSTALLED}" fi # we're always starting from our working directory cd "${KOREADER_DIR}" # load our own shared libraries if possible export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${KOREADER_DIR}/libs:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" # export trained OCR data directory export TESSDATA_PREFIX="data" # export dict directory export STARDICT_DATA_DIR="data/dict" # export external font directory export EXT_FONT_DIR="/mnt/onboard/fonts" # fast and dirty way of check if we are called from nickel # through fmon, or from another launcher (KSM or advboot) from_nickel="false" if pkill -0 nickel ; then from_nickel="true" fi if [ "${from_nickel}" == "true" ] ; then # Siphon a few things from nickel's env... eval "$(xargs -n 1 -0 < /proc/$(pidof nickel)/environ | grep -e DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS -e WIFI_MODULE -e PLATFORM -e WIFI_MODULE_PATH -e INTERFACE -e PRODUCT 2>/dev/null)" export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS WIFI_MODULE PLATFORM WIFI_MODULE_PATH INTERFACE PRODUCT # flush disks, might help avoid trashing nickel's DB... sync # stop kobo software because it's running killall nickel hindenburg fmon 2>/dev/null fi # fallback for old fmon (and advboot) users (-> if no args were passed to the sript, start the FM) if [ "$#" -eq 0 ] ; then args="/mnt/onboard" else args="$@" fi # check whether PLATFORM & PRODUCT have a value assigned by rcS if [ ! -n "${PRODUCT}" ] ; then PRODUCT="$(/bin/kobo_config.sh)" [ "${PRODUCT}" != "trilogy" ] && PREFIX="${PRODUCT}-" export PRODUCT fi # PLATFORM is used in koreader for the path to the WiFi drivers if [ ! -n "${PLATFORM}" ] ; then PLATFORM="freescale" if dd if="/dev/mmcblk0" bs=512 skip=1024 count=1 | grep -q "HW CONFIG" ; then CPU="$(ntx_hwconfig -s -p /dev/mmcblk0 CPU)" PLATFORM="${CPU}-ntx" fi if [ "${PLATFORM}" == "freescale" ] ; then if [ ! -s "/lib/firmware/imx/epdc_E60_V220.fw" ] ; then mkdir -p "/lib/firmware/imx" dd if="/dev/mmcblk0" bs=512K skip=10 count=1 | zcat > "/lib/firmware/imx/epdc_E60_V220.fw" sync fi elif [ ! -e "/etc/u-boot/${PLATFORM}/u-boot.mmc" ] ; then PLATFORM="ntx508" fi export PLATFORM fi # end of value check of PLATFORM grep ' /mnt/sd ' /proc/mounts | grep 'ro' # Remount SD to RW if it's RO if [ $? -eq 0 ] then mount -o remount,rw /mnt/sd fi ./reader.lua "${args}" 2> crash.log if [ "${from_nickel}" == "true" ] ; then # start kobo software because it was running before koreader ./nickel.sh & else # if we were called from advboot then we must reboot to go to the menu # NOTE: This is actually achieved by checking if KSM or a KSM-related script is running: # This might lead to false-positives if you use neither KSM nor advboot to launch KOReader *without nickel running*. if ! pgrep -f kbmenu > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then reboot fi fi return 0