#!./kpdfview --[[ KindlePDFViewer: a reader implementation Copyright (C) 2011 Hans-Werner Hilse This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ]]-- require "alt_getopt" require "pdfreader" require "djvureader" require "crereader" require "filechooser" require "settings" require "screen" require "keys" require "commands" -- option parsing: longopts = { password = "p", goto = "g", gamma = "G", device = "d", help = "h" } function openFile(filename) local file_type = string.lower(string.match(filename, ".+%.([^.]+)")) local reader = nil if file_type == "djvu" then reader = DJVUReader elseif file_type == "pdf" or file_type == "xps" or file_type == "cbz" then reader = PDFReader elseif file_type == "epub" or file_type == "txt" or file_type == "rtf" or file_type == "htm" or file_type == "html" or file_type == "fb2" or file_type == "chm" then reader = CREReader end if reader then local ok, err = reader:open(filename) if ok then reader:loadSettings(filename) page_num = reader:getLastPageOrPos() reader:goto(tonumber(page_num)) reader_settings:savesetting("lastfile", filename) return reader:inputLoop() else -- TODO: error handling end end return true -- on failed attempts, we signal to keep running end function showusage() print("usage: ./reader.lua [OPTION] ... path") print("Read PDFs and DJVUs on your E-Ink reader") print("") print("-p, --password=PASSWORD set password for reading PDF document") print("-g, --goto=page start reading on page") print("-G, --gamma=GAMMA set gamma correction") print(" (floating point notation, e.g. \"1.5\")") print("-h, --help show this usage help") print("") print("If you give the name of a directory instead of a file path, a file") print("chooser will show up and let you select a PDF|DJVU file") print("") print("If you don't pass any path, the last viewed document will be opened") print("") print("This software is licensed under the GPLv3.") print("See http://github.com/hwhw/kindlepdfviewer for more info.") return end optarg, optind = alt_getopt.get_opts(ARGV, "p:G:hg:d:", longopts) if optarg["h"] then return showusage() end if util.isEmulated()==1 then input.open("") -- SDL key codes setEmuKeycodes() else input.open("slider") input.open("/dev/input/event0") input.open("/dev/input/event1") -- check if we are running on Kindle 3 (additional volume input) local f=lfs.attributes("/dev/input/event2") print(f) if f then print("Auto-detected Kindle 3") input.open("/dev/input/event2") setK3Keycodes() end end if optarg["G"] ~= nil then globalgamma = optarg["G"] end fb = einkfb.open("/dev/fb0") G_width, G_height = fb:getSize() -- read current rotation mode Screen:updateRotationMode() Screen.native_rotation_mode = Screen.cur_rotation_mode -- set up reader's setting: font reader_settings = DocSettings:open(".reader") fontmap = reader_settings:readSetting("fontmap") if fontmap ~= nil then Font.fontmap = fontmap end -- initialize global settings shared among all readers UniReader:initGlobalSettings(reader_settings) -- initialize specific readers PDFReader:init() DJVUReader:init() CREReader:init() -- display directory or open file local patharg = reader_settings:readSetting("lastfile") if ARGV[optind] and lfs.attributes(ARGV[optind], "mode") == "directory" then local running = true FileChooser:setPath(ARGV[optind]) while running do local file, callback = FileChooser:choose(0, G_height) if callback then callback() else if file ~= nil then running = openFile(file) print(file) else running = false end end end elseif ARGV[optind] and lfs.attributes(ARGV[optind], "mode") == "file" then openFile(ARGV[optind], optarg["p"]) elseif patharg and lfs.attributes(patharg, "mode") == "file" then openFile(patharg, optarg["p"]) else return showusage() end -- save reader settings reader_settings:savesetting("fontmap", Font.fontmap) reader_settings:close() -- @TODO dirty workaround, find a way to force native system poll -- screen orientation and upside down mode 09.03 2012 fb:setOrientation(Screen.native_rotation_mode) input.closeAll() if util.isEmulated()==0 then --os.execute("killall -cont cvm") os.execute('echo "send '..KEY_MENU..'" > /proc/keypad;echo "send '..KEY_MENU..'" > /proc/keypad') end