-- From https://github.com/bakpakin/luamd revision 388ce799d93e899e4d673cdc6d522f12310822bd local FFIUtil = require("ffi/util") --[[ Copyright (c) 2016 Calvin Rose Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]] local concat = table.concat local sub = string.sub local match = string.match local format = string.format local gmatch = string.gmatch local byte = string.byte local find = string.find local lower = string.lower local tonumber = tonumber -- luacheck: no unused local type = type local pcall = pcall -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Stream Utils -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function stringLineStream(str) return gmatch(str, "([^\n\r]*)\r?\n?") end local function tableLineStream(t) local index = 0 return function() index = index + 1 return t[index] end end local function bufferStream(linestream) local bufferedLine = linestream() return function() bufferedLine = linestream() return bufferedLine end, function() return bufferedLine end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Line Level Operations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local lineDelimiters = {'`', '__', '**', '_', '*', '~~'} local function findDelim(str, start, max) local delim = nil local min = 1/0 local finish = 1/0 max = max or #str for i = 1, #lineDelimiters do local pos, fin = find(str, lineDelimiters[i], start, true) if pos and pos < min and pos <= max then min = pos finish = fin delim = lineDelimiters[i] end end return delim, min, finish end local function externalLinkEscape(str, t) local nomatches = true for m1, m2, m3 in gmatch(str, '(.*)%[(.*)%](.*)') do if nomatches then t[#t + 1] = match(m1, '^(.-)!?$'); nomatches = false end if byte(m1, #m1) == byte '!' then t[#t + 1] = {type = 'img', attributes = {alt = m2}} else t[#t + 1] = {m2, type = 'a'} end t[#t + 1] = m3 end if nomatches then t[#t + 1] = str end end local function linkEscape(str, t) local nomatches = true for m1, m2, m3, m4 in gmatch(str, '(.*)%[(.*)%]%((.*)%)(.*)') do if nomatches then externalLinkEscape(match(m1, '^(.-)!?$'), t); nomatches = false end if byte(m1, #m1) == byte '!' then t[#t + 1] = {type = 'img', attributes = { src = m3, alt = m2 }, noclose = true} else t[#t + 1] = {m2, type = 'a', attributes = {href = m3}} end externalLinkEscape(m4, t) end if nomatches then externalLinkEscape(str, t) end end local lineDeimiterNames = {['`'] = 'code', ['__'] = 'strong', ['**'] = 'strong', ['_'] = 'em', ['*'] = 'em', ['~~'] = 'strike' } local function lineRead(str, start, finish) start, finish = start or 1, finish or #str local searchIndex = start local tree = {} while true do local delim, dstart, dfinish = findDelim(str, searchIndex, finish) if not delim then linkEscape(sub(str, searchIndex, finish), tree) break end if dstart > searchIndex then linkEscape(sub(str, searchIndex, dstart - 1), tree) end local nextdstart, nextdfinish = find(str, delim, dfinish + 1, true) if nextdstart then if delim == '`' then tree[#tree + 1] = { sub(str, dfinish + 1, nextdstart - 1), type = 'code' } else local subtree = lineRead(str, dfinish + 1, nextdstart - 1) subtree.type = lineDeimiterNames[delim] tree[#tree + 1] = subtree end searchIndex = nextdfinish + 1 else tree[#tree + 1] = { delim, } searchIndex = dfinish + 1 end end return tree end local function getIndentLevel(line) local level = 0 for i = 1, #line do local b = byte(line, i) if b == byte(' ') or b == byte('>') then level = level + 1 elseif b == byte('\t') then level = level + 4 else break end end return level end local function stripIndent(line, level, ignorepattern) -- luacheck: no unused args local currentLevel = -1 for i = 1, #line do if byte(line, i) == byte("\t") then currentLevel = currentLevel + 4 elseif byte(line, i) == byte(" ") or byte(line, i) == byte(">") then currentLevel = currentLevel + 1 else return sub(line, i, -1) end if currentLevel == level then return sub(line, i, -1) elseif currentLevel > level then local front = "" for j = 1, currentLevel - level do front = front .. " " end -- luacheck: no unused args return front .. sub(line, i, -1) end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Useful variables -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local NEWLINE = '\n' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Patterns -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local PATTERN_EMPTY = "^%s*$" local PATTERN_COMMENT = "^%s*<>" local PATTERN_HEADER = "^%s*(%#+)%s*(.*)%#*$" local PATTERN_RULE1 = "^%s?%s?%s?(-%s*-%s*-[%s-]*)$" local PATTERN_RULE2 = "^%s?%s?%s?(*%s**%s**[%s*]*)$" local PATTERN_RULE3 = "^%s?%s?%s?(_%s*_%s*_[%s_]*)$" local PATTERN_CODEBLOCK = "^%s*%`%`%`(.*)" local PATTERN_BLOCKQUOTE = "^%s*> (.*)$" local PATTERN_ULIST = "^%s*[%*%-] (.+)$" local PATTERN_OLIST = "^%s*%d+%. (.+)$" local PATTERN_LINKDEF = "^%s*%[(.*)%]%s*%:%s*(.*)" -- List of patterns local PATTERNS = { PATTERN_EMPTY, PATTERN_COMMENT, PATTERN_HEADER, PATTERN_RULE1, PATTERN_RULE2, PATTERN_RULE3, PATTERN_CODEBLOCK, PATTERN_BLOCKQUOTE, PATTERN_ULIST, PATTERN_OLIST, PATTERN_LINKDEF } local function isSpecialLine(line) for i = 1, #PATTERNS do if match(line, PATTERNS[i]) then return PATTERNS[i] end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Simple Reading - Non Recursive -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function readSimple(pop, peek, tree, links) local line = peek() if not line then return end -- Test for Empty or Comment if match(line, PATTERN_EMPTY) or match(line, PATTERN_COMMENT) then return pop() end -- Test for Header local m, rest = match(line, PATTERN_HEADER) if m then tree[#tree + 1] = { lineRead(rest), type = "h" .. #m } tree[#tree + 1] = NEWLINE return pop() end -- Test for Horizontal Rule if match(line, PATTERN_RULE1) or match(line, PATTERN_RULE2) or match(line, PATTERN_RULE3) then tree[#tree + 1] = { type = "hr", noclose = true } tree[#tree + 1] = NEWLINE return pop() end -- Test for Code Block local syntax = match(line, PATTERN_CODEBLOCK) if syntax then local indent = getIndentLevel(line) local code = { type = "code" } if #syntax > 0 then code.attributes = { class = format('language-%s', lower(syntax)) } end local pre = { type = "pre", [1] = code } tree[#tree + 1] = pre while not (match(pop(), PATTERN_CODEBLOCK) and getIndentLevel(peek()) == indent) do code[#code + 1] = peek() code[#code + 1] = '\r\n' end return pop() end -- Test for link definition local linkname, location = match(line, PATTERN_LINKDEF) if linkname then links[lower(linkname)] = location return pop() end -- Test for header type two local nextLine = pop() if nextLine and match(nextLine, "^%s*%=+$") then tree[#tree + 1] = { lineRead(line), type = "h1" } return pop() elseif nextLine and match(nextLine, "^%s*%-+$") then tree[#tree + 1] = { lineRead(line), type = "h2" } return pop() end -- Do Paragraph local p = { lineRead(line), NEWLINE, type = "p" } tree[#tree + 1] = p while nextLine and not isSpecialLine(nextLine) do p[#p + 1] = lineRead(nextLine) p[#p + 1] = NEWLINE nextLine = pop() end p[#p] = nil tree[#tree + 1] = NEWLINE return peek() end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main Reading - Potentially Recursive -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local readLineStream local function readFragment(pop, peek, links, stop, ...) local accum2 = {} local line = peek() local indent = getIndentLevel(line) while true do accum2[#accum2 + 1] = stripIndent(line, indent) line = pop() if not line then break end if stop(line, ...) then break end end local tree = {} readLineStream(tableLineStream(accum2), tree, links) return tree end local function readBlockQuote(pop, peek, tree, links) local line = peek() if match(line, PATTERN_BLOCKQUOTE) then local bq = readFragment(pop, peek, links, function(l) local tp = isSpecialLine(l) return tp and tp ~= PATTERN_BLOCKQUOTE end) bq.type = 'blockquote' tree[#tree + 1] = bq return peek() end end local function readList(pop, peek, tree, links, expectedIndent) if not peek() then return end if expectedIndent and getIndentLevel(peek()) ~= expectedIndent then return end local listPattern = (match(peek(), PATTERN_ULIST) and PATTERN_ULIST) or (match(peek(), PATTERN_OLIST) and PATTERN_OLIST) if not listPattern then return end local lineType = listPattern local line = peek() local indent = getIndentLevel(line) local list = { type = (listPattern == PATTERN_ULIST and "ul" or "ol") } tree[#tree + 1] = list list[1] = NEWLINE while lineType == listPattern do list[#list + 1] = { lineRead(match(line, lineType)), type = "li" } line = pop() if not line then break end lineType = isSpecialLine(line) if lineType ~= PATTERN_EMPTY then list[#list + 1] = NEWLINE local i = getIndentLevel(line) if i < indent then break end if i > indent then local subtree = readFragment(pop, peek, links, function(l) if not l then return true end local tp = isSpecialLine(l) return tp ~= PATTERN_EMPTY and getIndentLevel(l) < i end) list[#list + 1] = subtree line = peek() if not line then break end lineType = isSpecialLine(line) end end end list[#list + 1] = NEWLINE tree[#tree + 1] = NEWLINE return peek() end function readLineStream(stream, tree, links) local pop, peek = bufferStream(stream) tree = tree or {} links = links or {} while peek() do if not readBlockQuote(pop, peek, tree, links) then if not readList(pop, peek, tree, links) then readSimple(pop, peek, tree, links) end end end return tree, links end local function read(str) -- luacheck: no unused return readLineStream(stringLineStream(str)) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Rendering -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function renderAttributes(attributes) local accum = {} -- KOReader: oderedPairs instead of pairs for k, v in FFIUtil.orderedPairs(attributes) do accum[#accum + 1] = format("%s=\"%s\"", k, v) end return concat(accum, ' ') end local function renderTree(tree, links, accum) if tree.type then local attribs = tree.attributes or {} if tree.type == 'a' and not attribs.href then attribs.href = links[lower(tree[1] or '')] or '' end if tree.type == 'img' and not attribs.src then attribs.src = links[lower(attribs.alt or '')] or '' end local attribstr = renderAttributes(attribs) if #attribstr > 0 then accum[#accum + 1] = format("<%s %s>", tree.type, attribstr) else accum[#accum + 1] = format("<%s>", tree.type) end end for i = 1, #tree do local line = tree[i] if type(line) == "string" then accum[#accum + 1] = line elseif type(line) == "table" then renderTree(line, links, accum) else error "Unexpected node while rendering tree." end end if not tree.noclose and tree.type then accum[#accum + 1] = format("", tree.type) end end local function renderLinesRaw(stream, options) local tree, links = readLineStream(stream) local accum = {} local head, tail, insertHead, insertTail, prependHead, appendTail = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil if options then assert(type(options) == 'table', "Options argument should be a table.") if options.tag then tail = format('', options.tag) if options.attributes then head = format('<%s %s>', options.tag, renderAttributes(options.attributes)) else head = format('<%s>', options.tag) end end insertHead = options.insertHead insertTail = options.insertTail prependHead = options.prependHead appendTail = options.appendTail end accum[#accum + 1] = prependHead accum[#accum + 1] = head accum[#accum + 1] = insertHead renderTree(tree, links, accum) if accum[#accum] == NEWLINE then accum[#accum] = nil end accum[#accum + 1] = insertTail accum[#accum + 1] = tail accum[#accum + 1] = appendTail return concat(accum) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Module -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function pwrap(...) local status, value = pcall(...) if status then return value else return nil, value end end local function renderLineIterator(stream, options) return pwrap(renderLinesRaw, stream, options) end local function renderTable(t, options) return pwrap(renderLinesRaw, tableLineStream(t), options) end local function renderString(str, options) return pwrap(renderLinesRaw, stringLineStream(str), options) end local renderers = { ['string'] = renderString, ['table'] = renderTable, ['function'] = renderLineIterator } local function render(source, options) local renderer = renderers[type(source)] if not renderer then return nil, "Source must be a string, table, or function." end return renderer(source, options) end return setmetatable({ render = render, renderString = renderString, renderLineIterator = renderLineIterator, renderTable = renderTable }, { __call = function(self, ...) -- luacheck: no unused args return render(...) end })