local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local CheckButton = require("ui/widget/checkbutton") local Device = require("device") local FocusManager = require("ui/widget/focusmanager") local FrameContainer = require("ui/widget/container/framecontainer") local Font = require("ui/font") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local Notification = require("ui/widget/notification") local ScrollTextWidget = require("ui/widget/scrolltextwidget") local Size = require("ui/size") local TextBoxWidget = require("ui/widget/textboxwidget") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local VerticalGroup = require("ui/widget/verticalgroup") local dbg = require("dbg") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local Screen = Device.screen local Keyboard local FocusManagerInstance = FocusManager:new{} local InputText = InputContainer:new{ text = "", hint = "demo hint", input_type = nil, -- "number" or anything else text_type = nil, -- "password" or anything else show_password_toggle = true, cursor_at_end = true, -- starts with cursor at end of text, ready for appending scroll = false, -- whether to allow scrolling (will be set to true if no height provided) focused = true, parent = nil, -- parent dialog that will be set dirty edit_callback = nil, -- called with true when text modified, false on init or text re-set scroll_callback = nil, -- called with (low, high) when view is scrolled (cf ScrollTextWidget) scroll_by_pan = false, -- allow scrolling by lines with Pan (needs scroll=true) width = nil, height = nil, -- when nil, will be set to original text height (possibly -- less if screen would be overflowed) and made scrollable to -- not overflow if some text is appended and add new lines face = Font:getFace("smallinfofont"), padding = Size.padding.default, margin = Size.margin.default, bordersize = Size.border.inputtext, -- See TextBoxWidget for details about these options alignment = "left", justified = false, lang = nil, para_direction_rtl = nil, auto_para_direction = false, alignment_strict = false, -- for internal use text_widget = nil, -- Text Widget for cursor movement, possibly a ScrollTextWidget charlist = nil, -- table of individual chars from input string charpos = nil, -- position of the cursor, where a new char would be inserted top_line_num = nil, -- virtual_line_num of the text_widget (index of the displayed top line) is_password_type = false, -- set to true if original text_type == "password" is_text_editable = true, -- whether text is utf8 reversible and editing won't mess content is_text_edited = false, -- whether text has been updated for_measurement_only = nil, -- When the widget is a one-off used to compute text height do_select = false, -- to start text selection selection_start_pos = nil, -- selection start position is_keyboard_hidden = false, -- to be able to show the keyboard again when it was hidden } -- These may be (internally) overloaded as needed, depending on Device capabilities. function InputText:initEventListener() end function InputText:onFocus() end function InputText:onUnfocus() end -- only use PhysicalKeyboard if the device does not have touch screen if Device:isTouchDevice() or Device:hasDPad() then Keyboard = require("ui/widget/virtualkeyboard") if Device:isTouchDevice() then function InputText:initEventListener() self.ges_events = { TapTextBox = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = function() return self.dimen end } }, HoldTextBox = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "hold", range = function() return self.dimen end } }, HoldReleaseTextBox = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "hold_release", range = function() return self.dimen end } }, SwipeTextBox = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "swipe", range = function() return self.dimen end } }, -- These are just to stop propagation of the event to -- parents in case there's a MovableContainer among them -- Commented for now, as this needs work -- HoldPanTextBox = { -- GestureRange:new{ ges = "hold_pan", range = self.dimen } -- }, -- PanTextBox = { -- GestureRange:new{ ges = "pan", range = self.dimen } -- }, -- PanReleaseTextBox = { -- GestureRange:new{ ges = "pan_release", range = self.dimen } -- }, -- TouchTextBox = { -- GestureRange:new{ ges = "touch", range = self.dimen } -- }, } end -- For MovableContainer to work fully, some of these should -- do more check before disabling the event or not -- Commented for now, as this needs work -- local function _disableEvent() return true end -- InputText.onHoldPanTextBox = _disableEvent -- InputText.onHoldReleaseTextBox = _disableEvent -- InputText.onPanTextBox = _disableEvent -- InputText.onPanReleaseTextBox = _disableEvent -- InputText.onTouchTextBox = _disableEvent function InputText:onTapTextBox(arg, ges) if self.parent.onSwitchFocus then self.parent:onSwitchFocus(self) else if self.is_keyboard_hidden == true then self:onShowKeyboard() self.is_keyboard_hidden = false end end if #self.charlist > 0 then -- Avoid cursor moving within a hint. local textwidget_offset = self.margin + self.bordersize + self.padding local x = ges.pos.x - self._frame_textwidget.dimen.x - textwidget_offset local y = ges.pos.y - self._frame_textwidget.dimen.y - textwidget_offset self.text_widget:moveCursorToXY(x, y, true) -- restrict_to_view=true self.charpos, self.top_line_num = self.text_widget:getCharPos() end return true end function InputText:onHoldTextBox(arg, ges) if self.parent.onSwitchFocus then self.parent:onSwitchFocus(self) end -- clipboard dialog self._hold_handled = nil if Device:hasClipboard() then if self.do_select then -- select mode on if self.selection_start_pos then -- select end local selection_end_pos = self.charpos - 1 if self.selection_start_pos > selection_end_pos then self.selection_start_pos, selection_end_pos = selection_end_pos + 1, self.selection_start_pos - 1 end local txt = table.concat(self.charlist, "", self.selection_start_pos, selection_end_pos) Device.input.setClipboardText(txt) UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = _("Selection copied to clipboard."), }) self.selection_start_pos = nil self.do_select = false return true else -- select start self.selection_start_pos = self.charpos UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = _("Set cursor to end of selection, then hold."), }) return true end end local clipboard_value = Device.input.getClipboardText() local is_clipboard_empty = clipboard_value == nil or clipboard_value == "" local clipboard_dialog clipboard_dialog = require("ui/widget/textviewer"):new{ title = _("Clipboard"), text = is_clipboard_empty and _("(empty)") or clipboard_value, fgcolor = is_clipboard_empty and Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY or Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK, width = math.floor(math.min(Screen:getWidth(), Screen:getHeight()) * 0.8), height = math.floor(math.max(Screen:getWidth(), Screen:getHeight()) * 0.4), justified = false, modal = true, stop_events_propagation = true, buttons_table = { { { text = _("Copy all"), callback = function() UIManager:close(clipboard_dialog) Device.input.setClipboardText(table.concat(self.charlist)) UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = _("All text copied to clipboard."), }) end, }, { text = _("Copy line"), callback = function() UIManager:close(clipboard_dialog) local txt = table.concat(self.charlist, "", self:getStringPos({"\n", "\r"}, {"\n", "\r"})) Device.input.setClipboardText(txt) UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = _("Line copied to clipboard."), }) end, }, { text = _("Copy word"), callback = function() UIManager:close(clipboard_dialog) local txt = table.concat(self.charlist, "", self:getStringPos({"\n", "\r", " "}, {"\n", "\r", " "})) Device.input.setClipboardText(txt) UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = _("Word copied to clipboard."), }) end, }, }, { { text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() UIManager:close(clipboard_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Select"), callback = function() UIManager:close(clipboard_dialog) UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = _("Set cursor to start of selection, then hold."), }) self.do_select = true end, }, { text = _("Paste"), enabled = not is_clipboard_empty, callback = function() UIManager:close(clipboard_dialog) self:addChars(clipboard_value) end, }, }, }, } UIManager:show(clipboard_dialog) end self._hold_handled = true return true end function InputText:onHoldReleaseTextBox(arg, ges) if self._hold_handled then self._hold_handled = nil return true end return false end function InputText:onSwipeTextBox(arg, ges) -- Allow refreshing the widget (actually, the screen) with the classic -- Diagonal Swipe, as we're only using the quick "ui" mode while editing if ges.direction == "northeast" or ges.direction == "northwest" or ges.direction == "southeast" or ges.direction == "southwest" then if self.refresh_callback then self.refresh_callback() end -- Trigger a full-screen HQ flashing refresh so -- the keyboard can also be fully redrawn UIManager:setDirty(nil, "full") end -- Let it propagate in any case (a long diagonal swipe may also be -- used for taking a screenshot) return false end end if Device:hasDPad() then function InputText:onFocus() -- Event called by the focusmanager if self.parent.onSwitchFocus then self.parent:onSwitchFocus(self) else self:onShowKeyboard() end self:focus() return true end function InputText:onUnfocus() -- Event called by the focusmanager self:unfocus() return true end end else Keyboard = require("ui/widget/physicalkeyboard") end function InputText:checkTextEditability() -- The split of the 'text' string to a table of utf8 chars may not be -- reversible to the same string, if 'text' comes from a binary file -- (it looks like it does not necessarily need to be proper UTF8 to -- be reversible, some text with latin1 chars is reversible). -- As checking that may be costly, we do that only in init(), setText(), -- and clear(). -- When not reversible, we prevent adding and deleting chars to not -- corrupt the original self.text. self.is_text_editable = true if self.text then -- We check that the text obtained from the UTF8 split done -- in :initTextBox(), when concatenated back to a string, matches -- the original text. (If this turns out too expensive, we could -- just compare their lengths) self.is_text_editable = table.concat(self.charlist, "") == self.text end end function InputText:isTextEditable(show_warning) if show_warning and not self.is_text_editable then UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = _("Text may be binary content, and is not editable"), }) end return self.is_text_editable end function InputText:isTextEdited() return self.is_text_edited end function InputText:init() if Device:isTouchDevice() then if self.text_type == "password" then -- text_type changes from "password" to "text" when we toggle password self.is_password_type = true end else -- focus move does not work with textbox and show password checkbox -- force show password for non-touch device self.text_type = "text" self.is_password_type = false end -- Beware other cases where implicit conversion to text may be done -- at some point, but checkTextEditability() would say "not editable". if self.input_type == "number" then if type(self.text) == "number" then -- checkTextEditability() fails if self.text stays not a string self.text = tostring(self.text) end if type(self.hint) == "number" then self.hint = tostring(self.hint) end end self:initTextBox(self.text) self:checkTextEditability() if self.readonly ~= true then self:initKeyboard() self:initEventListener() end end -- This will be called when we add or del chars, as we need to recreate -- the text widget to have the new text splittted into possibly different -- lines than before function InputText:initTextBox(text, char_added) if self.text_widget then self.text_widget:free(true) end self.text = text local fgcolor local show_charlist local show_text = text if show_text == "" or show_text == nil then -- no preset value, use hint text if set show_text = self.hint fgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY self.charlist = {} self.charpos = 1 else fgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK if self.text_type == "password" then show_text = self.text:gsub( "(.-).", function() return "*" end) if char_added then show_text = show_text:gsub( "(.)$", function() return self.text:sub(-1) end) end end self.charlist = util.splitToChars(text) -- keep previous cursor position if charpos not nil if self.charpos == nil then if self.cursor_at_end then self.charpos = #self.charlist + 1 else self.charpos = 1 end end end if self.is_password_type and self.show_password_toggle then self._check_button = self._check_button or CheckButton:new{ text = _("Show password"), parent = self, width = self.width, callback = function() self.text_type = self._check_button.checked and "text" or "password" self:setText(self:getText(), true) end, } self._password_toggle = FrameContainer:new{ bordersize = 0, padding = self.padding, padding_top = 0, padding_bottom = 0, margin = self.margin, self._check_button, } else self._password_toggle = nil end show_charlist = util.splitToChars(show_text) if not self.height then -- If no height provided, measure the text widget height -- we would start with, and use a ScrollTextWidget with that -- height, so widget does not overflow container if we extend -- the text and increase the number of lines. local text_width = self.width if text_width then -- Account for the scrollbar that will be used local scroll_bar_width = ScrollTextWidget.scroll_bar_width + ScrollTextWidget.text_scroll_span text_width = text_width - scroll_bar_width end local text_widget = TextBoxWidget:new{ text = show_text, charlist = show_charlist, face = self.face, width = text_width, lang = self.lang, -- these might influence height para_direction_rtl = self.para_direction_rtl, auto_para_direction = self.auto_para_direction, for_measurement_only = true, -- flag it as a dummy, so it won't trigger any bogus repaint/refresh... } self.height = text_widget:getTextHeight() self.scroll = true text_widget:free(true) end if self.scroll then self.text_widget = ScrollTextWidget:new{ text = show_text, charlist = show_charlist, charpos = self.charpos, top_line_num = self.top_line_num, editable = self.focused, face = self.face, fgcolor = fgcolor, alignment = self.alignment, justified = self.justified, lang = self.lang, para_direction_rtl = self.para_direction_rtl, auto_para_direction = self.auto_para_direction, alignment_strict = self.alignment_strict, width = self.width, height = self.height, dialog = self.parent, scroll_callback = self.scroll_callback, scroll_by_pan = self.scroll_by_pan, for_measurement_only = self.for_measurement_only, } else self.text_widget = TextBoxWidget:new{ text = show_text, charlist = show_charlist, charpos = self.charpos, top_line_num = self.top_line_num, editable = self.focused, face = self.face, fgcolor = fgcolor, alignment = self.alignment, justified = self.justified, lang = self.lang, para_direction_rtl = self.para_direction_rtl, auto_para_direction = self.auto_para_direction, alignment_strict = self.alignment_strict, width = self.width, height = self.height, dialog = self.parent, for_measurement_only = self.for_measurement_only, } end -- Get back possibly modified charpos and virtual_line_num self.charpos, self.top_line_num = self.text_widget:getCharPos() self._frame_textwidget = FrameContainer:new{ bordersize = self.bordersize, padding = self.padding, margin = self.margin, color = self.focused and Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK or Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY, self.text_widget, } self._verticalgroup = VerticalGroup:new{ align = "left", self._frame_textwidget, self._password_toggle, } self._frame = FrameContainer:new{ bordersize = 0, margin = 0, padding = 0, self._verticalgroup, } self[1] = self._frame self.dimen = self._frame:getSize() --- @fixme self.parent is not always in the widget stack (BookStatusWidget) -- Don't even try to refresh dummy widgets used for text height computations... if not self.for_measurement_only then UIManager:setDirty(self.parent, function() return "ui", self.dimen end) end if self.edit_callback then self.edit_callback(self.is_text_edited) end end dbg:guard(InputText, "initTextBox", function(self, text, char_added) assert(type(text) == "string", "Wrong text type (expected string)") end) function InputText:initKeyboard() local keyboard_layer = 2 if self.input_type == "number" then keyboard_layer = 4 end self.key_events = nil self.keyboard = Keyboard:new{ keyboard_layer = keyboard_layer, inputbox = self, } end function InputText:unfocus() self.focused = false self.text_widget:unfocus() self._frame_textwidget.color = Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY end function InputText:focus() self.focused = true self.text_widget:focus() self._frame_textwidget.color = Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK end -- Handle real keypresses from a physical keyboard, even if the virtual keyboard -- is shown. Mostly likely to be in the emulator, but could be Android + BT -- keyboard, or a "coder's keyboard" Android input method. function InputText:onKeyPress(key) -- only handle key on focused status, otherwise there are more than one InputText -- the first one always handle key pressed if not self.focused then return false end local handled = true if not key["Ctrl"] and not key["Shift"] and not key["Alt"] then if key["Backspace"] then self:delChar() elseif key["Del"] then self:rightChar() self:delChar() elseif key["Left"] then self:leftChar() elseif key["Right"] then self:rightChar() elseif key["Up"] then self:upLine() elseif key["Down"] then self:downLine() elseif key["End"] then self:goToEnd() elseif key["Home"] then self:goToHome() elseif key["Press"] then self:addChars("\n") elseif key["Tab"] then self:addChars(" ") elseif key["Back"] then if self.focused then self:unfocus() end else handled = false end elseif key["Ctrl"] and not key["Shift"] and not key["Alt"] then if key["U"] then self:delToStartOfLine() elseif key["H"] then self:delChar() else handled = false end else handled = false end if not handled and Device:hasDPad() then -- FocusManager may turn on alternative key maps. -- These key map maybe single text keys. -- It will cause unexpected focus move instead of enter text to InputText local is_alternative_key = FocusManagerInstance:isAlternativeKey(key) if not is_alternative_key and Device:isSDL() then -- SDL already insert char via TextInput event -- Stop event propagate to FocusManager return true end -- if it is single text char, insert it local key_code = key.key -- is in upper case if not Device.isSDL() and #key_code == 1 then if not key["Shift"] then key_code = string.lower(key_code) end for modifier, flag in pairs(key.modifiers) do if modifier ~= "Shift" and flag then -- Other modifier: not a single char insert return true end end self:addChars(key_code) return true end if is_alternative_key then return true -- Stop event propagate to FocusManager to void focus move end end return handled end -- Handle text coming directly as text from the Device layer (eg. soft keyboard -- or via SDL's keyboard mapping). function InputText:onTextInput(text) -- for more than one InputText, let the focused one add chars if self.focused then self:addChars(text) return true end return false end dbg:guard(InputText, "onTextInput", function(self, text) assert(type(text) == "string", "Wrong text type (expected string)") end) function InputText:onShowKeyboard(ignore_first_hold_release) Device:startTextInput() self.keyboard.ignore_first_hold_release = ignore_first_hold_release UIManager:show(self.keyboard) return true end function InputText:onCloseKeyboard() UIManager:close(self.keyboard) Device:stopTextInput() self.is_keyboard_hidden = true end function InputText:onCloseWidget() if self.keyboard then self.keyboard:free() end self:free() end function InputText:getTextHeight() return self.text_widget:getTextHeight() end function InputText:getLineHeight() return self.text_widget:getLineHeight() end function InputText:getKeyboardDimen() if self.readonly then return Geom:new{w = 0, h = 0} end return self.keyboard.dimen end -- calculate current and last (original) line numbers function InputText:getLineNums() local cur_line_num, last_line_num = 1, 1 for i = 1, #self.charlist do if self.text_widget.charlist[i] == "\n" then if i < self.charpos then cur_line_num = cur_line_num + 1 end last_line_num = last_line_num + 1 end end return cur_line_num, last_line_num end -- calculate charpos for the beginning of (original) line function InputText:getLineCharPos(line_num) local char_pos = 1 if line_num > 1 then local j = 1 for i = 1, #self.charlist do if self.charlist[i] == "\n" then j = j + 1 if j == line_num then char_pos = i + 1 break end end end end return char_pos end -- Get start and end positions of the substring -- delimited with the delimiters and containing char_pos. -- If char_pos not set, current charpos assumed. function InputText:getStringPos(left_delimiter, right_delimiter, char_pos) char_pos = char_pos and char_pos or self.charpos local start_pos, end_pos = 1, #self.charlist local done = false if char_pos > 1 then for i = char_pos, 2, -1 do for j = 1, #left_delimiter do if self.charlist[i-1] == left_delimiter[j] then start_pos = i done = true break end end if done then break end end end done = false if char_pos < #self.charlist then for i = char_pos, #self.charlist do for j = 1, #right_delimiter do if self.charlist[i] == right_delimiter[j] then end_pos = i - 1 done = true break end end if done then break end end end return start_pos, end_pos end --- Return the character at the given offset. If is_absolute is truthy then the -- offset is the absolute position, otherwise the offset is added to the current -- cursor position (negative offsets are allowed). function InputText:getChar(offset, is_absolute) local idx if is_absolute then idx = offset else idx = self.charpos + offset end if idx < 1 or idx > #self.charlist then return end return self.charlist[idx] end function InputText:addChars(chars) if not chars then -- VirtualKeyboard:addChar(key) gave us 'nil' once (?!) -- which would crash table.concat() return end if self.enter_callback and chars == "\n" then UIManager:scheduleIn(0.3, function() self.enter_callback() end) return end if self.readonly or not self:isTextEditable(true) then return end self.is_text_edited = true if #self.charlist == 0 then -- widget text is empty or a hint text is displayed self.charpos = 1 -- move cursor to the first position end table.insert(self.charlist, self.charpos, chars) self.charpos = self.charpos + #util.splitToChars(chars) self:initTextBox(table.concat(self.charlist), true) end dbg:guard(InputText, "addChars", function(self, chars) assert(type(chars) == "string", "Wrong chars value type (expected string)!") end) function InputText:delChar() if self.readonly or not self:isTextEditable(true) then return end if self.charpos == 1 then return end self.charpos = self.charpos - 1 self.is_text_edited = true table.remove(self.charlist, self.charpos) self:initTextBox(table.concat(self.charlist)) end function InputText:delToStartOfLine() if self.readonly or not self:isTextEditable(true) then return end if self.charpos == 1 then return end -- self.charlist[self.charpos] is the char after the cursor if self.charlist[self.charpos-1] == "\n" then -- If at start of line, just remove the \n and join the previous line self.charpos = self.charpos - 1 table.remove(self.charlist, self.charpos) else -- If not, remove chars until first found \n (but keeping it) while self.charpos > 1 and self.charlist[self.charpos-1] ~= "\n" do self.charpos = self.charpos - 1 table.remove(self.charlist, self.charpos) end end self.is_text_edited = true self:initTextBox(table.concat(self.charlist)) end -- For the following cursor/scroll methods, the text_widget deals -- itself with setDirty'ing the appropriate regions function InputText:leftChar() if self.charpos == 1 then return end self.text_widget:moveCursorLeft() self.charpos, self.top_line_num = self.text_widget:getCharPos() end function InputText:rightChar() if self.charpos > #self.charlist then return end self.text_widget:moveCursorRight() self.charpos, self.top_line_num = self.text_widget:getCharPos() end function InputText:goToStartOfLine() local new_pos = select(1, self:getStringPos({"\n", "\r"}, {"\n", "\r"})) self.text_widget:moveCursorToCharPos(new_pos) self.charpos, self.top_line_num = self.text_widget:getCharPos() end function InputText:goToEndOfLine() local new_pos = select(2, self:getStringPos({"\n", "\r"}, {"\n", "\r"})) + 1 self.text_widget:moveCursorToCharPos(new_pos) self.charpos, self.top_line_num = self.text_widget:getCharPos() end function InputText:goToHome() self.text_widget:moveCursorToCharPos(1) end function InputText:goToEnd() self.text_widget:moveCursorToCharPos(0) end function InputText:moveCursorToCharPos(char_pos) self.text_widget:moveCursorToCharPos(char_pos) self.charpos, self.top_line_num = self.text_widget:getCharPos() end function InputText:upLine() self.text_widget:moveCursorUp() self.charpos, self.top_line_num = self.text_widget:getCharPos() end function InputText:downLine() if #self.charlist == 0 then return end -- Avoid cursor moving within a hint. self.text_widget:moveCursorDown() self.charpos, self.top_line_num = self.text_widget:getCharPos() end function InputText:scrollDown() self.text_widget:scrollDown() self.charpos, self.top_line_num = self.text_widget:getCharPos() end function InputText:scrollUp() self.text_widget:scrollUp() self.charpos, self.top_line_num = self.text_widget:getCharPos() end function InputText:scrollToTop() self.text_widget:scrollToTop() self.charpos, self.top_line_num = self.text_widget:getCharPos() end function InputText:scrollToBottom() self.text_widget:scrollToBottom() self.charpos, self.top_line_num = self.text_widget:getCharPos() end function InputText:clear() self.charpos = nil self.top_line_num = 1 self.is_text_edited = true self:initTextBox("") self:checkTextEditability() end function InputText:getText() return self.text end function InputText:setText(text, keep_edited_state) -- Keep previous charpos and top_line_num self:initTextBox(text) if not keep_edited_state then -- assume new text is set by caller, and we start fresh self.is_text_edited = false self:checkTextEditability() end end dbg:guard(InputText, "setText", function(self, text, keep_edited_state) assert(type(text) == "string", "Wrong text type (expected string)") end) return InputText