--[[-- This module is responsible for converting files. ]] local ButtonDialogTitle = require("ui/widget/buttondialogtitle") local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local T = require("ffi/util").template local FileConverter = { formats_from = { md = { -- @translators See . In languages written in the Latin alphabet this is unlikely to change. name = _("Markdown"), from = "markdown", }, }, formats_to = { epub = { to = "epub", }, html = { to = "html", }, pdf = { to = "pdf", }, }, --curl --form input_files[]=@README.md --form from=markdown --form to=pdf http://c.docverter.com/convert docverter_url = "http://c.docverter.com/convert", } --- Converts a markdown fragment to a full HTML document. ---- @string markdown the markdown fragment ---- @string title an optional title for the HTML document ---- @treturn string an HTML document function FileConverter:mdToHtml(markdown, title, stylesheet) local MD = require("apps/filemanager/lib/md") stylesheet = stylesheet and string.format("\n", stylesheet) or "" local md_options = { prependHead = "\n\n\n", insertHead = string.format("%s\n%s\n\n", title, stylesheet), appendTail = "\n\n", } local html, err = MD(markdown, md_options) if err then logger.warn("FileManagerConverter: could not generate HTML", err) end return html end function FileConverter:_mdFileToHtml(file, title) local f = io.open(file, "rb") if f == nil then return end local content = f:read("*all") f:close() local html = self:mdToHtml(content, title) return html end function FileConverter:writeStringToFile(content, file) local f = io.open(file, "w") if f == nil then return end f:write(content) f:close() end function FileConverter:isSupported(file) return FileConverter.formats_from[util.getFileNameSuffix(file)] and true or false end function FileConverter:showConvertButtons(file, ui) local __, filename_pure = util.splitFilePathName(file) local filename_suffix = util.getFileNameSuffix(file) local filetype_name = self.formats_from[filename_suffix].name self.convert_dialog = ButtonDialogTitle:new{ title = T(_("Convert %1 to:"), filetype_name), buttons = { { { text = _("HTML"), callback = function() local html = FileConverter:_mdFileToHtml(file, filename_pure) if not html then return end local filename_html = file..".html" if lfs.attributes(filename_html, "mode") == "file" then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Overwrite existing HTML file?"), ok_text = _("Overwrite"), ok_callback = function() FileConverter:writeStringToFile(html, filename_html) UIManager:close(self.convert_dialog) end, }) else FileConverter:writeStringToFile(html, filename_html) ui:refreshPath() UIManager:close(self.convert_dialog) end end, }, }, }, } self.convert_dialog.onCloseWidget = function(this) local super = getmetatable(this) if super.onCloseWidget then -- Call our super's method, if any super.onCloseWidget(this) end -- And then do our own cleanup self:cleanup() end UIManager:show(self.convert_dialog) end function FileConverter:cleanup() self.convert_dialog = nil end return FileConverter