describe("BackgroundRunner widget tests", function() local Device, PluginShare, MockTime, UIManager setup(function() require("commonrequire") package.unloadAll() -- Device needs to be loaded before UIManager. Device = require("device") Device.input.waitEvent = function() end PluginShare = require("pluginshare") MockTime = require("mock_time") MockTime:install() UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") UIManager._run_forever = true requireBackgroundRunner() end) teardown(function() MockTime:uninstall() package.unloadAll() stopBackgroundRunner() end) before_each(function() require("util").clearTable(PluginShare.backgroundJobs) end) it("should start job", function() local executed = false table.insert(PluginShare.backgroundJobs, { when = 10, executable = function() executed = true end, }) MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() MockTime:increase(9) UIManager:handleInput() assert.is_false(executed) MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() assert.is_true(executed) end) it("should repeat job", function() local executed = 0 table.insert(PluginShare.backgroundJobs, { when = 1, repeated = function() return executed < 10 end, executable = function() executed = executed + 1 end, }) MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() for i = 1, 10 do MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() assert.are.equal(i, executed) end MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() assert.are.equal(10, executed) end) it("should repeat job for predefined times", function() local executed = 0 table.insert(PluginShare.backgroundJobs, { when = 1, repeated = 10, executable = function() executed = executed + 1 end, }) MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() for i = 1, 10 do MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() assert.are.equal(i, executed) end MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() assert.are.equal(10, executed) end) it("should block long job", function() local executed = 0 local job = { when = 1, repeated = true, executable = function() executed = executed + 1 MockTime:increase(2) end, } table.insert(PluginShare.backgroundJobs, job) MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() assert.are.equal(1, executed) assert.is_true(job.timeout) assert.is_true(job.blocked) MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() assert.are.equal(1, executed) end) it("should execute binary", function() local executed = false local job = { when = 1, executable = "ls | grep this-should-not-be-a-file", callback = function() executed = true end, } table.insert(PluginShare.backgroundJobs, job) while job.end_sec == nil do MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() end -- grep should return 1 when there is no match. assert.are.equal(1, job.result) assert.is_false(job.timeout) assert.is_false(job.bad_command) assert.is_true(executed) end) it("should forward string environment to the executable", function() local job = { when = 1, repeated = false, executable = "echo $ENV1 | grep $ENV2", environment = { ENV1 = "yes", ENV2 = "yes", } } table.insert(PluginShare.backgroundJobs, job) while job.end_sec == nil do MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() end -- grep should return 0 when there is a match. assert.are.equal(0, job.result) assert.is_false(job.timeout) assert.is_false(job.bad_command) job.environment = { ENV1 = "yes", ENV2 = "no", } job.end_sec = nil table.insert(PluginShare.backgroundJobs, job) while job.end_sec == nil do MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() end -- grep should return 1 when there is no match. assert.are.equal(1, job.result) assert.is_false(job.timeout) assert.is_false(job.bad_command) assert.are.not_equal(os.getenv("ENV1"), "yes") assert.are.not_equal(os.getenv("ENV2"), "yes") assert.are.not_equal(os.getenv("ENV2"), "no") end) it("should forward function environment to the executable", function() local env2 = "yes" local job = { when = 1, repeated = false, executable = "echo $ENV1 | grep $ENV2", environment = function() return { ENV1 = "yes", ENV2 = env2, } end, } table.insert(PluginShare.backgroundJobs, job) while job.end_sec == nil do MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() end -- grep should return 0 when there is a match. assert.are.equal(0, job.result) assert.is_false(job.timeout) assert.is_false(job.bad_command) job.end_sec = nil env2 = "no" table.insert(PluginShare.backgroundJobs, job) while job.end_sec == nil do MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() end -- grep should return 1 when there is no match. assert.are.equal(1, job.result) assert.is_false(job.timeout) assert.is_false(job.bad_command) end) it("should block long binary job", function() local job = { when = 1, repeated = true, executable = "sleep 1h", environment = { TIMEOUT = 1 } } table.insert(PluginShare.backgroundJobs, job) while job.end_sec == nil do MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() end assert.are.equal(255, job.result) assert.is_true(job.timeout) assert.is_true(job.blocked) end) it("should execute callback", function() local executed = 0 table.insert(PluginShare.backgroundJobs, { when = 1, repeated = 10, executable = function() end, callback = function() executed = executed + 1 end, }) MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() for i = 1, 10 do MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() assert.are.equal(i, executed) end MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() assert.are.equal(10, executed) end) it("should not execute two jobs sequentially", function() local executed = 0 table.insert(PluginShare.backgroundJobs, { when = 1, executable = function() executed = executed + 1 end, }) table.insert(PluginShare.backgroundJobs, { when = 1, executable = function() executed = executed + 1 end, }) MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() assert.are.equal(1, executed) MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() assert.are.equal(2, executed) MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() assert.are.equal(2, executed) end) it("should stop executing when suspending", function() local executed = 0 local job = { when = 1, repeated = true, executable = function() executed = executed + 1 end, } table.insert(PluginShare.backgroundJobs, job) MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() assert.are.equal(1, executed) -- Simulate a suspend event. requireBackgroundRunner():onSuspend() for i = 1, 10 do MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() assert.are.equal(2, executed) end -- Simulate a resume event. requireBackgroundRunner():onResume() MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() assert.are.equal(3, executed) MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() assert.are.equal(4, executed) end) it("should not start multiple times after multiple onResume", function() local executed = 0 local job = { when = 1, repeated = true, executable = function() executed = executed + 1 end, } table.insert(PluginShare.backgroundJobs, job) for i = 1, 10 do requireBackgroundRunner():onResume() end MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() assert.are.equal(1, executed) MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() assert.are.equal(2, executed) MockTime:increase(2) UIManager:handleInput() assert.are.equal(3, executed) end) end)