local Device = require("ui/device") local Screen = require("ui/screen") local Input = require("ui/input") local Event = require("ui/event") local DEBUG = require("dbg") local _ = require("gettext") local util = require("ffi/util") -- initialize output module, this must be initialized before Input Screen:init() -- initialize the input handling Input:init() -- NOTE: Those have been confirmed on Kindle devices. Might be completely different on Kobo (except for AUTO)! local WAVEFORM_MODE_INIT = 0x0 -- Screen goes to white (clears) local WAVEFORM_MODE_DU = 0x1 -- Grey->white/grey->black local WAVEFORM_MODE_GC16 = 0x2 -- High fidelity (flashing) local WAVEFORM_MODE_GC4 = WAVEFORM_MODE_GC16 -- For compatibility local WAVEFORM_MODE_GC16_FAST = 0x3 -- Medium fidelity local WAVEFORM_MODE_A2 = 0x4 -- Faster but even lower fidelity local WAVEFORM_MODE_GL16 = 0x5 -- High fidelity from white transition local WAVEFORM_MODE_GL16_FAST = 0x6 -- Medium fidelity from white transition -- Kindle FW >= 5.3 local WAVEFORM_MODE_DU4 = 0x7 -- Medium fidelity 4 level of gray direct update -- Kindle PW2 local WAVEFORM_MODE_REAGL = 0x8 -- Ghost compensation waveform local WAVEFORM_MODE_REAGLD = 0x9 -- Ghost compensation waveform with dithering local WAVEFORM_MODE_AUTO = 0x101 -- there is only one instance of this local UIManager = { default_refresh_type = 0, -- 0 for partial refresh, 1 for full refresh default_waveform_mode = WAVEFORM_MODE_GC16, -- high fidelity waveform fast_waveform_mode = WAVEFORM_MODE_A2, full_refresh_waveform_mode = WAVEFORM_MODE_GC16, partial_refresh_waveform_mode = WAVEFORM_MODE_GC16, -- force to repaint all the widget is stack, will be reset to false -- after each ui loop repaint_all = false, -- force to do full refresh, will be reset to false -- after each ui loop full_refresh = false, -- force to do partial refresh, will be reset to false -- after each ui loop partial_refresh = false, -- trigger a full refresh when counter reaches FULL_REFRESH_COUNT FULL_REFRESH_COUNT = DRCOUNTMAX, refresh_count = 0, event_handlers = nil, _running = true, _window_stack = {}, _execution_stack = {}, _dirty = {}, _zeromqs = {}, } function UIManager:init() -- For the Kobo Aura an offset is needed, because the bezel make the -- visible screen smaller. function self:offsetX() return Screen:offsetX() end function self:offsetY() return Screen:offsetY() end self.event_handlers = { __default__ = function(input_event) self:sendEvent(input_event) end, SaveState = function() self:sendEvent(Event:new("FlushSettings")) end } if Device:isKobo() then -- lazy create suspend_msg to avoid dependence loop local suspend_msg = nil function kobo_power(input_event) if (input_event == "Power" or input_event == "Suspend") and not Device.screen_saver_mode then if not suspend_msg then local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") suspend_msg = InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Suspended") } end self:show(suspend_msg) self:sendEvent(Event:new("FlushSettings")) Device:prepareSuspend() self:scheduleIn(2, function() Device:Suspend() end) elseif (input_event == "Power" or input_event == "Resume") and Device.screen_saver_mode then Device:Resume() self:sendEvent(Event:new("Resume")) if suspend_msg then self:close(suspend_msg) end end end self.event_handlers["Power"] = kobo_power self.event_handlers["Suspend"] = kobo_power self.event_handlers["Resume"] = kobo_power self.event_handlers["Light"] = function() Device:getPowerDevice():toggleFrontlight() end self.event_handlers["__default__"] = function(input_event) if Device.screen_saver_mode then -- Suspension in Kobo can be interrupted by screen updates. We -- ignore user touch input here so screen udpate won't be -- triggered in suspend mode return else self:sendEvent(input_event) end end elseif Device:isKindle() then self.event_handlers["IntoSS"] = function() self:sendEvent(Event:new("FlushSettings")) Device:intoScreenSaver() end self.event_handlers["OutOfSS"] = function() Device:outofScreenSaver() end self.event_handlers["Charging"] = function() Device:usbPlugIn() end self.event_handlers["NotCharging"] = function() Device:usbPlugOut() self:sendEvent(Event:new("NotCharging")) end -- Emulate the stock reader refresh behavior... --[[ NOTE: For ref, on a Touch (debugPaint is my new best friend): UI: gc16_fast Reader: When flash: if to/from img: gc16, else gc16_fast; when non-flash: auto (seems to prefer gl16_fast); Waiting for marker only on flash On a PW2: Same as Touch, except reader uses reagl on non-flash, non-flash lasts longer (12 pgs); Always waits for marker --]] -- We don't really have an easy way to know if we're refreshing the UI, or a page, or if said page contains an image, so go with the highest fidelity option self.full_refresh_waveform_mode = WAVEFORM_MODE_GC16 -- We spend much more time in the reader than the UI, and our UI isn't very graphic anyway, so go with the reader behavior if Device:getModel() == "KindlePaperWhite2" then self.partial_refresh_waveform_mode = WAVEFORM_MODE_REAGL else self.partial_refresh_waveform_mode = WAVEFORM_MODE_GL16_FAST -- NOTE: Or we could go back to what KOReader did before fa55acc in koreader-base, which was also use WAVEFORM_MODE_AUTO ;). I have *no* idea how the driver makes its choice though... --self.partial_refresh_waveform_mode = WAVEFORM_MODE_AUTO end end end -- register & show a widget function UIManager:show(widget, x, y) -- put widget on top of stack table.insert(self._window_stack, {x = x or 0, y = y or 0, widget = widget}) -- and schedule it to be painted self:setDirty(widget) -- tell the widget that it is shown now widget:handleEvent(Event:new("Show")) -- check if this widget disables double tap gesture if widget.disable_double_tap then Input.disable_double_tap = true end end -- unregister a widget function UIManager:close(widget) Input.disable_double_tap = DGESDETECT_DISABLE_DOUBLE_TAP local dirty = false for i = #self._window_stack, 1, -1 do if self._window_stack[i].widget == widget then table.remove(self._window_stack, i) dirty = true elseif self._window_stack[i].widget.disable_double_tap then Input.disable_double_tap = true end end if dirty then -- schedule remaining widgets to be painted for i = 1, #self._window_stack do self:setDirty(self._window_stack[i].widget) end end end -- schedule an execution task function UIManager:schedule(time, action) table.insert(self._execution_stack, { time = time, action = action }) end -- schedule task in a certain amount of seconds (fractions allowed) from now function UIManager:scheduleIn(seconds, action) local when = { util.gettime() } local s = math.floor(seconds) local usecs = (seconds - s) * 1000000 when[1] = when[1] + s when[2] = when[2] + usecs if when[2] > 1000000 then when[1] = when[1] + 1 when[2] = when[2] - 1000000 end self:schedule(when, action) end -- register a widget to be repainted function UIManager:setDirty(widget, refresh_type) -- "auto": request full refresh -- "full": force full refresh -- "partial": partial refresh if not refresh_type then refresh_type = "auto" end self._dirty[widget] = refresh_type end function UIManager:insertZMQ(zeromq) table.insert(self._zeromqs, zeromq) return zeromq end function UIManager:removeZMQ(zeromq) for i = #self._zeromqs, 1, -1 do if self._zeromqs[i] == zeromq then table.remove(self._zeromqs, i) end end end -- signal to quit function UIManager:quit() self._running = false for i = #self._zeromqs, 1, -1 do self._zeromqs[i]:stop() table.remove(self._zeromqs, i) end end -- transmit an event to registered widgets function UIManager:sendEvent(event) if #self._window_stack == 0 then return end -- top level widget has first access to the event if self._window_stack[#self._window_stack].widget:handleEvent(event) then return end -- if the event is not consumed, active widgets can access it for _, widget in ipairs(self._window_stack) do if widget.widget.is_always_active then if widget.widget:handleEvent(event) then return end end if widget.widget.active_widgets then for _, active_widget in ipairs(widget.widget.active_widgets) do if active_widget:handleEvent(event) then return end end end end end function UIManager:checkTasks() local now = { util.gettime() } -- check if we have timed events in our queue and search next one local wait_until = nil local all_tasks_checked repeat all_tasks_checked = true for i = #self._execution_stack, 1, -1 do local task = self._execution_stack[i] if not task.time or task.time[1] < now[1] or task.time[1] == now[1] and task.time[2] < now[2] then -- task is pending to be executed right now. do it. task.action() -- and remove from table table.remove(self._execution_stack, i) -- start loop again, since new tasks might be on the -- queue now all_tasks_checked = false elseif not wait_until or wait_until[1] > task.time[1] or wait_until[1] == task.time[1] and wait_until[2] > task.time[2] then -- task is to be run in the future _and_ is scheduled -- earlier than the tasks we looked at already -- so adjust to the currently examined task instead. wait_until = task.time end end until all_tasks_checked return wait_until end -- this is the main loop of the UI controller -- it is intended to manage input events and delegate -- them to dialogs function UIManager:run() self._running = true while self._running do local now = { util.gettime() } local wait_until = self:checkTasks() --DEBUG("---------------------------------------------------") --DEBUG("exec stack", self._execution_stack) --DEBUG("window stack", self._window_stack) --DEBUG("dirty stack", self._dirty) --DEBUG("---------------------------------------------------") -- stop when we have no window to show if #self._window_stack == 0 then DEBUG("no dialog left to show, would loop endlessly") self:quit() return nil end -- repaint dirty widgets local dirty = false local request_full_refresh = false local force_full_refresh = false local force_partial_refresh = false local force_fast_refresh = false for _, widget in ipairs(self._window_stack) do if self.repaint_all or self._dirty[widget.widget] then widget.widget:paintTo(Screen.bb, widget.x + UIManager:offsetX(), widget.y + UIManager:offsetY()) if self._dirty[widget.widget] == "auto" then request_full_refresh = true end if self._dirty[widget.widget] == "full" then force_full_refresh = true end if self._dirty[widget.widget] == "partial" then force_partial_refresh = true end if self._dirty[widget.widget] == "fast" then force_fast_refresh = true end -- and remove from list after painting self._dirty[widget.widget] = nil -- trigger repaint dirty = true end end if self.full_refresh then dirty = true force_full_refresh = true end if self.partial_refresh then dirty = true force_partial_refresh = true end self.repaint_all = false self.full_refresh = false self.partial_refresh = false local refresh_type = self.default_refresh_type local waveform_mode = self.default_waveform_mode if dirty then if force_partial_refresh or force_fast_refresh then refresh_type = 0 elseif force_full_refresh or self.refresh_count == self.FULL_REFRESH_COUNT - 1 then refresh_type = 1 end -- Handle the waveform mode selection... if refresh_type == 1 then waveform_mode = self.full_refresh_waveform_mode else waveform_mode = self.partial_refresh_waveform_mode end if force_fast_refresh then waveform_mode = self.fast_waveform_mode end if self.update_region_func then local update_region = self.update_region_func() -- in some rare cases update region has 1 pixel offset Screen:refresh(refresh_type, waveform_mode, update_region.x-1, update_region.y-1, update_region.w+2, update_region.h+2) else Screen:refresh(refresh_type, waveform_mode) end if self.refresh_type == 1 then self.refresh_count = 0 elseif not force_partial_refresh and not force_full_refresh then self.refresh_count = (self.refresh_count + 1)%self.FULL_REFRESH_COUNT end self.update_region_func = nil end self:checkTasks() -- wait for next event -- note that we will skip that if in the meantime we have tasks that are ready to run local input_event = nil if not wait_until then if #self._zeromqs > 0 then -- pending message queue, wait 100ms for input input_event = Input:waitEvent(1000*100) if not input_event or input_event.handler == "onInputError" then for _, zeromq in ipairs(self._zeromqs) do input_event = zeromq:waitEvent() if input_event then break end end end else -- no pending task, wait endlessly input_event = Input:waitEvent() end elseif wait_until[1] > now[1] or wait_until[1] == now[1] and wait_until[2] > now[2] then local wait_for = { s = wait_until[1] - now[1], us = wait_until[2] - now[2] } if wait_for.us < 0 then wait_for.s = wait_for.s - 1 wait_for.us = 1000000 + wait_for.us end -- wait until next task is pending input_event = Input:waitEvent(wait_for.us, wait_for.s) end -- delegate input_event to handler if input_event then local handler = self.event_handlers[input_event] if handler then handler(input_event) else self.event_handlers["__default__"](input_event) end end end end UIManager:init() return UIManager