require "ui/widget" require "ui/focusmanager" require "ui/infomessage" require "ui/font" require "ui/toggleswitch" FixedTextWidget = TextWidget:new{} function FixedTextWidget:getSize() local tsize = sizeUtf8Text(0, Screen:getWidth(), self.face, self.text, true) if not tsize then return Geom:new{} end self._length = tsize.x self._height = self.face.size return Geom:new{ w = self._length, h = self._height, } end function FixedTextWidget:paintTo(bb, x, y) renderUtf8Text(bb, x, y+self._height, self.face, self.text, true) end MenuBarItem = InputContainer:new{} function MenuBarItem:init() self.dimen = self[1]:getSize() -- we need this table per-instance, so we declare it here if Device:isTouchDevice() then self.ges_events = { TapSelect = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = self.dimen, }, doc = "Select Menu Item", }, } else self.active_key_events = { Select = { {"Press"}, doc = "chose selected item" }, } end end function MenuBarItem:onTapSelect() self[1].invert = true self.config:onShowConfigPanel(self.index) UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function() self:invert(false) end) return true end function MenuBarItem:invert(invert) self[1].invert = invert UIManager:setDirty(self.config, "partial") end OptionTextItem = InputContainer:new{} function OptionTextItem:init() local text_widget = self[1] self.dimen = text_widget:getSize() self[1] = UnderlineContainer:new{ text_widget, padding = self.padding, color = self.color, } -- we need this table per-instance, so we declare it here if Device:isTouchDevice() then self.ges_events = { TapSelect = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = self.dimen, }, doc = "Select Option Item", }, } else self.active_key_events = { Select = { {"Press"}, doc = "chose selected item" }, } end end function OptionTextItem:onTapSelect() for _, item in pairs(self.items) do item[1].color = 0 end self[1].color = 15 local option_value = nil local option_arg = nil if self.values then self.values = self.values or {} option_value = self.values[self.current_item] self.config:onConfigChoice(, option_value) end if self.event then self.args = self.args or {} option_arg = self.args[self.current_item] self.config:onConfigEvent(self.event, option_arg) end if then for i=0, do[i].args =[i].args or {} option_arg =[i].args[self.current_item] self.config:onConfigEvent([i].event, option_arg) end end UIManager.repaint_all = true return true end OptionIconItem = InputContainer:new{} function OptionIconItem:init() self.dimen = self.icon:getSize() self[1] = UnderlineContainer:new{ self.icon, padding = self.padding, color = self.color, } -- we need this table per-instance, so we declare it here if Device:isTouchDevice() then self.ges_events = { TapSelect = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = self.dimen, }, doc = "Select Option Item", }, } end end function OptionIconItem:onTapSelect() for _, item in pairs(self.items) do --item[1][1].invert = false item[1].color = 0 end --self[1][1].invert = true self[1].color = 15 local option_value = nil local option_arg = nil if type(self.values) == "table" then option_value = self.values[self.current_item] self.config:onConfigChoice(, option_value, self.event) elseif type(self.args) == "table" then option_arg = self.args[self.current_item] self.config:onConfigChoice(, option_arg, self.event) end UIManager.repaint_all = true return true end --[[ Dummy Widget that reserves vertical and horizontal space ]] RectSpan = Widget:new{ width = 0, hright = 0, } function RectSpan:getSize() return {w = self.width, h = self.height} end ToggleLabel = TextWidget:new{} function ToggleLabel:paintTo(bb, x, y) if self.color == 0 then return end renderUtf8Text(bb, x, y+self._height*0.75, self.face, self.text, true) end ConfigOption = CenterContainer:new{} function ConfigOption:init() local default_name_font_size = 20 local default_item_font_size = 16 local default_items_spacing = 30 local default_option_height = 50 local default_option_padding = 15 local vertical_group = VerticalGroup:new{} table.insert(vertical_group, VerticalSpan:new{ width = default_option_padding }) for c = 1, #self.options do if self.options[c].show ~= false then local name_align = self.options[c].name_align_right and self.options[c].name_align_right or 0.33 local item_align = self.options[c].item_align_center and self.options[c].item_align_center or 0.66 local name_font_face = self.options[c].name_font_face and self.options[c].name_font_face or "cfont" local name_font_size = self.options[c].name_font_size and self.options[c].name_font_size or default_name_font_size local item_font_face = self.options[c].item_font_face and self.options[c].item_font_face or "cfont" local item_font_size = self.options[c].item_font_size and self.options[c].item_font_size or default_item_font_size local option_height = self.options[c].height and self.options[c].height or default_option_height local items_spacing = HorizontalSpan:new{ width = self.options[c].spacing and self.options[c].spacing or default_items_spacing} local horizontal_group = HorizontalGroup:new{} if self.options[c].name_text then local option_name_container = RightContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = Screen:getWidth()*name_align, h = option_height}, } local option_name = TextWidget:new{ text = self.options[c].name_text, face = Font:getFace(name_font_face, name_font_size), } table.insert(option_name_container, option_name) table.insert(horizontal_group, option_name_container) end if self.options[c].widget == "ProgressWidget" then local widget_container = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{w = Screen:getWidth()*self.options[c].widget_align_center, h = option_height} } local widget = ProgressWidget:new{ width = self.options[c].width, height = self.options[c].height, percentage = self.options[c].percentage, } table.insert(widget_container, widget) table.insert(horizontal_group, widget_container) end local option_items_container = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{w = Screen:getWidth()*item_align, h = option_height} } local option_items_group = HorizontalGroup:new{} local option_items_fixed = false local option_items = {} if type(self.options[c].item_font_size) == "table" then option_items_group.align = "bottom" option_items_fixed = true end -- make current index according to configurable table local current_item = nil if self.options[c].name then if self.options[c].values then -- check if current value is stored in configurable or calculated in runtime local val = self.options[c].current_func and self.options[c].current_func() or self.config.configurable[self.options[c].name] local min_diff = math.abs(val - self.options[c].values[1]) local diff = nil for index, val_ in pairs(self.options[c].values) do if val == val_ then current_item = index break end diff = math.abs(val - val_) if diff <= min_diff then min_diff = diff current_item = index end end elseif self.options[c].args then -- check if current arg is stored in configurable or calculated in runtime local arg = self.options[c].current_func and self.options[c].current_func() or self.config.configurable[self.options[c].name] for idx, arg_ in pairs(self.options[c].args) do if arg_ == arg then current_item = idx break end end end end if self.options[c].item_text then for d = 1, #self.options[c].item_text do local option_item = nil if option_items_fixed then option_item = OptionTextItem:new{ FixedTextWidget:new{ text = self.options[c].item_text[d], face = Font:getFace(item_font_face, item_font_size[d]), }, padding = 3, color = d == current_item and 15 or 0, } else option_item = OptionTextItem:new{ TextWidget:new{ text = self.options[c].item_text[d], face = Font:getFace(item_font_face, item_font_size), }, padding = -3, color = d == current_item and 15 or 0, } end option_items[d] = option_item option_item.items = option_items = self.options[c].name option_item.values = self.options[c].values option_item.args = self.options[c].args option_item.event = self.options[c].event option_item.current_item = d option_item.config = self.config table.insert(option_items_group, option_item) if d ~= #self.options[c].item_text then table.insert(option_items_group, items_spacing) end end end if self.options[c].item_icons then for d = 1, #self.options[c].item_icons do local option_item = OptionIconItem:new{ icon = ImageWidget:new{ file = self.options[c].item_icons[d] }, padding = -2, color = d == current_item and 15 or 0, } option_items[d] = option_item option_item.items = option_items = self.options[c].name option_item.values = self.options[c].values option_item.args = self.options[c].args option_item.event = self.options[c].event option_item.current_item = d option_item.config = self.config table.insert(option_items_group, option_item) if d ~= #self.options[c].item_icons then table.insert(option_items_group, items_spacing) end end end if self.options[c].toggle then local switch = ToggleSwitch:new{ name = self.options[c].name, toggle = self.options[c].toggle, alternate = self.options[c].alternate, values = self.options[c].values, args = self.options[c].args, event = self.options[c].event, events = self.options[c].events, config = self.config, } local position = current_item switch:setPosition(position) table.insert(option_items_group, switch) end table.insert(option_items_container, option_items_group) table.insert(horizontal_group, option_items_container) table.insert(vertical_group, horizontal_group) end -- if end -- for table.insert(vertical_group, VerticalSpan:new{ width = default_option_padding }) self[1] = vertical_group self.dimen = vertical_group:getSize() end ConfigPanel = FrameContainer:new{ background = 0, bordersize = 0, } function ConfigPanel:init() local config_options = self.config_dialog.config_options local default_option = config_options.default_options and config_options.default_options or config_options[1].options local panel = ConfigOption:new{ options = self.index and config_options[self.index].options or default_option, config = self.config_dialog, } self.dimen = panel:getSize() table.insert(self, panel) end MenuBar = FrameContainer:new{ background = 0, } function MenuBar:init() local config_options = self.config_dialog.config_options local menu_items = {} local icons_width = 0 local icons_height = 0 for c = 1, #config_options do local menu_icon = ImageWidget:new{ file = config_options[c].icon } local icon_dimen = menu_icon:getSize() icons_width = icons_width + icon_dimen.w icons_height = icon_dimen.h > icons_height and icon_dimen.h or icons_height menu_items[c] = MenuBarItem:new{ menu_icon, index = c, config = self.config_dialog, } end local spacing = HorizontalSpan:new{ width = (Screen:getWidth() - icons_width) / (#menu_items+1) } local menu_bar = HorizontalGroup:new{} for c = 1, #menu_items do table.insert(menu_bar, spacing) table.insert(menu_bar, menu_items[c]) end table.insert(menu_bar, spacing) self.dimen = Geom:new{ w = Screen:getWidth(), h = icons_height} table.insert(self, menu_bar) end --[[ Widget that displays config menubar and config panel +----------------+ | | | | | | | | | | +----------------+ | | | Config Panel | | | +----------------+ | Menu Bar | +----------------+ --]] ConfigDialog = InputContainer:new{ --is_borderless = false, } function ConfigDialog:init() ------------------------------------------ -- start to set up widget layout --------- ------------------------------------------ self.config_panel = ConfigPanel:new{ config_dialog = self, } self.config_menubar = MenuBar:new{ config_dialog = self, } self:makeDialog() ------------------------------------------ -- start to set up input event callback -- ------------------------------------------ if Device:isTouchDevice() then self.ges_events.TapCloseMenu = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = Geom:new{ x = 0, y = 0, w = Screen:getWidth(), h = Screen:getHeight(), } } } else -- set up keyboard events self.key_events.Close = { {"Back"}, doc = "close config menu" } -- we won't catch presses to "Right" self.key_events.FocusRight = nil end self.key_events.Select = { {"Press"}, doc = "select current menu item"} UIManager:setDirty(self, "partial") end function ConfigDialog:updateConfigPanel(index) self.config_panel = ConfigPanel:new{ index = index, config_dialog = self, } end function ConfigDialog:makeDialog() local dialog = VerticalGroup:new{ self.config_panel, self.config_menubar, } local dialog_size = dialog:getSize() self[1] = BottomContainer:new{ dimen = Screen:getSize(), FrameContainer:new{ dimen = dialog_size, background = 0, dialog, } } self.dialog_dimen = Geom:new{ x = (Screen:getWidth() - dialog_size.w)/2, y = Screen:getHeight() - dialog_size.h, w = dialog_size.w, h = dialog_size.h, } end function ConfigDialog:onShowConfigPanel(index) self:updateConfigPanel(index) self:makeDialog() UIManager.repaint_all = true return true end function ConfigDialog:onConfigChoice(option_name, option_value) --DEBUG("config option value", option_name, option_value) self.configurable[option_name] = option_value end function ConfigDialog:onConfigEvent(option_event, option_arg) --DEBUG("config option event", option_event, option_arg) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new(option_event, option_arg)) end function ConfigDialog:closeDialog() UIManager:close(self) if self.close_callback then self.close_callback() end return true end function ConfigDialog:onTapCloseMenu(arg, ges_ev) if ges_ev.pos:notIntersectWith(self.dialog_dimen) then self:closeDialog() return true end end