--[[-- CSS tweaks must have the following attributes: - id: unique ID identifying this tweak, to be stored in settings - title: menu item title (must not be too long) - css: stylesheet text to append to external stylesheet They may have the following optional attributes: - description: text displayed when holding on menu item - priority: higher numbers are appended after lower numbers (if not specified, default to 0) ]] local _ = require("gettext") local CssTweaks = { { title = _("Page"), { id = "margin_body_0"; title = _("Ignore publisher page margins"), description = _("Force page margins to be 0, and may allow KOReader's margin settings to work on books where they would not."), css = [[body { margin: 0 !important; }]], }, { id = "margin_all_0"; title = _("Ignore all publisher margins"), priority = 2, css = [[* { margin: 0 !important; }]], }, { id = "titles_page-break-before_avoid "; title = _("Avoid blank page on chapter start"), css = [[h1, h2, h3, .title, .title1, .title2, .title3 { page-break-before: avoid !important; }]], }, }, { title = _("Text"), { id = "sub_sup_smaller"; title = _("Smaller sub- and superscript"), description = _("Prevent sub- and superscript from affecting line-height."), -- https://friendsofepub.github.io/eBookTricks/ -- https://github.com/koreader/koreader/issues/3923#issuecomment-386510294 css = [[ sup { font-size: 50%; vertical-align: super; } sub { font-size: 50%; vertical-align: middle; } ]], separator = true, }, { id = "lineheight_all_inherit"; title = _("Ignore publisher line heights"), description = _("Disable line-height specified in embedded styles, and may allow KOReader's line spacing settings to work on books where they would not."), css = [[* { line-height: inherit !important; }]], }, { id = "font_family_all_inherit"; title = _("Ignore publisher font families"), description = _("Disable font-family specified in embedded styles."), -- we have to use this trick, font-family handling by crengine is a bit complex css = [[* { font-family: "NoSuchFont" !important; }]], }, { id = "font_size_all_inherit"; title = _("Ignore publisher font sizes"), description = _("Disable font-size specified in embedded styles."), css = [[* { font-size: inherit !important; }]], separator = true, }, { title = _("Links color and weight"), { id = "a_black"; title = _("Links always black"), css = [[a { color: black !important; }]], }, { id = "a_blue"; title = _("Links always blue"), css = [[a { color: blue !important; }]], separator = true, }, { id = "a_bold"; title = _("Links always bold"), css = [[a { font-weight: bold !important; }]], }, { id = "a_not_bold"; title = _("Links never bold"), css = [[a { font-weight: normal !important; }]], }, }, }, { title = _("Miscellaneous"), { id = "table_row_odd_even"; title = _("Alternate background color of table rows"), css = [[ tr:nth-child(odd) { background-color: #EEE !important; } tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #CCC !important; } ]], }, { id = "table_force_border"; title = _("Show borders on all tables"), css = [[ table, tcaption, tr, th, td { border: black solid 1px; border-collapse: collapse; } ]], separator = true, }, { id = "image_full_width"; title = _("Make images full width"), description = _("Useful for books containing only images, when they are smaller than your screen. May stretch images in some cases."), -- This helped me once with a book. Will mess with aspect ratio -- when images have a style="width: NNpx; heigh: NNpx" css = [[ img { text-align: center !important; text-indent: 0px !important; display: block !important; width: 100% !important; } ]], }, }, { title = _("Workarounds"), { id = "html_tags_fix"; title = _("Fix some HTML elements"), description = _("Make some HTML elements (eg: ) behave as they should (inline/block).\nThis may break past bookmarks and highlights."), css = [[ cite { display: inline; font-style: italic; } ]], }, { id = "list_items_fix"; title = _("Fix some list items issues"), description = _("Work around some crengine list items rendering issues."), css = [[ li > p:first-child { display: inline !important; } li > div:first-child { display: inline !important; } ]], }, { id = "border_all_none"; title = _("Remove all borders"), description = _("Work around a crengine bug that makes a border drawn when {border: black solid 0px}."), -- css = [[* { border-style: none !important; }]], -- Better to keep the layout implied by width, just draw them in white css = [[* { border-color: white !important; }]], }, }, } return CssTweaks