local Device = require("device") local Font = require("ui/font") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local HorizontalGroup = require("ui/widget/horizontalgroup") local HorizontalSpan = require("ui/widget/horizontalspan") local IconButton = require("ui/widget/iconbutton") local LineWidget = require("ui/widget/linewidget") local Math = require("optmath") local OverlapGroup = require("ui/widget/overlapgroup") local Size = require("ui/size") local TextBoxWidget = require("ui/widget/textboxwidget") local TextWidget = require("ui/widget/textwidget") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local VerticalGroup = require("ui/widget/verticalgroup") local VerticalSpan = require("ui/widget/verticalspan") local Screen = Device.screen local TitleBar = OverlapGroup:extend{ width = nil, -- default to screen width fullscreen = false, -- larger font and small adjustments if fullscreen align = "center", -- or "left": title & subtitle alignment inside TitleBar ("right" nor supported) with_bottom_line = false, bottom_line_color = nil, -- default to black bottom_line_h_padding = nil, -- default to 0: full width title = "", title_face = nil, -- if not provided, one of these will be used: title_face_fullscreen = Font:getFace("smalltfont"), title_face_not_fullscreen = Font:getFace("x_smalltfont"), -- by default: single line, truncated if overflow -- the default could be made dependant on self.fullscreen title_multilines = false, -- multilines if overflow title_shrink_font_to_fit = false, -- reduce font size so that single line text fits subtitle = nil, subtitle_face = Font:getFace("xx_smallinfofont"), subtitle_truncate_left = false, -- default with single line is to truncate right (set to true for a filepath) subtitle_fullwidth = false, -- true to allow subtitle to extend below the buttons subtitle_multilines = false, -- multilines if overflow info_text = nil, -- additional text displayed below bottom line info_text_face = Font:getFace("x_smallinfofont"), info_text_h_padding = nil, -- default to title_h_padding title_top_padding = nil, -- computed if none provided title_h_padding = Size.padding.large, -- horizontal padding (this replaces button_padding on the inner/title side) title_subtitle_v_padding = Screen:scaleBySize(3), bottom_v_padding = nil, -- hardcoded default values, different whether with_bottom_line true or false button_padding = Screen:scaleBySize(11), -- fine to keep exit/cross icon diagonally aligned with screen corners left_icon = nil, left_icon_size_ratio = 0.6, left_icon_rotation_angle = 0, left_icon_tap_callback = function() end, left_icon_hold_callback = function() end, left_icon_allow_flash = true, right_icon = nil, right_icon_size_ratio = 0.6, right_icon_rotation_angle = 0, right_icon_tap_callback = function() end, right_icon_hold_callback = function() end, right_icon_allow_flash = true, -- set any of these _callback to false to not handle the event -- and let it propagate; otherwise the event is discarded -- If provided, use right_icon="exit" and use this as right_icon_tap_callback close_callback = nil, close_hold_callback = nil, show_parent = nil, -- Internal: remember first sizes computed when title_shrink_font_to_fit=true, -- and keep using them after :setTitle() in case a smaller font size is needed, -- to keep the TitleBar geometry stable. _initial_title_top_padding = nil, _initial_title_text_baseline = nil, _initial_titlebar_height = nil, _initial_filler_height = nil, _initial_re_init_needed = nil, } function TitleBar:init() if self.close_callback then self.right_icon = "close" self.right_icon_tap_callback = self.close_callback self.right_icon_allow_flash = false if self.close_hold_callback then self.right_icon_hold_callback = function() self.close_hold_callback() end end end if not self.width then self.width = Screen:getWidth() end local left_icon_size = Screen:scaleBySize(DGENERIC_ICON_SIZE * self.left_icon_size_ratio) local right_icon_size = Screen:scaleBySize(DGENERIC_ICON_SIZE * self.right_icon_size_ratio) self.has_left_icon = false self.has_right_icon = false -- No button on non-touch device local left_icon_reserved_width = 0 local right_icon_reserved_width = 0 if Device:isTouchDevice() then if self.left_icon then self.has_left_icon = true left_icon_reserved_width = left_icon_size + self.button_padding end if self.right_icon then self.has_right_icon = true right_icon_reserved_width = right_icon_size + self.button_padding end end if self.align == "center" then -- Keep title and subtitle text centered even if single button left_icon_reserved_width = math.max(left_icon_reserved_width, right_icon_reserved_width) right_icon_reserved_width = left_icon_reserved_width end local title_max_width = self.width - 2*self.title_h_padding - left_icon_reserved_width - right_icon_reserved_width local subtitle_max_width = self.width - 2*self.title_h_padding if not self.subtitle_fullwidth then subtitle_max_width = subtitle_max_width - left_icon_reserved_width - right_icon_reserved_width end -- Title, subtitle, and their alignment local title_face = self.title_face if not title_face then title_face = self.fullscreen and self.title_face_fullscreen or self.title_face_not_fullscreen end if self.title_multilines then self.title_widget = TextBoxWidget:new{ text = self.title, alignment = self.align, width = title_max_width, face = title_face, } else while true do self.title_widget = TextWidget:new{ text = self.title, face = title_face, padding = 0, max_width = not self.title_shrink_font_to_fit and title_max_width, -- truncate if not self.title_shrink_font_to_fit } if not self.title_shrink_font_to_fit then break -- truncation allowed, no loop needed end if self.title_widget:getWidth() <= title_max_width then break -- text with normal font fits, no loop needed end -- Text doesn't fit if not self._initial_titlebar_height then -- We're with title_shrink_font_to_fit and in the first :init(): -- we don't want to go on measuring with this too long text. -- We want metrics proper for when text fits, so if later :setTitle() -- is called with a text that fits, this text will look allright. -- Longer title with a smaller font size should be laid out on the -- baseline of a fitted text. -- So, go on computing sizes with an empty title. When all is -- gathered, we'll re :init() ourselves with the original title, -- using the metrics we're computing now (self._initial*). self._initial_re_init_needed = true self.title_widget:free() self.title_widget = TextWidget:new{ text = "", face = title_face, padding = 0, } break end -- otherwise, loop and do the same with a smaller font size self.title_widget:free() title_face = Font:getFace(title_face.orig_font, title_face.orig_size - 1) end end local title_top_padding = self.title_top_padding if not title_top_padding then -- Compute it so baselines of the text and of the icons align. -- Our icons' baselines looks like they could be at 83% to 90% of their height. local text_baseline = self.title_widget:getBaseline() local icon_height = math.max(left_icon_size, right_icon_size) local icon_baseline = icon_height * 0.85 + self.button_padding title_top_padding = Math.round(math.max(0, icon_baseline - text_baseline)) if self.title_shrink_font_to_fit then -- Use, or store, the first top padding and baseline we have computed, -- so the text stays vertically stable if self._initial_title_top_padding then -- Use this to have baselines aligned: -- title_top_padding = Math.round(self._initial_title_top_padding + self._initial_title_text_baseline - text_baseline) -- But then, smaller text is not vertically centered in the title bar. -- So, go with just half the baseline difference: title_top_padding = Math.round(self._initial_title_top_padding + (self._initial_title_text_baseline - text_baseline)/2) else self._initial_title_top_padding = title_top_padding self._initial_title_text_baseline = text_baseline end end end self.subtitle_widget = nil if self.subtitle then if self.subtitle_multilines then self.subtitle_widget = TextBoxWidget:new{ text = self.subtitle, alignment = self.align, width = subtitle_max_width, face = self.subtitle_face, } else self.subtitle_widget = TextWidget:new{ text = self.subtitle, face = self.subtitle_face, max_width = subtitle_max_width, truncate_left = self.subtitle_truncate_left, padding = 0, } end end -- To debug vertical positionning: -- local FrameContainer = require("ui/widget/container/framecontainer") -- self.title_widget = FrameContainer:new{ padding=0, margin=0, bordersize=1, self.title_widget} -- self.subtitle_widget = FrameContainer:new{ padding=0, margin=0, bordersize=1, self.subtitle_widget} self.title_group = VerticalGroup:new{ align = self.align, overlap_align = self.align, VerticalSpan:new{width = title_top_padding}, } if self.align == "left" then -- we need to :resetLayout() both VerticalGroup and HorizontalGroup in :setTitle() self.inner_title_group = HorizontalGroup:new{ HorizontalSpan:new{ width = left_icon_reserved_width + self.title_h_padding }, self.title_widget, } table.insert(self.title_group, self.inner_title_group) else table.insert(self.title_group, self.title_widget) end if self.subtitle_widget then table.insert(self.title_group, VerticalSpan:new{width = self.title_subtitle_v_padding}) if self.align == "left" then local span_width = self.title_h_padding if not self.subtitle_fullwidth then span_width = span_width + left_icon_reserved_width end self.inner_subtitle_group = HorizontalGroup:new{ HorizontalSpan:new{ width = span_width }, self.subtitle_widget, } table.insert(self.title_group, self.inner_subtitle_group) else table.insert(self.title_group, self.subtitle_widget) end end table.insert(self, self.title_group) -- This TitleBar widget is an OverlapGroup: all sub elements overlap, -- and can overflow or underflow. Its height for its containers is -- the one we set as self.dimen.h. self.titlebar_height = self.title_group:getSize().h if self.title_shrink_font_to_fit then -- Use, or store, the first title_group height we have computed, -- so the TitleBar geometry and the bottom line position stay stable -- (face height may have changed, even after we kept the baseline -- stable, as we did above). if self._initial_titlebar_height then self.titlebar_height = self._initial_titlebar_height else self._initial_titlebar_height = self.titlebar_height end end if self.with_bottom_line then -- Be sure we add between the text and the line at least as much padding -- as above the text, to keep it vertically centered. local title_bottom_padding = math.max(title_top_padding, Size.padding.default) local filler_height = self.titlebar_height + title_bottom_padding if self.title_shrink_font_to_fit then -- Use, or store, the first filler height we have computed, if self._initial_filler_height then filler_height = self._initial_filler_height else self._initial_filler_height = filler_height end end local line_widget = LineWidget:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.width, h = Size.line.thick }, background = self.bottom_line_color; } if self.bottom_line_h_padding then line_widget.dimen.w = line_widget.dimen.w - 2 * self.bottom_line_h_padding line_widget = HorizontalGroup:new{ HorizontalSpan:new{ width = self.bottom_line_h_padding }, line_widget, } end local filler_and_bottom_line = VerticalGroup:new{ VerticalSpan:new{ width = filler_height }, line_widget, } table.insert(self, filler_and_bottom_line) self.titlebar_height = filler_and_bottom_line:getSize().h end if not self.bottom_v_padding then if self.with_bottom_line then self.bottom_v_padding = Size.padding.default else self.bottom_v_padding = Size.padding.large end end self.titlebar_height = self.titlebar_height + self.bottom_v_padding if self._initial_re_init_needed then -- We have computed all the self._initial_ metrics needed. self._initial_re_init_needed = nil self:clear() self:init() return end if self.info_text then local h_padding = self.info_text_h_padding or self.title_h_padding local v_padding = self.with_bottom_line and Size.padding.default or 0 local filler_and_info_text = VerticalGroup:new{ VerticalSpan:new{ width = self.titlebar_height + v_padding }, HorizontalGroup:new{ HorizontalSpan:new{ width = h_padding }, TextBoxWidget:new{ text = self.info_text, face = self.info_text_face, width = self.width - 2 * h_padding, } } } table.insert(self, filler_and_info_text) self.titlebar_height = filler_and_info_text:getSize().h + self.bottom_v_padding end self.dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.width, h = self.titlebar_height, -- buttons can overflow this } if self.has_left_icon then self.left_button = IconButton:new{ icon = self.left_icon, icon_rotation_angle = self.left_icon_rotation_angle, width = left_icon_size, height = left_icon_size, padding = self.button_padding, padding_right = 2 * left_icon_size, -- extend button tap zone padding_bottom = left_icon_size, overlap_align = "left", callback = self.left_icon_tap_callback, hold_callback = self.left_icon_hold_callback, allow_flash = self.left_icon_allow_flash, show_parent = self.show_parent, } table.insert(self, self.left_button) end if self.has_right_icon then self.right_button = IconButton:new{ icon = self.right_icon, icon_rotation_angle = self.right_icon_rotation_angle, width = right_icon_size, height = right_icon_size, padding = self.button_padding, padding_left = 2 * right_icon_size, -- extend button tap zone padding_bottom = right_icon_size, overlap_align = "right", callback = self.right_icon_tap_callback, hold_callback = self.right_icon_hold_callback, allow_flash = self.right_icon_allow_flash, show_parent = self.show_parent, } table.insert(self, self.right_button) end -- We :extend() OverlapGroup and did not :new() it, so we can -- :init() it now, after we have added all the subelements. OverlapGroup.init(self) end function TitleBar:paintTo(bb, x, y) -- We need to update self.dimen's x and y for any ges.pos:intersectWith(title_bar) -- to work. (This is done by FrameContainer, but not by most other widgets... It -- should probably be done in all of them, but not sure of side effects...) self.dimen.x = x self.dimen.y = y OverlapGroup.paintTo(self, bb, x, y) end function TitleBar:getHeight() return self.titlebar_height end function TitleBar:setTitle(title, no_refresh) if self.title_multilines or self.title_shrink_font_to_fit then -- We need to re-init the whole widget as its height or -- padding may change. local previous_height = self.titlebar_height -- Call WidgetContainer:clear() that will call :free() and -- will remove subwidgets from the OverlapGroup we are. self:clear() self.title = title self:init() if no_refresh then -- If caller is sure to handle refresh correctly, it can provides this return end if self.title_multilines and self.titlebar_height ~= previous_height then -- Title height have changed, and the upper widget may not have -- hooks to refresh a combination of its previous size and new -- size: be sure everything is repainted UIManager:setDirty("all", "ui") else UIManager:setDirty(self.show_parent, "ui", self.dimen) end else -- TextWidget with max-width: we can just update its text self.title_widget:setText(title) if self.inner_title_group then self.inner_title_group:resetLayout() end self.title_group:resetLayout() if no_refresh then return end UIManager:setDirty(self.show_parent, "ui", self.dimen) end end function TitleBar:setSubTitle(subtitle) if self.subtitle_widget and not self.subtitle_multilines then -- no TextBoxWidget:setText() available self.subtitle_widget:setText(subtitle) if self.inner_subtitle_group then self.inner_subtitle_group:resetLayout() end self.title_group:resetLayout() UIManager:setDirty(self.show_parent, "ui", self.dimen) end end function TitleBar:setLeftIcon(icon) if self.has_left_icon then self.left_button:setIcon(icon) UIManager:setDirty(self.show_parent, "ui", self.dimen) end end function TitleBar:setRightIcon(icon) if self.has_right_icon then self.right_button:setIcon(icon) UIManager:setDirty(self.show_parent, "ui", self.dimen) end end return TitleBar