local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local Button = require("ui/widget/button") local Device = require("device") local FocusManager = require("ui/widget/focusmanager") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local HorizontalGroup = require("ui/widget/horizontalgroup") local HorizontalSpan = require("ui/widget/horizontalspan") local FrameContainer = require("ui/widget/container/framecontainer") local Size = require("ui/size") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local _ = require("gettext") local Screen = Device.screen local ButtonProgressWidget = FocusManager:new{ width = Screen:scaleBySize(216), height = Size.item.height_default, padding = Size.padding.small, font_face = "cfont", font_size = 16, enabled = true, num_buttons = 2, position = 1, default_position = nil, thin_grey_style = false, -- default to black fine_tune = false, -- no -/+ buttons on the extremities by default more_options = false, -- no "⋮" button } function ButtonProgressWidget:init() self.current_button_index = self.position self.buttonprogress_frame = FrameContainer:new{ background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, color = Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY, radius = Size.radius.window, bordersize = 0, padding = self.padding, dim = not self.enabled, } self.buttonprogress_content = HorizontalGroup:new{} self.horizontal_span_width = 0 if self.fine_tune or self.more_options then self.horizontal_span = HorizontalSpan:new{ width = Size.margin.fine_tune } self.horizontal_span_width = self.horizontal_span.width end self:update() if self.fine_tune then self.current_button_index = self.current_button_index + 1 end self.buttonprogress_frame[1] = self.buttonprogress_content self[1] = self.buttonprogress_frame self.dimen = Geom:new(self.buttonprogress_frame:getSize()) end function ButtonProgressWidget:update() self.layout = {{}} self.buttonprogress_content:clear() local button_margin = Size.margin.tiny local button_padding = Size.padding.button local button_bordersize = self.thin_grey_style and Size.border.thin or Size.border.button local buttons_count = self.num_buttons local span_count = 0 if self.fine_tune then buttons_count = buttons_count + 2 span_count = 2 end if self.more_options then buttons_count = buttons_count + 1 span_count = span_count + 1 end local button_width_real = (self.width - span_count * self.horizontal_span_width) / buttons_count - 2*button_padding - 2*button_margin - 2*button_bordersize local button_width = math.floor(button_width_real) local button_width_adjust = button_width_real - button_width local button_width_to_add = 0 -- Minus button on the left if self.fine_tune then button_width_to_add = button_width_to_add + button_width_adjust local margin = button_margin local extra_border_size = 0 local button = Button:new{ text = "−", radius = 0, margin = margin, padding = button_padding, bordersize = button_bordersize + extra_border_size, enabled = true, width = button_width - 2*extra_border_size, preselect = false, text_font_face = self.font_face, text_font_size = self.font_size, callback = function() self.callback("-") self:update() end, hold_callback = function() self.hold_callback("-") end, } if self.thin_grey_style then button.frame.color = Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY end table.insert(self.buttonprogress_content, button) table.insert(self.layout[1], button) table.insert(self.buttonprogress_content, self.horizontal_span) end -- Actual progress bar for i = 1, self.num_buttons do button_width_to_add = button_width_to_add + button_width_adjust local real_button_width = button_width if button_width_to_add >= 1 then -- One pixel wider to better align the entire widget real_button_width = button_width + math.floor(button_width_to_add) button_width_to_add = button_width_to_add - math.floor(button_width_to_add) end local highlighted = i <= self.position local is_default = i == self.default_position local margin = button_margin if self.thin_grey_style and highlighted then margin = 0 -- moved outside button so it's not inverted end local extra_border_size = 0 if not self.thin_grey_style and is_default then -- make the border a bit bigger on the default button extra_border_size = Size.border.thin end local button = Button:new{ text = "", radius = 0, margin = margin, padding = button_padding, bordersize = button_bordersize + extra_border_size, enabled = true, width = real_button_width - 2*extra_border_size, preselect = highlighted, text_font_face = self.font_face, text_font_size = self.font_size, callback = function() self.callback(i) self.position = i self:update() end, no_focus = highlighted, hold_callback = function() self.hold_callback(i) end, } if self.thin_grey_style then if is_default then -- use a black border as a discreet visual hint button.frame.color = Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK else -- otherwise, gray border, same as the filled -- button, so looking as if no border button.frame.color = Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY end if highlighted then -- The button and its frame background will be inverted, -- so invert the color we want so it gets inverted back button.frame.background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY:invert() button = FrameContainer:new{ -- add margin back margin = button_margin, padding = 0, bordersize = 0, focusable = true, focus_border_size = Size.border.thin, button, } end end table.insert(self.buttonprogress_content, button) table.insert(self.layout[1], button) end -- Plus button on the right if self.fine_tune then button_width_to_add = button_width_to_add + button_width_adjust local real_button_width = button_width if button_width_to_add >= 1 then -- One pixel wider to better align the entire widget real_button_width = button_width + math.floor(button_width_to_add) button_width_to_add = button_width_to_add - math.floor(button_width_to_add) end local margin = button_margin local extra_border_size = 0 local button = Button:new{ text = "+", radius = 0, margin = margin, padding = button_padding, bordersize = button_bordersize + extra_border_size, enabled = true, width = real_button_width - 2*extra_border_size, preselect = false, text_font_face = self.font_face, text_font_size = self.font_size, callback = function() self.callback("+") self:update() end, hold_callback = function() self.hold_callback("+") end, } if self.thin_grey_style then button.frame.color = Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY end table.insert(self.buttonprogress_content, self.horizontal_span) table.insert(self.buttonprogress_content, button) table.insert(self.layout[1], button) end -- More option button on the right if self.more_options then button_width_to_add = button_width_to_add + button_width_adjust local real_button_width = button_width if button_width_to_add >= 1 then -- One pixel wider to better align the entire widget real_button_width = button_width + math.floor(button_width_to_add) end local margin = button_margin local extra_border_size = 0 local button = Button:new{ text = "⋮", radius = 0, margin = margin, padding = button_padding, bordersize = button_bordersize + extra_border_size, enabled = true, width = real_button_width - 2*extra_border_size, preselect = false, text_font_face = self.font_face, text_font_size = self.font_size, callback = function() self.callback("⋮") self:update() end, hold_callback = function() self.hold_callback("⋮") end, } if self.thin_grey_style then button.frame.color = Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY end table.insert(self.buttonprogress_content, self.horizontal_span) table.insert(self.buttonprogress_content, button) table.insert(self.layout[1], button) end UIManager:setDirty(self.show_parrent, function() return "ui", self.dimen end) end function ButtonProgressWidget:setPosition(position, default_position) self.position = position self.default_position = default_position self:update() end function ButtonProgressWidget:onTapSelect(arg, gev) if gev == nil then self:circlePosition() end end function ButtonProgressWidget:circlePosition() if self.position then self.position = self.position+1 if self.position > self.num_buttons then self.position = 1 end self.callback(self.position) self:update() end end return ButtonProgressWidget