local Device = require("device") if not Device:isPocketBook() --[[and not Device:isKobo()]] then return { disabled = true } end local PowerD = Device:getPowerDevice() local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local LuaSettings = require("luasettings") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local SpinWidget = require("ui/widget/spinwidget") local logger = require("logger") local _ = require("gettext") local AutoStandby = WidgetContainer:new{ is_doc_only = false, name = "autostandby", settings = LuaSettings:open(DataStorage:getSettingsDir() .. "/autostandby.lua"), delay = 0, lastInput = 0, preventing = false, } function AutoStandby:init() if not self.settings:has("filter") then logger.dbg("AutoStandby: No settings found, initializing defaults") self.settings.data = { forbidden = false, -- If forbidden, standby is never allowed to occur filter = 1, -- Consider input only further than this many seconds apart min = 1, -- Initial delay period during which we won't standby mul = 1.5, -- Multiply the delay with each subsequent input that happens, scales up to max max = 30, -- Input that happens further than 30 seconds since last input one reset delay back to 'min' win = 5, -- Additional time window to consider input contributing to standby delay bat = 60, -- If battery is below this percent, make auto-standby aggressive again (disables scaling by mul) } self.settings:flush() end UIManager.event_hook:registerWidget("InputEvent", self) self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) end function AutoStandby:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.autostandby = { text = _("Auto-standby settings"), sub_item_table = { { keep_menu_open = true, text = _("Allow auto-standby"), checked_func = function() return self:isAllowedByConfig() end, callback = function() self.settings:saveSetting("forbidden", self:isAllowedByConfig()):flush() end, }, self:genSpinMenuItem(_("Min input idle seconds"), "min", function() return 0 end, function() return self.settings:readSetting("max") end), self:genSpinMenuItem(_("Max input idle seconds"), "max", function() return 0 end), self:genSpinMenuItem(_("Input window seconds"), "win", function() return 0 end, function() return self.settings:readSetting("max") end), self:genSpinMenuItem(_("Always standby if battery below"), "bat", function() return 0 end, function() return 100 end), } } end -- We've received touch/key event, so delay stadby accordingly function AutoStandby:onInputEvent() local config = self.settings.data local t = os.time() if t < self.lastInput + config.filter then -- packed too close together, ignore logger.dbg("AutoStandby: input packed too close to previous one, ignoring") return end -- Nuke past timer as we'll reschedule the allow (or not) UIManager:unschedule(self.allow) if PowerD:getCapacityHW() <= config.bat then -- battery is below threshold, so allow standby aggressively logger.dbg("AutoStandby: battery below threshold, enabling aggressive standby") self:allow() return elseif t > self.lastInput + config.max then -- too far apart, so reset delay logger.dbg("AutoStandby: input too far in future, resetting adaptive standby delay from", self.delay, "to", config.min) self.delay = config.min elseif t < self.lastInput + self.delay + config.win then -- otherwise widen the delay - "adaptive" - with frequent inputs, but don't grow beyonnd the max self.delay = math.min((self.delay+1) * config.mul, config.max) logger.dbg("AutoStandby: increasing standby delay to", self.delay) end -- equilibrium: when the event arrives beyond delay + win, but still below max, we keep the delay as-is self.lastInput = t if not self:isAllowedByConfig() then -- all standbys forbidden, always prevent self:prevent() return elseif self.delay == 0 then -- If delay is 0 now, just allow straight self:allow() return end -- otherwise prevent for a while for duration of the delay self:prevent() -- and schedule standby re-enable once delay expires UIManager:scheduleIn(self.delay, self.allow, self) end -- Prevent standby (by timer) function AutoStandby:prevent() if not self.preventing then self.preventing = true UIManager:preventStandby() end end -- Allow standby (by timer) function AutoStandby:allow() if self.preventing then self.preventing = false UIManager:allowStandby() end end function AutoStandby:isAllowedByConfig() return self.settings:isFalse("forbidden") end function AutoStandby:genSpinMenuItem(text, cfg, min, max) return { keep_menu_open = true, text = text, enabled_func = function() return self:isAllowedByConfig() end, callback = function() local spin = SpinWidget:new { width = math.floor(Device.screen:getWidth() * 0.6), value = self.settings:readSetting(cfg), value_min = min and min() or 0, value_max = max and max() or 9999, value_hold_step = 10, ok_text = "Update", title_text = text, callback = function(spin) self.settings:saveSetting(cfg, spin.value):flush() end, } UIManager:show(spin) end } end -- koreader is merely waiting for user input right now. -- UI signals us that standby is allowed at this very moment because nothing else goes on in the background. function AutoStandby:onAllowStandby() logger.dbg("AutoStandby: onAllowStandby()") -- In case the OS frontend itself doesn't manage power state, we can do it on our own here. -- One should also configure wake-up pins and perhaps wake alarm, -- if we want to enter deeper sleep states later on from within standby. --os.execute("echo mem > /sys/power/state") end return AutoStandby