--[[-- A simple module to module to compare and do arithmetic with time values. @usage local TimeVal = require("ui/timeval") local tv_start = TimeVal:now() -- Do some stuff. -- You can add and subtract `TimeVal` objects. local tv_duration = TimeVal:now() - tv_start -- If you need more precision (like 2.5 s), -- you can add the milliseconds to the seconds. local tv_duration_seconds_float = tv_duration.sec + tv_duration.usec/1000000 ]] local util = require("ffi/util") --[[-- TimeVal object. @table TimeVal @int sec floored number of seconds @int usec remaining number of milliseconds ]] local TimeVal = { sec = 0, usec = 0, } --[[-- Creates a new TimeVal object. @usage local timev = TimeVal:new{ sec = 10, usec = 10000, } @treturn TimeVal ]] function TimeVal:new(from_o) local o = from_o or {} if o.sec == nil then o.sec = 0 end if o.usec == nil then o.usec = 0 elseif o.usec > 1000000 then o.sec = o.sec + math.floor(o.usec/1000000) o.usec = o.usec % 1000000 end setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end function TimeVal:__lt(time_b) if self.sec < time_b.sec then return true elseif self.sec > time_b.sec then return false else -- self.sec == time_b.sec if self.usec < time_b.usec then return true else return false end end end function TimeVal:__le(time_b) if self.sec < time_b.sec then return true elseif self.sec > time_b.sec then return false else -- self.sec == time_b.sec if self.usec > time_b.usec then return false else return true end end end function TimeVal:__eq(time_b) if self.sec == time_b.sec and self.usec == time_b.usec then return true else return false end end function TimeVal:__sub(time_b) local diff = TimeVal:new{} diff.sec = self.sec - time_b.sec diff.usec = self.usec - time_b.usec if diff.sec < 0 and diff.usec > 0 then diff.sec = diff.sec + 1 diff.usec = diff.usec - 1000000 elseif diff.sec > 0 and diff.usec < 0 then diff.sec = diff.sec - 1 diff.usec = diff.usec + 1000000 end return diff end function TimeVal:__add(time_b) local sum = TimeVal:new{} sum.sec = self.sec + time_b.sec sum.usec = self.usec + time_b.usec if sum.usec > 1000000 then sum.usec = sum.usec - 1000000 sum.sec = sum.sec + 1 end if sum.sec < 0 and sum.usec > 0 then sum.sec = sum.sec + 1 sum.usec = sum.usec - 1000000 elseif sum.sec > 0 and sum.usec < 0 then sum.sec = sum.sec - 1 sum.usec = sum.usec + 1000000 end return sum end --[[-- Creates a new TimeVal object based on the current time. @usage local TimeVal = require("ui/timeval") local tv_start = TimeVal:now() -- Do some stuff. -- You can add and substract `TimeVal` objects. local tv_duration = TimeVal:now() - tv_start @treturn TimeVal ]] function TimeVal:now() local sec, usec = util.gettime() return TimeVal:new{sec = sec, usec = usec} end return TimeVal