local util = require("ffi/util") local DEBUG = require("dbg") local function no() return false end local Device = { screen_saver_mode = false, charging_mode = false, survive_screen_saver = false, model = nil, powerd = nil, screen = nil, input = nil, -- hardware feature tests: (these are functions!) hasKeyboard = no, hasKeys = no, isTouchDevice = no, hasFrontlight = no, -- use these only as a last resort. We should abstract the functionality -- and have device dependent implementations in the corresponting -- device//device.lua file -- (these are functions!) isKindle = no, isKobo = no, isAndroid = no, isEmulator = no, -- some devices have part of their screen covered by the bezel viewport = nil, } function Device:new(o) local o = o or {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end function Device:init() if not self.screen then error("screen/framebuffer must be implemented") end self.screen.debug = DEBUG if not self.input then self.input = require("device/input"):new{device = self} end if not self.powerd then self.powerd = require("device/generic/powerd"):new{device = self} end if self.viewport then self.screen:setViewport(self.viewport) self.input:registerEventAdjustHook( self.input.adjustTouchTranslate, {x = 0 - self.viewport.x, y = 0 - self.viewport.y}) end end function Device:getPowerDevice() return self.powerd end function Device:intoScreenSaver() if self.charging_mode == false and self.screen_saver_mode == false then self.screen:saveCurrentBB() self.screen_saver_mode = true end end function Device:outofScreenSaver() if self.screen_saver_mode == true and self.charging_mode == false then -- wait for native system update screen before we recover saved -- Blitbuffer. util.usleep(1500000) self.screen:restoreFromSavedBB() self.screen:refresh(1) self.survive_screen_saver = true end self.screen_saver_mode = false end function Device:onPowerEvent(ev) local Screensaver = require("ui/screensaver") if (ev == "Power" or ev == "Suspend") and not self.screen_saver_mode then local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") DEBUG("Suspending...") -- always suspend in portrait mode self.orig_rotation_mode = self.screen:getRotationMode() self.screen:setRotationMode(0) Screensaver:show() self:prepareSuspend() UIManager:scheduleIn(10, self.Suspend) elseif (ev == "Power" or ev == "Resume") and self.screen_saver_mode then DEBUG("Resuming...") -- restore to previous rotation mode self.screen:setRotationMode(self.orig_rotation_mode) self:Resume() Screensaver:close() end end function Device:prepareSuspend() if self.powerd and self.powerd.fl ~= nil then -- in no case should the frontlight be turned on in suspend mode self.powerd.fl:sleep() end self.screen:refresh(1) self.screen_saver_mode = true end function Device:Suspend() end function Device:Resume() local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") UIManager:unschedule(self.Suspend) self.screen:refresh(1) self.screen_saver_mode = false end function Device:usbPlugIn() if self.charging_mode == false and self.screen_saver_mode == false then self.screen:saveCurrentBB() end self.charging_mode = true end function Device:usbPlugOut() if self.charging_mode == true and self.screen_saver_mode == false then self.screen:restoreFromSavedBB() self.screen:refresh(0) end --@TODO signal filemanager for file changes 13.06 2012 (houqp) self.charging_mode = false end --[[ prepare for application shutdown --]] function Device:exit() require("ffi/input"):closeAll() self.screen:close() end return Device