local Device = require("device") if not Device:isKindle() or (Device.model ~= "KindleVoyage" and Device.model ~= "KindleOasis" and Device.model ~= "KindleOasis2" and Device.model ~= "KindleOasis3") then return { disabled = true, } end local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local LuaSettings = require("luasettings") local PluginShare = require("pluginshare") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local logger = require("logger") local _ = require("gettext") local T = require("ffi/util").template local AutoFrontlight = { settings = LuaSettings:open(DataStorage:getSettingsDir() .. "/autofrontlight.lua"), settings_id = 0, enabled = false, last_brightness = -1, } function AutoFrontlight:_schedule(settings_id) local enabled = function() if not self.enabled then logger.dbg("AutoFrontlight:_schedule() is disabled") return false end if settings_id ~= self.settings_id then logger.dbg("AutoFrontlight:_schedule(): registered settings_id ", settings_id, " does not equal to current one ", self.settings_id) return false end return true end table.insert(PluginShare.backgroundJobs, { when = 2, repeated = enabled, executable = function() if enabled() then self:_action() end end }) local Event = require("ui/event") UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("BackgroundJobsUpdated")) end function AutoFrontlight:_action() logger.dbg("AutoFrontlight:_action() @ ", os.time()) local current_level = Device:ambientBrightnessLevel() logger.dbg("AutoFrontlight:_action(): Retrieved ambient brightness level: ", current_level) if self.last_brightness == current_level then logger.dbg("AutoFrontlight:_action(): recorded brightness is same as current level ", self.last_brightness) return end if current_level <= 1 then logger.dbg("AutoFrontlight: going to turn on frontlight") Device:getPowerDevice():turnOnFrontlight() elseif current_level >= 3 then logger.dbg("AutoFrontlight: going to turn off frontlight") Device:getPowerDevice():turnOffFrontlight() end self.last_brightness = current_level end function AutoFrontlight:init() self.enabled = self.settings:nilOrTrue("enable") self.settings_id = self.settings_id + 1 logger.dbg("AutoFrontlight:init() self.enabled: ", self.enabled, " with id ", self.settings_id) self:_schedule(self.settings_id) end function AutoFrontlight:flipSetting() self.settings:flipNilOrTrue("enable") self:init() end function AutoFrontlight:onFlushSettings() self.settings:flush() end AutoFrontlight:init() local AutoFrontlightWidget = WidgetContainer:extend{ name = "autofrontlight", } function AutoFrontlightWidget:init() -- self.ui and self.ui.menu are nil in unittests. if self.ui ~= nil and self.ui.menu ~= nil then self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) end end function AutoFrontlightWidget:flipSetting() AutoFrontlight:flipSetting() end -- For test only. function AutoFrontlightWidget:deprecateLastTask() logger.dbg("AutoFrontlightWidget:deprecateLastTask() @ ", AutoFrontlight.settings_id) AutoFrontlight.settings_id = AutoFrontlight.settings_id + 1 end function AutoFrontlightWidget:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.auto_frontlight = { text = _("Auto frontlight"), callback = function() UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("Auto frontlight detects the brightness of the environment and automatically turn on and off the frontlight.\nFrontlight will be turned off to save battery in bright environment, and turned on in dark environment.\nDo you want to %1 it?"), AutoFrontlight.enabled and _("disable") or _("enable")), ok_text = AutoFrontlight.enabled and _("Disable") or _("Enable"), ok_callback = function() self:flipSetting() end }) end, checked_func = function() return AutoFrontlight.enabled end, } end function AutoFrontlightWidget:onFlushSettings() AutoFrontlight:onFlushSettings() end return AutoFrontlightWidget