local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local TimeWidget = require("ui/widget/timewidget") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local T = require("ffi/util").template local _ = require("gettext") local ReadTimer = WidgetContainer:new{ name = "readtimer", time = 0, -- The expected time of alarm if enabled, or 0. } function ReadTimer:init() self.alarm_callback = function() if self.time == 0 then return end -- How could this happen? self.time = 0 UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Read timer alarm\nTime's up. It's %1 now."), os.date("%c")), }) end self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) end function ReadTimer:scheduled() return self.time ~= 0 end function ReadTimer:remainingMinutes() if self:scheduled() then return os.difftime(self.time, os.time()) / 60 else return math.huge end end function ReadTimer:unschedule() if self:scheduled() then UIManager:unschedule(self.alarm_callback) self.time = 0 end end function ReadTimer:addToMainMenu(menu_items) local hour_string = _("hour") local hours_string = _("hours") local minute_string = _("minute") local minutes_string = _("minutes") menu_items.read_timer = { text_func = function() if self:scheduled() then return T(_("Read timer (%1m)"), string.format("%.2f", self:remainingMinutes())) else return _("Read timer") end end, checked_func = function() return self:scheduled() end, sub_item_table = { { text = _("Time"), callback = function() local now_t = os.date("*t") local curr_hour = now_t.hour local curr_min = now_t.min local curr_sec_from_midnight = curr_hour*3600 + curr_min*60 local time_widget = TimeWidget:new{ hour = curr_hour, min = curr_min, ok_text = _("Set timer"), title_text = _("Set reader timer"), callback = function(time) self:unschedule() local timer_sec_from_mignight = time.hour*3600 + time.min*60 local seconds if timer_sec_from_mignight > curr_sec_from_midnight then seconds = timer_sec_from_mignight - curr_sec_from_midnight else seconds = 24*3600 - (curr_sec_from_midnight - timer_sec_from_mignight) end if seconds > 0 and seconds < 18*3600 then self.time = os.time() + seconds UIManager:scheduleIn(seconds, self.alarm_callback) local hr_str = "" local min_str = "" local hr = math.floor(seconds/3600) if hr == 1 then hr_str = string.format("1 %s", hour_string) elseif hr > 1 then hr_str = string.format("%d %s", hr, hours_string) end local min = math.floor((seconds%3600)/60) if min == 1 then min_str = string.format("1 %s", minute_string) elseif min > 1 then min_str = string.format("%d %s", min, minutes_string) end UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Timer set to: %1:%2\nIt's %3 %4 from now"), string.format("%02d", time.hour), string.format("%02d", time.min), hr_str, min_str), timeout = 5, }) --current time or time > 18h elseif seconds == 0 or seconds >= 18*3600 then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Timer could not be set. You have selected current time or time in past"), timeout = 5, }) end end } UIManager:show(time_widget) end, }, { text = _("Minutes from now"), callback = function() local time_widget = TimeWidget:new{ hour = 0, min = 0, hour_max = 17, ok_text = _("Set timer"), title_text = _("Set reader timer from now (hours:minutes)"), callback = function(time) self:unschedule() local seconds = time.hour * 3600 + time.min * 60 if seconds > 0 then self.time = os.time() + seconds UIManager:scheduleIn(seconds, self.alarm_callback) local hr_str = "" local min_str = "" local hr = time.hour if hr == 1 then hr_str = string.format("1 %s", hour_string) elseif hr > 1 then hr_str = string.format("%d %s", hr, hours_string) end local min = time.min if min == 1 then min_str = string.format("1 %s", minute_string) elseif min > 1 then min_str = string.format("%d %s", min, minutes_string) end UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Timer is set to %1 %2"), hr_str, min_str), timeout = 5, }) end end } UIManager:show(time_widget) end, }, { text = _("Stop timer"), enabled_func = function() return self:scheduled() end, callback = function() self:unschedule() end, }, }, } end return ReadTimer