local BD = require("ui/bidi") local ButtonDialog = require("ui/widget/buttondialog") local ButtonDialogTitle = require("ui/widget/buttondialogtitle") local Cache = require("cache") local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local DocumentRegistry = require("document/documentregistry") local Font = require("ui/font") local ImageViewer = require("ui/widget/imageviewer") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog") local Menu = require("ui/widget/menu") local MultiInputDialog = require("ui/widget/multiinputdialog") local NetworkMgr = require("ui/network/manager") local OPDSParser = require("opdsparser") local RenderImage = require("ui/renderimage") local Screen = require("device").screen local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local http = require("socket.http") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local logger = require("logger") local ltn12 = require("ltn12") local socket = require("socket") local socketutil = require("socketutil") local url = require("socket.url") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local T = require("ffi/util").template -- cache catalog parsed from feed xml local CatalogCache = Cache:new{ -- Make it 20 slots, with no storage space constraints slots = 20, } local OPDSBrowser = Menu:extend{ opds_servers = G_reader_settings:readSetting("opds_servers", { { title = "Project Gutenberg", url = "https://m.gutenberg.org/ebooks.opds/?format=opds", }, { title = "Standard Ebooks", url = "https://standardebooks.org/feeds/opds", }, { title = "Feedbooks", url = "https://catalog.feedbooks.com/catalog/public_domain.atom", }, { title = "ManyBooks", url = "http://manybooks.net/opds/index.php", }, { title = "Internet Archive", url = "https://bookserver.archive.org/", }, { title = "textos.info (Spanish)", url = "https://www.textos.info/catalogo.atom", }, { title = "Gallica (French)", url = "https://gallica.bnf.fr/opds", }, }), calibre_name = _("Local calibre library"), calibre_opds = G_reader_settings:readSetting("calibre_opds", {}), catalog_type = "application/atom%+xml", search_type = "application/opensearchdescription%+xml", search_template_type = "application/atom%+xml", acquisition_rel = "^http://opds%-spec%.org/acquisition", image_rel = "http://opds-spec.org/image", thumbnail_rel = "http://opds-spec.org/image/thumbnail", stream_rel = "http://vaemendis.net/opds-pse/stream", width = Screen:getWidth(), height = Screen:getHeight(), no_title = false, parent = nil, } function OPDSBrowser:init() self.item_table = self:genItemTableFromRoot() self.catalog_title = nil self.title_bar_left_icon = "plus" self.onLeftButtonTap = function() self:addNewCatalog() end Menu.init(self) -- call parent's init() end -- This function is a callback fired from the new -- catalog dialog, 'addNewCatalog'. function OPDSBrowser:addServerFromInput(fields) logger.dbg("New OPDS catalog input:", fields) local new_server = { title = fields[1], url = (fields[2]:match("^%a+://") and fields[2] or "http://" .. fields[2]), searchable = (fields[2]:match("%%s") and true or false), username = fields[3] ~= "" and fields[3] or nil, -- Allow empty passwords password = fields[4], } table.insert(self.opds_servers, new_server) self:init() end -- This function is a callback fired from the Calibre input -- dialog 'editCalibreServer'. function OPDSBrowser:editCalibreFromInput(fields) logger.dbg("Edit calibre server input:", fields) if fields[1] then self.calibre_opds.host = fields[1] end if tonumber(fields[2]) then self.calibre_opds.port = fields[2] end if fields[3] and fields[3] ~= "" then self.calibre_opds.username = fields[3] else self.calibre_opds.username = nil end if fields[4] then self.calibre_opds.password = fields[4] else self.calibre_opds.password = nil end self:init() end -- This function shows a dialog with input fields -- for entering information for an OPDS catalog. function OPDSBrowser:addNewCatalog() self.add_server_dialog = MultiInputDialog:new{ title = _("Add OPDS catalog"), fields = { { text = "", hint = _("Catalog name"), }, { text = "", hint = _("Catalog URL"), }, { text = "", hint = _("Username (optional)"), }, { text = "", hint = _("Password (optional)"), text_type = "password", }, }, buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), id = "close", callback = function() self.add_server_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.add_server_dialog) end }, { text = _("Add"), callback = function() self.add_server_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.add_server_dialog) self:addServerFromInput(self.add_server_dialog:getFields()) end }, }, }, } UIManager:show(self.add_server_dialog) self.add_server_dialog:onShowKeyboard() end -- This function shows a dialog to the user with input fields -- for setting Calibre server information. -- (I think that the Calibre stuff could be moved to a separate file.) function OPDSBrowser:editCalibreServer() self.add_server_dialog = MultiInputDialog:new{ title = _("Edit local calibre host and port"), fields = { { --- @todo get IP address of current device text = self.calibre_opds.host or "", hint = _("calibre host"), }, { text = self.calibre_opds.port and tostring(self.calibre_opds.port) or "8080", hint = _("calibre port"), }, { text = self.calibre_opds.username or "", hint = _("Username (optional)"), }, { text = self.calibre_opds.password or "", hint = _("Password (optional)"), text_type = "password", }, }, buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), id = "close", callback = function() self.add_server_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.add_server_dialog) end }, { text = _("Apply"), callback = function() self.add_server_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.add_server_dialog) self:editCalibreFromInput(self.add_server_dialog:getFields()) end }, }, }, } UIManager:show(self.add_server_dialog) self.add_server_dialog:onShowKeyboard() end -- This function creates the "main menu" for the plugin, -- wherein the user is shown the default servers, their -- custom servers, and an item to allow them to add more of their -- own servers. function OPDSBrowser:genItemTableFromRoot() local item_table = {} -- Loop through the default servers and add them -- to the item table. for _, server in ipairs(self.opds_servers) do table.insert(item_table, { text = server.title, content = server.subtitle, url = server.url, username = server.username, password = server.password, deletable = true, editable = true, searchable = server.searchable, }) end -- Handle the Calibre server. If it's not set, then place -- an item that would prompt the user to enter their Calibre settings. if not self.calibre_opds.host or not self.calibre_opds.port then -- Here's where we allow the Calibre server to be set. table.insert(item_table, { text = self.calibre_name, callback = function() self:editCalibreServer() end, deletable = false, }) else -- Here's where we show the existing Calibre server with -- the login details stored on the device. table.insert(item_table, { text = self.calibre_name, url = string.format("http://%s:%d/opds", self.calibre_opds.host, self.calibre_opds.port), username = self.calibre_opds.username, password = self.calibre_opds.password, editable = true, deletable = false, searchable = false, }) end return item_table end function OPDSBrowser:fetchFeed(item_url, username, password, method) local sink = {} socketutil:set_timeout( socketutil.LARGE_BLOCK_TIMEOUT, socketutil.LARGE_TOTAL_TIMEOUT ) -- Prepare the request to send to the server. local request = { url = item_url, method = method and method or "GET", -- Explicitly specify that we don't support compressed content. -- Some servers will still break RFC2616 14.3 and send crap instead. headers = { ["Accept-Encoding"] = "identity", }, sink = ltn12.sink.table(sink), user = username, password = password, } logger.dbg("Request:", request) -- Fire off the request and wait to see what we get back. local code, headers, status = socket.skip(1, http.request(request)) socketutil:reset_timeout() -- Check the response and raise error message when network is unavailable. if headers == nil then error(status or code or "network unreachable") end -- Below are numerous if cases to handle different response codes. if code == 200 then -- 200 means the request succeeded. -- If the method sent was HEAD, then we're probably checking for -- an update and therefore only interested in the last-modified -- time of the resource (who needs a body when you have a head?). if method == "HEAD" then if headers["last-modified"] then return headers["last-modified"] else return end end -- If the method sent was not HEAD, then we are interested in -- the payload of the request. We'll add that to a table below -- and return that as the result of this function. local xml = table.concat(sink) -- Obviously, check to see if the payload exists. if xml ~= "" then return xml end elseif method == "HEAD" then -- Don't show error messages when we check headers only. return elseif code == 301 then -- Page has permanently moved UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("The catalog has been permanently moved. Please update catalog URL to '%1'."), BD.url(headers.location)), }) elseif code == 302 and item_url:match("^https") and headers.location:match("^http[^s]") then -- Page is redirecting UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Insecure HTTPS → HTTP downgrade attempted by redirect from:\n\n'%1'\n\nto\n\n'%2'.\n\nPlease inform the server administrator that many clients disallow this because it could be a downgrade attack."), BD.url(item_url), BD.url(headers.location)), icon = "notice-warning", }) elseif code == 401 then -- Not authorized UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Authentication required for catalog. Please add a username and password.")), }) elseif code == 403 then -- Authorization attemp failed UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Failed to authenticate. Please check your username and password.")), }) elseif code == 404 then -- Page not found UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Catalog not found.")), }) elseif code == 406 then -- Server cannot fulfil our request UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Cannot get catalog. Server refuses to serve uncompressed content.")), }) else -- This block handles all other requests and supplies the user with a generic -- error message and no more information than the code. UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Cannot get catalog. Server response status: %1."), status or code), }) end end function OPDSBrowser:parseFeed(item_url, username, password) local feed_last_modified = self:fetchFeed(item_url, username, password, "HEAD") local hash = "opds|catalog|" .. item_url if feed_last_modified then hash = hash .. "|" .. feed_last_modified end local feed = CatalogCache:check(hash) if feed then logger.dbg("Cache hit for", hash) else logger.dbg("Cache miss for", hash) feed = self:fetchFeed(item_url, username, password) if feed then logger.dbg("Caching", hash) CatalogCache:insert(hash, feed) end end if feed then return OPDSParser:parse(feed) end end function OPDSBrowser:getCatalog(item_url, username, password) local ok, catalog = pcall(self.parseFeed, self, item_url, username, password) if not ok and catalog then logger.info("Cannot get catalog info from", item_url, catalog) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Cannot get catalog info from %1"), (item_url and BD.url(item_url) or "nil")), }) return end if ok and catalog then return catalog end end function OPDSBrowser:genItemTableFromURL(item_url, username, password) local catalog = self:getCatalog(item_url, username, password) return self:genItemTableFromCatalog(catalog, item_url, username, password) end function OPDSBrowser:getSearchTemplate(osd_url, username, password) -- parse search descriptor local search_descriptor = self:parseFeed(osd_url, username, password) if search_descriptor and search_descriptor.OpenSearchDescription and search_descriptor.OpenSearchDescription.Url then for _, candidate in ipairs(search_descriptor.OpenSearchDescription.Url) do if candidate.type and candidate.template and candidate.type:find(self.search_template_type) then return candidate.template:gsub("{searchTerms}", "%%s") end end end end function OPDSBrowser:genItemTableFromCatalog(catalog, item_url, username, password) local item_table = {} if not catalog then return item_table end local feed = catalog.feed or catalog local function build_href(href) return url.absolute(item_url, href) end local hrefs = {} if feed.link then for _, link in ipairs(feed.link) do if link.type ~= nil then if link.type:find(self.catalog_type) then if link.rel and link.href then hrefs[link.rel] = build_href(link.href) end end if link.type:find(self.search_type) then if link.href then local stpl = self:getSearchTemplate(build_href(link.href), username, password) -- The OpenSearchDescription/Url template field might *also* be a relative path... stpl = build_href(stpl) -- insert the search item local item = {} item.acquisitions = {} item.text = "Search" item.callback = function() self:browseSearchable(stpl, username, password) end table.insert(item_table, item) end end end end end item_table.hrefs = hrefs if username then item_table.username = username end if password then item_table.password = password end if not feed.entry then if #hrefs == 0 then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Failed to parse the catalog."), }) end return item_table end for _, entry in ipairs(feed.entry) do local item = {} item.acquisitions = {} if entry.link then for _, link in ipairs(entry.link) do if link.type and link.type:find(self.catalog_type) and (not link.rel or link.rel == "subsection" or link.rel == "http://opds-spec.org/subsection" or link.rel == "http://opds-spec.org/sort/popular" or link.rel == "http://opds-spec.org/sort/new") then item.url = build_href(link.href) end -- Some catalogs do not use the rel attribute to denote -- a publication. Arxiv uses title. Specifically, it uses -- a title attribute that contains pdf. (title="pdf") if link.rel or link.title then if link.rel:match(self.acquisition_rel) then table.insert(item.acquisitions, { type = link.type, href = build_href(link.href), title = link.title, }) elseif link.rel == self.stream_rel then -- This for loop iterates through all keys in a -- Entry and looks for the count tag, then stores -- That key to use for updating the table value. local count_key = "" for k, v in pairs(link) do if string.sub(k, -6) == ":count" then count_key = k break end end table.insert(item.acquisitions, { type = link.type, href = build_href(link.href), title = link.title, stream = true, count = tonumber(link[count_key] or "1"), }) elseif link.rel == self.thumbnail_rel then item.thumbnail = build_href(link.href) elseif link.rel == self.image_rel then item.image = build_href(link.href) end -- This statement grabs the catalog items that are -- indicated by title="pdf" or whose type is -- "application/pdf" if link.title == "pdf" or link.type == "application/pdf" and link.rel ~= "subsection" then -- Check for the presence of the pdf suffix and add it -- if it's missing. local href = link.href local filetype = util.getFileNameSuffix(link.href) if filetype ~= "pdf" then href = href .. ".pdf" end table.insert(item.acquisitions, { type = link.title, href = build_href(href), }) end end end end local title = "Unknown" if type(entry.title) == "string" then title = entry.title elseif type(entry.title) == "table" then if type(entry.title.type) == "string" and entry.title.div ~= "" then title = entry.title.div end end if title == "Unknown" then logger.info("Cannot handle title", entry.title) end item.text = title local author = "Unknown Author" if type(entry.author) == "table" and entry.author.name then author = entry.author.name if type(author) == "table" then if #author > 0 then author = table.concat(author, ", ") else -- we may get an empty table on https://gallica.bnf.fr/opds author = nil end end if author then item.text = title .. " - " .. author end end item.title = title item.author = author item.id = entry.id item.content = entry.content item.updated = entry.updated if username then item.username = username end if password then item.password = password end table.insert(item_table, item) end return item_table end function OPDSBrowser:updateCatalog(item_url, username, password) local menu_table = self:genItemTableFromURL(item_url, username, password) if #menu_table > 0 then self:switchItemTable(self.catalog_title, menu_table) self:setTitleBarLeftIcon("home") self.onLeftButtonTap = function() self:init() end if self.page_num <= 1 then self:onNext() end return true end end function OPDSBrowser:appendCatalog(item_url, username, password) local new_table = self:genItemTableFromURL(item_url, username, password) if #new_table == 0 then return false end for _, item in ipairs(new_table) do table.insert(self.item_table, item) end self.item_table.hrefs = new_table.hrefs self:switchItemTable(self.catalog_title, self.item_table, -1) return true end function OPDSBrowser.getCurrentDownloadDir() local lastdir = G_reader_settings:readSetting("lastdir") return G_reader_settings:readSetting("download_dir") or lastdir end function OPDSBrowser:downloadFile(item, filename, remote_url) -- Download to user selected folder or last opened folder. local download_dir = self.getCurrentDownloadDir() filename = util.getSafeFilename(filename, download_dir) local local_path = (download_dir ~= "/" and download_dir or "") .. '/' .. filename local_path = util.fixUtf8(local_path, "_") local function download() UIManager:scheduleIn(1, function() logger.dbg("Downloading file", local_path, "from", remote_url) local parsed = url.parse(remote_url) local code, headers, status if parsed.scheme == "http" or parsed.scheme == "https" then socketutil:set_timeout(socketutil.FILE_BLOCK_TIMEOUT, socketutil.FILE_TOTAL_TIMEOUT) code, headers, status = socket.skip(1, http.request { url = remote_url, headers = { ["Accept-Encoding"] = "identity", }, sink = ltn12.sink.file(io.open(local_path, "w")), user = item.username, password = item.password, }) socketutil:reset_timeout() else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new { text = T(_("Invalid protocol:\n%1"), parsed.scheme), }) end if code == 200 then logger.dbg("File downloaded to", local_path) if self.file_downloaded_callback then self.file_downloaded_callback(local_path) end elseif code == 302 and remote_url:match("^https") and headers.location:match("^http[^s]") then util.removeFile(local_path) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Insecure HTTPS → HTTP downgrade attempted by redirect from:\n\n'%1'\n\nto\n\n'%2'.\n\nPlease inform the server administrator that many clients disallow this because it could be a downgrade attack."), BD.url(remote_url), BD.url(headers.location)), icon = "notice-warning", }) else util.removeFile(local_path) logger.dbg("OPDSBrowser:downloadFile: Request failed:", status or code) logger.dbg("OPDSBrowser:downloadFile: Response headers:", headers) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new { text = T(_("Could not save file to:\n%1\n%2"), BD.filepath(local_path), status or code or "network unreachable"), }) end end) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Downloading may take several minutes…"), timeout = 1, }) end if lfs.attributes(local_path, "mode") == "file" then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new { text = T(_("The file %1 already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"), BD.filepath(local_path)), ok_text = _("Overwrite"), ok_callback = function() download() end, }) else download() end end function OPDSBrowser:streamPages(item, remote_url, count) local page_table = {image_disposable = true} setmetatable(page_table, {__index = function (_, key) if type(key) ~= "number" then local error_bb = RenderImage:renderImageFile("resources/koreader.png", false) return error_bb else local index = key - 1 local page_url = remote_url:gsub("{pageNumber}", tostring(index)) page_url = page_url:gsub("{maxWidth}", tostring(Screen:getWidth())) local page_data = {} logger.dbg("Streaming page from", page_url) local parsed = url.parse(page_url) local code, headers, status if parsed.scheme == "http" or parsed.scheme == "https" then socketutil:set_timeout(socketutil.FILE_BLOCK_TIMEOUT, socketutil.FILE_TOTAL_TIMEOUT) code, headers, status = socket.skip(1, http.request { url = page_url, headers = { ["Accept-Encoding"] = "identity", }, sink = ltn12.sink.table(page_data), user = item.username, password = item.password, }) socketutil:reset_timeout() else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new { text = T(_("Invalid protocol:\n%1"), parsed.scheme), }) end local data = table.concat(page_data) if code == 200 then local page_bb = RenderImage:renderImageData(data, #data, false) or RenderImage:renderImageFile("resources/koreader.png", false) return page_bb else logger.dbg("OPDSBrowser:streamPages: Request failed:", status or code) logger.dbg("OPDSBrowser:streamPages: Response headers:", headers) local error_bb = RenderImage:renderImageFile("resources/koreader.png", false) return error_bb end end end}) local viewer = ImageViewer:new{ image = page_table, fullscreen = true, with_title_bar = false, image_disposable = false, -- instead set page_table image_disposable to true } -- in Lua 5.2 we could override __len, but this works too viewer._images_list_nb = count UIManager:show(viewer) end function OPDSBrowser:showDownloads(item) local acquisitions = item.acquisitions local filename = item.title if item.author then filename = item.author .. " - " .. filename end local filename_orig = filename local function createTitle(path, file) -- title for ButtonDialogTitle return T(_("Download folder:\n%1\n\nDownload filename:\n%2\n\nDownload file type:"), BD.dirpath(path), file) end local buttons = {} -- buttons for ButtonDialogTitle local type_buttons = {} -- file type download buttons for i = 1, #acquisitions do -- filter out unsupported file types local acquisition = acquisitions[i] if acquisition.stream then -- this is an OPDS PSE stream table.insert(type_buttons, { text = _("Page stream") .. "\u{2B0C}", -- append LEFT RIGHT BLACK ARROW callback = function() self:streamPages(item, acquisition.href, acquisition.count) UIManager:close(self.download_dialog) end, }) else -- this is some other type of file local filetype = util.getFileNameSuffix(acquisition.href) logger.dbg("Filetype for download is", filetype) if not DocumentRegistry:hasProvider("dummy." .. filetype) then filetype = nil end if not filetype and DocumentRegistry:hasProvider(nil, acquisition.type) then filetype = DocumentRegistry:mimeToExt(acquisition.type) end if filetype then -- supported file type local text = acquisition.title and acquisition.title or string.upper(filetype) table.insert(type_buttons, { text = text .. "\u{2B07}", -- append DOWNWARDS BLACK ARROW callback = function() self:downloadFile(item, filename .. "." .. string.lower(filetype), acquisition.href) UIManager:close(self.download_dialog) end, }) end end end if (#type_buttons % 2 == 1) then -- we need even number of type buttons table.insert(type_buttons, {text = ""}) end for i = 2, #type_buttons, 2 do table.insert(buttons, {type_buttons[i - 1], type_buttons[i]}) -- type buttons, two in a row end table.insert(buttons, {}) -- separator table.insert(buttons, { -- action buttons { text = _("Choose folder"), callback = function() require("ui/downloadmgr"):new{ onConfirm = function(path) logger.dbg("Download folder set to", path) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("download_dir", path) self.download_dialog:setTitle(createTitle(path, filename)) end, }:chooseDir(self.getCurrentDownloadDir()) end, }, { text = _("Change filename"), callback = function() local input_dialog input_dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Enter filename"), input = filename, input_hint = filename_orig, buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), id = "close", callback = function() UIManager:close(input_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Set filename"), is_enter_default = true, callback = function() filename = input_dialog:getInputValue() if filename == "" then filename = filename_orig end UIManager:close(input_dialog) self.download_dialog:setTitle(createTitle(self.getCurrentDownloadDir(), filename)) end, }, } }, } UIManager:show(input_dialog) input_dialog:onShowKeyboard() end, }, }) table.insert(buttons, { { text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() UIManager:close(self.download_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Book information"), enabled = type(item.content) == "string", callback = function() local TextViewer = require("ui/widget/textviewer") UIManager:show(TextViewer:new{ title = item.text, title_multilines = true, text = util.htmlToPlainTextIfHtml(item.content), text_face = Font:getFace("x_smallinfofont", G_reader_settings:readSetting("items_font_size")), }) end, }, }) self.download_dialog = ButtonDialogTitle:new{ title = createTitle(self.getCurrentDownloadDir(), filename), buttons = buttons, } UIManager:show(self.download_dialog) end function OPDSBrowser:browse(browse_url, username, password) logger.dbg("Browse OPDS url", browse_url) table.insert(self.paths, { url = browse_url, username = username, password = password, title = self.catalog_title, }) if not self:updateCatalog(browse_url, username, password) then table.remove(self.paths) end end function OPDSBrowser:browseSearchable(browse_url, username, password) self.search_server_dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Search OPDS catalog"), input = "", -- @translators: This is an input hint for something to search for in an OPDS catalog, namely a famous author everyone knows. It probably doesn't need to be localized, but this is just here in case another name or book title would be more appropriate outside of a European context. input_hint = _("Alexandre Dumas"), input_type = "string", description = _("%s in url will be replaced by your input"), buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), id = "close", callback = function() UIManager:close(self.search_server_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Search"), is_enter_default = true, callback = function() UIManager:close(self.search_server_dialog) local search = self.search_server_dialog:getInputText():gsub(" ", "+") local searched_url = browse_url:gsub("%%s", search) self:browse(searched_url, username, password) end, }, } }, } UIManager:show(self.search_server_dialog) self.search_server_dialog:onShowKeyboard() end -- This function is fired when a list item is selected. The function -- determines what action to performed based on the item's values. -- Possible actions include: adding a catalog, acquiring a publication, -- and navigating to another catalog. function OPDSBrowser:onMenuSelect(item) logger.dbg("Menu select item", item) self.catalog_title = self.catalog_title or _("OPDS Catalog") -- add catalog if item.callback then item.callback() -- acquisition elseif item.acquisitions and #item.acquisitions > 0 then logger.dbg("Downloads available:", item) self:showDownloads(item) -- navigation else self.catalog_title = item.text or self.catalog_title local connect_callback if item.searchable then connect_callback = function() self:browseSearchable(item.url, item.username, item.password) end else connect_callback = function() self:browse(item.url, item.username, item.password) end end NetworkMgr:runWhenConnected(connect_callback) end return true end function OPDSBrowser:editServerFromInput(item, fields) logger.dbg("Edit OPDS catalog input:", fields) for _, server in ipairs(self.opds_servers) do if server.title == item.text or server.url == item.url then server.title = fields[1] server.url = (fields[2]:match("^%a+://") and fields[2] or "http://" .. fields[2]) server.searchable = (fields[2]:match("%%s") and true or false) server.username = fields[3] ~= "" and fields[3] or nil server.password = fields[4] end end self:init() end function OPDSBrowser:editOPDSServer(item) logger.dbg("Edit OPDS Server:", item) self.edit_server_dialog = MultiInputDialog:new{ title = _("Edit OPDS catalog"), fields = { { text = item.text or "", hint = _("Catalog name"), }, { text = item.url or "", hint = _("Catalog URL"), }, { text = item.username or "", hint = _("Username (optional)"), }, { text = item.password or "", hint = _("Password (optional)"), text_type = "password", }, }, buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), id = "close", callback = function() self.edit_server_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.edit_server_dialog) end }, { text = _("Apply"), callback = function() self.edit_server_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.edit_server_dialog) self:editServerFromInput(item, self.edit_server_dialog:getFields()) end }, }, }, } UIManager:show(self.edit_server_dialog) self.edit_server_dialog:onShowKeyboard() end function OPDSBrowser:deleteOPDSServer(item) logger.info("Delete OPDS server:", item) for i = #self.opds_servers, 1, -1 do local server = self.opds_servers[i] if server.title == item.text and server.url == item.url then table.remove(self.opds_servers, i) end end self:init() end function OPDSBrowser:onMenuHold(item) if item.deletable or item.editable then self.opds_server_dialog = ButtonDialog:new{ buttons = { { { text = _("Edit"), enabled = item.editable, callback = function() UIManager:close(self.opds_server_dialog) if item.text ~= self.calibre_name then self:editOPDSServer(item) else self:editCalibreServer(item) end end }, { text = _("Delete"), enabled = item.deletable, callback = function() UIManager:close(self.opds_server_dialog) self:deleteOPDSServer(item) end }, }, } } UIManager:show(self.opds_server_dialog) return true end end function OPDSBrowser:onReturn() if #self.paths > 0 then table.remove(self.paths) local path = self.paths[#self.paths] if path then -- return to last path self.catalog_title = path.title self:updateCatalog(path.url, path.username, path.password) else -- return to root path, we simply reinit opdsbrowser self:init() end end return true end function OPDSBrowser:onHoldReturn() if #self.paths > 1 then local path = self.paths[1] if path then for i = #self.paths, 2, -1 do table.remove(self.paths) end self.catalog_title = path.title self:updateCatalog(path.url, path.username, path.password) end end return true end function OPDSBrowser:onNext() -- self.page_num comes from menu.lua local page_num = self.page_num -- fetch more entries until we fill out one page or reach the end while page_num == self.page_num do local hrefs = self.item_table.hrefs if hrefs and hrefs.next then if not self:appendCatalog(hrefs.next, self.item_table.username, self.item_table.password) then break -- reach end of paging end else break end end return true end return OPDSBrowser