Font = { fontmap = { cfont = "droid/DroidSansFallback.ttf", -- filemanager: for menu contents tfont = "droid/DroidSans.ttf", -- filemanager: for title ffont = "droid/DroidSans.ttf", -- filemanager: for footer infofont = "droid/DroidSans.ttf", -- info messages rifont = "droid/DroidSans.ttf", -- readers: for reading position info scfont = "droid/DroidSansMono.ttf", -- selectmenu: font for item shortcut hpkfont = "droid/DroidSansMono.ttf", -- help page: font for displaying keys hfont = "droid/DroidSans.ttf", -- help page: font for displaying help messages infont = "droid/DroidSansMono.ttf", -- inputbox: use mono for better distance controlling -- pgfont = "droid/DroidSans.ttf", -- was in use in heppage to render footer -- to be repalced by ffont }, fontdir = os.getenv("FONTDIR") or "./fonts", -- face table faces = {}, } function Font:getFace(font, size) if not font then -- default to content font font = "cfont" end local face = self.faces[font..size] -- build face if not found if not face then local realname = self.fontmap[font] if not realname then realname = font end realname = self.fontdir.."/"..realname ok, face = pcall(freetype.newFace, realname, size) if not ok then Debug("#! Font "..font.." ("..realname..") not supported: "..face) return nil end self.faces[font..size] = face --Debug("getFace, found: "..realname.." size:"..size) end return { size = size, ftface = face, hash = font..size } end function Font:_readList(target, dir, effective_dir) for f in lfs.dir(dir) do if lfs.attributes(dir.."/"..f, "mode") == "directory" and f ~= "." and f ~= ".." then self:_readList(target, dir.."/"..f, effective_dir..f.."/") else local file_type = string.lower(string.match(f, ".+%.([^.]+)") or "") if file_type == "ttf" or file_type == "cff" or file_type == "otf" then table.insert(target, effective_dir..f) end end end end function Font:getFontList() fontlist = {} self:_readList(fontlist, self.fontdir, "") table.sort(fontlist) return fontlist end function Font:update() for _k, _v in ipairs(self.faces) do _v:done() end self.faces = {} clearGlyphCache() end -- NuPogodi, 05.09.12: added function to change fontface for ANY item in Font.fontmap -- choose the Fonts.fontmap-item that has to be changed function Font:chooseItemForFont(initial) local items_list = {} local item_no, item_found = 1, false local description -- additional info to display in menu -- define auxilary function function add_element(_index) if _index == "cfont" then description = "filemanager: menu contents" elseif _index == "tfont" then description = "filemanager: header title" elseif _index == "ffont" then description = "filemanager: footer" elseif _index == "rifont" then description = "readers: reading position info" elseif _index == "scfont" then description = "selectmenu: item shortcuts" elseif _index == "hpkfont" then description = "help page: hotkeys" elseif _index == "hfont" then description = "help page: description" elseif _index == "infont" then description = "inputbox: on-screen keyboard & user input" elseif _index == "infofont" then description = "info messages" else --[[ not included in Font.fontmap ]] description = "nothing; not used anymore" end -- then, search for number of initial item in the list Font.fontmap if not item_found then if _index ~= initial then item_no = item_no + 1 else item_found = true end end table.insert(items_list, "[".._index.."] for "..description) end table.foreach(Font.fontmap, add_element) -- goto menu to select the item which font should be changed local items_menu = SelectMenu:new{ menu_title = "Select item to change", item_array = items_list, current_entry = item_no - 1, own_glyph = 2, -- use Font.fontmap-values to render 'items_menu'-items } local ok, item_font = items_menu:choose(0, if not ok then return nil end -- and selecting from the font index included in [...] from the whole string return string.sub(string.match(item_font,"%b[]"), 2, -2) end -- choose font for the 'item_font' in Fonts.fontmap function Font:chooseFontForItem(item_font) item_font = item_font or "cfont" local item_no = 0 local face_list = Font:getFontList() while face_list[item_no] ~= Font.fontmap[item_font] and item_no < #face_list do item_no = item_no + 1 end local fonts_menu = SelectMenu:new{ menu_title = "Fonts Menu", item_array = face_list, current_entry = item_no - 1, own_glyph = 1, -- use the item from item_array to render 'fonts_menu'-items } local re, font = fonts_menu:choose(0, G_height) if re then Font.fontmap[item_font] = font Font:update() end end -- to remain in menu with Font.fontmap-items until 'Back' function Font:chooseFonts() local item_font = "cfont" -- initial value while item_font ~= nil do item_font = self:chooseItemForFont(item_font) if item_font then self:chooseFontForItem(item_font) end end end