local BD = require("ui/bidi") local BookStatusWidget = require("ui/widget/bookstatuswidget") local ButtonDialog = require("ui/widget/buttondialog") local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local Device = require("device") local Dispatcher = require("dispatcher") local DocSettings = require("docsettings") local FFIUtil = require("ffi/util") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local KeyValuePage = require("ui/widget/keyvaluepage") local Math = require("optmath") local ReaderFooter = require("apps/reader/modules/readerfooter") local ReaderProgress = require("readerprogress") local ReadHistory = require("readhistory") local Screensaver = require("ui/screensaver") local SQ3 = require("lua-ljsqlite3/init") local SyncService = require("frontend/apps/cloudstorage/syncservice") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local Widget = require("ui/widget/widget") local datetime = require("datetime") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local C_ = _.pgettext local N_ = _.ngettext local T = FFIUtil.template local statistics_dir = DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/statistics/" local db_location = DataStorage:getSettingsDir() .. "/statistics.sqlite3" local MAX_PAGETURNS_BEFORE_FLUSH = 50 local DEFAULT_MIN_READ_SEC = 5 local DEFAULT_MAX_READ_SEC = 120 local DEFAULT_CALENDAR_START_DAY_OF_WEEK = 2 -- Monday local DEFAULT_CALENDAR_NB_BOOK_SPANS = 3 -- Current DB schema version local DB_SCHEMA_VERSION = 20221111 -- This is the query used to compute the total time spent reading distinct pages of the book, -- capped at self.settings.max_sec per distinct page. -- c.f., comments in insertDB local STATISTICS_SQL_BOOK_CAPPED_TOTALS_QUERY = [[ SELECT count(*), sum(durations) FROM ( SELECT min(sum(duration), %d) AS durations FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = %d GROUP BY page ); ]] -- As opposed to the uncapped version local STATISTICS_SQL_BOOK_TOTALS_QUERY = [[ SELECT count(DISTINCT page), sum(duration) FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = %d; ]] local ReaderStatistics = Widget:extend{ name = "statistics", start_current_period = 0, preserved_start_current_period = nil, -- should stay a class property curr_page = 0, id_curr_book = nil, is_enabled = nil, convert_to_db = nil, -- true when migration to DB has been done pageturn_count = 0, mem_read_time = 0, mem_read_pages = 0, book_read_pages = 0, book_read_time = 0, avg_time = nil, page_stat = nil, -- Dictionary, indexed by page (hash), contains a list (array) of { timestamp, duration } tuples. data = nil, -- table doc_md5 = nil, } -- NOTE: This is used in a migration script by ui/data/onetime_migration, -- which is why it's public. ReaderStatistics.default_settings = { min_sec = DEFAULT_MIN_READ_SEC, max_sec = DEFAULT_MAX_READ_SEC, freeze_finished_books = false, is_enabled = true, convert_to_db = nil, calendar_start_day_of_week = DEFAULT_CALENDAR_START_DAY_OF_WEEK, calendar_nb_book_spans = DEFAULT_CALENDAR_NB_BOOK_SPANS, calendar_show_histogram = true, calendar_browse_future_months = false, } function ReaderStatistics:onDispatcherRegisterActions() Dispatcher:registerAction("stats_calendar_view", {category="none", event="ShowCalendarView", title=_("Statistics calendar view"), general=true}) Dispatcher:registerAction("stats_calendar_day_view", {category="none", event="ShowCalendarDayView", title=_("Statistics today's timeline"), general=true}) Dispatcher:registerAction("stats_sync", {category="none", event="SyncBookStats", title=_("Synchronize book statistics"), general=true, separator=true}) Dispatcher:registerAction("book_statistics", {category="none", event="ShowBookStats", title=_("Book statistics"), reader=true}) end function ReaderStatistics:init() if self.document and self.document.is_pic then return -- disable in PIC documents end self.is_doc = false self.is_doc_not_frozen = false -- freeze finished books statistics -- Placeholder until onReaderReady self.data = { title = "", authors = "N/A", language = "N/A", series = "N/A", performance_in_pages = {}, total_time_in_sec = 0, highlights = 0, notes = 0, pages = 0, } self.start_current_period = os.time() if ReaderStatistics.preserved_start_current_period then self.start_current_period = ReaderStatistics.preserved_start_current_period ReaderStatistics.preserved_start_current_period = nil end self:resetVolatileStats() self.settings = G_reader_settings:readSetting("statistics", self.default_settings) self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) self:onDispatcherRegisterActions() self:checkInitDatabase() BookStatusWidget.getStats = function() return self:getStatsBookStatus(self.id_curr_book, self.settings.is_enabled) end ReaderFooter.getAvgTimePerPage = function() if self.settings.is_enabled then return self.avg_time end end Screensaver.getAvgTimePerPage = function() if self.settings.is_enabled then return self.avg_time end end Screensaver.getReaderProgress = function() self:insertDB() local current_duration, current_pages = self:getCurrentBookStats() local today_duration, today_pages = self:getTodayBookStats() local dates_stats = self:getReadingProgressStats(7) local readingprogress if dates_stats then readingprogress = ReaderProgress:new{ dates = dates_stats, current_duration = current_duration, current_pages = current_pages, today_duration = today_duration, today_pages = today_pages, readonly = true, } end return readingprogress end end function ReaderStatistics:initData() self.is_doc = true self.is_doc_not_finished = self.ui.doc_settings:readSetting("summary").status ~= "complete" self.is_doc_not_frozen = self.is_doc_not_finished or not self.settings.freeze_finished_books -- first execution local book_properties = self.ui.doc_props self.data.title = book_properties.display_title self.data.authors = book_properties.authors or "N/A" self.data.language = book_properties.language or "N/A" local series if book_properties.series then series = book_properties.series if book_properties.series_index then series = series .. " #" .. book_properties.series_index end end self.data.series = series or "N/A" self.data.pages = self.document:getPageCount() -- Update these numbers to what's actually stored in the settings self.data.highlights, self.data.notes = self.ui.annotation:getNumberOfHighlightsAndNotes() self.id_curr_book = self:getIdBookDB() self.book_read_pages, self.book_read_time = self:getPageTimeTotalStats(self.id_curr_book) if self.book_read_pages > 0 then self.avg_time = self.book_read_time / self.book_read_pages else -- NOTE: Possibly less weird-looking than initializing this to 0? self.avg_time = math.floor(0.50 * self.settings.max_sec) logger.dbg("ReaderStatistics: Initializing average time per page at 50% of the max value, i.e.,", self.avg_time) end end function ReaderStatistics:isEnabled() return self.settings.is_enabled and self.is_doc end function ReaderStatistics:isEnabledAndNotFrozen() return self.settings.is_enabled and self.is_doc_not_frozen end -- Reset the (volatile) stats on page count changes (e.g., after a font size update) function ReaderStatistics:onDocumentRerendered() -- Note: this is called *after* onPageUpdate(new current page in new page count), which -- has updated the duration for (previous current page in old page count) and created -- a tuple for (new current page) with a 0-duration. -- The insertDB() call below will save the previous page stat correctly with the old -- page count, and will drop the new current page stat. -- Only after this insertDB(), self.data.pages is updated with the new page count. -- -- To make this clearer, here's what happens with an example: -- - We were reading page 127/200 with latest self.page_stat[127]={..., {now-35s, 0}} -- - Increasing font size, re-rendering... going to page 153/254 -- - OnPageUpdate(153) is called: -- - it updates duration in self.page_stat[127]={..., {now-35s, 35}} -- - it adds/creates self.page_stat[153]={..., {now, 0}} -- - it sets self.curr_page=153 -- - (at this point, we don't know the new page count is 254) -- - OnDocumentRerendered() is called: -- - insertDB() is called, which will still use the previous self.data.pages=200 as the -- page count, and will go at inserting or not in the DB: -- - (127, now-35s, 35, 200) inserted -- - (153, now, 0, 200) not inserted as 0-duration (and using 200 for its associated -- page count would be erroneous) -- and will restore self.page_stat[153]={{now, 0}} -- - we only then update self.data.pages=254 as the new page count -- - 5 minutes later, on the next insertDB(), (153, now-5mn, 42, 254) will be inserted in DB local new_pagecount = self.document:getPageCount() if new_pagecount ~= self.data.pages then logger.dbg("ReaderStatistics: Pagecount change, flushing volatile book statistics") -- Flush volatile stats to DB for current book, and update pagecount and average time per page stats self:insertDB(new_pagecount) end -- Update our copy of the page count self.data.pages = new_pagecount end function ReaderStatistics:onDocumentPartiallyRerendered(first_partial_rerender) if not first_partial_rerender then return end -- already done -- Override :onPageUpdate() to not account page changes from now on self.onPageUpdate = function(this, pageno) if pageno == false then -- happens from onCloseDocument -- We need to call the original one to get saved previous statistics correct return ReaderStatistics.onPageUpdate(this, false) end return end end function ReaderStatistics:onPreserveCurrentSession() -- Can be called before ReaderUI:reloadDocument() to not reset the current session ReaderStatistics.preserved_start_current_period = self.start_current_period end function ReaderStatistics:resetVolatileStats(now_ts) -- Computed by onPageUpdate self.pageturn_count = 0 self.mem_read_time = 0 self.mem_read_pages = 0 -- Volatile storage pending flush to db self.page_stat = {} -- Re-seed the volatile stats with minimal data about the current page. -- If a timestamp is passed, it's the caller's responsibility to ensure that self.curr_page is accurate. if now_ts then self.page_stat[self.curr_page] = { { now_ts, 0 } } end end function ReaderStatistics:getStatsBookStatus(id_curr_book, stat_enable) if not stat_enable or id_curr_book == nil then return {} end self:insertDB() local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT strftime('%%Y-%%m-%%d', start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS dates FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = %d GROUP BY dates ); ]] local total_days = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, id_curr_book)) local total_read_pages, total_time_book = conn:rowexec(string.format(STATISTICS_SQL_BOOK_TOTALS_QUERY, id_curr_book)) conn:close() if total_time_book == nil then total_time_book = 0 end if total_read_pages == nil then total_read_pages = 0 end return { days = tonumber(total_days), time = tonumber(total_time_book), pages = tonumber(total_read_pages), } end function ReaderStatistics:checkInitDatabase() local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) if self.settings.convert_to_db then -- if conversion to sqlite DB has already been done if not conn:exec("PRAGMA table_info('book');") then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_([[ Cannot open database in %1. The database may have been moved or deleted. Do you want to create an empty database? ]]), BD.filepath(db_location)), cancel_text = _("Close"), cancel_callback = function() return end, ok_text = _("Create"), ok_callback = function() local conn_new = SQ3.open(db_location) self:createDB(conn_new) conn_new:close() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{text =_("A new empty database has been created."), timeout = 3 }) if self.document then self:initData() end end, }) end -- Check if we need to migrate to a newer schema local db_version = tonumber(conn:rowexec("PRAGMA user_version;")) if db_version < DB_SCHEMA_VERSION then logger.info("ReaderStatistics: Migrating DB from schema", db_version, "to schema", DB_SCHEMA_VERSION, "...") -- Backup the existing DB first conn:close() local bkp_db_location = db_location .. ".bkp." .. db_version .. "-to-" .. DB_SCHEMA_VERSION -- Don't overwrite an existing backup if lfs.attributes(bkp_db_location, "mode") == "file" then logger.warn("ReaderStatistics: A DB backup from schema", db_version, "to schema", DB_SCHEMA_VERSION, "already exists!") else FFIUtil.copyFile(db_location, bkp_db_location) logger.info("ReaderStatistics: Old DB backed up as", bkp_db_location) end conn = SQ3.open(db_location) if db_version < 20201010 then self:upgradeDBto20201010(conn) end if db_version < 20201022 then self:upgradeDBto20201022(conn) end if db_version < 20221111 then self:upgradeDBto20221111(conn) end -- Get back the space taken by the deleted page_stat table conn:exec("PRAGMA temp_store = 2;") -- use memory for temp files local ok, errmsg = pcall(conn.exec, conn, "VACUUM;") -- this may take some time if not ok then logger.warn("Failed compacting statistics database:", errmsg) end logger.info("ReaderStatistics: DB migration complete") UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{text =_("Statistics database updated."), timeout = 3 }) elseif db_version > DB_SCHEMA_VERSION then logger.warn("ReaderStatistics: You appear to be using a database with an unknown schema version:", db_version, "instead of", DB_SCHEMA_VERSION) logger.warn("ReaderStatistics: Expect things to break in fun and interesting ways!") -- We can't know what might happen, so, back the DB up... conn:close() local bkp_db_location = db_location .. ".bkp." .. db_version .. "-to-" .. DB_SCHEMA_VERSION -- Don't overwrite an existing backup if lfs.attributes(bkp_db_location, "mode") == "file" then logger.warn("ReaderStatistics: A DB backup from schema", db_version, "to schema", DB_SCHEMA_VERSION, "already exists!") else FFIUtil.copyFile(db_location, bkp_db_location) logger.info("ReaderStatistics: Old DB backed up as", bkp_db_location) end conn = SQ3.open(db_location) end else -- Migrate stats for books in history from metadata.lua to sqlite database self.settings.convert_to_db = true if not conn:exec("PRAGMA table_info('book');") then local filename_first_history, quickstart_filename, __ if #ReadHistory.hist == 1 then filename_first_history = ReadHistory.hist[1]["text"] local quickstart_path = require("ui/quickstart").quickstart_filename __, quickstart_filename = util.splitFilePathName(quickstart_path) end if #ReadHistory.hist > 1 or (#ReadHistory.hist == 1 and filename_first_history ~= quickstart_filename) then local info = InfoMessage:new{ text = _([[ New version of statistics plugin detected. Statistics data needs to be converted into the new database format. This may take a few minutes. Please wait… ]])} UIManager:show(info) UIManager:forceRePaint() local nr_book = self:migrateToDB(conn) UIManager:close(info) UIManager:forceRePaint() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(N_("Conversion complete.\nImported one book to the database.\nTap to continue.", "Conversion complete.\nImported %1 books to the database.\nTap to continue."), nr_book) }) else self:createDB(conn) end end end conn:close() end -- Mainly so we don't duplicate the schema twice between the creation/upgrade codepaths local STATISTICS_DB_PAGE_STAT_DATA_SCHEMA = [[ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS page_stat_data ( id_book integer, page integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, start_time integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, duration integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, total_pages integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, UNIQUE (id_book, page, start_time), FOREIGN KEY(id_book) REFERENCES book(id) ); ]] local STATISTICS_DB_PAGE_STAT_DATA_INDEX = [[ CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS page_stat_data_start_time ON page_stat_data(start_time); ]] local STATISTICS_DB_PAGE_STAT_VIEW_SCHEMA = [[ -- Create the numbers table, used as a source of extra rows when scaling pages in the page_stat view CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS numbers ( number INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ); WITH RECURSIVE counter AS ( SELECT 1 as N UNION ALL SELECT N + 1 FROM counter WHERE N < 1000 ) INSERT INTO numbers SELECT N AS number FROM counter; -- Create the page_stat view -- This view rescales data from the page_stat_data table to the current number of book pages -- c.f., https://github.com/koreader/koreader/pull/6761#issuecomment-705660154 CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS page_stat AS SELECT id_book, first_page + idx - 1 AS page, start_time, duration / (last_page - first_page + 1) AS duration FROM ( SELECT id_book, page, total_pages, pages, start_time, duration, -- First page_number for this page after rescaling single row ((page - 1) * pages) / total_pages + 1 AS first_page, -- Last page_number for this page after rescaling single row max(((page - 1) * pages) / total_pages + 1, (page * pages) / total_pages) AS last_page, idx FROM page_stat_data JOIN book ON book.id = id_book -- Duplicate rows for multiple pages as needed (as a result of rescaling) JOIN (SELECT number as idx FROM numbers) AS N ON idx <= (last_page - first_page + 1) ); ]] function ReaderStatistics:createDB(conn) -- Make it WAL, if possible if Device:canUseWAL() then conn:exec("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;") else conn:exec("PRAGMA journal_mode=TRUNCATE;") end local sql_stmt = [[ -- book CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS book ( id integer PRIMARY KEY autoincrement, title text, authors text, notes integer, last_open integer, highlights integer, pages integer, series text, language text, md5 text, total_read_time integer, total_read_pages integer ); ]] conn:exec(sql_stmt) -- Index sql_stmt = [[ CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS book_title_authors_md5 ON book(title, authors, md5); ]] conn:exec(sql_stmt) -- page_stat_data conn:exec(STATISTICS_DB_PAGE_STAT_DATA_SCHEMA) conn:exec(STATISTICS_DB_PAGE_STAT_DATA_INDEX) -- page_stat view conn:exec(STATISTICS_DB_PAGE_STAT_VIEW_SCHEMA) -- DB schema version conn:exec(string.format("PRAGMA user_version=%d;", DB_SCHEMA_VERSION)) end function ReaderStatistics:upgradeDBto20201010(conn) local sql_stmt = [[ -- Start by updating the layout of the old page_stat table ALTER TABLE page_stat RENAME COLUMN period TO duration; -- We're now using the user_version PRAGMA to keep track of schema version DROP TABLE IF EXISTS info; ]] conn:exec(sql_stmt) -- Migrate page_stat content to page_stat_data, which we'll have to create first ;). conn:exec(STATISTICS_DB_PAGE_STAT_DATA_SCHEMA) sql_stmt = [[ -- Migrate page_stat content to page_stat_data, and populate total_pages from book's pages while we're at it. -- NOTE: While doing a per-book migration could ensure a potentially more accurate page count, -- we need to populate total_pages *now*, or queries against unopened books would return completely bogus values... -- We'll just have to hope the current value of the column pages in the book table is not too horribly out of date, -- and not too horribly out of phase with the actual page count at the time the data was originally collected... INSERT INTO page_stat_data SELECT id_book, page, start_time, duration, pages as total_pages FROM page_stat JOIN book on book.id = id_book; -- Drop old page_stat table DROP INDEX IF EXISTS page_stat_id_book; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS page_stat; ]] conn:exec(sql_stmt) -- Create the new page_stat view stuff conn:exec(STATISTICS_DB_PAGE_STAT_VIEW_SCHEMA) -- Update DB schema version conn:exec("PRAGMA user_version=20201010;") end function ReaderStatistics:upgradeDBto20201022(conn) conn:exec(STATISTICS_DB_PAGE_STAT_DATA_INDEX) -- Update DB schema version conn:exec("PRAGMA user_version=20201022;") end function ReaderStatistics:upgradeDBto20221111(conn) conn:exec([[ -- We make the index on book's (title, author, md5) unique in order to sync dbs -- First we fill null authors with '' UPDATE book SET authors = '' WHERE authors IS NULL; -- Secondly, we unify the id_book in page_stat_data entries for duplicate books -- to the smallest of each, so as to delete the others. UPDATE page_stat_data SET id_book = ( SELECT map.min_id FROM ( SELECT id, ( SELECT min(id) FROM book b2 WHERE (book.title, book.authors, book.md5) = (b2.title, b2.authors, b2.md5) ) as min_id FROM book WHERE book.id >= min_id ) as map WHERE page_stat_data.id_book = map.id ); -- Delete duplicate books and keep the one with smallest id. DELETE FROM book WHERE id > ( SELECT MIN(id) FROM book b2 WHERE (book.title, book.authors, book.md5) = (b2.title, b2.authors, b2.md5) ); -- Then we recompute the book statistics based on merged books UPDATE book SET (total_read_pages, total_read_time) = (SELECT count(DISTINCT page), sum(duration) FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = book.id); -- Finally we update the index to be unique DROP INDEX IF EXISTS book_title_authors_md5; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX book_title_authors_md5 ON book(title, authors, md5);]]) -- Update DB schema version conn:exec("PRAGMA user_version=20221111;") end function ReaderStatistics:addBookStatToDB(book_stats, conn) local id_book local last_open_book = 0 local total_read_pages = 0 local total_read_time = 0 local sql_stmt if book_stats.total_time_in_sec and book_stats.total_time_in_sec > 0 and util.tableSize(book_stats.performance_in_pages) > 0 then local read_pages = util.tableSize(book_stats.performance_in_pages) logger.dbg("Insert to database: " .. book_stats.title) sql_stmt = [[ SELECT count(id) FROM book WHERE title = ? AND authors = ? AND md5 = ?; ]] local stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) local result = stmt:reset():bind(self.data.title, self.data.authors, self.doc_md5):step() local nr_id = tonumber(result[1]) if nr_id == 0 then local partial_md5 = util.partialMD5(book_stats.file) stmt = conn:prepare("INSERT INTO book VALUES(NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);") stmt:reset():bind(book_stats.title, book_stats.authors, book_stats.notes, last_open_book, book_stats.highlights, book_stats.pages, book_stats.series, book_stats.language, partial_md5, total_read_time, total_read_pages) :step() sql_stmt = [[ SELECT last_insert_rowid() AS num; ]] id_book = conn:rowexec(sql_stmt) else sql_stmt = [[ SELECT id FROM book WHERE title = ? AND authors = ? AND md5 = ?; ]] stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) result = stmt:reset():bind(self.data.title, self.data.authors, self.doc_md5):step() id_book = result[1] end local sorted_performance = {} for k, _ in pairs(book_stats.performance_in_pages) do table.insert(sorted_performance, k) end table.sort(sorted_performance) conn:exec('BEGIN;') stmt = conn:prepare("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO page_stat VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?);") local avg_time = math.ceil(book_stats.total_time_in_sec / read_pages) if avg_time > self.settings.max_sec then avg_time = self.settings.max_sec end local first_read_page = book_stats.performance_in_pages[sorted_performance[1]] if first_read_page > 1 then first_read_page = first_read_page - 1 end local start_open_page = sorted_performance[1] --first page stmt:reset():bind(id_book, first_read_page, start_open_page - avg_time, avg_time):step() for i=2, #sorted_performance do start_open_page = sorted_performance[i-1] local diff_time = sorted_performance[i] - sorted_performance[i-1] if diff_time <= self.settings.max_sec then stmt:reset():bind(id_book, book_stats.performance_in_pages[sorted_performance[i-1]], start_open_page, diff_time):step() elseif diff_time > self.settings.max_sec then --and diff_time <= 2 * avg_time then stmt:reset():bind(id_book, book_stats.performance_in_pages[sorted_performance[i-1]], start_open_page, avg_time):step() end end --last page stmt:reset():bind(id_book, book_stats.performance_in_pages[sorted_performance[#sorted_performance]], sorted_performance[#sorted_performance], avg_time):step() --last open book last_open_book = sorted_performance[#sorted_performance] + avg_time conn:exec('COMMIT;') total_read_pages, total_read_time = conn:rowexec(string.format(STATISTICS_SQL_BOOK_TOTALS_QUERY, tonumber(id_book))) sql_stmt = [[ UPDATE book SET last_open = ?, total_read_time = ?, total_read_pages = ? WHERE id = ?; ]] stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) stmt:reset():bind(last_open_book, total_read_time, total_read_pages, id_book):step() stmt:close() return true end end function ReaderStatistics:migrateToDB(conn) self:createDB(conn) local nr_of_conv_books = 0 local exclude_titles = {} for _, v in ipairs(ReadHistory.hist) do local book_stats = DocSettings:open(v.file):readSetting("stats") if book_stats and book_stats.title == "" then book_stats.title = v.file:match("^.+/(.+)$") end if book_stats then book_stats.file = v.file if self:addBookStatToDB(book_stats, conn) then nr_of_conv_books = nr_of_conv_books + 1 exclude_titles[book_stats.title] = true else logger.dbg("Book not converted: " .. book_stats.title) end else logger.dbg("Empty stats for file: ", v.file) end end -- import from stats files (for backward compatibility) if lfs.attributes(statistics_dir, "mode") == "directory" then for curr_file in lfs.dir(statistics_dir) do local path = statistics_dir .. curr_file if lfs.attributes(path, "mode") == "file" then local old_data = self:importFromFile(statistics_dir, curr_file) if old_data and old_data.total_time > 0 and not exclude_titles[old_data.title] then local book_stats = { performance_in_pages= {} } for _, v in pairs(old_data.details) do book_stats.performance_in_pages[v.time] = v.page end book_stats.title = old_data.title book_stats.authors = old_data.authors book_stats.notes = old_data.notes book_stats.highlights = old_data.highlights book_stats.pages = old_data.pages book_stats.series = old_data.series book_stats.language = old_data.language book_stats.total_time_in_sec = old_data.total_time book_stats.file = nil if self:addBookStatToDB(book_stats, conn) then nr_of_conv_books = nr_of_conv_books + 1 else logger.dbg("Book not converted (old stats): " .. book_stats.title) end end end end end return nr_of_conv_books end function ReaderStatistics:getIdBookDB() local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local id_book local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT count(id) FROM book WHERE title = ? AND authors = ? AND md5 = ?; ]] local stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) local result = stmt:reset():bind(self.data.title, self.data.authors, self.doc_md5):step() local nr_id = tonumber(result[1]) if nr_id == 0 then -- Not in the DB yet, initialize it stmt = conn:prepare("INSERT INTO book VALUES(NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);") stmt:reset():bind(self.data.title, self.data.authors, self.data.notes, os.time(), self.data.highlights, self.data.pages, self.data.series, self.data.language, self.doc_md5, 0, 0):step() sql_stmt = [[ SELECT last_insert_rowid() AS num; ]] id_book = conn:rowexec(sql_stmt) else sql_stmt = [[ SELECT id FROM book WHERE title = ? AND authors = ? AND md5 = ?; ]] stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) result = stmt:reset():bind(self.data.title, self.data.authors, self.doc_md5):step() id_book = result[1] end stmt:close() conn:close() return tonumber(id_book) end function ReaderStatistics:onBookMetadataChanged(prop_updated) if not prop_updated then return end local log_prefix = "Statistics metadata update:" logger.dbg(log_prefix, "got", prop_updated) -- Some metadata of a book (that we may or may not know about) has been modified local filepath = prop_updated.filepath local metadata_key_updated = prop_updated.metadata_key_updated local doc_props = prop_updated.doc_props -- contains up to date metadata local updated_field, updated_value if metadata_key_updated == "title" then updated_field = "title" updated_value = doc_props.display_title elseif metadata_key_updated == "authors" then updated_field = "authors" updated_value = doc_props.authors or "N/A" elseif metadata_key_updated == "language" then updated_field = "language" updated_value = doc_props.language or "N/A" elseif metadata_key_updated == "series" or metadata_key_updated == "series_index" then updated_field = "series" updated_value = "N/A" if doc_props.series then updated_value = doc_props.series if doc_props.series_index then updated_value = updated_value .. " #" .. doc_props.series_index end end else -- Updated metadata is one we do not store: nothing to do logger.dbg(log_prefix, "not a metadata we care about:", metadata_key_updated) return end local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local id_book if self.document and self.document.file == filepath then -- Current document is the one updated: we have its id readily available id_book = self.id_curr_book logger.dbg(log_prefix, "got book id from opened document:", id_book) -- Update self.data with new value self.data[updated_field] = updated_value else -- Not the current document: we have to find its id in the db, from the (old) title/authors/md5 local db_md5, db_title, db_authors, db_authors_legacy if DocSettings:hasSidecarFile(filepath) then db_md5 = DocSettings:open(filepath):readSetting("partial_md5_checksum") -- Note: stats.title and stats.authors may be osbolete, if the metadata -- has previously been updated and the document never re-opened since. logger.dbg(log_prefix, "got md5 from docsettings:", db_md5) end if not db_md5 then db_md5 = util.partialMD5(filepath) logger.dbg(log_prefix, "computed md5:", db_md5) end if metadata_key_updated == "title" then db_title = prop_updated.metadata_value_old if not db_title then -- empty title -- Build what display_title would have been local filemanagerutil = require("apps/filemanager/filemanagerutil") db_title = filemanagerutil.splitFileNameType(filepath) end else db_title = doc_props.display_title end if metadata_key_updated == "authors" then db_authors = prop_updated.metadata_value_old else db_authors = doc_props.authors end if not db_authors then -- empty authors (we get nil) db_authors = "N/A" -- Before Jun 2021 (#7868), we used to store "" for empty authors. -- If book not found with authors="N/A", we'll have to look again with "". db_authors_legacy = "" end local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT id FROM book WHERE title = ? AND authors = ? AND md5 = ?; ]] local stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) local result = stmt:reset():bind(db_title, db_authors, db_md5):step() if not result and db_authors_legacy then logger.dbg(log_prefix, "book not present, trying with fallback empty authors") result = stmt:reset():bind(db_title, db_authors_legacy, db_md5):step() end stmt:close() if not result then -- Book not present in statistics logger.info(log_prefix, "book not present", db_title, db_authors, db_md5) conn:close() return end id_book = tonumber(result[1]) logger.dbg(log_prefix, "found book id in db:", id_book) end logger.info(log_prefix, "updating book", id_book, updated_field, "with:", updated_value) local sql_stmt = [[ UPDATE book SET ]]..updated_field..[[ = ? WHERE id = ?; ]] local stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) local ok, err = pcall(function() stmt:reset():bind(updated_value, id_book):step() end) if not ok and err then -- Let it be known if "UNIQUE constraint failed: book.title, book.authors, book.md5" err = err:gsub("\n.*", "") -- remove stacktrace logger.err(log_prefix, "updating book failed:", err) end sql_stmt = [[ SELECT changes(); ]] local nb_updated = conn:rowexec(sql_stmt) nb_updated = nb_updated and tonumber(nb_updated) or 0 logger.dbg(log_prefix, nb_updated, "book updated.") stmt:close() conn:close() end function ReaderStatistics:insertDB(updated_pagecount) if not (self.id_curr_book and self.is_doc_not_frozen) then return end local id_book = self.id_curr_book local now_ts = os.time() -- The current page stat, having yet no duration, will be ignored -- in the insertion, and its start ts would be lost. We'll give it -- to resetVolatileStats() so it can restore it local cur_page_start_ts = now_ts local cur_page_data = self.page_stat[self.curr_page] local cur_page_data_tuple = cur_page_data and cur_page_data[#cur_page_data] if cur_page_data_tuple and cur_page_data_tuple[2] == 0 then -- should always be true cur_page_start_ts = cur_page_data_tuple[1] end local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) conn:exec('BEGIN;') local stmt = conn:prepare("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO page_stat_data VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?);") for page, data_list in pairs(self.page_stat) do for _, data_tuple in ipairs(data_list) do -- See self.page_stat declaration above about the tuple's layout local ts = data_tuple[1] local duration = data_tuple[2] -- Skip placeholder durations if duration > 0 then -- NOTE: The fact that we update self.data.pages *after* this call on layout changes -- should ensure that it matches the layout in which said data was collected. -- Said data is used to re-scale page numbers, regardless of the document layout, -- at query time, via a fancy SQL view. -- This allows the progress tracking to be accurate even in the face of wild -- document layout changes (e.g., after font size changes). stmt:reset():bind(id_book, page, ts, duration, self.data.pages):step() end end end conn:exec('COMMIT;') -- Update the new pagecount now, so that subsequent queries against the view are accurate local sql_stmt = [[ UPDATE book SET pages = ? WHERE id = ?; ]] stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) stmt:reset():bind(updated_pagecount and updated_pagecount or self.data.pages, id_book):step() -- NOTE: See the tail end of the discussions in #6761 for more context on the choice of this heuristic. -- Basically, we're counting distinct pages, -- while making sure the sum of durations per distinct page is clamped to self.settings.max_sec -- This is expressly tailored to a fairer computation of self.avg_time ;). local book_read_pages, book_read_time = conn:rowexec(string.format(STATISTICS_SQL_BOOK_CAPPED_TOTALS_QUERY, self.settings.max_sec, id_book)) -- NOTE: What we cache in the book table is the plain uncapped sum (mainly for deleteBooksByTotalDuration's benefit)... local total_read_pages, total_read_time = conn:rowexec(string.format(STATISTICS_SQL_BOOK_TOTALS_QUERY, id_book)) -- And now update the rest of the book table... sql_stmt = [[ UPDATE book SET last_open = ?, notes = ?, highlights = ?, total_read_time = ?, total_read_pages = ? WHERE id = ?; ]] stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) stmt:reset():bind(now_ts, self.data.notes, self.data.highlights, total_read_time, total_read_pages, id_book):step() stmt:close() conn:close() -- NOTE: On the other hand, this is used for the average time estimate, so we use the capped variants here! if book_read_pages then self.book_read_pages = tonumber(book_read_pages) else self.book_read_pages = 0 end if book_read_time then self.book_read_time = tonumber(book_read_time) else self.book_read_time = 0 end self.avg_time = self.book_read_time / self.book_read_pages self:resetVolatileStats(cur_page_start_ts) end function ReaderStatistics:getPageTimeTotalStats(id_book) if id_book == nil then return end local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) -- NOTE: Similarly, this one is used for time-based estimates and averages, so, use the capped variant local total_pages, total_time = conn:rowexec(string.format(STATISTICS_SQL_BOOK_CAPPED_TOTALS_QUERY, self.settings.max_sec, id_book)) conn:close() if total_pages then total_pages = tonumber(total_pages) else total_pages = 0 end if total_time then total_time = tonumber(total_time) else total_time = 0 end return total_pages, total_time end function ReaderStatistics:getStatisticEnabledMenuItem() return { text = _("Enabled"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.is_enabled end, callback = function() -- if was enabled, have to save data to file if self.settings.is_enabled then self:insertDB() end self.settings.is_enabled = not self.settings.is_enabled -- if was disabled have to get data from db if self:isEnabled() then self:initData() self.start_current_period = os.time() self.curr_page = self.ui:getCurrentPage() self:resetVolatileStats(self.start_current_period) end if self.is_doc then self.view.footer:onUpdateFooter() end end, } end function ReaderStatistics:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.statistics = { text = _("Reading statistics"), sub_item_table = { self:getStatisticEnabledMenuItem(), { text = _("Settings"), sub_item_table = { { text_func = function() return T(_("Read page duration limits: %1 s – %2 s"), self.settings.min_sec, self.settings.max_sec) end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local DoubleSpinWidget = require("/ui/widget/doublespinwidget") local durations_widget durations_widget = DoubleSpinWidget:new{ left_text = C_("Extrema", "Min"), left_value = self.settings.min_sec, left_default = DEFAULT_MIN_READ_SEC, left_min = 0, left_max = 120, left_step = 1, left_hold_step = 10, right_text = C_("Extrema", "Max"), right_value = self.settings.max_sec, right_default = DEFAULT_MAX_READ_SEC, right_min = 10, right_max = 7200, right_step = 10, right_hold_step = 60, is_range = true, -- @translators This is the time unit for seconds. unit = C_("Time", "s"), title_text = _("Read page duration limits"), info_text = _([[ Set min and max time spent (in seconds) on a page for it to be counted as read in statistics. The min value ensures pages you quickly browse and skip are not included. The max value ensures a page you stay on for a long time (because you fell asleep or went away) will be included, but with a duration capped to this specified max value.]]), callback = function(min, max) self.settings.min_sec = min self.settings.max_sec = max touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end, } UIManager:show(durations_widget) end, keep_menu_open = true, }, { text = _("Freeze statistics of finished books"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.freeze_finished_books end, callback = function() self.settings.freeze_finished_books = not self.settings.freeze_finished_books self.is_doc_not_frozen = self.is_doc and (self.is_doc_not_finished or not self.settings.freeze_finished_books) end, separator = true, }, { text_func = function() return T(_("Calendar weeks start on %1"), datetime.shortDayOfWeekToLongTranslation[datetime.weekDays[self.settings.calendar_start_day_of_week]]) end, sub_item_table = { { -- Friday (Bangladesh and Maldives) text = datetime.shortDayOfWeekToLongTranslation[datetime.weekDays[6]], checked_func = function() return self.settings.calendar_start_day_of_week == 6 end, callback = function() self.settings.calendar_start_day_of_week = 6 end }, { -- Saturday (some Middle East countries) text = datetime.shortDayOfWeekToLongTranslation[datetime.weekDays[7]], checked_func = function() return self.settings.calendar_start_day_of_week == 7 end, callback = function() self.settings.calendar_start_day_of_week = 7 end }, { -- Sunday text = datetime.shortDayOfWeekToLongTranslation[datetime.weekDays[1]], checked_func = function() return self.settings.calendar_start_day_of_week == 1 end, callback = function() self.settings.calendar_start_day_of_week = 1 end }, { -- Monday text = datetime.shortDayOfWeekToLongTranslation[datetime.weekDays[2]], checked_func = function() return self.settings.calendar_start_day_of_week == 2 end, callback = function() self.settings.calendar_start_day_of_week = 2 end }, }, }, { text_func = function() return T(_("Books per calendar day: %1"), self.settings.calendar_nb_book_spans) end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local SpinWidget = require("ui/widget/spinwidget") UIManager:show(SpinWidget:new{ value = self.settings.calendar_nb_book_spans, value_min = 1, value_max = 5, default_value = DEFAULT_CALENDAR_NB_BOOK_SPANS, ok_text = _("Set"), title_text = _("Books per calendar day"), info_text = _("Set the max number of book spans to show for a day"), callback = function(spin) self.settings.calendar_nb_book_spans = spin.value touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end, }) end, keep_menu_open = true, }, { text = _("Show hourly histogram in calendar days"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.calendar_show_histogram end, callback = function() self.settings.calendar_show_histogram = not self.settings.calendar_show_histogram end, }, { text = _("Allow browsing coming months"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.calendar_browse_future_months end, callback = function() self.settings.calendar_browse_future_months = not self.settings.calendar_browse_future_months end, separator = true, }, { text_func = function() -- @translators %1 is the time in the format 00:00 return T(_("Daily timeline starts at %1"), string.format("%02d:%02d", self.settings.calendar_day_start_hour or 0, self.settings.calendar_day_start_minute or 0) ) end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local DateTimeWidget = require("ui/widget/datetimewidget") local start_of_day_widget = DateTimeWidget:new{ hour = self.settings.calendar_day_start_hour or 0, min = self.settings.calendar_day_start_minute or 0, min_max = 50, min_step = 10, -- we have vertical lines every 10mn, keep them meaningful min_hold_step = 30, ok_text = _("Set time"), title_text = _("Daily timeline starts at"), info_text =_([[ Set the time when the daily timeline should start. If you read past midnight, and would like this reading session to be displayed on the same screen with your previous evening reading sessions, use a value such as 04:00. Time is in hours and minutes.]]), callback = function(time) self.settings.calendar_day_start_hour = time.hour self.settings.calendar_day_start_minute = time.min touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end } UIManager:show(start_of_day_widget) end, keep_menu_open = true, }, { text = _("Also use in calendar view"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.calendar_use_day_time_shift end, callback = function() self.settings.calendar_use_day_time_shift = not self.settings.calendar_use_day_time_shift end, separator = true, }, { text = _("Cloud sync"), callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local server = self.settings.sync_server local edit_cb = function() local sync_settings = SyncService:new{} sync_settings.onClose = function(this) UIManager:close(this) end sync_settings.onConfirm = function(sv) self.settings.sync_server = sv touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end UIManager:show(sync_settings) end if not server then edit_cb() return end local dialogue local delete_button = { text = _("Delete"), callback = function() UIManager:close(dialogue) UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Delete server info?"), cancel_text = _("Cancel"), cancel_callback = function() return end, ok_text = _("Delete"), ok_callback = function() self.settings.sync_server = nil touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end, }) end, } local edit_button = { text = _("Edit"), callback = function() UIManager:close(dialogue) edit_cb() end } local close_button = { text = _("Close"), callback = function() UIManager:close(dialogue) end } local type = server.type == "dropbox" and " (DropBox)" or " (WebDAV)" dialogue = ButtonDialog:new{ title = T(_("Cloud storage:\n%1\n\nFolder path:\n%2\n\nSet up the same cloud folder on each device to sync across your devices."), server.name.." "..type, SyncService.getReadablePath(server)), buttons = { {delete_button, edit_button, close_button} }, } UIManager:show(dialogue) end, enabled_func = function() return self.settings.is_enabled end, keep_menu_open = true, }, }, }, { text = _("Reset statistics"), sub_item_table = self:genResetBookSubItemTable(), separator = true, }, { text = _("Synchronize now"), callback = function() self:onSyncBookStats() end, enabled_func = function() return self:canSync() end, keep_menu_open = true, separator = true, }, { text = _("Current book"), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function() self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Current statistics"), kv_pairs = self:getCurrentStat(), value_align = "right", single_page = true, } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, enabled_func = function() return self:isEnabled() end, }, { text = _("Reading progress"), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function() self:insertDB() local current_duration, current_pages = self:getCurrentBookStats() local today_duration, today_pages = self:getTodayBookStats() local dates_stats = self:getReadingProgressStats(7) if dates_stats then UIManager:show(ReaderProgress:new{ dates = dates_stats, current_duration = current_duration, current_pages = current_pages, today_duration = today_duration, today_pages = today_pages, }) else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Reading progress is not available.\nThere is no data for the last week."), }) end end }, { text = _("Time range"), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function() self:statMenu() end }, { text = _("Calendar view"), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function() self:onShowCalendarView() end, }, { text = _("Today's timeline"), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function() self:onShowCalendarDayView() end, }, }, } end function ReaderStatistics:statMenu() self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Time range statistics"), return_button = true, kv_pairs = { { _("All books"),"", callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(self.kv) local total_msg, kv_pairs = self:getTotalStats() self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = total_msg, value_align = "right", kv_pairs = kv_pairs, callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end, close_callback = function() self.kv = nil end, -- clean stack } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, }, { _("Books by week"),"", callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(self.kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Books by week"), value_overflow_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getDatesFromAll(0, "weekly", true), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end, close_callback = function() self.kv = nil end, } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, }, { _("Books by month"),"", callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(self.kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Books by month"), value_overflow_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getDatesFromAll(0, "monthly", true), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end, close_callback = function() self.kv = nil end, } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, separator = true, }, { _("Last week"),"", callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(self.kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Last week"), value_overflow_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getDatesFromAll(7, "daily_weekday"), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end, close_callback = function() self.kv = nil end, } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, }, { _("Last month by day"),"", callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(self.kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Last month by day"), value_overflow_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getDatesFromAll(30, "daily_weekday"), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end, close_callback = function() self.kv = nil end, } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, }, { _("Last year by day"),"", callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(self.kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Last year by day"), value_overflow_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getDatesFromAll(365, "daily"), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end, close_callback = function() self.kv = nil end, } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, }, { _("Last year by week"),"", callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(self.kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Last year by week"), value_overflow_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getDatesFromAll(365, "weekly"), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end, close_callback = function() self.kv = nil end, } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, }, { _("All stats by month"),"", callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(self.kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("All stats by month"), value_overflow_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getDatesFromAll(0, "monthly"), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end, close_callback = function() self.kv = nil end, } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, }, } } UIManager:show(self.kv) end function ReaderStatistics:getTodayBookStats() local now_stamp = os.time() local now_t = os.date("*t") local from_begin_day = now_t.hour * 3600 + now_t.min * 60 + now_t.sec local start_today_time = now_stamp - from_begin_day local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT count(*), sum(sum_duration) FROM ( SELECT sum(duration) AS sum_duration FROM page_stat WHERE start_time >= %d GROUP BY id_book, page ); ]] local today_pages, today_duration = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, start_today_time)) conn:close() if today_pages == nil then today_pages = 0 end if today_duration == nil then today_duration = 0 end today_duration = tonumber(today_duration) today_pages = tonumber(today_pages) return today_duration, today_pages end function ReaderStatistics:getCurrentBookStats() local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT count(*), sum(sum_duration) FROM ( SELECT sum(duration) AS sum_duration FROM page_stat WHERE start_time >= %d GROUP BY id_book, page ); ]] local current_pages, current_duration = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, self.start_current_period)) conn:close() if current_pages == nil then current_pages = 0 end if current_duration == nil then current_duration = 0 end current_duration = tonumber(current_duration) current_pages = tonumber(current_pages) return current_duration, current_pages end function ReaderStatistics:getCurrentStat() self:insertDB() local id_book = self.id_curr_book local today_duration, today_pages = self:getTodayBookStats() local current_duration, current_pages = self:getCurrentBookStats() local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local highlights, notes = conn:rowexec(string.format("SELECT highlights, notes FROM book WHERE id = %d;", id_book)) local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT strftime('%%Y-%%m-%%d', start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS dates FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = %d GROUP BY dates ); ]] local total_days = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, id_book)) -- NOTE: Here, we generally want to account for the *full* amount of time spent reading this book. sql_stmt = [[ SELECT sum(duration), count(DISTINCT page), min(start_time) FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = %d; ]] local total_time_book, total_read_pages, first_open = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, id_book)) conn:close() -- NOTE: But, as the "Average time per page" entry is already re-using self.avg_time, -- which is computed slightly differently (c.f., insertDB), we'll be using this tweaked book read time -- to compute the other time-based statistics... local __, book_read_time = self:getPageTimeTotalStats(id_book) local now_ts = os.time() if total_time_book == nil then total_time_book = 0 end if total_read_pages == nil then total_read_pages = 0 end if first_open == nil then first_open = now_ts end self.data.pages = self.document:getPageCount() total_time_book = tonumber(total_time_book) total_read_pages = tonumber(total_read_pages) local current_page local total_pages local page_progress_string local percent_read if self.document:hasHiddenFlows() and self.view.state.page then local flow = self.document:getPageFlow(self.view.state.page) current_page = self.document:getPageNumberInFlow(self.view.state.page) total_pages = self.document:getTotalPagesInFlow(flow) percent_read = Math.round(100*current_page/total_pages) if flow == 0 then page_progress_string = ("%d // %d (%d%%)"):format(current_page, total_pages, percent_read) else page_progress_string = ("[%d / %d]%d (%d%%)"):format(current_page, total_pages, flow, percent_read) end else current_page = self.ui:getCurrentPage() total_pages = self.data.pages percent_read = Math.round(100*current_page/total_pages) page_progress_string = ("%d / %d (%d%%)"):format(current_page, total_pages, percent_read) end local first_open_days_ago = math.floor(tonumber(now_ts - first_open)/86400) local time_to_read = current_page and ((total_pages - current_page) * self.avg_time) or 0 local estimate_days_to_read = math.ceil(time_to_read/(book_read_time/tonumber(total_days))) local estimate_end_of_read_date = datetime.secondsToDate(tonumber(now_ts + estimate_days_to_read * 86400), true) local estimates_valid = time_to_read > 0 -- above values could be 'nan' and 'nil' local user_duration_format = G_reader_settings:readSetting("duration_format", "classic") local avg_page_time_string = datetime.secondsToClockDuration(user_duration_format, self.avg_time, false) local avg_day_time_string = datetime.secondsToClockDuration(user_duration_format, book_read_time/tonumber(total_days), false) local time_to_read_string = estimates_valid and datetime.secondsToClockDuration(user_duration_format, time_to_read, false) or _("N/A") -- Use more_arrow to indicate that an option shows another view -- Use " ⓘ" to indicate that an option will show an info message local more_arrow = BD.mirroredUILayout() and "◂" or "▸" local estimated_popup = function() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(N_("There is 1 page (%2%) left to read.", "There are %1 pages (%2%) left to read.", total_pages - current_page), total_pages - current_page, 100 - percent_read) .. "\n\n" .. T(_("At the current rate of %1 per page, that will take %2 of reading time."), avg_page_time_string, time_to_read_string) .. "\n\n" .. T(N_("At the current rate of %1 per day, that will take 1 day.", "At the current rate of %1 per day, that will take %2 days.", estimate_days_to_read), avg_day_time_string, estimate_days_to_read), icon = "book.opened" }) end -- Replace estimates for finished/frozen books local estimated_time_left, estimated_finish_date if self.is_doc_not_frozen then estimated_time_left = { _("Estimated reading time left") .. " ⓘ", time_to_read_string, callback = estimated_popup } estimated_finish_date = { _("Estimated finish date") .. " ⓘ", estimates_valid and T(N_("(in 1 day) %2", "(in %1 days) %2", estimate_days_to_read), estimate_days_to_read, estimate_end_of_read_date) or _("N/A"), callback = estimated_popup } else estimated_time_left = { _("Estimated reading time left"), _("finished") } local mark_date = self.ui.doc_settings:readSetting("summary").modified estimated_finish_date = { _("Book marked as finished"), datetime.secondsToDate(datetime.stringToSeconds(mark_date), true) } end estimated_time_left.separator = true estimated_finish_date.separator = true return { -- Global statistics (may consider other books than current book) -- Since last resume { _("Time spent reading this session"), datetime.secondsToClockDuration(user_duration_format, current_duration, false) }, { _("Pages read this session"), tonumber(current_pages), separator = true }, -- Today { _("Time spent reading today") .. " " .. more_arrow, datetime.secondsToClockDuration(user_duration_format, today_duration, false), callback = function() local CalendarView = require("calendarview") local title_callback = function(this) return T(_("Today (%1)"), datetime.secondsToDate(now_ts, true)) end CalendarView:showCalendarDayView(self, title_callback) end, }, { _("Pages read today"), tonumber(today_pages), separator = true }, -- Current book statistics (includes re-reads) -- Time-focused book stats { _("Total time spent on this book"), datetime.secondsToClockDuration(user_duration_format, total_time_book, false) }, -- capped to self.settings.max_sec per distinct page { _("Time spent reading"), datetime.secondsToClockDuration(user_duration_format, book_read_time, false) }, -- estimation, from current page to end of book estimated_time_left, -- Day-focused book stats { _("Days reading this book") .. " " .. more_arrow, tonumber(total_days), callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(self.kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = T(_("Days reading %1"), self.data.title), value_overflow_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getDatesForBook(id_book), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end, close_callback = function() self.kv = nil end, } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, }, { _("Average time per day"), avg_day_time_string, separator = true }, -- Date-focused book stats { _("Book start date"), T(N_("(1 day ago) %2", "(%1 days ago) %2", first_open_days_ago), first_open_days_ago, datetime.secondsToDate(tonumber(first_open), true)) }, estimated_finish_date, -- Page-focused book stats { _("Current page/Total pages"), page_progress_string }, { _("Pages read"), string.format("%d (%d%%)", total_read_pages, Math.round(100*total_read_pages/self.data.pages)) }, { _("Average time per page"), avg_page_time_string, separator = true }, -- Highlights and notes { _("Book highlights"), tonumber(highlights) }, { _("Book notes"), tonumber(notes) }, } end function ReaderStatistics:getBookStat(id_book) if id_book == nil then return end local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT title, authors, pages, last_open, highlights, notes FROM book WHERE id = %d; ]] local title, authors, pages, last_open, highlights, notes = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, id_book)) -- Due to some bug, some books opened around April 2020 might -- have notes and highlight NULL in the DB. -- See: https://github.com/koreader/koreader/issues/6190#issuecomment-633693940 -- (We made these last in the SQL so NULL/nil doesn't prevent -- fetching the other fields.) -- Show "?" when these values are not known (they will be -- fixed next time this book is opened). highlights = highlights and tonumber(highlights) or "?" notes = notes and tonumber(notes) or "?" sql_stmt = [[ SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT strftime('%%Y-%%m-%%d', start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS dates FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = %d GROUP BY dates ); ]] local total_days = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, id_book)) -- NOTE: Same general principle as getCurrentStat sql_stmt = [[ SELECT sum(duration), count(DISTINCT page), min(start_time), (select max(ps2.page) from page_stat as ps2 where ps2.start_time = max(page_stat.start_time)) FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = %d; ]] local total_time_book, total_read_pages, first_open, last_page = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, id_book)) conn:close() local book_read_pages, book_read_time = self:getPageTimeTotalStats(id_book) local now_ts = os.time() if total_time_book == nil then total_time_book = 0 end if total_read_pages == nil then total_read_pages = 0 end if first_open == nil then first_open = now_ts end total_time_book = tonumber(total_time_book) total_read_pages = tonumber(total_read_pages) last_page = tonumber(last_page) if last_page == nil then last_page = 0 end pages = tonumber(pages) if pages == nil or pages == 0 then pages = 1 end local first_open_days_ago = math.floor(tonumber(now_ts - first_open)/86400) local last_open_days_ago = math.floor(tonumber(now_ts - last_open)/86400) local avg_time_per_page = book_read_time / book_read_pages local user_duration_format = G_reader_settings:readSetting("duration_format") local more_arrow = BD.mirroredUILayout() and "◂" or "▸" return { -- Book metadata { _("Title"), title}, { _("Author(s)"), authors, separator = true }, -- Time-focused book stats { _("Total time spent on this book"), datetime.secondsToClockDuration(user_duration_format, total_time_book, false) }, { _("Time spent reading"), datetime.secondsToClockDuration(user_duration_format, book_read_time, false), separator = true }, -- Day-focused book stats { _("Days reading this book") .. " " .. more_arrow, tonumber(total_days), callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(self.kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = T(_("Days reading %1"), title), value_overflow_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getDatesForBook(id_book), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end, close_callback = function() self.kv = nil end, } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, }, { _("Average time per day"), datetime.secondsToClockDuration(user_duration_format, book_read_time/tonumber(total_days), false), separator = true }, -- Date-focused book stats { _("Book start date"), T(N_("(1 day ago) %2", "(%1 days ago) %2", first_open_days_ago), first_open_days_ago, datetime.secondsToDate(tonumber(first_open), true)) }, { _("Last read date"), T(N_("(1 day ago) %2", "(%1 days ago) %2", last_open_days_ago), last_open_days_ago, datetime.secondsToDate(tonumber(last_open), true)), separator = true }, -- Page-focused book stats { _("Last read page/Total pages"), string.format("%d / %d (%d%%)", last_page, pages, Math.round(100*last_page/pages)) }, { _("Pages read"), string.format("%d (%d%%)", total_read_pages, Math.round(100*total_read_pages/pages)) }, { _("Average time per page"), datetime.secondsToClockDuration(user_duration_format, avg_time_per_page, false), separator = true }, -- Highlights { _("Book highlights"), highlights }, { _("Book notes"), notes }, } end local function sqlDaily() return [[ SELECT dates, count(*) AS pages, sum(sum_duration) AS durations, start_time FROM ( SELECT strftime('%%Y-%%m-%%d', start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS dates, sum(duration) AS sum_duration, start_time FROM page_stat WHERE start_time >= %d GROUP BY id_book, page, dates ) GROUP BY dates ORDER BY dates DESC; ]] end local function sqlWeekly() return [[ SELECT dates, count(*) AS pages, sum(sum_duration) AS durations, start_time FROM ( SELECT strftime('%%Y-%%W', start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS dates, sum(duration) AS sum_duration, start_time FROM page_stat WHERE start_time >= %d GROUP BY id_book, page, dates ) GROUP BY dates ORDER BY dates DESC; ]] end local function sqlMonthly() return [[ SELECT dates, count(*) AS pages, sum(sum_duration) AS durations, start_time FROM ( SELECT strftime('%%Y-%%m', start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS dates, sum(duration) AS sum_duration, start_time FROM page_stat WHERE start_time >= %d GROUP BY id_book, page, dates ) GROUP BY dates ORDER BY dates DESC; ]] end function ReaderStatistics:callbackMonthly(begin, finish, date_text, book_mode) local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(kv) if book_mode then self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = T(_("Books read in %1"), date_text), value_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getBooksFromPeriod(begin, finish), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end, close_callback = function() self.kv = nil end, } else self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = date_text, value_overflow_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getDaysFromPeriod(begin, finish), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end, close_callback = function() self.kv = nil end, } end UIManager:show(self.kv) end function ReaderStatistics:callbackWeekly(begin, finish, date_text, book_mode) local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(kv) if book_mode then self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = T(_("Books read in %1"), date_text), value_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getBooksFromPeriod(begin, finish), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end, close_callback = function() self.kv = nil end, } else self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = date_text, value_overflow_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getDaysFromPeriod(begin, finish), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end, close_callback = function() self.kv = nil end, } end UIManager:show(self.kv) end function ReaderStatistics:callbackDaily(begin, finish, date_text) local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = date_text, value_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getBooksFromPeriod(begin, finish), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end, close_callback = function() self.kv = nil end, } UIManager:show(self.kv) end -- sdays -> number of days to show -- ptype -> daily - show daily without weekday name -- daily_weekday - show daily with weekday name -- weekly - show weekly -- monthly - show monthly -- book_mode = if true than show book in this period function ReaderStatistics:getDatesFromAll(sdays, ptype, book_mode) local results = {} local now_t = os.date("*t") local from_begin_day = now_t.hour *3600 + now_t.min*60 + now_t.sec local now_stamp = os.time() local one_day = 86400 -- one day in seconds local period_begin = 0 local user_duration_format = G_reader_settings:readSetting("duration_format") if sdays > 0 then period_begin = now_stamp - ((sdays-1) * one_day) - from_begin_day end local sql_stmt_res_book if ptype == "daily" or ptype == "daily_weekday" then sql_stmt_res_book = sqlDaily() elseif ptype == "weekly" then sql_stmt_res_book = sqlWeekly() elseif ptype == "monthly" then sql_stmt_res_book = sqlMonthly() end self:insertDB() local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local result_book = conn:exec(string.format(sql_stmt_res_book, period_begin)) conn:close() if result_book == nil then return {} end for i=1, #result_book.dates do local timestamp = tonumber(result_book[4][i]) local date_text if ptype == "daily_weekday" then date_text = string.format("%s (%s)", os.date("%Y-%m-%d", timestamp), datetime.shortDayOfWeekTranslation[os.date("%a", timestamp)]) elseif ptype == "daily" then date_text = result_book[1][i] elseif ptype == "weekly" then date_text = T(_("%1 Week %2"), os.date("%Y", timestamp), os.date(" %W", timestamp)) elseif ptype == "monthly" then date_text = datetime.longMonthTranslation[os.date("%B", timestamp)] .. os.date(" %Y", timestamp) else date_text = result_book[1][i] end if ptype == "monthly" then local year_begin = tonumber(os.date("%Y", timestamp)) local year_end local month_begin = tonumber(os.date("%m", timestamp)) local month_end if month_begin == 12 then year_end = year_begin + 1 month_end = 1 else year_end = year_begin month_end = month_begin + 1 end local start_month = os.time{year=year_begin, month=month_begin, day=1, hour=0, min=0 } local stop_month = os.time{year=year_end, month=month_end, day=1, hour=0, min=0 } table.insert(results, { date_text, T(N_("%1 (1 page)", "%1 (%2 pages)", tonumber(result_book[2][i])), datetime.secondsToClockDuration(user_duration_format, tonumber(result_book[3][i]), false), tonumber(result_book[2][i])), callback = function() self:callbackMonthly(start_month, stop_month, date_text, book_mode) end, }) elseif ptype == "weekly" then local time_book = os.date("%H%M%S%w", timestamp) local begin_week = tonumber(result_book[4][i]) - 3600 * tonumber(string.sub(time_book,1,2)) - 60 * tonumber(string.sub(time_book,3,4)) - tonumber(string.sub(time_book,5,6)) local weekday = tonumber(string.sub(time_book,7,8)) if weekday == 0 then weekday = 6 else weekday = weekday - 1 end begin_week = begin_week - weekday * 86400 table.insert(results, { date_text, T(N_("%1 (1 page)", "%1 (%2 pages)", tonumber(result_book[2][i])), datetime.secondsToClockDuration(user_duration_format, tonumber(result_book[3][i]), false), tonumber(result_book[2][i])), callback = function() self:callbackWeekly(begin_week, begin_week + 7 * 86400, date_text, book_mode) end, }) else local time_book = os.date("%H%M%S", timestamp) local begin_day = tonumber(result_book[4][i]) - 3600 * tonumber(string.sub(time_book,1,2)) - 60 * tonumber(string.sub(time_book,3,4)) - tonumber(string.sub(time_book,5,6)) table.insert(results, { date_text, T(N_("%1 (1 page)", "%1 (%2 pages)", tonumber(result_book[2][i])), datetime.secondsToClockDuration(user_duration_format, tonumber(result_book[3][i]), false), tonumber(result_book[2][i])), callback = function() self:callbackDaily(begin_day, begin_day + 86400, date_text) end, }) end end return results end function ReaderStatistics:getDaysFromPeriod(period_begin, period_end) local results = {} local sql_stmt_res_book = [[ SELECT dates, count(*) AS pages, sum(sum_duration) AS durations, start_time FROM ( SELECT strftime('%%Y-%%m-%%d', start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS dates, sum(duration) AS sum_duration, start_time FROM page_stat WHERE start_time BETWEEN %d AND %d GROUP BY id_book, page, dates ) GROUP BY dates ORDER BY dates DESC; ]] local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local result_book = conn:exec(string.format(sql_stmt_res_book, period_begin, period_end - 1)) conn:close() if result_book == nil then return {} end local user_duration_format = G_reader_settings:readSetting("duration_format") for i=1, #result_book.dates do local time_begin = os.time{year=string.sub(result_book[1][i],1,4), month=string.sub(result_book[1][i],6,7), day=string.sub(result_book[1][i],9,10), hour=0, min=0, sec=0 } table.insert(results, { result_book[1][i], T(N_("%1 (1 page)", "%1 (%2 pages)", tonumber(result_book[2][i])), datetime.secondsToClockDuration(user_duration_format, tonumber(result_book[3][i]), false), tonumber(result_book[2][i])), callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = T(_("Books read %1"), result_book[1][i]), value_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getBooksFromPeriod(time_begin, time_begin + 86400), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end, close_callback = function() self.kv = nil end, } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, }) end return results end function ReaderStatistics:getBooksFromPeriod(period_begin, period_end, callback_shows_days) local results = {} local sql_stmt_res_book = [[ SELECT book_tbl.title AS title, count(distinct page_stat_tbl.page), sum(page_stat_tbl.duration), book_tbl.id FROM page_stat AS page_stat_tbl, book AS book_tbl WHERE page_stat_tbl.id_book=book_tbl.id AND page_stat_tbl.start_time BETWEEN %d AND %d GROUP BY book_tbl.id ORDER BY book_tbl.last_open DESC; ]] local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local result_book = conn:exec(string.format(sql_stmt_res_book, period_begin + 1, period_end)) conn:close() if result_book == nil then return {} end local user_duration_format = G_reader_settings:readSetting("duration_format") for i=1, #result_book.title do table.insert(results, { result_book[1][i], T(N_("%1 (1 page)", "%1 (%2 pages)", tonumber(result_book[2][i])), datetime.secondsToClockDuration(user_duration_format, tonumber(result_book[3][i]), false), tonumber(result_book[2][i])), duration = tonumber(result_book[3][i]), book_id = tonumber(result_book[4][i]), callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(self.kv) if callback_shows_days then -- not used currently by any code self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = T(_("Days reading %1"), result_book[1][i]), kv_pairs = self:getDatesForBook(tonumber(result_book[4][i])), value_overflow_align = "right", callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end, close_callback = function() self.kv = nil end, } else self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = result_book[1][i], kv_pairs = self:getBookStat(tonumber(result_book[4][i])), value_align = "right", single_page = true, callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end, close_callback = function() self.kv = nil end, } end UIManager:show(self.kv) end, hold_callback = function(kv_page, kv_item) self:resetStatsForBookForPeriod(result_book[4][i], period_begin, period_end, false, function() kv_page:removeKeyValueItem(kv_item) -- Reset, refresh what's displayed end) end, }) end return results end function ReaderStatistics:getReadingProgressStats(sdays) local results = {} local now_t = os.date("*t") local from_begin_day = now_t.hour *3600 + now_t.min*60 + now_t.sec local now_stamp = os.time() local one_day = 86400 -- one day in seconds local period_begin = now_stamp - ((sdays-1) * one_day) - from_begin_day local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT dates, count(*) AS pages, sum(sum_duration) AS durations, start_time FROM ( SELECT strftime('%%Y-%%m-%%d', start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS dates, sum(duration) AS sum_duration, start_time FROM page_stat WHERE start_time >= %d GROUP BY id_book, page, dates ) GROUP BY dates ORDER BY dates DESC; ]] local result_book = conn:exec(string.format(sql_stmt, period_begin)) conn:close() if not result_book then return end for i = 1, sdays do local pages = tonumber(result_book[2][i]) local duration = tonumber(result_book[3][i]) local date_read = result_book[1][i] if pages == nil then pages = 0 end if duration == nil then duration = 0 end table.insert(results, { pages, duration, date_read }) end return results end function ReaderStatistics:getDatesForBook(id_book) local results = {} local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT date(start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS dates, count(DISTINCT page) AS pages, sum(duration) AS durations, min(start_time) AS min_start_time, max(start_time) AS max_start_time FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = %d GROUP BY Date(start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') ORDER BY dates DESC; ]] local result_book = conn:exec(string.format(sql_stmt, id_book)) conn:close() if result_book == nil then return {} end local user_duration_format = G_reader_settings:readSetting("duration_format") for i=1, #result_book.dates do table.insert(results, { result_book[1][i], T(N_("%1 (1 page)", "%1 (%2 pages)", tonumber(result_book[2][i])), datetime.secondsToClockDuration(user_duration_format, tonumber(result_book[3][i]), false), tonumber(result_book[2][i])), hold_callback = function(kv_page, kv_item) self:resetStatsForBookForPeriod(id_book, result_book[4][i], result_book[5][i], result_book[1][i], function() kv_page:removeKeyValueItem(kv_item) -- Reset, refresh what's displayed end) end, }) end return results end function ReaderStatistics:resetStatsForBookForPeriod(id_book, min_start_time, max_start_time, day_str, on_reset_confirmed_callback) local confirm_text local confirm_button_text if day_str then -- From getDatesForBook(): we are showing a list of days, with book title at top title: -- show the day string to confirm the long-press was on the right day confirm_text = T(_("Do you want to reset statistics for day %1 for this book?"), day_str) confirm_button_text = C_("Reset statistics for day for book", "Reset") else -- From getBooksFromPeriod(): we are showing a list of books, with the period as top title: -- show the book title to confirm the long-press was on the right book local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT title FROM book WHERE id = %d; ]] local book_title = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, id_book)) conn:close() confirm_text = T(_("Do you want to reset statistics for this period for book:\n%1"), book_title) confirm_button_text = C_("Reset statistics for period for book", "Reset") end UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = confirm_text, cancel_text = _("Cancel"), cancel_callback = function() return end, ok_text = confirm_button_text, ok_callback = function() local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql_stmt = [[ DELETE FROM page_stat_data WHERE id_book = ? AND start_time between ? and ? ]] local stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) stmt:reset():bind(id_book, min_start_time, max_start_time):step() stmt:close() conn:close() if on_reset_confirmed_callback then on_reset_confirmed_callback() end end, }) end function ReaderStatistics:getTotalStats() self:insertDB() local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT sum(duration) FROM page_stat; ]] local total_books_time = conn:rowexec(sql_stmt) if total_books_time == nil then total_books_time = 0 end local total_stats = {} sql_stmt = [[ SELECT id FROM book ORDER BY last_open DESC; ]] local id_book_tbl = conn:exec(sql_stmt) local nr_books if id_book_tbl ~= nil then nr_books = #id_book_tbl.id else nr_books = 0 end local user_duration_format = G_reader_settings:readSetting("duration_format") for i=1, nr_books do local id_book = tonumber(id_book_tbl[1][i]) sql_stmt = [[ SELECT title FROM book WHERE id = %d; ]] local book_title = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, id_book)) sql_stmt = [[ SELECT sum(duration) FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = %d; ]] local total_time_book = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt,id_book)) if total_time_book == nil then total_time_book = 0 end table.insert(total_stats, { book_title, datetime.secondsToClockDuration(user_duration_format, total_time_book, false), callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(self.kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = book_title, kv_pairs = self:getBookStat(id_book), value_align = "right", single_page = true, callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end, close_callback = function() self.kv = nil end, } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, }) end conn:close() return T(_("Total time spent reading: %1"), datetime.secondsToClockDuration(user_duration_format, total_books_time, false)), total_stats end function ReaderStatistics:genResetBookSubItemTable() local sub_item_table = {} table.insert(sub_item_table, { text = _("Reset statistics for the current book"), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function() self:resetCurrentBook() end, enabled_func = function() return self:isEnabled() and self.id_curr_book end, separator = true, }) table.insert(sub_item_table, { text = _("Reset statistics per book"), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function() self:resetPerBook() end, separator = true, }) local reset_minutes = { 1, 5, 15, 30, 60 } for _, minutes in ipairs(reset_minutes) do local text = T(N_("Reset stats for books read for < 1 m", "Reset stats for books read for < %1 m", minutes), minutes) table.insert(sub_item_table, { text = text, keep_menu_open = true, callback = function() self:deleteBooksByTotalDuration(minutes) end, }) end return sub_item_table end function ReaderStatistics:resetPerBook() local total_stats = {} self:insertDB() local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT id FROM book ORDER BY last_open DESC; ]] local id_book_tbl = conn:exec(sql_stmt) local nr_books if id_book_tbl ~= nil then nr_books = #id_book_tbl.id else nr_books = 0 end local user_duration_format = G_reader_settings:readSetting("duration_format") local total_time_book local kv_reset_book for i=1, nr_books do local id_book = tonumber(id_book_tbl[1][i]) sql_stmt = [[ SELECT title FROM book WHERE id = %d; ]] local book_title = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, id_book)) sql_stmt = [[ SELECT sum(duration) FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = %d; ]] total_time_book = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt,id_book)) if total_time_book == nil then total_time_book = 0 end if id_book ~= self.id_curr_book then table.insert(total_stats, { book_title, datetime.secondsToClockDuration(user_duration_format, total_time_book, false), id_book, callback = function(kv_page, kv_item) UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("Do you want to reset statistics for book:\n%1"), book_title), cancel_text = _("Cancel"), cancel_callback = function() return end, ok_text = _("Reset"), ok_callback = function() self:deleteBook(id_book) kv_page:removeKeyValueItem(kv_item) -- Reset, refresh what's displayed end, }) end, }) end end conn:close() kv_reset_book = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Reset book statistics"), value_align = "right", kv_pairs = total_stats, } UIManager:show(kv_reset_book) end function ReaderStatistics:resetCurrentBook() -- Flush to db first, so we get a resetVolatileStats self:insertDB() local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT title FROM book WHERE id = %d; ]] local book_title = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, self.id_curr_book)) conn:close() UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("Do you want to reset statistics for book:\n%1"), book_title), cancel_text = _("Cancel"), cancel_callback = function() return end, ok_text = _("Reset"), ok_callback = function() self:deleteBook(self.id_curr_book) -- We also need to reset the time/page/avg tracking self.book_read_pages = 0 self.book_read_time = 0 self.avg_time = math.floor(0.50 * self.settings.max_sec) logger.dbg("ReaderStatistics: Initializing average time per page at 50% of the max value, i.e.,", self.avg_time) -- And the current volatile stats self:resetVolatileStats(os.time()) -- And re-create the Book's data in the book table and get its new ID... self.id_curr_book = self:getIdBookDB() end, }) end function ReaderStatistics:deleteBook(id_book) local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql_stmt = [[ DELETE FROM book WHERE id = ?; ]] local stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) stmt:reset():bind(id_book):step() sql_stmt = [[ DELETE FROM page_stat_data WHERE id_book = ?; ]] stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) stmt:reset():bind(id_book):step() stmt:close() conn:close() end function ReaderStatistics:deleteBooksByTotalDuration(max_total_duration_mn) local max_total_duration_sec = max_total_duration_mn * 60 UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(N_("Permanently remove statistics for books read for less than 1 minute?", "Permanently remove statistics for books read for less than %1 minutes?", max_total_duration_mn), max_total_duration_mn), ok_text = _("Remove"), ok_callback = function() -- Allow following SQL statements to work even when doc less by -- using -1 as the book id, as real book ids are positive. local id_curr_book = self.id_curr_book or -1 local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql_stmt = [[ DELETE FROM page_stat_data WHERE id_book IN ( SELECT id FROM book WHERE id != ? AND (total_read_time IS NULL OR total_read_time < ?) ); ]] local stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) stmt:reset():bind(id_curr_book, max_total_duration_sec):step() sql_stmt = [[ DELETE FROM book WHERE id != ? AND (total_read_time IS NULL OR total_read_time < ?); ]] stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) stmt:reset():bind(id_curr_book, max_total_duration_sec):step() stmt:close() -- Get nb of deleted books sql_stmt = [[ SELECT changes(); ]] local nb_deleted = conn:rowexec(sql_stmt) nb_deleted = nb_deleted and tonumber(nb_deleted) or 0 if max_total_duration_mn >= 30 and nb_deleted >= 10 then -- Do a VACUUM to reduce db size (but not worth doing if not much was removed) conn:exec("PRAGMA temp_store = 2;") -- use memory for temp files local ok, errmsg = pcall(conn.exec, conn, "VACUUM;") -- this may take some time if not ok then logger.warn("Failed compacting statistics database:", errmsg) end end conn:close() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = nb_deleted > 0 and T(N_("Statistics for 1 book removed.", "Statistics for %1 books removed.", nb_deleted), nb_deleted) or T(_("No statistics removed.")) }) end, }) end function ReaderStatistics:onPosUpdate(pos, pageno) if self.curr_page ~= pageno then self:onPageUpdate(pageno) end end function ReaderStatistics:onPageUpdate(pageno) if not self:isEnabledAndNotFrozen() then return end if self._reading_paused_ts then -- Reading paused: don't update stats, but remember the current -- page for when reading resumed. self._reading_paused_curr_page = pageno return end -- We only care about *actual* page turns ;) if self.curr_page == pageno then return end local closing = false if pageno == false then -- from onCloseDocument() closing = true pageno = self.curr_page -- avoid issues in following code end self.pageturn_count = self.pageturn_count + 1 local now_ts = os.time() -- Get the previous page's last timestamp (if there is one) local page_data = self.page_stat[self.curr_page] -- This is a list of tuples, in insertion order, we want the last one local data_tuple = page_data and page_data[#page_data] -- Tuple layout is { timestamp, duration } local then_ts = data_tuple and data_tuple[1] -- If we don't have a previous timestamp to compare to, abort early if not then_ts then logger.dbg("ReaderStatistics: No timestamp for previous page", self.curr_page) self.page_stat[pageno] = { { now_ts, 0 } } self.curr_page = pageno return end -- By now, we're sure that we actually have a tuple (and the rest of the code ensures they're sane, i.e., zero-initialized) local curr_duration = data_tuple[2] -- NOTE: If all goes well, given the earlier curr_page != pageno check, curr_duration should always be 0 here. -- Compute the difference between now and the previous page's last timestamp local diff_time = now_ts - then_ts if diff_time >= self.settings.min_sec and diff_time <= self.settings.max_sec then self.mem_read_time = self.mem_read_time + diff_time -- If it's the first time we're computing a duration for this page, count it as read if #page_data == 1 and curr_duration == 0 then self.mem_read_pages = self.mem_read_pages + 1 end -- Update the tuple with the computed duration data_tuple[2] = curr_duration + diff_time elseif diff_time > self.settings.max_sec then self.mem_read_time = self.mem_read_time + self.settings.max_sec if #page_data == 1 and curr_duration == 0 then self.mem_read_pages = self.mem_read_pages + 1 end -- Update the tuple with the computed duration data_tuple[2] = curr_duration + self.settings.max_sec end if closing then return -- current page data updated, nothing more needed end -- We want a flush to db every 50 page turns if self.pageturn_count >= MAX_PAGETURNS_BEFORE_FLUSH then -- I/O, delay until after the pageturn, but reset the count now, to avoid potentially scheduling multiple inserts... self.pageturn_count = 0 UIManager:tickAfterNext(function() self:insertDB() -- insertDB will call resetVolatileStats for us ;) end) end -- Update average time per page (if need be, insertDB will have updated the totals and cleared the volatiles) -- NOTE: Until insertDB runs, while book_read_pages only counts *distinct* pages, -- and while mem_read_pages does the same, there may actually be an overlap between the two! -- (i.e., the same page may be counted as read both in total and in mem, inflating the pagecount). -- Only insertDB will actually check that the count (and as such average time) is actually accurate. if self.book_read_pages > 0 or self.mem_read_pages > 0 then self.avg_time = (self.book_read_time + self.mem_read_time) / (self.book_read_pages + self.mem_read_pages) end -- We're done, update the current page tracker self.curr_page = pageno -- And, in the new page's list, append a new tuple with the current timestamp and a placeholder duration -- (duration will be computed on next pageturn) local new_page_data = self.page_stat[pageno] if new_page_data then table.insert(new_page_data, { now_ts, 0 }) else self.page_stat[pageno] = { { now_ts, 0 } } end end -- For backward compatibility function ReaderStatistics:importFromFile(base_path, item) item = util.trim(item) if item ~= ".stat" then local statistic_file = FFIUtil.joinPath(base_path, item) if lfs.attributes(statistic_file, "mode") == "directory" then return end local ok, stored = pcall(dofile, statistic_file) if ok then return stored end end end function ReaderStatistics:onCloseDocument() self:onPageUpdate(false) -- update current page duration self:insertDB() end function ReaderStatistics:onAnnotationsModified(annotations) if self.settings.is_enabled then if annotations.nb_highlights_added then self.data.highlights = self.data.highlights + annotations.nb_highlights_added end if annotations.nb_notes_added then self.data.notes = self.data.notes + annotations.nb_notes_added end end end -- Triggered by auto_save_settings_interval_minutes function ReaderStatistics:onSaveSettings() self:insertDB() end -- in case when screensaver starts function ReaderStatistics:onSuspend() self:insertDB() self:onReadingPaused() end -- screensaver off function ReaderStatistics:onResume() self.start_current_period = os.time() self:onReadingResumed() end function ReaderStatistics:onReadingPaused() if self:isEnabledAndNotFrozen() then if not self._reading_paused_ts then self._reading_paused_ts = os.time() end end end function ReaderStatistics:onReadingResumed() if self:isEnabledAndNotFrozen() then if self._reading_paused_ts then -- Just add the pause duration to the current page start_time local pause_duration = os.time() - self._reading_paused_ts local page_data = self.page_stat[self.curr_page] local data_tuple = page_data and page_data[#page_data] if data_tuple then data_tuple[1] = data_tuple[1] + pause_duration end if self._reading_paused_curr_page and self._reading_paused_curr_page ~= self.curr_page then self._reading_paused_ts = nil self:onPageUpdate(self._reading_paused_curr_page) self._reading_paused_curr_page = nil end end end self._reading_paused_ts = nil end function ReaderStatistics:onReaderReady(config) self.data = config:readSetting("stats", { performance_in_pages = {} }) self.doc_md5 = config:readSetting("partial_md5_checksum") -- we have correct page count now, do the actual initialization work self:initData() self.view.footer:onUpdateFooter() end function ReaderStatistics:onShowCalendarView() self:insertDB() self.kv = nil -- clean left over stack link local CalendarView = require("calendarview") UIManager:show(CalendarView:new{ reader_statistics = self, start_day_of_week = self.settings.calendar_start_day_of_week, nb_book_spans = self.settings.calendar_nb_book_spans, show_hourly_histogram = self.settings.calendar_show_histogram, browse_future_months = self.settings.calendar_browse_future_months, }) end function ReaderStatistics:onShowCalendarDayView() self:insertDB() self.kv = nil -- clean left over stack link local CalendarView = require("calendarview") CalendarView:showCalendarDayView(self) end -- Used by calendarview.lua CalendarView function ReaderStatistics:getFirstTimestamp() local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT min(start_time) FROM page_stat; ]] local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local first_ts = conn:rowexec(sql_stmt) conn:close() return first_ts and tonumber(first_ts) or nil end function ReaderStatistics:getReadingRatioPerHourByDay(month) -- We used to have in the SQL statement (with ? = 'YYYY-MM'): -- WHERE strftime('%Y-%m', start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') = ? -- but strftime()ing all start_time is slow. -- Comverting the month into timestamp boundaries, and just comparing -- integers, can be 5 times faster. -- We let SQLite compute these timestamp boundaries from the provided -- month; we need the start of the month to be a real date: month = month.."-01" local offset = not self.settings.calendar_use_day_time_shift and 0 or (self.settings.calendar_day_start_hour or 0) * 3600 + (self.settings.calendar_day_start_minute or 0) * 60 local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT strftime('%Y-%m-%d', start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') day, strftime('%H', start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') hour, sum(duration)/3600.0 ratio FROM ( SELECT start_time-? as start_time, duration FROM page_stat WHERE start_time BETWEEN strftime('%s', ?, 'utc') AND strftime('%s', ?, 'utc', '+33 days', 'start of month', '-1 second') ) GROUP BY strftime('%Y-%m-%d', start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'), strftime('%H', start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') ORDER BY day, hour; ]] local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) local res, nb = stmt:reset():bind(offset, month, month):resultset("i") stmt:close() conn:close() local per_day = {} for i=1, nb do local day, hour, ratio = res[1][i], res[2][i], res[3][i] if not per_day[day] then per_day[day] = {} end -- +1 as histogram starts counting at 1 per_day[day][tonumber(hour)+1] = ratio end return per_day end function ReaderStatistics:getReadBookByDay(month) month = month.."-01" local offset = not self.settings.calendar_use_day_time_shift and 0 or (self.settings.calendar_day_start_hour or 0) * 3600 + (self.settings.calendar_day_start_minute or 0) * 60 local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT strftime('%Y-%m-%d', start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') day, sum(duration) durations, id_book book_id, title book_title FROM ( SELECT start_time-? as start_time, duration, page_stat.id_book, book.title FROM page_stat JOIN book ON book.id = page_stat.id_book WHERE start_time BETWEEN strftime('%s', ?, 'utc') AND strftime('%s', ?, 'utc', '+33 days', 'start of month', '-1 second') ) GROUP BY strftime('%Y-%m-%d', start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'), id_book, title ORDER BY day, durations desc, book_id, book_title; ]] local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) local res, nb = stmt:reset():bind(offset, month, month):resultset("i") stmt:close() conn:close() local per_day = {} for i=1, nb do -- (We don't care about the duration, we just needed it -- to have the books in decreasing duration order) local day, duration, book_id, book_title = res[1][i], res[2][i], res[3][i], res[4][i] -- luacheck: no unused if not per_day[day] then per_day[day] = {} end table.insert(per_day[day], { id = tonumber(book_id), title = tostring(book_title) }) end return per_day end function ReaderStatistics:getReadingDurationBySecond(ts) -- Two read spans, separated by a duration smaller than this, will be merged and appear as one span local ignorable_gap = math.max(30, self.settings.min_sec) local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT start_time - ? as start, start_time - ? + duration as finish, id_book book_id, book.title book_title FROM page_stat_data JOIN book ON book.id = page_stat_data.id_book WHERE start_time BETWEEN ? AND ? ORDER BY start; ]] local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) local res, nb = stmt:reset():bind(ts, ts, ts - self.settings.max_sec - ignorable_gap, ts + 86400 - 1 + ignorable_gap):resultset("i") stmt:close() conn:close() local per_book = {} local last_book_id local last_book_finish local done = false for i=1, nb do local start, finish, book_id, book_title = tonumber(res[1][i]), tonumber(res[2][i]), tonumber(res[3][i]), tostring(res[4][i]) -- This is a bit complex as we want to ensure a page read span continuation -- from/to previous/next day if the gap is low enough if start >= 0 or finish >= 0 then -- Page read the current day (or started the next day before ignorable_gap seconds) if start < 0 then -- started previous day start = 0 end if finish >= 86400 then -- next day finish = 86400 - 1 -- cap to this day's last second done = true -- no need to handle next results end if start < 86400 then -- Page read the current day: account for it if not per_book[book_id] then per_book[book_id] = { title = book_title, periods = {}, } end local periods = per_book[book_id].periods if book_id == last_book_id and start - last_book_finish <= ignorable_gap then -- Same book as previous span, no or small gap: previous span/period can be continued if #periods > 0 then periods[#periods].finish = finish -- extend previous span else -- No period yet accounted: this is a continuation from previous day's last page read: -- make it start at 0, so the continuation is visible table.insert(periods, { start = 0, finish = finish }) end else -- Different book, or gap from previous read page of same book is not ignorable: add a new period table.insert(periods, { start = start, finish = finish }) end else -- Page started the next day if book_id == last_book_id and start - last_book_finish <= ignorable_gap then -- Same book as current day's last span, no or small gap: current day's last -- span can be continued: extend it (if it exists) to the end of current day if per_book[book_id] then local periods = per_book[book_id].periods if #periods > 0 then periods[#periods].finish = 86400 - 1 end end end done = true -- last interesting slot end last_book_id = book_id last_book_finish = finish else -- Page read the previous day if finish >= - ignorable_gap then -- Page reading ended near 23h59mNNs: we may have to make the first -- page read the current day start at 00h00m00s last_book_id = book_id last_book_finish = finish end end if done then break end end return per_book end function ReaderStatistics:onShowReaderProgress() self:insertDB() local current_duration, current_pages = self:getCurrentBookStats() local today_duration, today_pages = self:getTodayBookStats() local dates_stats = self:getReadingProgressStats(7) local readingprogress if dates_stats then readingprogress = ReaderProgress:new{ dates = dates_stats, current_duration = current_duration, current_pages = current_pages, today_duration = today_duration, today_pages = today_pages, --readonly = true, } end UIManager:show(readingprogress) end function ReaderStatistics:onShowBookStats() if not self:isEnabled() then return end self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Current statistics"), kv_pairs = self:getCurrentStat(), value_align = "right", single_page = true, } UIManager:show(self.kv) end function ReaderStatistics:getCurrentBookReadPages() if not self:isEnabled() then return end self:insertDB() local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT page, min(sum(duration), ?) AS durations, strftime("%s", "now") - max(start_time) AS delay FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = ? GROUP BY page ORDER BY page; ]] local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) local res, nb = stmt:reset():bind(self.settings.max_sec, self.id_curr_book):resultset("i") stmt:close() conn:close() local read_pages = {} local max_duration = 0 for i=1, nb do local page, duration, delay = res[1][i], res[2][i], res[3][i] page = tonumber(page) duration = tonumber(duration) delay = tonumber(delay) read_pages[page] = {duration, delay} if duration > max_duration then max_duration = duration end end for page, info in pairs(read_pages) do -- Make the value a duration ratio (vs capped or max duration) read_pages[page][1] = info[1] / max_duration end return read_pages end function ReaderStatistics:canSync() return self.settings.sync_server ~= nil and self.settings.is_enabled end function ReaderStatistics:onSyncBookStats() if not self:canSync() then return end UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new { text = _("Syncing book statistics. This may take a while."), timeout = 1, }) UIManager:nextTick(function() SyncService.sync(self.settings.sync_server, db_location, self.onSync) end) end function ReaderStatistics.onSync(local_path, cached_path, income_path) local conn_income = SQ3.open(income_path) local ok1, v1 = pcall(conn_income.rowexec, conn_income, "PRAGMA schema_version") if not ok1 or tonumber(v1) == 0 then -- no income db or wrong db, first time sync logger.warn("statistics open income DB failed", v1) return true end local sql = "attach '" .. income_path:gsub("'", "''") .."' as income_db;" -- then we try to open cached db local conn_cached = SQ3.open(cached_path) local ok2, v2 = pcall(conn_cached.rowexec, conn_cached, "PRAGMA schema_version") local attached_cache if not ok2 or tonumber(v2) == 0 then -- no cached or error, no item to delete logger.warn("statistics open cached DB failed", v2) else attached_cache = true sql = sql .. "attach '" .. cached_path:gsub("'", "''") ..[[' as cached_db; -- first we delete from income_db books that exist in cached_db but not in local_db, -- namely the ones that were deleted since last sync DELETE FROM income_db.page_stat_data WHERE id_book IN ( SELECT id FROM income_db.book WHERE (title, authors, md5) IN ( SELECT title, authors, md5 FROM cached_db.book WHERE (title, authors, md5) NOT IN ( SELECT title, authors, md5 FROM book ) ) ); DELETE FROM income_db.book WHERE (title, authors, md5) IN ( SELECT title, authors, md5 FROM cached_db.book WHERE (title, authors, md5) NOT IN ( SELECT title, authors, md5 FROM book ) ); -- then we delete books from local db that were present in last sync but -- not any more (ie. deleted in other devices) DELETE FROM page_stat_data WHERE id_book IN ( SELECT id FROM book WHERE (title, authors, md5) IN ( SELECT title, authors, md5 FROM cached_db.book WHERE (title, authors, md5) NOT IN ( SELECT title, authors, md5 FROM income_db.book ) ) ); DELETE FROM book WHERE (title, authors, md5) IN ( SELECT title, authors, md5 FROM cached_db.book WHERE (title, authors, md5) NOT IN ( SELECT title, authors, md5 FROM income_db.book ) ); ]] end conn_cached:close() conn_income:close() local conn = SQ3.open(local_path) local ok3, v3 = pcall(conn.exec, conn, "PRAGMA schema_version") if not ok3 or tonumber(v3) == 0 then -- no local db, this is an error logger.err("statistics open local DB", v3) return false end -- NOTE: We could replace this first `UPDATE` with an "upsert" by adding an `ON CONFLICT` clause to the -- following `INSERT`, but using `ON CONFLICT` unnecessarily increments the autoincrement for the table. -- See https://sqlite.org/forum/info/98d4fb9ced866287 sql = sql .. [[ -- If book was opened more recently on another device, then update local last_open field UPDATE book AS b SET last_open = i.last_open FROM income_db.book AS i WHERE (b.title, b.authors, b.md5) = (i.title, i.authors, i.md5) AND i.last_open > b.last_open; -- We merge the local db with income db to form the synced db. -- Do the books INSERT INTO book ( title, authors, notes, last_open, highlights, pages, series, language, md5, total_read_time, total_read_pages ) SELECT title, authors, notes, last_open, highlights, pages, series, language, md5, total_read_time, total_read_pages FROM income_db.book WHERE (title, authors, md5) NOT IN ( SELECT title, authors, md5 FROM book ); -- We create a book_id mapping temp table (view not possible due to attached db) CREATE TEMP TABLE book_id_map AS SELECT m.id as mid, i.id as iid FROM book m --main INNER JOIN income_db.book i ON (m.title, m.authors, m.md5) = (i.title, i.authors, i.md5); ]] if attached_cache then -- more deletion needed sql = sql .. [[ -- DELETE stat_data items DELETE FROM income_db.page_stat_data WHERE (id_book, page, start_time) IN ( SELECT map.iid, page, start_time FROM cached_db.page_stat_data INNER JOIN book_id_map AS map ON id_book = map.mid WHERE (id_book, page, start_time) NOT IN ( SELECT id_book, page, start_time FROM page_stat_data ) ); DELETE FROM page_stat_data WHERE (id_book, page, start_time) IN ( SELECT id_book, page, start_time FROM cached_db.page_stat_data WHERE (id_book, page, start_time) NOT IN ( SELECT map.mid, page, start_time FROM income_db.page_stat_data LEFT JOIN book_id_map AS map on id_book = map.iid ) );]] end sql = sql .. [[ -- Then we merge the income_db's contents into the local db INSERT INTO page_stat_data (id_book, page, start_time, duration, total_pages) SELECT map.mid, page, start_time, duration, total_pages FROM income_db.page_stat_data INNER JOIN book_id_map as map ON id_book = map.iid WHERE map.mid IS NOT null ON CONFLICT(id_book, page, start_time) DO UPDATE SET duration = MAX(duration, excluded.duration); -- finally we update the total numbers of book UPDATE book SET (total_read_pages, total_read_time) = (SELECT count(DISTINCT page), sum(duration) FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = book.id); ]] conn:exec(sql) pcall(conn.exec, conn, "COMMIT;") conn:exec("DETACH income_db;"..(attached_cache and "DETACH cached_db;" or "")) conn:close() return true end return ReaderStatistics