local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local Dispatcher = require("dispatcher") local FFIUtil = require("ffi/util") local LuaSettings = require("luasettings") local PathChooser = require("ui/widget/pathchooser") local ReadHistory = require("readhistory") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local T = FFIUtil.template local BookShortcuts = WidgetContainer:new{ name = "bookshortcuts", shortcuts = LuaSettings:open(DataStorage:getSettingsDir() .. "/bookshortcuts.lua"), updated = false, } function BookShortcuts:onDispatcherRegisterActions() for k,v in pairs(self.shortcuts.data) do if util.pathExists(k) then local title = k if lfs.attributes(k, "mode") == "file" then local directory, filename = util.splitFilePathName(k) -- luacheck: no unused title = filename end Dispatcher:registerAction(k, {category="none", event="BookShortcut", title=title, general=true, arg=k,}) end end end function BookShortcuts:onBookShortcut(path) if util.pathExists(path) then local file if lfs.attributes(path, "mode") ~= "file" then if G_reader_settings:readSetting("BookShortcuts_directory_action") == "FM" then if self.ui.file_chooser then self.ui.file_chooser:changeToPath(path) else -- called from Reader self.ui:onClose() local FileManager = require("apps/filemanager/filemanager") if FileManager.instance then FileManager.instance:reinit(path) else FileManager:showFiles(path) end end else file = ReadHistory:getFileByDirectory(path) end else file = path end if file then local ReaderUI = require("apps/reader/readerui") ReaderUI:showReader(file) end end end function BookShortcuts:init() self:onDispatcherRegisterActions() self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) end function BookShortcuts:onFlushSettings() if self.shortcuts and self.updated then self.shortcuts:flush() self.updated = false end end function BookShortcuts:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.book_shortcuts = { text = _("Book shortcuts"), sorting_hint = "more_tools", sub_item_table_func = function() return self:getSubMenuItems() end, } end function BookShortcuts:getSubMenuItems() local FM_text = _("file browser") local last_text = _("last book") local sub_item_table = { { text = _("New shortcut"), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local path_chooser = PathChooser:new{ select_file = true, select_directory = true, detailed_file_info = true, path = G_reader_settings:readSetting("home_dir"), onConfirm = function(path) self:addShortcut(path) touchmenu_instance.item_table = self:getSubMenuItems() touchmenu_instance.page = 1 touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end } UIManager:show(path_chooser) end, }, { text_func = function() return T(_("Folder action: %1"), G_reader_settings:readSetting("BookShortcuts_directory_action", "FM") == "FM" and FM_text or last_text) end, keep_menu_open = true, sub_item_table = { { text = last_text, checked_func = function() return G_reader_settings:readSetting("BookShortcuts_directory_action") == "Last" end, callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("BookShortcuts_directory_action", "Last") end, }, { text = FM_text, checked_func = function() return G_reader_settings:readSetting("BookShortcuts_directory_action") == "FM" end, callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("BookShortcuts_directory_action", "FM") end, }, }, separator = true, } } for k,v in FFIUtil.orderedPairs(self.shortcuts.data) do table.insert(sub_item_table, { text = k, callback = function() self:onBookShortcut(k) end, hold_callback = function(touchmenu_instance) UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Do you want to delete this shortcut?"), ok_text = _("Delete"), ok_callback = function() self:deleteShortcut(k) touchmenu_instance.item_table = self:getSubMenuItems() touchmenu_instance.page = 1 touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end, }) end, }) end return sub_item_table end function BookShortcuts:addShortcut(name) self.shortcuts.data[name] = true self.updated = true self:onDispatcherRegisterActions() end function BookShortcuts:deleteShortcut(name) self.shortcuts.data[name] = nil Dispatcher:removeAction(name) self.updated = true end return BookShortcuts