local Document = require("document/document") local DrawContext = require("ffi/drawcontext") local CanvasContext = require("document/canvascontext") local pic = nil local PicDocument = Document:new{ _document = false, is_pic = true, dc_null = DrawContext.new(), provider = "picdocument", provider_name = "Picture Document", } function PicDocument:init() self:updateColorRendering() if not pic then pic = require("ffi/pic") end -- pic.color needs to be true before opening document to allow toggling color pic.color = CanvasContext.is_color_rendering_enabled local ok ok, self._document = pcall(pic.openDocument, self.file) if not ok then error("Failed to open image:" .. self._document) end self.is_open = true self.info.has_pages = true self.info.configurable = false -- Enforce dithering in PicDocument if CanvasContext:hasEinkScreen() then if CanvasContext:canHWDither() then self.hw_dithering = true elseif CanvasContext.fb_bpp == 8 then self.sw_dithering = true end end self:_readMetadata() end function PicDocument:getUsedBBox(pageno) return { x0 = 0, y0 = 0, x1 = self._document.width, y1 = self._document.height } end function PicDocument:getProps() local _, _, docname = self.file:find(".*/(.*)") docname = docname or self.file return { title = docname:match("(.*)%."), } end function PicDocument:getCoverPageImage() local first_page = self._document:openPage(1) if first_page.image_bb then return first_page.image_bb:copy() end return nil end function PicDocument:register(registry) registry:addProvider("gif", "image/gif", self, 100) registry:addProvider("jpg", "image/jpeg", self, 80) registry:addProvider("jpeg", "image/jpeg", self, 80) registry:addProvider("png", "image/png", self, 80) end return PicDocument