#!/bin/bash # # pdfattach --- embed specified file(s) in a specified PDF file # Requires pdfLaTeX and attachfile.sty package to run # Returns 0 on success or >0 on error # # Written by Tigran Aivazian # progname=$(basename $0) function escape_tex_specialchars() { local txt=$1 local res=$(echo "$txt" | sed -e "s%_%\\\_%g" -e "s%&%\\\&%g") echo "$res" } function usage() { echo "Usage: $progname -o file.pdf file1.djvu [file2.mp3] ..." exit 1 } if (! getopts ":o:" opt); then echo "$progname: Missing options." >&2 usage fi if ! type pdflatex > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "$progname: pdfLaTeX program is required." >&2 exit 1 fi if ! kpsewhich attachfile.sty > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "$progname: attachfile.sty package is required." >&2 exit 1 fi declare outfile="" declare -a infiles=() declare -a infiles_texclean=() declare -a infilesize=() declare -i infcount=0 outfcount=0 totalsize=0 while getopts ":o:" opt; do case $opt in o) outfile=$(readlink -f "$OPTARG") ((outfcount++)) ;; \?) echo "$progname: Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2 usage ;; :) echo "$progname: Option -$OPTARG requires an argument." >&2 usage ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) numargs=$# for ((i=1 ; i <= $numargs ; i++)) do fullname=$(readlink -f "$1") if [ ! -r "$fullname" ] ; then echo "$progname: cannot access the file \"$fullname\"" >&2 usage fi infiles[$infcount]="$fullname" infiles_texclean[$infcount]=$(escape_tex_specialchars $(basename "${infiles[$infcount]}")) infilesize[$infcount]=$(stat --print="%s" "$fullname") ((totalsize=totalsize+${infilesize[$infcount]})) ((infcount++)) shift done if ((infcount == 0)) ; then echo "$progname: No input file(s) specified." >&2 usage fi if ((outfcount != 1)) ; then echo "$progname: One (and only one) output file must be specified." >&2 usage fi workdir=$(mktemp --tmpdir -d pdfattach.XXXXXX) cd $workdir > tmp.tex # emit TeX preamble echo -E "\documentclass{book}" >> tmp.tex echo -E "\usepackage[margin={1mm},papersize={9cm,12cm}]{geometry}" >> tmp.tex echo -E "\usepackage{hyperref,attachfile}" >> tmp.tex echo -E "\begin{document}" >> tmp.tex echo -E "\tolerance=10000\pagestyle{empty}\fontsize{7}{13}\selectfont" >> tmp.tex # emit the list of all files for ((i = 0 ; i < ${#infiles[*]} ; i++)); do echo -E "\noindent \hyperlink{L$i}{$((i+1))/${infcount}} \texttt{${infiles_texclean[$i]}} (${infilesize[$i]} bytes)" >> tmp.tex echo >> tmp.tex done echo -E "\noindent Total size $totalsize bytes\newpage" >> tmp.tex # now emit all the attachments, one per page for ((i = 0 ; i < ${#infiles[*]} ; i++)); do echo -E "\noindent\hypertarget{L$i}$((i+1))/${infcount}\\\\\texttt{${infiles_texclean[$i]}} (\textattachfile[color={0 0 0}]{${infiles[$i]}}{${infilesize[$i]} bytes})\newpage" >> tmp.tex done echo -E "\end{document}" >> tmp.tex pdflatex -halt-on-error tmp.tex > /dev/null && mv tmp.pdf "$outfile" cd - > /dev/null rm -rf $workdir