describe("Exporter plugin module", function() local readerui local sample_clippings, sample_epub local DocumentRegistry, Screen setup(function() require("commonrequire") local ReaderUI = require("apps/reader/readerui") DocumentRegistry = require("document/documentregistry") Screen = require("device").screen sample_epub = "spec/front/unit/data/juliet.epub" readerui = ReaderUI:new { dimen = Screen:getSize(), document = DocumentRegistry:openDocument(sample_epub), } sample_clippings = { ["Title1"] = { [1] = { [1] = { ["page"] = 6, ["time"] = 1578946897, ["sort"] = "highlight", ["text"] = "Some important stuff 1", ["drawer"] = "lighten" } }, [2] = { [1] = { ["page"] = 13, ["time"] = 1578946903, ["sort"] = "highlight", ["text"] = "Some important stuff 2", ["drawer"] = "lighten" } }, ["file"] = "path/to/title1", ["exported"] = { ["txt"] = true, ["html"] = true, }, ["title"] = "Title1" }, ["Title2"] = { [1] = { [1] = { ["page"] = 233, ["time"] = 1578946918, ["sort"] = "highlight", ["text"] = "Some important stuff 3", ["drawer"] = "lighten" } }, [2] = { [1] = { ["page"] = 237, ["time"] = 1578947501, ["sort"] = "highlight", ["text"] = "", ["drawer"] = "lighten", ["image"] = { ["hash"] = "cb7b40a63afc89f0aa452f2b655877e6", ["png"] = "Binary Encoding of image" }, } }, ["file"] = "path/to/title2", ["exported"] = { }, ["title"] = "Title2" }, } end) teardown(function() readerui:onClose() end) it("should write clippings to a timestamped txt file", function() local timestamp = os.time() readerui.exporter.targets["text"].timestamp = timestamp local exportable = { sample_clippings.Title1 } local file_path = readerui.exporter.targets["text"]:getFilePath(exportable) readerui.exporter.targets["text"]:export(exportable) local f =, "r")"*all"), "Some important stuff 1")) f:close() os.remove(file_path) end) it("should fail to export to non configured targets", function() local ok = readerui.exporter.targets["joplin"]:export(sample_clippings) assert.not_truthy(ok) ok = readerui.exporter.targets["readwise"]:export(sample_clippings) assert.not_truthy(ok) end) end)