local Device = require("device") if not Device:isTouchDevice() then return { disabled = true } end local BD = require("ui/bidi") local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local Dispatcher = require("dispatcher") local Font = require("ui/font") local QRMessage = require("ui/widget/qrmessage") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog") local LuaSettings = require("luasettings") local Notification = require("ui/widget/notification") local PathChooser = require("ui/widget/pathchooser") local Trapper = require("ui/trapper") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local ffiutil = require("ffi/util") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local Screen = require("device").screen local T = ffiutil.template local TextEditor = WidgetContainer:extend{ name = "texteditor", settings_file = DataStorage:getSettingsDir() .. "/text_editor.lua", settings = nil, -- loaded only when needed -- how many to display in menu (10x3 pages minus our 3 default menu items): history_menu_size = 27, history_keep_size = 60, -- hom many to keep in settings normal_font = "x_smallinfofont", monospace_font = "infont", default_font_size = 20, -- x_smallinfofont default size min_file_size_warn = 200000, -- warn/ask when opening files bigger than this } function TextEditor:onDispatcherRegisterActions() Dispatcher:registerAction("edit_last_edited_file", { category = "none", event = "OpenLastEditedFile", title = _("Text editor: open last file"), general=true, separator = true}) end function TextEditor:init() self:onDispatcherRegisterActions() self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) end function TextEditor:loadSettings() if self.settings then return end self.settings = LuaSettings:open(self.settings_file) -- NOTE: addToHistory assigns a new object self.history = self.settings:readSetting("history") or {} self.last_view_pos = self.settings:readSetting("last_view_pos") or {} self.last_path = self.settings:readSetting("last_path") or ffiutil.realpath(DataStorage:getDataDir()) self.font_face = self.settings:readSetting("font_face") or self.normal_font self.font_size = self.settings:readSetting("font_size") or self.default_font_size -- The font settings could be saved in G_reader_setting if we want them -- to be re-used by default by InputDialog (on certain conditaions, -- when fullscreen or condensed or add_nav_bar...) -- -- Allow users to set their prefered font manually in text_editor.lua -- (sadly, not via TextEditor itself, as they would be overriden on close) if self.settings:has("normal_font") then self.normal_font = self.settings:readSetting("normal_font") end if self.settings:has("monospace_font") then self.monospace_font = self.settings:readSetting("monospace_font") end self.auto_para_direction = self.settings:nilOrTrue("auto_para_direction") self.force_ltr_para_direction = self.settings:isTrue("force_ltr_para_direction") self.qr_code_export = self.settings:nilOrTrue("qr_code_export") self.show_keyboard_on_start = self.settings:nilOrTrue("show_keyboard_on_start") end function TextEditor:onFlushSettings() if self.settings then self.settings:saveSetting("history", self.history) self.settings:saveSetting("last_view_pos", self.last_view_pos) self.settings:saveSetting("last_path", self.last_path) self.settings:saveSetting("font_face", self.font_face) self.settings:saveSetting("font_size", self.font_size) self.settings:saveSetting("auto_para_direction", self.auto_para_direction) self.settings:saveSetting("force_ltr_para_direction", self.force_ltr_para_direction) self.settings:saveSetting("qr_code_export", self.qr_code_export) self.settings:saveSetting("show_keyboard_on_start", self.show_keyboard_on_start) self.settings:flush() end end function TextEditor:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.text_editor = { text = _("Text editor"), sub_item_table_func = function() return self:getSubMenuItems() end, } end function TextEditor:getSubMenuItems() self:loadSettings() self.whenDoneFunc = nil -- discard reference to previous TouchMenu instance local sub_item_table sub_item_table = { { text = _("Settings"), sub_item_table = { { text_func = function() return T(_("Text font size: %1"), self.font_size) end, keep_menu_open = true, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local SpinWidget = require("ui/widget/spinwidget") local font_size = self.font_size UIManager:show(SpinWidget:new{ value = font_size, value_min = 8, value_max = 26, default_value = self.default_font_size, title_text = _("Text font size"), callback = function(spin) self.font_size = spin.value touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end, }) end, }, { text = _("Use monospace font"), checked_func = function() return self.font_face == self.monospace_font end, callback = function() if self.font_face == self.monospace_font then self.font_face = self.normal_font else self.font_face = self.monospace_font end end, separator = true, }, { text = _("Auto paragraph direction"), help_text = _([[ Detect the direction of each paragraph in the text: align to the right paragraphs in languages such as Arabic and Hebrew…, while keeping other paragraphs aligned to the left. If disabled, paragraphs align according to KOReader's language default direction.]]), checked_func = function() return self.auto_para_direction end, callback = function() self.auto_para_direction = not self.auto_para_direction end, }, { text = _("Force paragraph direction LTR"), help_text = _([[ Force all text to be displayed Left-To-Right (LTR) and aligned to the left. Enable this if you are mostly editing code, HTML, CSS…]]), enabled_func = BD.rtlUIText, -- only useful for RTL users editing code checked_func = function() return BD.rtlUIText() and self.force_ltr_para_direction end, callback = function() self.force_ltr_para_direction = not self.force_ltr_para_direction end, separator = true, }, { text = _("Show keyboard on start"), checked_func = function() return self.show_keyboard_on_start end, callback = function() self.show_keyboard_on_start = not self.show_keyboard_on_start end, }, { text = _("Enable QR code export"), help_text = _([[ Export text to QR code, that can be scanned, for example, by a phone.]]), checked_func = function() return self.qr_code_export end, callback = function() self.qr_code_export = not self.qr_code_export end, separator = true, }, { text = _("Clean text editor history"), enabled_func = function() return #self.history > 0 end, keep_menu_open = true, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Clean text editor history?"), ok_text = _("Clean"), ok_callback = function() self.history = {} self.last_view_pos = {} -- remove history items from the parent menu for j = #sub_item_table, 1, -1 do if sub_item_table[j]._texteditor_id then table.remove(sub_item_table) end end touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end, }) end, }, }, separator = true, }, { text = _("New file"), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) self:setupWhenDoneFunc(touchmenu_instance) self:newFile() end, }, { text = _("Open file"), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) self:setupWhenDoneFunc(touchmenu_instance) self:chooseFile() end, separator = true, }, } for i=1, math.min(#self.history, self.history_menu_size) do local file_path = self.history[i] local directory, filename = util.splitFilePathName(file_path) -- luacheck: no unused table.insert(sub_item_table, { text = T("%1. %2", i, BD.filename(filename)), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) self:setupWhenDoneFunc(touchmenu_instance) self:checkEditFile(file_path, true) end, _texteditor_id = file_path, -- for removal from menu itself hold_callback = function(touchmenu_instance) -- Show full path and some info, and propose to remove from history local text local attr = lfs.attributes(file_path) if attr then local filesize = util.getFormattedSize(attr.size) local lastmod = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", attr.modification) text = T(_("File path:\n%1\n\nFile size: %2 bytes\nLast modified: %3\n\nRemove this file from text editor history?"), BD.filepath(file_path), filesize, lastmod) else text = T(_("File path:\n%1\n\nThis file does not exist anymore.\n\nRemove it from text editor history?"), BD.filepath(file_path)) end UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = text, ok_text = _("Remove"), ok_callback = function() self:removeFromHistory(file_path) -- Also remove from menu itself for j=1, #sub_item_table do if sub_item_table[j]._texteditor_id == file_path then table.remove(sub_item_table, j) break end end touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end, }) end, }) end return sub_item_table end function TextEditor:setupWhenDoneFunc(touchmenu_instance) -- This will keep a reference to the TouchMenu instance, that may not -- get released if file opening is aborted while in the file selection -- widgets and dialogs (quite complicated to call a resetWhenDoneFunc() -- in every abort case). But :getSubMenuItems() will release it when -- the TextEditor menu is opened again. self.whenDoneFunc = function() touchmenu_instance.item_table = self:getSubMenuItems() touchmenu_instance.page = 1 touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end function TextEditor:execWhenDoneFunc() if self.whenDoneFunc then self.whenDoneFunc() self.whenDoneFunc = nil end end function TextEditor:removeFromHistory(file_path) for i = #self.history, 1, -1 do if self.history[i] == file_path then table.remove(self.history, i) end end self.last_view_pos[file_path] = nil end function TextEditor:addToHistory(file_path) local new_history = {} table.insert(new_history, file_path) -- Trim history and cleanup duplicates local seen = {} seen[file_path] = true while #self.history > 0 and #new_history < self.history_keep_size do local item = table.remove(self.history, 1) if not seen[item] then table.insert(new_history, item) seen[item] = true end end self.history = new_history end function TextEditor:newFile() self:loadSettings() UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _([[To start editing a new file, you will have to: - First choose a folder - Then enter a name for the new file - And start editing it Do you want to proceed?]]), ok_text = _("Yes"), cancel_text = _("No"), ok_callback = function() local path_chooser = PathChooser:new{ select_file = false, path = self.last_path, onConfirm = function(dir_path) local file_input file_input = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Enter filename"), input = dir_path == "/" and "/" or dir_path .. "/", buttons = {{ { text = _("Cancel"), id = "close", callback = function() UIManager:close(file_input) end, }, { text = _("Edit"), callback = function() local file_path = file_input:getInputText() UIManager:close(file_input) -- Remember last_path self.last_path = file_path:match("(.*)/") if self.last_path == "" then self.last_path = "/" end self:checkEditFile(file_path, false, true) end, }, }}, } UIManager:show(file_input) file_input:onShowKeyboard() end, } UIManager:show(path_chooser) end, }) end function TextEditor:chooseFile() self:loadSettings() local path_chooser = PathChooser:new{ select_directory = false, path = self.last_path, onConfirm = function(file_path) -- Remember last_path only when we select a file from it self.last_path = file_path:match("(.*)/") if self.last_path == "" then self.last_path = "/" end self:checkEditFile(file_path) end } UIManager:show(path_chooser) end function TextEditor:checkEditFile(file_path, from_history, possibly_new_file) self:loadSettings() local attr = lfs.attributes(file_path) if not possibly_new_file and not attr then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("This file does not exist anymore:\n\n%1\n\nDo you want to create it and start editing it?"), BD.filepath(file_path)), ok_text = _("Create"), ok_callback = function() -- go again thru there with possibly_new_file=true self:checkEditFile(file_path, from_history, true) end, }) return end if attr then -- File exists: get its real path with symlink and ../ resolved file_path = ffiutil.realpath(file_path) attr = lfs.attributes(file_path) end if attr then -- File exists if attr.mode ~= "file" then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("This file is not a regular file:\n\n%1"), BD.filepath(file_path)) }) return end -- Check if file is writable ("r+b" checks that, and does not -- update the last mod timestamp, unlike "wb") -- No need to warn if readonly, the user will know it when we open -- without keyboard and the Save button says "Read only". local readonly = true local file = io.open(file_path, 'r+b') if file then file:close() readonly = false end -- Don't check size if coming from history: user had already confirmed it if not from_history and attr.size > self.min_file_size_warn then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("This file is %2:\n\n%1\n\nAre you sure you want to open it?\n\nOpening big files may take some time."), BD.filepath(file_path), util.getFriendlySize(attr.size)), ok_text = _("Open"), ok_callback = function() self:editFile(file_path, readonly) end, }) else self:editFile(file_path, readonly) end else -- File does not exist -- Try to create it just to check if writting to it later is possible local file, err = io.open(file_path, "wb") if file then -- Clean it, we'll create it again on Save, and allow closing -- without saving in case the user has changed his mind. file:close() os.remove(file_path) self:editFile(file_path) else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("This file can not be created:\n\n%1\n\nReason: %2"), BD.filepath(file_path), err) }) return end end end function TextEditor:readFileContent(file_path) local file = io.open(file_path, "rb") if not file then -- We checked file existence before, so assume it's -- because it's a new file return "" end local file_content = file:read("*all") file:close() return file_content end function TextEditor:saveFileContent(file_path, content) local file, err = io.open(file_path, "wb") if file then file:write(content) file:close() logger.info("TextEditor: saved file", file_path) return true end logger.info("TextEditor: failed saving file", file_path, ":", err) return false, err end function TextEditor:deleteFile(file_path) local ok, err = os.remove(file_path) if ok then logger.info("TextEditor: deleted file", file_path) return true end logger.info("TextEditor: failed deleting file", file_path, ":", err) return false, err end function TextEditor:editFile(file_path, readonly) self:addToHistory(file_path) local directory, filename = util.splitFilePathName(file_path) -- luacheck: no unused local filename_without_suffix, filetype = util.splitFileNameSuffix(filename) -- luacheck: no unused local is_lua = filetype:lower() == "lua" local input local para_direction_rtl = nil -- use UI language direction if self.force_ltr_para_direction then para_direction_rtl = false -- force LTR end local buttons_first_row = {} -- First button on first row, that will be filled with Reset|Save|Close if is_lua then table.insert(buttons_first_row, { text = _("Lua check"), callback = function() local parse_error = util.checkLuaSyntax(input:getInputText()) if parse_error then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Lua syntax check failed:\n\n%1"), parse_error) }) else UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = T(_("Lua syntax OK")), }) end end, }) end if self.qr_code_export then table.insert(buttons_first_row, { text = _("QR"), callback = function() UIManager:show(QRMessage:new{ text = input:getInputText(), height = Screen:getHeight(), width = Screen:getWidth() }) end, }) end input = InputDialog:new{ title = filename, input = self:readFileContent(file_path), input_face = Font:getFace(self.font_face, self.font_size), para_direction_rtl = para_direction_rtl, auto_para_direction = self.auto_para_direction, fullscreen = true, condensed = true, allow_newline = true, cursor_at_end = false, readonly = readonly, add_nav_bar = true, keyboard_hidden = not self.show_keyboard_on_start, scroll_by_pan = true, buttons = {buttons_first_row}, -- Set/save view and cursor position callback view_pos_callback = function(top_line_num, charpos) -- This same callback is called with no argument to get initial position, -- and with arguments to give back final position when closed. if top_line_num and charpos then self.last_view_pos[file_path] = {top_line_num, charpos} else local prev_pos = self.last_view_pos[file_path] if type(prev_pos) == "table" and prev_pos[1] and prev_pos[2] then return prev_pos[1], prev_pos[2] end return nil, nil -- no previous position known end end, -- File restoring callback reset_callback = function(content) -- Will add a Reset button return self:readFileContent(file_path), _("Text reset to last saved content") end, -- Close callback close_callback = function() self:execWhenDoneFunc() end, -- File saving callback save_callback = function(content, closing) -- Will add Save/Close buttons if self.readonly then -- We shouldn't be called if read-only, but just in case return false, _("File is read only") end if content and #content > 0 then if not is_lua then local ok, err = self:saveFileContent(file_path, content) if ok then return true, _("File saved") else return false, T(_("Failed saving file: %1"), err) end end local parse_error = util.checkLuaSyntax(content) if not parse_error then local ok, err = self:saveFileContent(file_path, content) if ok then return true, _("Lua syntax OK, file saved") else return false, T(_("Failed saving file: %1"), err) end end local save_anyway = Trapper:confirm(T(_([[ Lua syntax check failed: %1 KOReader may crash if this is saved. Do you really want to save to this file? %2]]), parse_error, BD.filepath(file_path)), _("Do not save"), _("Save anyway")) -- we'll get the safer "Do not save" on tap outside if save_anyway then local ok, err = self:saveFileContent(file_path, content) if ok then return true, _("File saved") else return false, T(_("Failed saving file: %1"), err) end else return false, false -- no need for more InfoMessage end else -- If content is empty, propose to delete the file local delete_file = Trapper:confirm(T(_([[ Text content is empty. Do you want to keep this file as empty, or do you prefer to delete it? %1]]), BD.filepath(file_path)), _("Keep empty file"), _("Delete file")) -- we'll get the safer "Keep empty file" on tap outside if delete_file then local ok, err = self:deleteFile(file_path) if ok then return true, _("File deleted") else return false, T(_("Failed deleting file: %1"), err) end else local ok, err = self:saveFileContent(file_path, content) if ok then return true, _("File saved") else return false, T(_("Failed saving file: %1"), err) end end end end, } UIManager:show(input) input:onShowKeyboard() -- Note about self.readonly: -- We might have liked to still show keyboard even if readonly, just -- to use the arrow keys for line by line scrolling with cursor. -- But it's easier to just let InputDialog and InputText do their -- own readonly prevention (and on devices where we run as root, we -- will hardly ever be readonly). end -- reopen last edited file. Invokeable with gesture: function TextEditor:onOpenLastEditedFile() self:loadSettings() if #self.history > 0 then local file_path = self.history[1] self:checkEditFile(file_path, true) else self:chooseFile() end end return TextEditor