local BD = require("ui/bidi") local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local ButtonDialog = require("ui/widget/buttondialog") local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer") local CheckButton = require("ui/widget/checkbutton") local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local Device = require("device") local Event = require("ui/event") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog") local LineWidget = require("ui/widget/linewidget") local Menu = require("ui/widget/menu") local Size = require("ui/size") local SpinWidget = require("ui/widget/spinwidget") local TextViewer = require("ui/widget/textviewer") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local Utf8Proc = require("ffi/utf8proc") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local N_ = _.ngettext local Screen = require("device").screen local T = require("ffi/util").template local ReaderBookmark = InputContainer:extend{ bookmarks_items_per_page_default = 14, -- mark the type of a bookmark with a symbol + non-expandable space display_prefix = { highlight = "\u{2592}\u{2002}", -- "medium shade" note = "\u{F040}\u{2002}", -- "pencil" bookmark = "\u{F097}\u{2002}", -- "empty bookmark" }, display_type = { highlight = _("highlights"), note = _("notes"), bookmark = _("page bookmarks"), }, } function ReaderBookmark:init() self:registerKeyEvents() if G_reader_settings:hasNot("bookmarks_items_per_page") then -- The Bookmarks items per page and items' font size can now be -- configured. Previously, the ones set for the file browser -- were used. Initialize them from these ones. local items_per_page = G_reader_settings:readSetting("items_per_page") or self.bookmarks_items_per_page_default G_reader_settings:saveSetting("bookmarks_items_per_page", items_per_page) local items_font_size = G_reader_settings:readSetting("items_font_size") if items_font_size and items_font_size ~= Menu.getItemFontSize(items_per_page) then -- Keep the user items font size if it's not the default for items_per_page G_reader_settings:saveSetting("bookmarks_items_font_size", items_font_size) end end self.items_text = G_reader_settings:readSetting("bookmarks_items_text_type", "note") self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) -- NOP our own gesture handling self.ges_events = nil end function ReaderBookmark:onGesture() end function ReaderBookmark:registerKeyEvents() if Device:hasKeyboard() then self.key_events.ShowBookmark = { { "B" } } end end ReaderBookmark.onPhysicalKeyboardConnected = ReaderBookmark.registerKeyEvents function ReaderBookmark:genItemTextMenuItem(type, get_string) local text_type = { text = _("highlighted text"), all = _("highlighted text and note"), note = _("note, or highlighted text"), } if get_string then return text_type[type] end return { text = text_type[type], checked_func = function() return self.items_text == type end, callback = function() self.items_text = type G_reader_settings:saveSetting("bookmarks_items_text_type", type) end, } end function ReaderBookmark:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.bookmarks = { text = _("Bookmarks"), callback = function() self:onShowBookmark() end, } if not Device:isTouchDevice() then menu_items.toggle_bookmark = { text_func = function() return self:isPageBookmarked() and _("Remove bookmark for current page") or _("Bookmark current page") end, callback = function() self:onToggleBookmark() end, } end if self.ui.paging then menu_items.bookmark_browsing_mode = { text = _("Bookmark browsing mode"), checked_func = function() return self.ui.paging.bookmark_flipping_mode end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) self.ui.paging:onToggleBookmarkFlipping() touchmenu_instance:closeMenu() end, } end menu_items.bookmarks_settings = { text = _("Bookmarks"), sub_item_table = { { text_func = function() local curr_perpage = G_reader_settings:readSetting("bookmarks_items_per_page") return T(_("Bookmarks per page: %1"), curr_perpage) end, keep_menu_open = true, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local curr_perpage = G_reader_settings:readSetting("bookmarks_items_per_page") local items = SpinWidget:new{ value = curr_perpage, value_min = 6, value_max = 24, default_value = self.bookmarks_items_per_page_default, title_text = _("Bookmarks per page"), callback = function(spin) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("bookmarks_items_per_page", spin.value) if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end } UIManager:show(items) end, }, { text_func = function() local curr_perpage = G_reader_settings:readSetting("bookmarks_items_per_page") local default_font_size = Menu.getItemFontSize(curr_perpage) local curr_font_size = G_reader_settings:readSetting("bookmarks_items_font_size", default_font_size) return T(_("Bookmark font size: %1"), curr_font_size) end, keep_menu_open = true, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local curr_perpage = G_reader_settings:readSetting("bookmarks_items_per_page") local default_font_size = Menu.getItemFontSize(curr_perpage) local curr_font_size = G_reader_settings:readSetting("bookmarks_items_font_size", default_font_size) local items_font = SpinWidget:new{ value = curr_font_size, value_min = 10, value_max = 72, default_value = default_font_size, title_text = _("Bookmark font size"), callback = function(spin) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("bookmarks_items_font_size", spin.value) if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end } UIManager:show(items_font) end, }, { text = _("Shrink bookmark font size to fit more text"), checked_func = function() return G_reader_settings:isTrue("bookmarks_items_multilines_show_more_text") end, callback = function() G_reader_settings:flipNilOrFalse("bookmarks_items_multilines_show_more_text") end, separator = true, }, { text = _("Show separator between items"), checked_func = function() return G_reader_settings:isTrue("bookmarks_items_show_separator") end, callback = function() G_reader_settings:flipNilOrFalse("bookmarks_items_show_separator") end, }, { text_func = function() local curr_type = G_reader_settings:readSetting("bookmarks_items_text_type", "note") return T(_("Show in items: %1"), self:genItemTextMenuItem(curr_type, true)) end, sub_item_table = { self:genItemTextMenuItem("text"), self:genItemTextMenuItem("all"), self:genItemTextMenuItem("note"), }, }, { text = _("Sort by largest page number"), checked_func = function() return G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("bookmarks_items_reverse_sorting") end, callback = function() G_reader_settings:flipNilOrTrue("bookmarks_items_reverse_sorting") end, }, }, } menu_items.bookmark_search = { text = _("Bookmark search"), enabled_func = function() return self.ui.annotation:hasAnnotations() end, callback = function() self:onSearchBookmark() end, } end -- page bookmarks, dogear function ReaderBookmark:onToggleBookmark() self:toggleBookmark() self.view.footer:onUpdateFooter(self.view.footer_visible) self.view.dogear:onSetDogearVisibility(not self.view.dogear_visible) UIManager:setDirty(self.view.dialog, "ui") return true end function ReaderBookmark:toggleBookmark(pageno) local pn_or_xp, item if pageno then if self.ui.rolling then pn_or_xp = self.ui.document:getPageXPointer(pageno) else pn_or_xp = pageno end else pn_or_xp = self:getCurrentPageNumber() end local index = self:getDogearBookmarkIndex(pn_or_xp) if index then item = table.remove(self.ui.annotation.annotations, index) else local text local chapter = self.ui.toc:getTocTitleByPage(pn_or_xp) if chapter == "" then chapter = nil else -- @translators In which chapter title (%1) a note is found. text = T(_("in %1"), chapter) end item = { page = pn_or_xp, text = text, chapter = chapter, } self.ui.annotation:addItem(item) end self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("AnnotationsModified", { item })) end function ReaderBookmark:setDogearVisibility(pn_or_xp) local visible = self:isPageBookmarked(pn_or_xp) self.view.dogear:onSetDogearVisibility(visible) end function ReaderBookmark:isPageBookmarked(pn_or_xp) local page = pn_or_xp or self:getCurrentPageNumber() return self:getDogearBookmarkIndex(page) and true or false end function ReaderBookmark:isBookmarkInPageOrder(a, b) local a_page = self:getBookmarkPageNumber(a) local b_page = self:getBookmarkPageNumber(b) if a_page == b_page then -- have page bookmarks before highlights return not a.drawer end return a_page < b_page end function ReaderBookmark:getDogearBookmarkIndex(pn_or_xp) local doesMatch if self.ui.paging then doesMatch = function(p1, p2) return p1 == p2 end else doesMatch = function(p1, p2) return self.ui.document:getPageFromXPointer(p1) == self.ui.document:getPageFromXPointer(p2) end end local _middle local _start, _end = 1, #self.ui.annotation.annotations while _start <= _end do _middle = bit.rshift(_start + _end, 1) local v = self.ui.annotation.annotations[_middle] if not v.drawer and doesMatch(v.page, pn_or_xp) then return _middle elseif self:isBookmarkInPageOrder({page = pn_or_xp}, v) then _end = _middle - 1 else _start = _middle + 1 end end end -- remove, update bookmark function ReaderBookmark:removeItem(item) local index = self.ui.annotation:getItemIndex(item) if item.pos0 then self.ui.highlight:deleteHighlight(index) -- will call ReaderBookmark:removeItemByIndex() else -- dogear bookmark, update it in case we removed a bookmark for current page self:removeItemByIndex(index) self:setDogearVisibility(self:getCurrentPageNumber()) end end function ReaderBookmark:removeItemByIndex(index) local item = self.ui.annotation.annotations[index] local item_type = self.getBookmarkType(item) if item_type == "highlight" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("AnnotationsModified", { item, nb_highlights_added = -1 })) elseif item_type == "note" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("AnnotationsModified", { item, nb_notes_added = -1 })) end table.remove(self.ui.annotation.annotations, index) self.view.footer:onUpdateFooter(self.view.footer_visible) end function ReaderBookmark:deleteItemNote(item) local index = self.ui.annotation:getItemIndex(item) self.ui.annotation.annotations[index].note = nil self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("AnnotationsModified", { item, nb_highlights_added = 1, nb_notes_added = -1 })) end -- navigation function ReaderBookmark:onPageUpdate(pageno) local pn_or_xp = self.ui.paging and pageno or self.ui.document:getXPointer() self:setDogearVisibility(pn_or_xp) end function ReaderBookmark:onPosUpdate(pos) local pn_or_xp = self.ui.document:getXPointer() self:setDogearVisibility(pn_or_xp) end function ReaderBookmark:gotoBookmark(pn_or_xp, marker_xp) if pn_or_xp then local event = self.ui.paging and "GotoPage" or "GotoXPointer" self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new(event, pn_or_xp, marker_xp)) end end function ReaderBookmark:getNextBookmarkedPage(pn_or_xp, page_bookmark_only) local pageno = self:getBookmarkPageNumber({page = pn_or_xp}) for i = 1, #self.ui.annotation.annotations do local item = self.ui.annotation.annotations[i] if (not page_bookmark_only or not item.drawer) and pageno < self:getBookmarkPageNumber(item) then return item.page end end end function ReaderBookmark:getPreviousBookmarkedPage(pn_or_xp, page_bookmark_only) local pageno = self:getBookmarkPageNumber({page = pn_or_xp}) for i = #self.ui.annotation.annotations, 1, -1 do local item = self.ui.annotation.annotations[i] if (not page_bookmark_only or not item.drawer) and pageno > self:getBookmarkPageNumber(item) then return item.page end end end function ReaderBookmark:getFirstBookmarkedPage(pn_or_xp) if #self.ui.annotation.annotations > 0 then local pageno = self:getBookmarkPageNumber({page = pn_or_xp}) local item = self.ui.annotation.annotations[1] if pageno > self:getBookmarkPageNumber(item) then return item.page end end end function ReaderBookmark:getLastBookmarkedPage(pn_or_xp) if #self.ui.annotation.annotations > 0 then local pageno = self:getBookmarkPageNumber({page = pn_or_xp}) local item = self.ui.annotation.annotations[#self.ui.annotation.annotations] if pageno < self:getBookmarkPageNumber(item) then return item.page end end end function ReaderBookmark:onGotoPreviousBookmark(pn_or_xp) self:gotoBookmark(self:getPreviousBookmarkedPage(pn_or_xp)) return true end function ReaderBookmark:onGotoNextBookmark(pn_or_xp) self:gotoBookmark(self:getNextBookmarkedPage(pn_or_xp)) return true end function ReaderBookmark:onGotoPreviousBookmarkFromPage(add_current_location_to_stack) if add_current_location_to_stack ~= false then -- nil or true self.ui.link:addCurrentLocationToStack() end local pn_or_xp = self:getCurrentPageNumber() self:gotoBookmark(self:getPreviousBookmarkedPage(pn_or_xp)) return true end function ReaderBookmark:onGotoNextBookmarkFromPage(add_current_location_to_stack) if add_current_location_to_stack ~= false then -- nil or true self.ui.link:addCurrentLocationToStack() end local pn_or_xp = self:getCurrentPageNumber() self:gotoBookmark(self:getNextBookmarkedPage(pn_or_xp)) return true end function ReaderBookmark:onGotoFirstBookmark(add_current_location_to_stack) if add_current_location_to_stack ~= false then -- nil or true self.ui.link:addCurrentLocationToStack() end local pn_or_xp = self:getCurrentPageNumber() self:gotoBookmark(self:getFirstBookmarkedPage(pn_or_xp)) return true end function ReaderBookmark:onGotoLastBookmark(add_current_location_to_stack) if add_current_location_to_stack ~= false then -- nil or true self.ui.link:addCurrentLocationToStack() end local pn_or_xp = self:getCurrentPageNumber() self:gotoBookmark(self:getLastBookmarkedPage(pn_or_xp)) return true end -- bookmarks misc info, helpers function ReaderBookmark:getCurrentPageNumber() return self.ui.paging and self.view.state.page or self.ui.document:getXPointer() end function ReaderBookmark:getBookmarkPageNumber(bookmark) return self.ui.paging and bookmark.page or self.ui.document:getPageFromXPointer(bookmark.page) end function ReaderBookmark.getBookmarkType(bookmark) if bookmark.drawer then if bookmark.note then return "note" end return "highlight" end return "bookmark" end function ReaderBookmark:getLatestBookmark() local latest_bookmark, latest_bookmark_idx local latest_bookmark_datetime = "0" for i, v in ipairs(self.ui.annotation.annotations) do if v.datetime > latest_bookmark_datetime then latest_bookmark_datetime = v.datetime latest_bookmark = v latest_bookmark_idx = i end end return latest_bookmark, latest_bookmark_idx end function ReaderBookmark:getBookmarkedPages() local pages = {} for _, bm in ipairs(self.ui.annotation.annotations) do local page = self:getBookmarkPageNumber(bm) local btype = self.getBookmarkType(bm) if not pages[page] then pages[page] = {} end if not pages[page][btype] then pages[page][btype] = true end end return pages end function ReaderBookmark:getBookmarkPageString(page) if self.ui.rolling then if self.ui.pagemap and self.ui.pagemap:wantsPageLabels() then page = self.ui.pagemap:getXPointerPageLabel(page, true) else page = self.ui.document:getPageFromXPointer(page) if self.ui.document:hasHiddenFlows() then local flow = self.ui.document:getPageFlow(page) page = self.ui.document:getPageNumberInFlow(page) if flow > 0 then page = T("[%1]%2", page, flow) end end end end return tostring(page) end function ReaderBookmark:isBookmarkAutoText(bookmark) -- old bookmarks only if bookmark.text == "" or bookmark.text == bookmark.notes then return true end local page = self:getBookmarkPageString(bookmark.page) local auto_text = T(_("Page %1 %2 @ %3"), page, bookmark.notes, bookmark.datetime) return bookmark.text == auto_text end -- bookmark list, dialogs function ReaderBookmark:onShowBookmark() self.is_reverse_sorting = G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("bookmarks_items_reverse_sorting") -- page numbers descending -- build up item_table local item_table = {} local curr_page_num = self:getCurrentPageNumber() local curr_page_string = self:getBookmarkPageString(curr_page_num) local curr_page_index = self.ui.annotation:getInsertionIndex({page = curr_page_num}) local num = #self.ui.annotation.annotations + 1 curr_page_index = self.is_reverse_sorting and num - curr_page_index or curr_page_index local curr_page_index_filtered = curr_page_index for i = 1, #self.ui.annotation.annotations do local v = self.ui.annotation.annotations[self.is_reverse_sorting and num - i or i] local item = util.tableDeepCopy(v) item.text_orig = item.text or "" item.type = self.getBookmarkType(item) if not self.match_table or self:doesBookmarkMatchTable(item) then item.text = self:getBookmarkItemText(item) item.mandatory = self:getBookmarkPageString(item.page) if (not self.is_reverse_sorting and i >= curr_page_index) or (self.is_reverse_sorting and i <= curr_page_index) then item.after_curr_page = true item.mandatory_dim = true end if item.mandatory == curr_page_string then item.bold = true item.after_curr_page = nil item.mandatory_dim = nil end table.insert(item_table, item) else curr_page_index_filtered = curr_page_index_filtered - 1 end end local items_per_page = G_reader_settings:readSetting("bookmarks_items_per_page") local items_font_size = G_reader_settings:readSetting("bookmarks_items_font_size", Menu.getItemFontSize(items_per_page)) local multilines_show_more_text = G_reader_settings:isTrue("bookmarks_items_multilines_show_more_text") local show_separator = G_reader_settings:isTrue("bookmarks_items_show_separator") self.bookmark_menu = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Screen:getSize(), covers_fullscreen = true, -- hint for UIManager:_repaint() } local bm_menu = Menu:new{ title = T(_("Bookmarks (%1)"), #item_table), subtitle = "", item_table = item_table, is_borderless = true, is_popout = false, title_bar_fm_style = true, items_per_page = items_per_page, items_font_size = items_font_size, multilines_show_more_text = multilines_show_more_text, line_color = show_separator and Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY or Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, title_bar_left_icon = "appbar.menu", on_close_ges = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "two_finger_swipe", range = Geom:new{ x = 0, y = 0, w = Screen:getWidth(), h = Screen:getHeight(), }, direction = BD.flipDirectionIfMirroredUILayout("east") } }, show_parent = self.bookmark_menu, } table.insert(self.bookmark_menu, bm_menu) local bookmark = self function bm_menu:onMenuSelect(item) if self.select_mode then if item.dim then item.dim = nil if item.after_curr_page then item.mandatory_dim = true end self.select_count = self.select_count - 1 else item.dim = true self.select_count = self.select_count + 1 end bookmark:updateBookmarkList(nil, -1) else bookmark.ui.link:addCurrentLocationToStack() bookmark:gotoBookmark(item.page, item.pos0) self.close_callback() end end function bm_menu:onMenuHold(item) bookmark:showBookmarkDetails(item) return true end function bm_menu:toggleSelectMode() self.select_mode = not self.select_mode if self.select_mode then self.select_count = 0 self:setTitleBarLeftIcon("check") else for _, v in ipairs(item_table) do v.dim = nil if v.after_curr_page then v.mandatory_dim = true end end self:setTitleBarLeftIcon("appbar.menu") end bookmark:updateBookmarkList(nil, -1) end function bm_menu:onLeftButtonTap() local bm_dialog, dialog_title local buttons = {} if self.select_mode then local actions_enabled = self.select_count > 0 local more_selections_enabled = self.select_count < #item_table if actions_enabled then dialog_title = T(N_("1 bookmark selected", "%1 bookmarks selected", self.select_count), self.select_count) else dialog_title = _("No bookmarks selected") end table.insert(buttons, { { text = _("Select all"), enabled = more_selections_enabled, callback = function() UIManager:close(bm_dialog) for _, v in ipairs(item_table) do v.dim = true end self.select_count = #item_table bookmark:updateBookmarkList(nil, -1) end, }, { text = _("Select page"), enabled = more_selections_enabled, callback = function() UIManager:close(bm_dialog) local item_first = (bm_menu.page - 1) * bm_menu.perpage + 1 local item_last = math.min(item_first + bm_menu.perpage - 1, #item_table) for i = item_first, item_last do local v = item_table[i] if v.dim == nil then v.dim = true self.select_count = self.select_count + 1 end end bookmark:updateBookmarkList(nil, -1) end, }, }) table.insert(buttons, { { text = _("Deselect all"), enabled = actions_enabled, callback = function() UIManager:close(bm_dialog) for _, v in ipairs(item_table) do v.dim = nil if v.after_curr_page then v.mandatory_dim = true end end self.select_count = 0 bookmark:updateBookmarkList(nil, -1) end, }, { text = _("Delete note"), enabled = actions_enabled, callback = function() UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Delete bookmark notes?"), ok_text = _("Delete"), ok_callback = function() UIManager:close(bm_dialog) for _, v in ipairs(item_table) do if v.dim then bookmark:deleteItemNote(v) end end self:onClose() bookmark:onShowBookmark() end, }) end, }, }) table.insert(buttons, { { text = _("Exit select mode"), callback = function() UIManager:close(bm_dialog) self:toggleSelectMode() end, }, { text = _("Remove"), enabled = actions_enabled and not bookmark.ui.highlight.select_mode, callback = function() UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Remove selected bookmarks?"), ok_text = _("Remove"), ok_callback = function() UIManager:close(bm_dialog) for i = #item_table, 1, -1 do if item_table[i].dim then bookmark:removeItem(item_table[i]) table.remove(item_table, i) end end self.select_mode = false self:setTitleBarLeftIcon("appbar.menu") bookmark:updateBookmarkList(item_table, -1) end, }) end, }, }) else -- select mode off dialog_title = _("Filter by bookmark type") local actions_enabled = #item_table > 0 local type_count = { highlight = 0, note = 0, bookmark = 0 } for _, item in ipairs(bookmark.ui.annotation.annotations) do local item_type = bookmark.getBookmarkType(item) type_count[item_type] = type_count[item_type] + 1 end local genBookmarkTypeButton = function(item_type) return { text = bookmark.display_prefix[item_type] .. T(_("%1 (%2)"), bookmark.display_type[item_type], type_count[item_type]), callback = function() UIManager:close(bm_dialog) self:onClose() bookmark.match_table = { [item_type] = true } bookmark:onShowBookmark() end, } end table.insert(buttons, { { text = _("All (reset filters)"), callback = function() UIManager:close(bm_dialog) self:onClose() bookmark:onShowBookmark() end, }, genBookmarkTypeButton("highlight"), }) table.insert(buttons, { genBookmarkTypeButton("bookmark"), genBookmarkTypeButton("note"), }) table.insert(buttons, {}) -- separator table.insert(buttons, { { text = _("Filter by edited highlighted text"), callback = function() UIManager:close(bm_dialog) bookmark:filterByEditedText() end, }, }) table.insert(buttons, { { text = _("Filter by highlight style"), callback = function() UIManager:close(bm_dialog) bookmark:filterByHighlightStyle() end, }, }) table.insert(buttons, {}) -- separator table.insert(buttons, { { text = _("Current page"), callback = function() UIManager:close(bm_dialog) bookmark:updateBookmarkList(nil, curr_page_index_filtered) end, }, { text = _("Latest bookmark"), enabled = actions_enabled and not (bookmark.match_table or bookmark.show_edited_only or bookmark.show_drawer_only), callback = function() UIManager:close(bm_dialog) local _, idx = bookmark:getLatestBookmark() idx = self.is_reverse_sorting and #item_table - idx + 1 or idx bookmark:updateBookmarkList(nil, idx) bookmark:showBookmarkDetails(item_table[idx]) end, }, }) table.insert(buttons, { { text = _("Select bookmarks"), enabled = actions_enabled, callback = function() UIManager:close(bm_dialog) self:toggleSelectMode() end, }, { text = _("Search bookmarks"), enabled = actions_enabled, callback = function() UIManager:close(bm_dialog) bookmark:onSearchBookmark() end, }, }) end bm_dialog = ButtonDialog:new{ title = dialog_title, title_align = "center", buttons = buttons, } UIManager:show(bm_dialog) end function bm_menu:onLeftButtonHold() self:toggleSelectMode() return true end bm_menu.close_callback = function() UIManager:close(self.bookmark_menu) self.bookmark_menu = nil self.match_table = nil self.show_edited_only = nil self.show_drawer_only = nil end self:updateBookmarkList(nil, curr_page_index_filtered) UIManager:show(self.bookmark_menu) return true end function ReaderBookmark:updateBookmarkList(item_table, item_number) local bm_menu = self.bookmark_menu[1] local title if item_table then title = T(_("Bookmarks (%1)"), #item_table) end local subtitle if bm_menu.select_mode then subtitle = T(_("Selected: %1"), bm_menu.select_count) else if self.show_edited_only then subtitle = _("Filter: edited highlighted text") elseif self.show_drawer_only then subtitle = _("Highlight style: ") .. self.ui.highlight:getHighlightStyleString(self.show_drawer_only):lower() elseif self.match_table then if self.match_table.search_str then subtitle = T(_("Query: %1"), self.match_table.search_str) else local types = {} for type, type_string in pairs(self.display_type) do if self.match_table[type] then table.insert(types, type_string) end end table.sort(types) subtitle = #types > 0 and _("Bookmark type: ") .. table.concat(types, ", ") end else subtitle = "" end end bm_menu:switchItemTable(title, item_table, item_number, nil, subtitle) end function ReaderBookmark:getBookmarkItemIndex(item) return (self.match_table or self.show_edited_only or self.show_drawer_only) and self.ui.annotation:getItemIndex(item) -- item table is filtered, cannot use item.idx or (self.is_reverse_sorting and #self.ui.annotation.annotations - item.idx + 1 or item.idx) end function ReaderBookmark:getBookmarkItemText(item) if item.type == "highlight" or self.items_text == "text" then return self.display_prefix[item.type] .. item.text_orig end if item.type == "note" and self.items_text == "note" then return self.display_prefix["note"] .. item.note end local text if item.type == "bookmark" then text = self.display_prefix["bookmark"] else -- it is a note, but we show the "highlight" prefix before the highlighted text text = self.display_prefix["highlight"] end if self.items_text == "all" or self.items_text == "note" then text = text .. item.text_orig end if item.note then text = text .. "\u{2002}" .. self.display_prefix["note"] .. item.note end return text end function ReaderBookmark:_getDialogHeader(bookmark) local page_str = bookmark.mandatory or self:getBookmarkPageString(bookmark.page) return T(_("Page: %1"), page_str) .. " " .. T(_("Time: %1"), bookmark.datetime) end function ReaderBookmark:showBookmarkDetails(item) local bm_menu = self.bookmark_menu[1] local item_table = bm_menu.item_table local text = self:_getDialogHeader(item) .. "\n\n" local prefix = item.type == "bookmark" and self.display_prefix["bookmark"] or self.display_prefix["highlight"] text = text .. prefix .. item.text_orig if item.note then text = text .. "\n\n" .. self.display_prefix["note"] .. item.note end local not_select_mode = not bm_menu.select_mode and not self.ui.highlight.select_mode local textviewer local edit_details_callback = function() self.details_updated = true UIManager:close(textviewer) self:showBookmarkDetails(item_table[item.idx]) end local _showBookmarkDetails = function(idx) UIManager:close(textviewer) self:updateBookmarkList(nil, idx) self:showBookmarkDetails(item_table[idx]) end textviewer = TextViewer:new{ title = T(_("Bookmark details (%1/%2)"), item.idx, #item_table), text = text, text_type = "bookmark", buttons_table = { { { text = _("Reset text"), enabled = item.drawer and not_select_mode and item.text_edited or false, callback = function() self:setHighlightedText(item, nil, edit_details_callback) end, }, { text = _("Edit text"), enabled = item.drawer and not_select_mode or false, callback = function() self:editHighlightedText(item, edit_details_callback) end, }, }, { { text = _("Remove bookmark"), enabled = not_select_mode, callback = function() UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Remove this bookmark?"), ok_text = _("Remove"), ok_callback = function() self:removeItem(item) table.remove(item_table, item.idx) self:updateBookmarkList(item_table, -1) UIManager:close(textviewer) end, }) end, }, { text = item.note and _("Edit note") or _("Add note"), enabled = not bm_menu.select_mode, callback = function() self:setBookmarkNote(item, nil, nil, edit_details_callback) end, }, }, { { text = _("Close"), callback = function() if self.details_updated then self.details_updated = nil if self.show_edited_only then for i = #item_table, 1, -1 do if not item_table[i].text_edited then table.remove(item_table, i) end end end self:updateBookmarkList(item_table, -1) end UIManager:close(textviewer) end, }, { text = _("Go to bookmark"), enabled = not bm_menu.select_mode, callback = function() UIManager:close(textviewer) self.ui.link:addCurrentLocationToStack() self:gotoBookmark(item.page, item.pos0) bm_menu.close_callback() end, }, }, { { text = "▕◁", enabled = item.idx > 1, callback = function() _showBookmarkDetails(1) end, }, { text = "◁", enabled = item.idx > 1, callback = function() _showBookmarkDetails(item.idx - 1) end, }, { text = "▷", enabled = item.idx < #item_table, callback = function() _showBookmarkDetails(item.idx + 1) end, }, { text = "▷▏", enabled = item.idx < #item_table, callback = function() _showBookmarkDetails(#item_table) end, }, }, } } UIManager:show(textviewer) return true end function ReaderBookmark:setBookmarkNote(item_or_index, is_new_note, new_note, caller_callback) local item, index if self.bookmark_menu then item = item_or_index -- in item_table index = self:getBookmarkItemIndex(item) else -- from Highlight index = item_or_index end local annotation = self.ui.annotation.annotations[index] local type_before = item and item.type or self.getBookmarkType(annotation) local input_text = annotation.note if new_note then if input_text then input_text = input_text .. "\n\n" .. new_note else input_text = new_note end end local input_dialog input_dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Edit note"), description = " " .. self:_getDialogHeader(annotation), input = input_text, allow_newline = true, add_scroll_buttons = true, use_available_height = true, buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), id = "close", callback = function() UIManager:close(input_dialog) if is_new_note then -- "Add note" called from highlight dialog and cancelled, remove saved highlight self:removeItemByIndex(index) end end, }, { text = _("Paste"), -- insert highlighted text callback = function() input_dialog:addTextToInput(annotation.text) end, }, { text = _("Save"), is_enter_default = true, callback = function() local value = input_dialog:getInputText() if value == "" then -- blank input deletes note value = nil end annotation.note = value local type_after = self.getBookmarkType(annotation) if type_before ~= type_after then if type_before == "highlight" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("AnnotationsModified", { annotation, nb_highlights_added = -1, nb_notes_added = 1 })) else self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("AnnotationsModified", { annotation, nb_highlights_added = 1, nb_notes_added = -1 })) end end UIManager:close(input_dialog) if item then item.note = value item.type = type_after item.text = self:getBookmarkItemText(item) end caller_callback() end, }, } }, } UIManager:show(input_dialog) input_dialog:onShowKeyboard() end function ReaderBookmark:editHighlightedText(item, caller_callback) local input_dialog input_dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Edit highlighted text"), description = " " .. self:_getDialogHeader(item), input = item.text_orig, allow_newline = true, add_scroll_buttons = true, use_available_height = true, buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), id = "close", callback = function() UIManager:close(input_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Save"), is_enter_default = true, callback = function() self:setHighlightedText(item, input_dialog:getInputText(), caller_callback) UIManager:close(input_dialog) end, }, } }, } UIManager:show(input_dialog) input_dialog:onShowKeyboard() end function ReaderBookmark:setHighlightedText(item, text, caller_callback) local edited if text then edited = true else -- reset to selected text if self.ui.rolling then text = self.ui.document:getTextFromXPointers(item.pos0, item.pos1) else text = self.ui.document:getTextFromPositions(item.pos0, item.pos1).text end end local index = self:getBookmarkItemIndex(item) self.ui.annotation.annotations[index].text = text self.ui.annotation.annotations[index].text_edited = edited item.text_orig = text item.text = self:getBookmarkItemText(item) item.text_edited = edited caller_callback() end function ReaderBookmark:onSearchBookmark() local input_dialog local check_button_case, separator, check_button_bookmark, check_button_highlight, check_button_note input_dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Search bookmarks"), buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), id = "close", callback = function() UIManager:close(input_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Search"), is_enter_default = true, callback = function() local search_str = input_dialog:getInputText() if search_str == "" then search_str = nil else if not check_button_case.checked then search_str = Utf8Proc.lowercase(util.fixUtf8(search_str, "?")) end end self.match_table = { search_str = search_str, bookmark = check_button_bookmark.checked, highlight = check_button_highlight.checked, note = check_button_note.checked, case_sensitive = check_button_case.checked, } UIManager:close(input_dialog) if self.bookmark_menu then -- from bookmark list local bm_menu = self.bookmark_menu[1] local item_table = bm_menu.item_table for i = #item_table, 1, -1 do if not self:doesBookmarkMatchTable(item_table[i]) then table.remove(item_table, i) end end self:updateBookmarkList(item_table) else -- from main menu self:onShowBookmark() end end, }, }, }, } check_button_case = CheckButton:new{ text = " " .. _("Case sensitive"), checked = false, parent = input_dialog, } input_dialog:addWidget(check_button_case) local separator_width = input_dialog:getAddedWidgetAvailableWidth() separator = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = separator_width, h = 2 * Size.span.vertical_large, }, LineWidget:new{ background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY, dimen = Geom:new{ w = separator_width, h = Size.line.medium, } }, } input_dialog:addWidget(separator) check_button_highlight = CheckButton:new{ text = " " .. self.display_prefix["highlight"] .. self.display_type["highlight"], checked = true, parent = input_dialog, } input_dialog:addWidget(check_button_highlight) check_button_note = CheckButton:new{ text = " " .. self.display_prefix["note"] .. self.display_type["note"], checked = true, parent = input_dialog, } input_dialog:addWidget(check_button_note) check_button_bookmark = CheckButton:new{ text = " " .. self.display_prefix["bookmark"] .. self.display_type["bookmark"], checked = true, parent = input_dialog, } input_dialog:addWidget(check_button_bookmark) UIManager:show(input_dialog) input_dialog:onShowKeyboard() end function ReaderBookmark:filterByEditedText() local bm_menu = self.bookmark_menu[1] local item_table = bm_menu.item_table for i = #item_table, 1, -1 do if not item_table[i].text_edited then table.remove(item_table, i) end end self.show_edited_only = true self:updateBookmarkList(item_table) end function ReaderBookmark:filterByHighlightStyle() local filter_by_drawer_callback = function(drawer) local bm_menu = self.bookmark_menu[1] local item_table = bm_menu.item_table for i = #item_table, 1, -1 do if item_table[i].drawer ~= drawer then table.remove(item_table, i) end end self.show_drawer_only = drawer self:updateBookmarkList(item_table) end self.ui.highlight:showHighlightStyleDialog(filter_by_drawer_callback) end function ReaderBookmark:doesBookmarkMatchTable(item) if self.match_table[item.type] then if self.match_table.search_str then local text = item.text_orig if item.note then -- search in the highlighted text and in the note text = text .. "\u{FFFF}" .. item.note end if not self.match_table.case_sensitive then text = Utf8Proc.lowercase(util.fixUtf8(text, "?")) end return text:find(self.match_table.search_str) end return true end end return ReaderBookmark