local Device = require("ui/device") local GestureDetector = require("ui/gesturedetector") local Event = require("ui/event") local TimeVal = require("ui/timeval") local Screen = require("ui/screen") local Math = require("optmath") local Dbg = require("dbg") local DEBUG = require("dbg") local _ = require("gettext") -- constants from local EV_SYN = 0 local EV_KEY = 1 local EV_ABS = 3 -- key press event values (KEY.value) local EVENT_VALUE_KEY_PRESS = 1 local EVENT_VALUE_KEY_REPEAT = 2 local EVENT_VALUE_KEY_RELEASE = 0 -- Synchronization events (SYN.code). local SYN_REPORT = 0 local SYN_CONFIG = 1 local SYN_MT_REPORT = 2 -- For single-touch events (ABS.code). local ABS_X = 00 local ABS_Y = 01 local ABS_PRESSURE = 24 -- For multi-touch events (ABS.code). local ABS_MT_SLOT = 47 local ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR = 48 local ABS_MT_WIDTH_MAJOR = 50 local ABS_MT_POSITION_X = 53 local ABS_MT_POSITION_Y = 54 local ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID = 57 local ABS_MT_PRESSURE = 58 --[[ an interface for key presses ]] local Key = {} function Key:new(key, modifiers) local o = { key = key, modifiers = modifiers } -- we're a hash map, too o[key] = true for mod, pressed in pairs(modifiers) do if pressed then o[mod] = true end end setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end function Key:__tostring() return table.concat(self:getSequence(), "-") end --[[ get a sequence that can be matched against later use this to let the user press a sequence and then store this as configuration data (configurable shortcuts) ]] function Key:getSequence() local seq = {} for mod, pressed in pairs(self.modifiers) do if pressed then table.insert(seq, mod) end end table.insert(seq, self.key) end --[[ this will match a key against a sequence the sequence should be a table of key names that must be pressed together to match. if an entry in this table is itself a table, at least one key in this table must match. E.g.: Key:match({ "Alt", "K" }) -- match Alt-K Key:match({ "Alt", { "K", "L" }}) -- match Alt-K _or_ Alt-L ]] function Key:match(sequence) local mod_keys = {} -- a hash table for checked modifiers for _, key in ipairs(sequence) do if type(key) == "table" then local found = false for _, variant in ipairs(key) do if self[variant] then found = true break end end if not found then -- one of the needed keys is not pressed return false end elseif not self[key] then -- needed key not pressed return false elseif self.modifiers[key] ~= nil then -- checked key is a modifier key mod_keys[key] = true end end for mod, pressed in pairs(self.modifiers) do if pressed and not mod_keys[mod] then -- additional modifier keys are pressed, don't match return false end end return true end --[[ an interface to get input events ]] local Input = { event_map = {}, modifiers = {}, rotation_map = { [0] = {}, [1] = { Up = "Right", Right = "Down", Down = "Left", Left = "Up" }, [2] = { Up = "Down", Right = "Left", Down = "Up", Left = "Right" }, [3] = { Up = "Left", Right = "Up", Down = "Right", Left = "Down" } }, timer_callbacks = {}, disable_double_tap = DGESDETECT_DISABLE_DOUBLE_TAP, } function Input:initKeyMap() self.event_map = { [2] = "1", [3] = "2", [4] = "3", [5] = "4", [6] = "5", [7] = "6", [8] = "7", [9] = "8", [10] = "9", [11] = "0", [16] = "Q", [17] = "W", [18] = "E", [19] = "R", [20] = "T", [21] = "Y", [22] = "U", [23] = "I", [24] = "O", [25] = "P", [30] = "A", [31] = "S", [32] = "D", [33] = "F", [34] = "G", [35] = "H", [36] = "J", [37] = "K", [38] = "L", [14] = "Del", [44] = "Z", [45] = "X", [46] = "C", [47] = "V", [48] = "B", [49] = "N", [50] = "M", [52] = ".", [53] = "/", -- only KDX [28] = "Enter", [29] = "ScreenKB", -- K[4] [42] = "Shift", [56] = "Alt", [57] = " ", [90] = "AA", -- KDX [91] = "Back", -- KDX [92] = "Press", -- KDX [94] = "Sym", -- KDX [98] = "Home", -- KDX [102] = "Home", -- K[3] & k[4] [104] = "LPgBack", -- K[3] only [103] = "Up", -- K[3] & k[4] [105] = "Left", [106] = "Right", [108] = "Down", -- K[3] & k[4] [109] = "RPgBack", [114] = "VMinus", [115] = "VPlus", [122] = "Up", -- KDX [123] = "Down", -- KDX [124] = "RPgFwd", -- KDX [126] = "Sym", -- K[3] [139] = "Menu", [158] = "Back", -- K[3] & K[4] [190] = "AA", -- K[3] [191] = "RPgFwd", -- K[3] & k[4] [193] = "LPgFwd", -- K[3] only [194] = "Press", -- K[3] & k[4] } self.sdl_event_map = { [10] = "1", [11] = "2", [12] = "3", [13] = "4", [14] = "5", [15] = "6", [16] = "7", [17] = "8", [18] = "9", [19] = "0", [24] = "Q", [25] = "W", [26] = "E", [27] = "R", [28] = "T", [29] = "Y", [30] = "U", [31] = "I", [32] = "O", [33] = "P", [38] = "A", [39] = "S", [40] = "D", [41] = "F", [42] = "G", [43] = "H", [44] = "J", [45] = "K", [46] = "L", [52] = "Z", [53] = "X", [54] = "C", [55] = "V", [56] = "B", [57] = "N", [58] = "M", [22] = "Back", -- Backspace [36] = "Enter", -- Enter [50] = "Shift", -- left shift [60] = ".", [61] = "/", [62] = "Sym", -- right shift key [64] = "Alt", -- left alt [65] = " ", -- Spacebar [67] = "Menu", -- F[1] [72] = "LPgBack", -- F[6] [73] = "LPgFwd", -- F[7] [95] = "VPlus", -- F[11] [96] = "VMinus", -- F[12] [105] = "AA", -- right alt key [110] = "Home", -- Home [111] = "Up", -- arrow up [112] = "RPgBack", -- normal PageUp [113] = "Left", -- arrow left [114] = "Right", -- arrow right [115] = "Press", -- End (above arrows) [116] = "Down", -- arrow down [117] = "RPgFwd", -- normal PageDown [119] = "Del", -- Delete } self.modifiers = { Alt = false, Shift = false } -- these groups are just helpers: self.group = { Cursor = { "Up", "Down", "Left", "Right" }, PgFwd = { "RPgFwd", "LPgFwd" }, PgBack = { "RPgBack", "LPgBack" }, Alphabet = { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z" }, AlphaNumeric = { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z" }, Numeric = { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" }, Text = { " ", ".", "/", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z" }, Any = { " ", ".", "/", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "Up", "Down", "Left", "Right", "Press", "Back", "Enter", "Sym", "AA", "Menu", "Home", "Del", "LPgBack", "RPgBack", "LPgFwd", "RPgFwd" } } end function Input:initTouchState() self.cur_slot = 0 self.MTSlots = {} self.ev_slots = { [0] = { slot = 0, } } end function Input:init() if Device:hasKeyboard() then self:initKeyMap() end if Device:isTouchDevice() then self:initTouchState() end -- set up fake event map self.event_map[10000] = "IntoSS" -- go into screen saver self.event_map[10001] = "OutOfSS" -- go out of screen saver self.event_map[10020] = "Charging" self.event_map[10021] = "NotCharging" if util.isEmulated() then self:initKeyMap() os.remove("/tmp/emu_event") os.execute("mkfifo /tmp/emu_event") input.open("/tmp/emu_event") -- SDL key codes self.event_map = self.sdl_event_map else local dev_mod = Device:getModel() if not Device:isKobo() then input.open("fake_events") end if dev_mod == "KindlePaperWhite" then print(_("Auto-detected Kindle PaperWhite")) Device:setTouchInputDev("/dev/input/event0") input.open("/dev/input/event0") elseif dev_mod == "KindlePaperWhite2" then print(_("Auto-detected Kindle PaperWhite")) Device:setTouchInputDev("/dev/input/event1") input.open("/dev/input/event1") elseif dev_mod == "KindleTouch" then -- event0 in KindleTouch is "WM8962 Beep Generator" (useless) -- event1 in KindleTouch is "imx-yoshi Headset" (useless) Device:setTouchInputDev("/dev/input/event3") input.open("/dev/input/event2") -- Home button input.open("/dev/input/event3") -- touchscreen -- KT does have one key! self.event_map[102] = "Home" -- update event hook function Input:eventAdjustHook(ev) if ev.type == EV_ABS then --@TODO handle coordinates properly after --screen rotate. (houqp) if ev.code == ABS_MT_POSITION_X then ev.value = Math.round(ev.value * (600/4095)) elseif ev.code == ABS_MT_POSITION_Y then ev.value = Math.round(ev.value * (800/4095)) end end return ev end print(_("Auto-detected Kindle Touch")) elseif Device:isKobo() then local firm_rev = Device:getFirmVer() input.open("/dev/input/event1") Device:setTouchInputDev("/dev/input/event1") input.open("/dev/input/event0") -- Light button and sleep slider print(_("Auto-detected Kobo")) print(_("Device model=")) print(_(dev_mod)) print(_("Firmware revision")) print(_(firm_rev)) print(_("Screen height =")) print(_(Screen:getHeight())) print(_("Screen width =")) print(_(Screen:getWidth())) self:adjustKoboEventMap() if dev_mod ~= 'Kobo_trilogy' then function Input:eventAdjustHook(ev) if ev.type == EV_ABS then if ev.code == ABS_X then ev.code = ABS_Y elseif ev.code == ABS_Y then ev.code = ABS_X -- We always have to substract from the physical x, -- regardless of the orientation if (Screen:getWidth() tv_out then table.insert(self.timer_callbacks, k, item) break end end if #self.timer_callbacks <= 0 then self.timer_callbacks[1] = item end end function Input:handleKeyBoardEv(ev) local keycode = self.event_map[ev.code] if not keycode then -- do not handle keypress for keys we don't know return end -- take device rotation into account if self.rotation_map[Screen:getRotationMode()][keycode] then keycode = self.rotation_map[Screen:getRotationMode()][keycode] end if keycode == "IntoSS" or keycode == "OutOfSS" or keycode == "Charging" or keycode == "NotCharging" then return keycode end -- Kobo sleep if keycode == "Power_SleepCover" then if ev.value == EVENT_VALUE_KEY_PRESS then return "Suspend" else return "Resume" end end if ev.value == EVENT_VALUE_KEY_RELEASE and (keycode == "Light" or keycode == "Power") then return keycode end -- handle modifier keys if self.modifiers[keycode] ~= nil then if ev.value == EVENT_VALUE_KEY_PRESS then self.modifiers[keycode] = true elseif ev.value == EVENT_VALUE_KEY_RELEASE then self.modifiers[keycode] = false end return end local key = Key:new(keycode, self.modifiers) if ev.value == EVENT_VALUE_KEY_PRESS then return Event:new("KeyPress", key) elseif ev.value == EVENT_VALUE_KEY_RELEASE then return Event:new("KeyRelease", key) end end function Input:setMtSlot(slot, key, val) if not self.ev_slots[slot] then self.ev_slots[slot] = { slot = slot } end self.ev_slots[slot][key] = val end function Input:setCurrentMtSlot(key, val) self:setMtSlot(self.cur_slot, key, val) end function Input:getMtSlot(slot) return self.ev_slots[slot] end function Input:getCurrentMtSlot() return self:getMtSlot(self.cur_slot) end function Input:confirmAbsxy() self:setCurrentMtSlot("x", self.ev_slots[self.cur_slot]["abs_x"]) self:setCurrentMtSlot("y", self.ev_slots[self.cur_slot]["abs_y"]) end function Input:cleanAbsxy() self:setCurrentMtSlot("abs_x", nil) self:setCurrentMtSlot("abs_y", nil) end --[[ parse each touch ev from kernel and build up tev. tev will be sent to GestureDetector:feedEvent Events for a single tap motion from Linux kernel (MT protocol B): MT_TRACK_ID: 0 MT_X: 222 MT_Y: 207 SYN REPORT MT_TRACK_ID: -1 SYN REPORT Notice that each line is a single event. From kernel document: For type B devices, the kernel driver should associate a slot with each identified contact, and use that slot to propagate changes for the contact. Creation, replacement and destruction of contacts is achieved by modifying the ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID of the associated slot. A non-negative tracking id is interpreted as a contact, and the value -1 denotes an unused slot. A tracking id not previously present is considered new, and a tracking id no longer present is considered removed. Since only changes are propagated, the full state of each initiated contact has to reside in the receiving end. Upon receiving an MT event, one simply updates the appropriate attribute of the current slot. --]] function Input:handleTypeBTouchEv(ev) if ev.type == EV_SYN then if ev.code == SYN_REPORT then for _, MTSlot in pairs(self.MTSlots) do self:setMtSlot(MTSlot.slot, "timev", TimeVal:new(ev.time)) end -- feed ev in all slots to state machine local touch_ges = GestureDetector:feedEvent(self.MTSlots) self.MTSlots = {} if touch_ges then return Event:new("Gesture", GestureDetector:adjustGesCoordinate(touch_ges) ) end end elseif ev.type == EV_ABS then if #self.MTSlots == 0 then table.insert(self.MTSlots, self:getMtSlot(self.cur_slot)) end if ev.code == ABS_MT_SLOT then if self.cur_slot ~= ev.value then table.insert(self.MTSlots, self:getMtSlot(ev.value)) end self.cur_slot = ev.value elseif ev.code == ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID then self:setCurrentMtSlot("id", ev.value) elseif ev.code == ABS_MT_POSITION_X then self:setCurrentMtSlot("x", ev.value) elseif ev.code == ABS_MT_POSITION_Y then self:setCurrentMtSlot("y", ev.value) -- code to emulate mt protocol on kobos -- we "confirm" abs_x, abs_y only when pressure ~= 0 elseif ev.code == ABS_X then self:setCurrentMtSlot("abs_x", ev.value) elseif ev.code == ABS_Y then self:setCurrentMtSlot("abs_y", ev.value) elseif ev.code == ABS_PRESSURE then if ev.value ~= 0 then self:setCurrentMtSlot("id", 1) self:confirmAbsxy() else self:cleanAbsxy() self:setCurrentMtSlot("id", -1) end end end end function Input:handlePhoenixTouchEv(ev) local TwoSlotTrack = false -- Hack on handleTouchEV for the Kobo Aura if ev.type == EV_SYN then if ev.code == SYN_REPORT then for _, MTSlot in pairs(self.MTSlots) do self:setMtSlot(MTSlot.slot, "timev", TimeVal:new(ev.time)) end -- feed ev in all slots to state machine local touch_ges = GestureDetector:feedEvent(self.MTSlots) if #self.MTSlots == 2 then TwoSlotTrack = true else TwoSlotTrack = false end self.MTSlots = {} if touch_ges then return Event:new("Gesture", GestureDetector:adjustGesCoordinate(touch_ges) ) end end elseif ev.type == EV_ABS and ev.code ~= ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR and ev.code ~= ABS_MT_WIDTH_MAJOR then if #self.MTSlots == 0 then self.cur_slot = 0 table.insert(self.MTSlots, self:getMtSlot(self.cur_slot)) -- I have to add id's without events for the AURA. self:setMtSlot(self.cur_slot, "id", 0) end -- I have changed ABS_MT_SLOT to ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID if ev.code == ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID then if self.cur_slot ~= ev.value then if #self.MTSlots == 1 then table.insert(self.MTSlots, self:getMtSlot(ev.value)) -- I have to add id's without events for the AURA. Since there are only two -- ID's 0 and 1 and it's not 0, self:setMtSlot(ev.value, "id", 1) end end self.cur_slot = ev.value elseif ev.code == ABS_MT_POSITION_X then self:setCurrentMtSlot("x", ev.value) elseif ev.code == ABS_MT_POSITION_Y then self:setCurrentMtSlot("y", ev.value) -- code to emulate mt protocol on kobos -- we "confirm" abs_x, abs_y only when pressure ~= 0 ---[[ elseif ev.code == ABS_X then self:setCurrentMtSlot("abs_x", ev.value) elseif ev.code == ABS_Y then self:setCurrentMtSlot("abs_y", ev.value) --]] elseif ev.code == ABS_PRESSURE then if ev.value ~= 0 then -- Single tap events only use slot 0. --self:setMtSlot(0, "id", 1) --Unnecessary for Aura --self:confirmAbsxy() else --Unnecessary for Aura --self:cleanAbsxy() -- Pressure 0 events only invalidate slot 0. self:setMtSlot(0, "id", -1) -- If there are 2 slots active, invalidates slot 2. if TwoSlotTrack then if #self.MTSlots == 1 then table.insert(self.MTSlots, self:getMtSlot(1)) end self:setMtSlot(1, "id", -1) end end end end end function Input:waitEvent(timeout_us, timeout_s) -- wrapper for input.waitForEvents that will retry for some cases local ok, ev local wait_deadline = TimeVal:now() + TimeVal:new{ sec = timeout_s, usec = timeout_us } while true do if #self.timer_callbacks > 0 then -- we don't block if there is any timer, set wait to 10us while #self.timer_callbacks > 0 do ok, ev = pcall(input.waitForEvent, 100) if ok then break end local tv_now = TimeVal:now() if ((not timeout_us and not timeout_s) or tv_now < wait_deadline) then -- check whether timer is up if tv_now >= self.timer_callbacks[1].deadline then local touch_ges = self.timer_callbacks[1].callback() table.remove(self.timer_callbacks, 1) if touch_ges then -- Do we really need to clear all setTimeout after -- decided a gesture? FIXME Input.timer_callbacks = {} return Event:new("Gesture", GestureDetector:adjustGesCoordinate(touch_ges) ) end -- EOF if touch_ges end -- EOF if deadline reached else break end -- EOF if not exceed wait timeout end -- while #timer_callbacks > 0 else ok, ev = pcall(input.waitForEvent, timeout_us) end -- EOF if #timer_callbacks > 0 if ok then break end if ev == "Waiting for input failed: timeout\n" then -- don't report an error on timeout ev = nil break elseif ev == "application forced to quit" then os.exit(0) end --DEBUG("got error waiting for events:", ev) if ev ~= "Waiting for input failed: 4\n" then -- we only abort if the error is not EINTR break end end if ok and ev then if Dbg.is_on and ev then Dbg:logEv(ev) end ev = self:eventAdjustHook(ev) if ev.type == EV_KEY then return self:handleKeyBoardEv(ev) elseif ev.type == EV_ABS or ev.type == EV_SYN then return self:handleTouchEv(ev) else -- some other kind of event that we do not know yet return Event:new("GenericInput", ev) end elseif not ok and ev then return Event:new("InputError", ev) end end --[[ helper function for formatting sequence definitions for output ]] function Input:sequenceToString(sequence) local modifiers = {} local keystring = {"",""} -- first entries reserved for modifier specification for _, key in ipairs(sequence) do if type(key) == "table" then local alternatives = {} for _, alternative in ipairs(key) do table.insert(alternatives, alternative) end table.insert(keystring, "{") table.insert(keystring, table.concat(alternatives, "|")) table.insert(keystring, "}") elseif self.modifiers[key] ~= nil then table.insert(modifiers, key) else table.insert(keystring, key) end end if #modifiers then keystring[1] = table.concat(modifiers, "-") keystring[2] = "-" end return table.concat(keystring) end -- initialize the GestureDectector -- so it can modify our (Input) state GestureDetector.input = Input return Input