--[[-- This module contains miscellaneous helper functions for FileManager ]] local BD = require("ui/bidi") local Device = require("device") local DocSettings = require("docsettings") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local ffiutil = require("ffi/util") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local T = ffiutil.template local filemanagerutil = {} function filemanagerutil.getDefaultDir() return Device.home_dir or "." end function filemanagerutil.abbreviate(path) if not path then return "" end if G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("shorten_home_dir") then local home_dir = G_reader_settings:readSetting("home_dir") or filemanagerutil.getDefaultDir() if path == home_dir or path == home_dir .. "/" then return _("Home") end local len = home_dir:len() local start = path:sub(1, len) if start == home_dir and path:sub(len+1, len+1) == "/" then return path:sub(len+2) end end return path end function filemanagerutil.splitFileNameType(filename) local filename_without_suffix, filetype = util.splitFileNameSuffix(filename) filetype = filetype:lower() if filetype == "zip" then local filename_without_sub_suffix, sub_filetype = util.splitFileNameSuffix(filename_without_suffix) sub_filetype = sub_filetype:lower() local supported_sub_filetypes = { "fb2", "htm", "html", "log", "md", "rtf", "txt", } if util.arrayContains(supported_sub_filetypes, sub_filetype) then return filename_without_sub_suffix, sub_filetype .. ".zip" end end return filename_without_suffix, filetype end -- Purge doc settings in sidecar directory function filemanagerutil.purgeSettings(file) local file_abs_path = ffiutil.realpath(file) if file_abs_path then return DocSettings:open(file_abs_path):purge() end end -- Purge doc settings except kept function filemanagerutil.resetDocumentSettings(file) local settings_to_keep = { bookmarks = true, bookmarks_sorted_20220106 = true, bookmarks_version = true, cre_dom_version = true, highlight = true, highlights_imported = true, last_page = true, last_xpointer = true, } local file_abs_path = ffiutil.realpath(file) if file_abs_path then local doc_settings = DocSettings:open(file_abs_path) for k in pairs(doc_settings.data) do if not settings_to_keep[k] then doc_settings:delSetting(k) end end doc_settings:makeTrue("docsettings_reset_done") -- for readertypeset block_rendering_mode doc_settings:flush() end end -- Get a document status ("new", "reading", "complete", or "abandoned") function filemanagerutil.getStatus(file) if DocSettings:hasSidecarFile(file) then local summary = DocSettings:open(file):readSetting("summary") if summary and summary.status and summary.status ~= "" then return summary.status end return "reading" end return "new" end -- Set a document status ("reading", "complete", or "abandoned") function filemanagerutil.setStatus(file, status) -- In case the book doesn't have a sidecar file, this'll create it local doc_settings = DocSettings:open(file) local summary = doc_settings:readSetting("summary") or {} summary.status = status summary.modified = os.date("%Y-%m-%d", os.time()) doc_settings:saveSetting("summary", summary) doc_settings:flush() end -- Generate all book status file dialog buttons in a row function filemanagerutil.genStatusButtonsRow(file, caller_callback, current_status) local status = current_status or filemanagerutil.getStatus(file) local function genStatusButton(to_status) local status_text = { reading = _("Reading"), abandoned = _("On hold"), complete = _("Finished"), } return { text = status_text[to_status] .. (status == to_status and " ✓" or ""), id = to_status, -- used by covermenu enabled = status ~= to_status, callback = function() filemanagerutil.setStatus(file, to_status) caller_callback() end, } end return { genStatusButton("reading"), genStatusButton("abandoned"), genStatusButton("complete"), } end -- Generate "Reset" file dialog button function filemanagerutil.genResetSettingsButton(file, caller_callback, button_disabled) return { text = _("Reset"), id = "reset", -- used by covermenu enabled = (not button_disabled and DocSettings:hasSidecarFile(ffiutil.realpath(file))) and true or false, callback = function() local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local confirmbox = ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("Reset this document?") .. "\n\n%1\n\n" .. _("Document progress, settings, bookmarks, highlights, notes and custom cover image will be permanently lost."), BD.filepath(file)), ok_text = _("Reset"), ok_callback = function() local custom_metadata_purged = filemanagerutil.purgeSettings(file) if custom_metadata_purged then -- refresh coverbrowser cached book info local FileManager = require("apps/filemanager/filemanager") local ui = FileManager.instance if not ui then local ReaderUI = require("apps/reader/readerui") ui = ReaderUI.instance end if ui and ui.coverbrowser then ui.coverbrowser:deleteBookInfo(file) end end require("readhistory"):fileSettingsPurged(file) caller_callback() end, } UIManager:show(confirmbox) end, } end function filemanagerutil.genAddRemoveFavoritesButton(file, caller_callback, button_disabled) local ReadCollection = require("readcollection") local is_added = ReadCollection:checkItemExist(file) return { text_func = function() return is_added and _("Remove from favorites") or _("Add to favorites") end, enabled = not button_disabled, callback = function() caller_callback() if is_added then ReadCollection:removeItem(file) else ReadCollection:addItem(file) end end, } end function filemanagerutil.genShowFolderButton(file, caller_callback, button_disabled) return { text = _("Show folder"), enabled = not button_disabled, callback = function() caller_callback() local ui = require("apps/filemanager/filemanager").instance if ui then local pathname = util.splitFilePathName(file) ui.file_chooser:changeToPath(pathname, file) else ui = require("apps/reader/readerui").instance ui:onClose() ui:showFileManager(file) end end, } end function filemanagerutil.genBookInformationButton(file, caller_callback, button_disabled) return { text = _("Book information"), id = "book_information", -- used by covermenu enabled = not button_disabled, callback = function() caller_callback() require("apps/filemanager/filemanagerbookinfo"):show(file) end, } end function filemanagerutil.genBookCoverButton(file, caller_callback, button_disabled) return { text = _("Book cover"), id = "book_cover", -- used by covermenu enabled = not button_disabled, callback = function() caller_callback() require("apps/filemanager/filemanagerbookinfo"):onShowBookCover(file) end, } end function filemanagerutil.genBookDescriptionButton(file, caller_callback, button_disabled) return { text = _("Book description"), id = "book_description", -- used by covermenu enabled = not button_disabled, callback = function() caller_callback() require("apps/filemanager/filemanagerbookinfo"):onShowBookDescription(nil, file) end, } end -- Generate "Execute script" file dialog button function filemanagerutil.genExecuteScriptButton(file, caller_callback) local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") return { -- @translators This is the script's programming language (e.g., shell or python) text = T(_("Execute %1 script"), util.getScriptType(file)), callback = function() caller_callback() local script_is_running_msg = InfoMessage:new{ -- @translators %1 is the script's programming language (e.g., shell or python), %2 is the filename text = T(_("Running %1 script %2…"), util.getScriptType(file), BD.filename(ffiutil.basename(file))), } UIManager:show(script_is_running_msg) UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function() local rv if Device:isAndroid() then Device:setIgnoreInput(true) rv = os.execute("sh " .. ffiutil.realpath(file)) -- run by sh, because sdcard has no execute permissions Device:setIgnoreInput(false) else rv = os.execute(ffiutil.realpath(file)) end UIManager:close(script_is_running_msg) if rv == 0 then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("The script exited successfully."), }) else --- @note: Lua 5.1 returns the raw return value from the os's system call. Counteract this madness. UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("The script returned a non-zero status code: %1!"), bit.rshift(rv, 8)), icon = "notice-warning", }) end end) end, } end return filemanagerutil